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Post office, DHL and other courier companies use package tracking system to inform their

customers on the status of their parcels and packages. Describe the main input, processing, and output
of thepackage tracking system for a company of your choice.


System refers to a collection of hardware, software, and network components that work together
to perform a specific function or set of functions. This may include a computer system used for data
processing, network system used for communication, or software system used for a specific application.
A system typically consists of several sub-systems that are interconnected and work in harmony to
deliver a seamless experience to the end-users. A well-designed system should be reliable, secure,
scalable, and easy to maintain.The main input, processing, and output of thepackage tracking system for
a company are as follows;

Input.The input in the package tracking system consists of various data points that are required to
track a package. The FedEx company start the input processing by collecting all the packages from the
customer.These inputs includes Tracking number,Shipment details,Barcodes and Transportation details.
The FedEx company start the input processing by collecting all the packages from the customer. The
packages are each tracked by numbers to be shipped. This is done by warehouse workers using
handheld scanners or computer with barcode scanners.

Processing.The processing stage involves several steps to log and update the package's status.
These steps may includes Package registration,Location updates, Status updates and Event
notifications.On processing stage FedEx system sorting the packages according to their destination.
Each package is routed to the nearest sort facility and then re-routed to their final destination. As each
package moves through the system it's status is tracked and updated in real time in the system's
database this allowed their customers to track their packages at any time using package tracking system.

Output.The output of the package tracking system is visible to both the courier company and the
customers. The key outputs includes Online tracking interface,Mobile applications, Alerts and
notifications and Proof of delivery.When packages have delivered the system update delivery status in a
database and delivery confirmation is sent to the customer via email, text message or Federal Express
corporation website.

Generally, the package tracking system for FedEx company (or any other courier company) relies
on efficient input, processing, and output mechanisms to keep customers informed about the status and
location of their packages throughout the delivery process.

i)What sort of revenue and business model/models the company should follow in this new country?

Business model are ways inwhich a business use to ensure that the revenue obtained in the
business is collected efficiently. The following are revenue and business model/models the company
should follow in this new country which known as Bangladesh; -

Sales revenue model, the most common of all ecommerce revenue models, here profit are
achieved by selling products or providing services online versus, or in addition to, brick-and-mortar
stores. Any business selling items through the internet, regardless of their business model, is following
the sales revenue model. While they may have other revenue streams, this tends to be their bread-and-

Advertising revenue model, is bob’s bait & tackle ever going to get the type of traffic as,
say, Facebook or Google? Of course not. But they can advertising revenue model is when popular
platforms allow others to advertise with them for a fee. Media sites, such as magazines, newspapers,
and TV channels also frequently use this model. While they may charge a flat fee for advertising,
generally cost is based on pay-per-click (PPC), which is the number of people who click on the ad.

Subscription revenue model, when it comes to the subscription revenue model, a lot of
people think of Netflix or Spotify. However, there are also many popular subscription box brands like
Bark box, Hello Fresh, Ipsy, and Harry’s. Regardless of the offering, with this model users are charged a
recurring fee (monthly or annual)

Transaction fee revenue model, this model charges a fee every time a transaction is made
through their platform. For example, eBay charges sellers a fee whenever an item is sold; PayPal charges
users a fee for transferring money; eTrade gains a transaction fee whenever a stock is sold; and so on.
While fees tend to be minimal, if people are making thousands of transactions per day, the revenue can
be substantial!

Affiliate revenue model, last but not least is affiliate marketing. With thyis model,
businesses earn revenue just by promoting and selling another person’s (or company’s) product on their
site (as opposed to the advertising revenue model, which doesn’t allow for purchase on the host’s site).
The concept of affiliate marketing is based on revenue sharing. If business has a product and wants to
earn more, you can promote complementary products or services of another company that will, in turn,
pay you for your referrals. It’s win-win for both parties; the affiliate gains a new, passive revenue
stream, and the merchant gains new customers.

Generally, these model's are very important in improvement of e commerce business as

they help in generating revenue collection in the business.

ii. critical understanding or discussion and explanation of types of e-commerce used by way fair within
the context of e-commerce

The types of e-commerce used in above context is Business-to-consumer. Business-to-

consumer; This types of e-commerce sell directly to their end -user and anything that you buy online
store as consumer from household supplies to entertainment is performed as part of a business-to-
consumer transactions.

The process of making decision in business-to-consumer purchases is too shorter than a business-
to-business purchase this base especially for lower value items. This can be due to shorter sale cycle,
business-to-consumer businesses typically can spend a less marketing dollar to make sale while having a
lower average value and few recurring than in others types of e-ecommerce such as business-to-

iii) The role of e commerce technology in developing strategies that support unique and distinct e
commerce opportunities.

