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A Song of Ice and Fire — Raiding Rules

Based on “Ironborn Rules for Raiding,” author unknown. 3. What Type of Approach?
The leader must choose one of the following options, which
Step One: House Action modify the raiding unit’s effective stats (unless stated otherwise):
• Defensive: -1D to attack roll; reroll casualties in Step Five.
A House may choose to raid as a House Action. For every
• Cautious: -2 to attack roll; +2 to Combat Defense.
combination of one Raiders unit and one Warship unit, the
House may perform one raid. Each raid requires a different • Regular: No special effect.
commander (the raid leader). • Aggressive: +2 to attack roll; -2 to Combat Defense.
A raid leader can press her team to perform a series of • Brutal: No Stealth; -1D to attack roll; +2 to base damage.
multiple raids. Each raid past the first has a cumulative -3 to all • Reckless: No Stealth; defenders get +1B to attack roll; loot
rolls made by the raid leader or raiding units, as forces grow tired treated as one success category higher (unless Trapped).
and targets bolster their defenses after hearing rumors of raids.
Step Four: The Attack
Step Two: Find a Target
First, if the approach allows it, the raid leader may roll
It’s up to the raid leader to choose the best target, based on Stealth (Sneak) against the difficulty shown in Table A. Add +1
location, expected risk, and potential reward. Unless he has to the raiding unit’s Combat Defense per degree of success.
specific intel, this mostly involves trusting his gut. The leader Failure has no effect, but a critical failure gives the defender +1B
makes two rolls to determine a “Target Modifier.” on their attack instead.
• Awareness (Orientation), TN 9. Second, each commander separately tests Warfare
• Cunning (Strategy), TN 9. (Command) against their unit’s Discipline. (For multiple
defending units, use average Discipline.) If the roll succeeds, the
The Target Modifier starts at 0. Then for each roll, it gains
“Inspiring” and “Leader of Men” benefits improve it by one
+1 per degree of success, -1 on a failure, or -5 on a critical failure.
degree of success each. The unit’s attack roll gains +1 per degree
Once the Target Modifier is set, the raid leader rolls 1d6 on of success, -1 on a failure, or -5 on a critical failure.
Table A to determine an available target for the raiders. If the
Third, have each unit make a simultaneous attack against the
leader doesn’t like that option, and the Target Modifier is +1 or
other, using the usual warfare rules. For the purpose of this
higher, he may reduce the Target Modifier by 1 to roll on Table
attack, Raiders damage is based on Agility, not Athletics.
A again; this roll may produce a duplicate result. He may
continue to do this until satisfied or the Target Modifier drops to Remember that (a) bonus dice gained from these rules do not
0, after which he may choose from any of the revealed options. count against the usual limit and (b) the defender’s Combat
Defense is modified by the Defense value of their fortifications.
After a target is chosen, the GM will secretly roll 5d6 plus
the Target Modifier on Table B to add a twist to the raid. If there are multiple defending units, the raiders attack the
However, first convert every ±3 full points of Target Modifier to ground forces (not the archers). For the defenders’ combined
±1d6 (e.g., Target Modifier +5 means the GM rolls 6d6+2). attack, roll against the highest Ability with Assistance from the
others (i.e., add half their ranks as a flat bonus). Use the highest
base damage (times degree of success), then add a flat bonus
Step Three: Make Decisions equal to half the damage of the other units.
The leader sets the tone of the raid. Most of these modifiers
will affect the attack roll in Step Four. Any bonus dice gained Step Five: Loot and Casualties
from these rules do not count against the usual limit!
First, consult Table C to determine the success category,
1. Raiding Openly or Covertly?
then Table A for the actual reward, adjusted by the Situational
If the House attacks with banners, they may face later Modifier if applicable. Here, “gd” stands for Gold Dragons.
consequences or retaliation. If covert, locals and their liege will “Failure” means the raiders are driven back and get nothing.
have to try piecing together who was responsible (details up to the “Trapped” means raider forces remaining after the roll below
GM) — but the House cannot obtain Influence from the raid! Glory (possibly just the leader) get pinned down and must fight or flee.
earned from the raid may be spent on Influence, as usual.
Second, roll on Table 10-6: Survivors (p. 189 in SIFRP: GoT
2. Commanding From the Front? Edition) for the Raiders unit. For a “Defensive” approach, roll
If the leader is on the front line of the raid, test Fighting for twice and keep the higher result. If the unit loses -1 training, the
both commanders; the winner’s units get +1B to attack. If the raid leader suffers 1 injury (or 1 wound if at risk). If the unit
raid leader loses this, she’s considered “at risk” in Step Five. loses -2 or -3 training, the leader suffers 1 wound (plus an injury if
If the leader hangs back, she will never be “at risk” but the at risk). If Destroyed, the leader takes 2 wounds (3 if at risk). “At
defending units automatically get the +1B to attack. risk” was determined by Step 3.2. Defeat usually means capture.
