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Case study checklist

Style of architecture
1. Time of establishment
2. The regional context is prevalent in the design or not.
3. Special features
Linkage / Connectivity diagrams
1. From all the plans gather the linkage diagram.
Site plan analysis
1. Size of the site.
2. Site/location and building ratio.
3. The orientation of the building.
4. Geology, soil typology, vegetation, hydrography
Construction technologies and materials
1. Related to the project.
2. Materials easily available in that region and mostly used.
3. Technologies used in that region. Search for local technologies that are known among
the local laborers.
Environment and micro-climate
1. Try to document a building situated in a region that is somewhat similar to the region
in which the project will be designed.
2. Important climatic factors- sun path, rainfall, and wind direction.
Requirements and used behaviors
1. Areas required that will suffice the efficiency of the work to be done in that space.
2. Keeping in mind the requirements, age-group, gender, and other factors while
Concept involved
Form and function
1. The form is incomplete without function. To define a large space or form it is necessary
to follow the function.
2. To analyze the reason behind the formation of a certain building and how it merges
with the surroundings or why it stands out and does not merge with the surroundings.
3. Why the architect of the building adopted either of the philosophies, “form follows
function” or “function follows form”.
Principles involved in organization
Circulation- Horizontal and Vertical
1. Size and area of corridor and lobbies.
2. Placement of staircases, ramps, elevators, etc.
Structure- Column, beam, etc.
1. Analyzing the structure detail.
2. Types of beams, columns, and trusses used, for example, I- section beam, C- section
Building services or systems
1. Analyzing the space requirement of HVAC, fire alarm system, water supply system, etc.
Consideration of Barrier-free environment in design detailing
1. Designing keeping the requirements of disabled people, children, pregnant women, etc.
in mind.
Access and approach
1. Entry and exit locations into the site as well as into the building.
2. Several entries and exit points.
Amenities and activities in that space-

1. Basic data about Building activities

a. Day Time
b. Night Time
c. Number of Occupants, Age, Sex, Special Considerations
d. Location of different activities in building
e. Details of Storage: Areas, Properties of Goods
f. Peak hours of building Operation

g. List of Activity Areas: Major areas, Supporting/ Servicing areas

h. Existing Circulation diagram
i. Sense of Orientation
j. Interconnection of Spaces

k. Building Volume, Volume of individual Spaces

l. Construction system: Heavy, Light, Jointed, Continuous, Separated, Floating,

2. Details of activity areas: (Conduct activity analysis for each activity)

Specify: Activity area & Spatial Environment
a. Floor Area, Dimensions, Volume, Number of Users
b. Space for Individual activities/ Postural Comfort
c. List of Furniture, Equipment, Things, Objects or Belongings in use: Their
design qualities, Condition, Storage requirements
d. Interior Items: Furnishings, Carpets, Curtains, Hangings
e. Spatial order, Organization
f. Sense of Security/ Privacy
g. Sense of Scale, Proportion

3. Aesthetic Evaluation
a. The building within its immediate setting:
i. The relationship between the Site, Building and Landscape elements
ii. Approaches – Direct, Indirect, Tangential, On street, Etc. as related to
distance from movement lines
iii. Building – Street Interface

1.Facilities provided
2.Importance of these facilities, how did they prioritize it?
3.Service circulation pattern
4.User friendly facilities, comfort stations
5.How are the facilities placed and connected?
6.Adjacent subsidiary facilities

1.Water, Fire
3.Storage, Waste disposal
4.Security, Lighting
7.Pedestrian paths
8.Universal design aspect

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