E commerce technology plays a very important role in developing various strategies that support unique
and distinct e commerce opportunities

It helps to handle and control transactions securely and provide personalized customer experience, this
is normally done through undergoing analysation of customers data for example the purchasing history,
browsing behavior and others. These informations are very crucial in managing transactions securely
and to know which kind of customers your trading with.

It allows business like Deo store to create and manage online marketing, usually e commerce technology
provides various platforms to build and customize their online markets throughout the world, there by
allowing them to advertise and showcase their products so as to attract customers or targeted audience.

It enables efficient inventory management, This ensures that the stock is available to meet customer
demand and helps to prevent backorders, waitlists, delays in order and fulfillment and delivery issues

It guarantees customer satisfaction, By enhancing customer service you have to make sure that you
provide multiple communication channels for the customer by offering variety of options such as phone,
email, live online chat and social media messaging so that each user can get in a way that is comfortable
for them.

It helps a business to adapt changing market demand and to stay competitive, knowing your customers
as time changes is very essential for business to survive in the future, so it helps to stay updated on
products and services offered currently hence increases competition among online traders.

Thus, e commerce technology is very important in this world of information since it is very advantageous
to the economy such as cost reduction but also for customers for example lower price and more choic

E-commerce(electronic commerce) is the the activity of electronically buying and selling of

products on online services through the availabikity of internet connection's in the market.This activity is
more ffacilitated by improvement of science and technology in today's world.E commerce has a major
role in today's business aasisted by advancement in technology in creating various opportunities.

The following are technolohical types in the context of e-commerce are as follows;
Electronic data interchange(EDI).This is the electronic interchange of business information using a
standardised format.This process allows one comoany to send information to another company
electronically rather than paper thus ensures safety and fast sharing of information.These company's
involved are called business partners.

Internet marketing. This is a form of marketing that uses internet to promote a brand, product,
business or services by the use of social media such as facebook, instagram, e mails and other digital
channels so as to advertise the operation of a particular business to the public for the sake of expanding
its market.Example of internet marketing are e-mail's, banner adds and digital channel's

But also there are various market relationship types in e-commerce business as follows;

Business to business relationship.This is the type of relationship whereby a trade conduct is done
between two companies or business.This mostly involves wholesalers selling goods to retailer's thus
double transaction is done before reaching the final consumer.

Business to consumer relationship.This is the one whereby transaction is done by selling goods
from business to fianl consumer's in the good's and servicess offered. This is mostly done by retail
trader's who sell good's to final consumer's as the final stage of consumption of these good's.

Consumer to consuner relationship. This involves transaction between two consumers whereby
one consumer sells used good to other consumer through digital medium. This involves transfer of
ownership of already used good's to another customer by online transaction of these good's.

Consumer to business relationship.This is the relationship whereby the consumer supplies good to
the business.Example in economics consumer's supplies costs of production's to firms such as land, raw
materials and labor for the business to run it's operation.

Generally these technological modes are important to facilitate the efficiency of the business but
also the nature of the relationship determines the type of good's involved in transaction.
v) Discuss how people make money through ecommerce.

Making money with ecommerce involves building and running an online store to sell products
or servicesFirstly select a niche or industry that interest your and has a demanded in the
market.Research your competitors and target audience to understand what products or services are in
demand then,create a detailed business plan that outline your goals budget and strategies.There are
some ways to make money with E-commerce.

Dropshipping involve listing products on your own website from other supplier when a
customer makesa purchase the order is scustomizeent directly to the supplier for fulfillment.

Print on demand involves working with a third -party supplier to white table products
(clothing,home,décor, kitchen with your own designs.

Amazon FBA is a program where Amazon handles fulfillment for find the product you
want to sell purchase it, send the inventory to Amazon and let them handle shipping the order to
customers while you take care of marketing effort.

Retail Arbitrage; is one of the simplest business middle you purchase iterm on sale or clearance
at big box stores then list them for sale on online marketplace at a higher places.

Affoliate marketing involve selling someone else products or services and earning a commission
on each sale.its as a good way for you to increase your revenue without playing a sales team if you have
a product you want to sell outline more of by having people join as affiliates they market your affering
for you and you pay a portion sale to them for their efforts.

Private labelling let’s say have an idea for a product but don’t have the capital to find or build a
factory to make it for you private labelling may be the answer you can hire a company may be the
answer is you can hire a company to create a product to your specifications and ship the inventory
directly to you for selling.

Generally, e commerce has provided more opportunities for people to make money as it is
globally operated through online from retail to large scale operation thus is more efficienct and easy to
operate within the market.


Oka.M.M, Management information system, 14th edition, Everest publishing house, India

Laudon.K.C, &Laudon.J.p, Management information systems:Managing the digital, 11th edition, PHI
learning publisher's, London

Jawadekar.W.S, Management information system:Text and Cases, 4th edition, Tata McGraw hill
publisher's, Britain.

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