Final Exam Opr Agus Rizky Maulana Tah 1a

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NIM: 2022407043


1. Checking reservations is an important part of understanding trade for the day. Name
five pieces of information you should check in relation to reservations.

2. Name five factors that limit service.

3. Before the commencement of service, name eight areas that need to be checked for

4. What are different pieces of equipment that need to be checked and prepared before

5. Identify two key reasons it is important to follow up and confirm reservations.

6. What is the key difference between an ‘a la carte’ and ‘set’ menu?

7. What are different types of crockery and cutlery used in a restaurant?

8. Name five common categories of glassware used in a restaurant.

9. When checking cleanliness of the room and tables, identify five items you should

10. What are some special needs that must be addressed when welcoming a customer?


1.When checking reservations, here are five important pieces of information to


1. Quantity: Verify the number of reservations made for the day. This helps you estimate
the expected volume of trade and plan accordingly.

2. Timing: Check the time slots or specific time frames for each reservation.
Understanding the distribution of reservations throughout the day can help you anticipate
busy periods or identify potential gaps in trading activity.

3. Product/Service: Identify the specific product or service reserved. This information

enables you to prepare the necessary inventory, supplies, or resources required to fulfill
the reservations.
4. Customer Details: Obtain relevant customer information such as names, contact
details, or special requests. This allows you to personalize the trading experience,
accommodate any specific needs, or address any potential issues or inquiries.

5. Confirmation Status: Determine whether the reservations have been confirmed or are
still pending. Confirmed reservations provide assurance that customers are committed,
while pending reservations may require follow-up communication to ensure confirmation
and avoid any misunderstandings.

By considering these five pieces of information, you can effectively manage reservations
and optimize your trade operations for the day.

2.Name five the factors that limit service

1. Capacity: The capacity of a service refers to the maximum number of customers or

clients that can be served within a given timeframe. If the service capacity is limited, it
can restrict the number of people who can be accommodated at a given time, potentially
leading to delays or unfulfilled requests.

2. Resources: Availability of resources such as personnel, equipment, or materials can

limit service. If there is a shortage of staff or necessary tools, it may not be possible to
meet all service demands promptly or efficiently.

3. Time: Time constraints can also limit service. If there are strict time limitations for
providing a service, such as in a time-bound event or scheduled appointment, it may not
be possible to extend the service duration beyond the specified timeframe.

4. Expertise or Skills: Certain services require specific expertise or skills. If the required
expertise is limited or in high demand, it can restrict the availability of the service. For
example, specialized medical procedures may be limited to a few qualified professionals,
affecting the accessibility of the service.

5. External Factors: External factors beyond the service provider's control, such as
weather conditions, infrastructure limitations, or regulatory constraints, can impose
limitations on service delivery. These factors can disrupt normal operations or impede
the ability to provide services as intended.

Considering these factors is crucial for service providers to understand their limitations
and make informed decisions regarding service availability, scheduling, and resource
3.Before the commencement of service, here are eight areas that should be
checked for cleanliness:

1. Entrance and Reception Area: Ensure the entrance and reception area are clean,
tidy, and free from any dirt, debris, or clutter. This creates a positive first impression
for customers.

2. Dining or Seating Areas: Check that tables, chairs, and surrounding areas are
clean and sanitized. Remove any food residue, stains, or trash, and ensure proper
table settings.

3. Restrooms: Thoroughly clean and sanitize restrooms, including toilets, sinks,

mirrors, and floors. Restrooms should be well-stocked with necessary supplies such
as soap, toilet paper, and hand towels.

4. Kitchen or Food Preparation Areas: Inspect the kitchen or food preparation areas
for cleanliness. Check that surfaces, utensils, and equipment are properly cleaned,
sanitized, and free from any potential contaminants.

5. Service Counters: Clean and sanitize service counters where transactions or

interactions with customers take place. This includes wiping down surfaces,
removing clutter, and ensuring a hygienic environment.

6. Floors: Check and clean all floors throughout the establishment. Sweep, vacuum,
or mop as necessary to remove any dirt, spills, or debris.

7. Windows and Glass Surfaces: Clean windows, glass doors, and other glass
surfaces to ensure they are free from smudges, fingerprints, or dirt. This helps
maintain a clean and inviting atmosphere.

8. Common Areas: Inspect and clean common areas such as hallways, waiting areas,
or lounges. Remove any trash, dust surfaces, and ensure a neat and presentable

By conducting thorough cleanliness checks in these areas, businesses can provide a

pleasant and hygienic environment for their customers and ensure a positive

4.What are different pieces of equipment that need to be checked and prepared
before service?

