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Date- 5th uy,2023

Page No.

Day - Wednesday Date

ChabteH- 5
gntoduction to Euclid'a Geomety
# Imboxtant letma
Aþoint is that which has no þaut
The line io a bHeadthless lemath
3) The end of linea ane holnts.
A staiqht line ia a line es evenu
which liea
with th pointa on itaelf euenlg
s) |A bwnpace is that which hax Rength and bHeadth

The edqes of a swnpace aHe lines.

# Euclid'a AxiormA
to the
aue equal to. the Aame
eQual ta to
one anothen thing
a) 9f equal anta ane addadto eauaa, the whale
aHe Aubtacted the
3) 9 equala
ermandea aHe eaual
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Thing which Concide

to one anothe
with one another aHe eaual

5) The whole ís qHeaten tthan the þaut

6) Things which aHe double o the same Hhinas
ae kqual to ohe Qnoth e

Things which ae half af the Aame hings

Qe equal to one anethe.

enciae 51
which o the polowing bttementa an
btaternenta ane tHue and
which a1e Ralae ? Gaie Meason fo youn angwe
) Onus one line can þad thaouah a single boint
Botution Falae, 38 we mank the hoint So' n the
Aw face of a pahex uing þencil and sale. lwe
lcan'daw' inßinite numbu of linea haa Aing
thkough point"[0'
Theae Que inßinite numben of linea þasaing
thxough tuo "distinct pointa
iolutioh Falae, hecause in the di aqnam given belou.
Hhene axe many stHaiqht lines hauaing thurough
one line
Pand Qindivi duay Rat thue is
which ia passing Hhxough Pas well as
Page No.

i) A teminated line Can be bmoduc ed indefinitel

on both of aidea
Xolution Tue,becauae we know that a teHminated
ine can be þaodced indéfinatly
0V) 4P two cimcles aHe equal , hen theiA Madii ahe

Solution- True, because AulbHimboainq the Meqion op one

Cincle on the othen We
So, thene centnes and ind' thenm canádina
boundamies concide.
hus, thein adii wil concide on eaua:
n Fiq 5.9,iP AB PO and PQ = xY, then AB = X
Boution Taue, Acconding to EuclidA Axiom
which axe Rqual"to the Aame tainq things
toone anothe:

Degine the pollouwina tema

Panallel linea
olution Tuo lines l and m aHe baid to
they had no common point and be paallel ik
we wHite
Hhem as ln
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Pauauel ineA
Penhendieulan linea
Soltign Tuwo nes f and q lying In the hame þlang
ane baid to be eHhendicula
iaht anale and weWHite them aa Pl

Pand a ae penpean diculo kina ea

ine segment.
lution2 A 2ine begment po op a line 2' ia a
continuouApant o line l' with emd boi nta
Pand -

Radi uo of a cincle.
dolution CiHcle consista of at thoae pointa in
þlane whichaHe at a a conatant diat ance.
fuom the centHe of ciHcle. The constant
distance is cal e'd Radiun
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Aalution Abquaxe ib a Hectanale havina Aame

Renath and baeadth..Hbe, undeined texma
laMe "Renatth , bneadth amd Hectanale
3. ConAid en ' two postulatea' qivem belaw
Givem any two iatinct hoints Aand R, thee
exiataa Hhind hoint C which is in between
IA and R

Jhene exist at least thuee hointa that aHe not

on the hame line.

Do thee oatulate contain any undefined texma

Ae theae pastulatea conaiatent? Do they olaut
pHom Euclid 'A þoatulates ? enhlain.
Bolutim he þaint Cia said to be in between Aand
B,iR C ia an inteiox þoint op A8.
i)A, Band c aHe colini aH amd

HeHe undeine temis intexion o AB.

Hes, the qiuen þOAtulates aHe conaistent oand
|thy foldur 7nom Euclid'a þostulatea.
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3a point c lien between tuo þointa Aand B

&uch th at Ace BC, they bHQUe that Ac.e1 Aß
Enplain by dauing 2

loutin Hexe
addina Ac on both aides
AC+ Ac.

Hence buoved
Sn Fiq S:lo, if Ac a 0,then bHQue that AR CD.


olutinlg Ac = BD

Hence þoved.

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