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In 4-5 sentences, explain the key takeaways from this lesson:

Most important details
Main ideas
Facts about the topic

Even though Japan is a developed nation at the moment, its neighbors have had a
significant impact on the country's culture. Japan's progressive evolution is shown in the
ways in which the country has absorbed and adapted foreign languages, beliefs, and even
entire civilizations and traditions. Similar to the constructions derived from the pagoda
style, they are still in use and visible throughout Japan. For a deeper comprehension of
the country, it's sufficient to have a fundamental knowledge with its culture, religion, and
customs. The people here seemed to use the influence of other countries as a stepping
stone to build and improve the prior system until it became their own.

How did neighboring countries influence Japan?

The neighboring country influenced Japan in many ways, much like Buddhism, which is
still widely practiced in the country. Beliefs have been passed down from one generation
to another. Because the Chinese borrowed words, the Japanese developed their own
language. People in Japan gradually evolved their own communication language as a
result. The acquired influence is also evident in actions and traditions, such as drinking
tea and bowing as a symbol of respect from time. In terms of their actions and attire,
Japan, China, and Korea resemble one another to an almost unidentifiable degree.

What is the significant event that caught your attention?

One of the significant events that caught my attention was the fact that Prince Shotoku
sent a group of individuals to China in order to learn about the culture and traditions of
that country. This is where Japan's slow development, aided by knowledge gained from
surrounding countries, really began. In addition to this, it was a big assistance in the
development of literature and even in the administration of government. And it was
followed for a long time until the people in Japan had their own concept, and the result
of the impact caused by the country of China can also be recognized until now.

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