1. Cooking Equipment: This includes ovens, stovetops, grills, fryers, and any other
appliances used for food preparation. Check that they are clean, in proper working
condition, and have the necessary fuel or power supply.

2. Refrigeration Equipment: Ensure refrigerators, freezers, and coolers are clean,

properly functioning, and set to the appropriate temperatures for storing food and
beverages. Verify that seals and gaskets are intact to maintain proper insulation.

3. Dishwashing Equipment: Check dishwashers or other cleaning equipment used for

dishes, utensils, and glassware. Ensure they are clean, have adequate supplies such
as detergent and rinse aid, and are functioning correctly.
4. Beverage Equipment: This may include coffee machines, espresso makers, tea
brewers, soda dispensers, or bar equipment. Check that they are clean, have
necessary ingredients or supplies, and are in good working order.

5. Point of Sale (POS) Systems: Verify that the POS system, cash registers, or order
management systems are functioning correctly. Ensure they have the latest software
updates, necessary peripherals (such as barcode scanners or receipt printers), and
adequate supplies like receipt paper.

6. Audio/Visual Equipment: If applicable, inspect audio systems, speakers, televisions,

projectors, or other A/V equipment used for entertainment or communication
purposes. Ensure they are working properly and have the desired settings.

7. HVAC Systems: Check heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems to ensure
they are functioning well. Proper temperature control and ventilation are crucial for
customer comfort.

8. Safety Equipment: Inspect fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, emergency exits,

and other safety equipment to ensure they are in good condition and compliant with
regulations. This helps maintain a safe environment for staff and customers.

By regularly checking and preparing these equipment items, businesses can reduce
the risk of malfunctions, enhance operational efficiency, and provide a seamless
experience for customers.

5.Identify two key reasons it is important to follow up and confirm reservations.

1. Customer Satisfaction: Confirming reservations helps ensure customer satisfaction.

By reaching out to customers to verify their reservation details, you demonstrate
attentiveness and professionalism. This proactive approach allows you to address
any potential issues or discrepancies, answer questions, and provide assurance that
their reservation is confirmed and being taken care of. It helps build trust and
enhances the overall customer experience, leading to higher satisfaction levels.

2. Operational Efficiency: Confirming reservations enables businesses to manage

their resources and operations effectively. By having accurate and up-to-date
information on confirmed reservations, you can allocate appropriate staff, prepare
necessary inventory or supplies, and organize workflows to meet the anticipated
demand. It helps prevent overbooking or underutilization of resources, reduces the
risk of delays or service disruptions, and allows for smoother and more efficient
service delivery.

Overall, following up and confirming reservations not only benefits customers by

providing them with peace of mind but also helps businesses optimize their
operations and deliver exceptional service.

6.What is the key difference between an ‘a la carte’ and ‘set’ menu?

1. À la carte: An "à la carte" menu offers individual dishes or items that are priced
separately. Customers can choose dishes individually, selecting specific appetizers,
main courses, side dishes, and desserts according to their preferences. Each item on
the menu has its own price, allowing customers to create their own custom meal by
selecting items à la carte.
2. Set Menu: A set menu, also known as a fixed or prix fixe menu, offers a pre-
determined selection of dishes for a fixed price. The set menu typically consists of a
complete meal that includes an appetizer, main course, and dessert, with possibly
additional courses. Customers are presented with a limited number of options for
each course, and they choose their preferences from those options. The pricing is
usually inclusive of all the items included in the set menu.

7. What are different types of crockery and cutlery used in a restaurant?

1. Dinner Plates: These are large, flat plates used for serving main courses.
2. Side Plates: Smaller plates used for serving appetizers, salads, or bread.
3. Soup Bowls: Deep bowls specifically designed for serving soups, stews, or broths.
4. Dessert Plates: Usually smaller than dinner plates, used for serving desserts or
sweet treats.
5. Saucers: Small, shallow plates that accompany teacups or coffee cups for serving
sauces, biscuits, or small snacks.
6. Platters: Large, elongated plates used for presenting and serving shared dishes or

1. Forks: Different types of forks include dinner forks, salad forks, dessert forks, and
seafood forks.
2. Knives: There are various types of knives such as dinner knives, steak knives,
butter knives, and dessert knives.
3. Spoons: Different spoons include soup spoons, teaspoons, dessert spoons, and
serving spoons.
4. Steak Knives: These are serrated knives specifically designed for cutting through
5. Fish Knives and Forks: These specialized cutlery pieces are used for dining on fish
or seafood.
6. Dessert Spoons and Forks: These smaller utensils are used for enjoying desserts
and sweet dishes.