A Song of Ice and Fire — Raiding Rules
Table A: The Target
Die Roll 1 2 3 4 5 6
Target Village Inn/Merchants Septry Tower Hall Harbor Town
Defense +0 +1 +2 +3 +3 +4
Stealth TN 6 6 9 9 12 12
Commander Guard Hedge Knight Hedge Knight Knight Knight of Quality Knight of Quality
• Fighting 4+1B • Fighting 4+1B • Fighting 4+1B • Fighting 4+2B • Fighting 5+2B • Fighting 5+2B
• Warfare 2+1B • Warfare 2+1B • Warfare 2+1B • Warfare 3+1B • Warfare 3+1B • Warfare 3+1B
Defending Trained Peasant Trained Scouts Trained Infantry Trained Garrison Trained Personal Trained Archers
Unit(s) Levies Guards and Mercenaries
Partial Population +1 Wealth +1 Wealth +1 Wealth +1 Wealth +1d3 Population +1,
Success Wealth +1
Good Population Wealth +1d3 Population +1, Influence +1*, Influence +1d3*, Population +1d3,
Success +1d3, d6×5 gd Wealth +1 Wealth +1 Wealth +1d3 Wealth +1d3
Great Influence +1*, Influence +1*, Influence +1*, Influence +1d3*, Influence +1d3*, Influence +1*,
Success Population Wealth +1d3 Population +1, Wealth +1d3, Wealth +1d3, Population +1d3,
+1d3, d6×5 gd Wealth +1, Glory +1 Glory +1, major Wealth +1d3,
Glory +1 NPC prisoner Glory +1
* The House cannot earn Influence if raiding covertly (Step 3.1).
21 Their champion wants to settle this with a duel. If raid leader
Table B: The Twist refuses, Raiders lose confidence; -1 to attack rolls this raid.
Roll Situational Modifier Roll d6: (1-2) Knight, (3-4) Knight of Quality, (5-6) Other
(water dancer, mercenary, etc.).
5 It’s a trap! Fighting scene vs. capable foes to escape.
22 Reckless commander leads a charge: attacks at -1D, +2 base
6 Local liege lord is visiting. Replace non-Archer defenders
damage, no fortification Defense bonus.
with his Veteran Personal Guards.
23 Target is abandoned, previously destroyed, or ravaged by
7 An additional unit of Trained Archers are present.
plague. No raid happens; take Wealth +1.
8 A unit of cavalry is traveling through. Replace non-Archer
24 Target willing to pay tribute. Partial Success without a fight;
defenders with Trained Cavalry.
replace Population gain with Wealth.
9 Target is poor: -1 success category (for loot) on any Success.
25 Target’s defenses are destroyed or not maintained. Halve
10 Commander is old and experienced. Reduce Fighting by 1 Defense bonus, round down.
but improve Warfare by 1 and add another +1B.
26 Defenders are young boys and/or old men (-1 training level).
11 Hounds! Defenders get +1B to attack and a flat +2 damage.
27 Enemy flees! Good Success without a fight.
12 Defenders are battle-hardened (+1 training level).
28 Target very wealthy (Wealth +1d3 on any success).
13 Target has a watchtower (+3 to Stealth TN).
29 Target is undefended! Great Success without a fight.
14 Additional perimeter wall with dry moat (Defense +2).
30 Extra loot found on Good or Great Success. Village/Inn:
15 Defenders have upgraded armor; see Table 10-2: Equipment Wealth +3 (transported gold). Septry: Wealth +4 (saleable
Upgrades (p. 178 in SIFRP: GoT Edition). Adjust AR and AP. artifact). Tower/Hall: Family heirloom (Valyrian weapon).
16 Defenders throw stones from the walls in addition to normal Harbor Town: Collection of rare poison and/or medicine.
attack. Unit and PCs roll Agility (Acrobatics), TN 6 or suffer
5 damage (unit) / one injury (PC). Table C: Success Category
17 As above, but boiling water! Damage to unit ignores AR.
Defending Raiders Unit
18 Led by a talented but inexperienced knight. Reduce Warfare Unit Unharmed Damaged Disorganized Destroyed
by 1 but add +1B to Fighting. Unharmed Failure Failure Failure Trapped
19 Target is difficult to access: on a hill, in swamp, in dense Partial Partial
Damaged Failure Trapped
forest, etc. Unit and PCs roll Endurance (Stamina), TN 6 or Success Success
suffer 1 Fatigue (-1 to further rolls for this raid). Good Good Partial
Disorganized Failure
20 Target is on a cliff. Replace Stealth with Athletics (Climb). Success Success Success
Reroll if target is a Harbor Town. Great Great Good Partial
Success Success Success Success

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