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Presented By:-
Athrav Chikte
Ayush Nikole
Bharat Shrawagi
Dhruv Agrawal
Divya Joshi
Gauri Somani
Breath Of Life:-AIR
Role Of Atmosphere In Climatic
• Atmosphere covering the Earth like a blanket
• The atmosphere prevents the sudden increase
in temperature during the daylight hours.And
during the night,it slows down the escape of
heat into outer space.
Movement Of Air:WIND
• What causes the movement of air ??
This is the result of changes that takes place in
our atmosphere due to the heating of air and
formation of water vapour.
The movement of air from one region to other
creates the wind.
Various factors influencing the wind are
rotation of Earth, presence of mountain
ranges in the path of the wind.
An increase in content of harmful substance in
air is called Air Pollution.
1. Fossil Fuel;like coal and petroleum contain
small amount of nitrogen and sulphur which
produces different oxides on burning and
inhalation of gases is dangerous.
2.Acid Rain:-the oxides of nitrogen and
sulphur dissolves in rain to give rise to Acid
WATER:-A Wonder Liquid
• Where Can We Get Water ??
Amount of water exists:-97% of the water is
present in OCEANS.
 Remaining 3% of water.
1. Fresh water:-frozen in ice caps, at two poles
and on snow covered mountain
2. Saline water:- Sea
1. Addition of undesirable substances to water
bodies :-
• Fertilizers and pesticides used in farming.
• Diseases causing organism like bacteria.
2. Removal of desirable substances :-
• Reduced dissolved oxygen would adversely
affect aquatic organisms.
3. A change in temperature:-
• Affect the aquatic organisms would be
dangerous or affect their breeding.

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