8. Here are five common categories of glassware used in a restaurant:

1. Water Glasses/Water Goblet: These are general-purpose glasses used for serving
water to diners. They are typically medium-sized, with a simple and versatile design.

2. Wine Glasses: Wine glasses come in various shapes and sizes depending on the
type of wine being served. Common types include red wine glasses, white wine
glasses, and champagne flutes. Each glass is designed to enhance the aroma, flavor,
and overall experience of the specific wine being served.

3. Cocktail Glasses: Cocktail glasses are specialized glassware used for serving
various types of cocktails. Examples include martini glasses, margarita glasses,
highball glasses, and rocks glasses. These glasses are designed to showcase the
unique presentation and characteristics of specific cocktails.

4. Beer Glasses: Different styles of beer often have corresponding glassware

designed to enhance the drinking experience. Examples include pint glasses, pilsner
glasses, beer mugs, and beer steins. These glasses are shaped to preserve the
aroma, maintain the appropriate head, and allow for comfortable holding while
enjoying beer.
5. Tumblers or Highball Glasses: Tumblers, also known as highball glasses, are
versatile glasses used for serving a wide range of beverages. They are commonly
used for mixed drinks, non-alcoholic beverages, and spirits served with ice. Tumblers
have a simple and sturdy design, making them suitable for everyday use.

These categories of glassware provide options for serving a variety of beverages,

allowing restaurants to create a visually appealing presentation while also catering to
the specific needs and preferences of their customers.

9. When checking the cleanliness of a room and tables, here are five items you
should specifically check:

a. Surfaces: Inspect the tabletops, counters, or any other surfaces in the room or on
the tables. Ensure they are free from dust, stains, spills, or any sticky residue. Wipe
them down if necessary to maintain a clean and presentable appearance.

b. Tableware: Check the cleanliness of plates, glasses, utensils, and napkins provided
on the tables. Ensure they are spotless, free from food debris or watermarks, and
properly arranged. Replace any dirty or soiled items with clean ones.

c. Chairs and Seating: Examine the chairs or seating areas for any visible dirt, stains,
or spills. Ensure they are clean and free from any crumbs or debris. Pay attention to
the seat cushions, backs, and armrests, as these areas can easily accumulate dirt or

d. Decorations and Accessories: If there are any decorative items, centerpieces, or

accessories on the tables, check them for cleanliness. Ensure they are dust-free,
properly arranged, and not visibly worn or damaged. This includes items such as
flowers, candle holders, or table linens.

e. Floor and Carpet: Inspect the floor and carpet in the room or around the
tables. Remove any visible dirt, debris, or spills. Vacuum or sweep the floor to
maintain cleanliness. Pay attention to high-traffic areas or corners that may require
extra attention.

10.When welcoming a customer, it's important to be attentive to their special

needs and provide appropriate accommodations. Here are some examples of
special needs that may need to be addressed:

1. Accessibility: Ensure that the physical space is accessible for customers with
mobility challenges, such as wheelchair ramps, accessible parking, or elevators.
Consider offering seating options that cater to individuals with disabilities or limited

2. Dietary Restrictions or Allergies: Be prepared to accommodate customers with

specific dietary restrictions or allergies. Offer a variety of menu options or alternative
choices for those with vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, or other dietary needs. Clearly
label ingredients and allergens on the menu, and provide knowledgeable staff who
can assist in making suitable recommendations.

3. Language and Communication: Be sensitive to customers who may have limited

proficiency in the local language. Provide multilingual menus, signage, or staff who
can communicate effectively in different languages. Utilize visual aids, such as
pictures or diagrams, to assist with understanding and ordering.
4. Sensory Sensitivities: Some individuals may have sensory sensitivities or
conditions such as autism spectrum disorder. Create a welcoming environment by
minimizing excessive noise, bright lights, or overwhelming visual stimuli. Offer quiet
seating areas or private dining options if available.

5. Assistance for Elderly or Individuals with Disabilities: Be attentive to the needs of

elderly customers or individuals with disabilities. Offer assistance with seating, carry-
outs, or any other support they may require. Ensure that restrooms are equipped with
handrails and other amenities to facilitate ease of use.

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