Purge of Beria's Supporters CIA-RDP80-00809A000500780085-9

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Approved Fox Release 2006/10/19 CiA-ROPSO-008084000500780085-9 | Seon CS CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT = COUNTRY USER. sussecT Purge of Beria's Supporters 25x1 pate pista. 7B Hov 1957 No. of Paces 2 No. OF ENCLS 25x1 THIS 15 UNEVALUATED INFORVATION REPORT NO. fa important seauion of tle Presidium of the Central Comittee of the Communi Party has beea oitting since 5 Ostober 1953 unter Lage: Kaganovieh to discuse further measures to be takes against Beria's supporters, me lon wan valled at the request of Maleakov, who reported airfieul: jouting the purge. The diffi-ultise ave partly due to Molotor, who has bn Gloving down the purge, aod partly due %> Bulganin aa behalf of the army, woo bas ade bis part of the purge «mila ons, Yorosbllcv, vio has been proschite: moderation and unity, de also 4m favor of restraining the purge. Several othe: Reabere of the Presidius, .ccluding Mikoyan ard Benurov, have been shoving ‘indifference to tho action sgainst Reria's supporters, onty Khruahahev, who took are of the purge vithia thr Party apparatus, has suppor’ Malvkov's action fully cad vigorously, aad the general feeling te that the tenetaz orvated by Beria'e arrect ant the ecsnmpanying ¢ far from over. Berie'e Papporters are still vary etruug, sspectally in Siberia, where several important deal governments are ia thelr bands. Among the Satellite States Maria's views 2: Germany are still shared by many leaa- ing fgurve. Aa @ result of these facuore, the date of Beria'a trial, originally figed for the second hal? of Oovouer, har deen indefinitely postponed. Dekasozov, one af Berta's classes collevorators and formerly Ambassador to Germs fooeped £0 the Irazian bordnt, wut vas Geliveres to the Syriete by Iranian guarde fag under Mogsodegh's oriers. Alexauaraveai, Berta's personal frien ond form seoretary general of the Comitees for Atwat: Bheray, hae been exiled to the Reewar Tastitute in Kiosk. 25x1 25x! Gamera eee ee Approved For Release 2006/10/19 : CIA-RDP80-00808A000500780085-9 25x1 scene? 25x1 urge organized by yeiko of pertate sqporters in Suigerte, viich vas organized, Wy Ye es purge of Denies ncroary of ze Central Comaitvee of the Bulgari Ghervenkoy, SPOere gases post Fenuite and Led to Gietarbanses Sciserten generar ovat a 25x1 op vwwands wt ae + : 25x!

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