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Ministry of Education and Training

East Asia University of Technology


Topic: Determining career direction and building a learning journey

Student : Do Quoc Tuan

Date of birth : 06/10/2003
Class: DC.IT12.10.1 Academic: K12
Major :Informatio
Student Code :20211775
Teacher : Dr.Phan Thanh Duc

HaNoi, June 2022

Ministry of Education and Training
East Asia University of Technology

Do Quoc Tuan

Topic: Determining career direction and building a learning journey

Student: Do Quoc Tuan

Date of birth: 06/10/2003 Academic: K12

Class: DC.IT12.10.1 Major: Information Technology

Point Number: Text:

First Grading Officer Second Grading Office

(Sign and write your name) (Sign and write your name)

HaNoi, June 2022

Table of contents
Table of contents 3
Thank you 4
Pledge 5
Prologue 6
A. Introduction 7
I. Personal capacity 7
1. Introduce Myself 7
2. Personal Abilities 7
3. Some Limitations 8
4. Future Job Aspirations 8
I. Orientation of the Academy, of the Faculty towards the field of Information
Technology 9
II. Personal Career Orientation 10
1. Specific Career Orientation 10
2. Necessary Qualities/Skills 12
3. Professional certifications should/need to graduate and find a job 12
C. Build my own learning path 13
I. About the Academy, Faculty 14
II. About the lecturer 14
III. Conclusion 14

Thank you

First of all, I would like to thank East Asia University of Technology for including Introduction
to Information Technology in the curriculum. In particular, I would like to express my deep
gratitude to the subject lecturer - Mr. Phan Thanh Duc for teaching and imparting valuable
knowledge to me during the past study period. From the very beginning, I did not have an
orientation in the Information Technology industry, so for me, starting from zero is an extremely
difficult thing. I know almost nothing about this field from knowledge base to future career

During the time participating in your Information Technology Introductory class, I have gained a
lot of useful knowledge, an effective and serious study spirit. These will definitely be valuable
knowledge, a luggage for me to be able to step firmly in the future. Thanks to this research work,
I had the opportunity to seriously reflect on myself and prepare some necessary information for
the upcoming study process.

Introduction to Information Technology is an interesting, extremely useful and highly practical

subject. Ensure to provide enough knowledge, associated with the practical needs of students
majoring in Information Technology. However, due to limited knowledge and practical ability,
there are still many surprises. Although I have tried my best, it is inevitable that the essay will
have errors and many inaccuracies. Please consider and comment to make my essay more

Thank you sincerely!


I hereby declare that this thesis is my own work. The data and research results in the essay are
honest and have never been published by anyone before. All information in the thesis has been
fully and carefully cited by the author. If there are lies, copying, collusion in this thesis, I take
full responsibility.


Life is inherently experiences. Not every experience is like what you want, but from there, you
can draw a lot of experience for yourself. The important thing is to know what you need, what
you want, and what you will do to get it. Each person will have a different path, different
choices, but in general, those things affect a significant part of the future. Therefore, we should
determine the right career direction as soon as possible and from there build a learning journey
for ourselves.

Personal career orientation plays an important role in the career development and success of each
individual. If the career direction is not right, you will face many difficulties and disadvantages
in the chosen job. You may have to do jobs you don't enjoy, waste time and still not reach your
personal potential. If you are a student, a student sitting on a school chair, it is extremely
necessary for you to have the right career orientation, arousing inspiration and passion for your
future work. Growing social. Especially in this time of epidemic, many professions will not be a
good choice. Therefore, grasping employment trends will also help a lot in building a
development road map in the future.

Fortunately, in the current era of industrialization and modernization, career guidance IT -

Information Technology is an indispensable industry and plays an important role in developing
and improving the quality of work increase work productivity, help manage business problems
well, support operations in many industries, improve people's life experience… and many other
roles. Researching on employment after graduating from Information Technology, I hope to be
able to make an overview so that I can build a clear and favorable direction for myself.

A. Introduction

I. Personal capacity

1. Introduce Myself

Before going into the main content of part 1.1, I would like to introduce a little bit about myself
so that you can better understand me. My name is Quoc Tuan, from Ha Nam.
I consider myself a rather unusual person. Before, I was an introvert, afraid to communicate with
strangers, like to do everything by myself, like to be independent and rarely confide in people.

College was a big turning point for me. Here, I can try new things and start searching for a
“perfect version of myself”. When I am with a friend, I change myself in a positive, happy and
sociable way. Although there are still times when I am not very open, but I think that moment is
not as much as before. But sometimes I still want to do things alone and be alone and that puts
me at ease.

2. Personal Abilities

- I have the ability to be independent. I want my work to go my way. That's not to say I don't
know how to listen to other people's opinions. I am very happy if everyone's cooperation is with
the common work, but I will selectively absorb so that the common work goes in the most
positive and complete direction.

- I am curious and learn new things. I always follow websites or youtube channels about
technology and especially current web programming trends.

- I have the ability to come up with unique ideas. When presented with a topic or problem, I
quickly think of different ideas and options for that topic or problem.

3. Some Limitations

Besides some of the above effects, I also have a few things I want to learn more to improve my

- I am not too proficient in office skills, especially Excel. This skill is mostly based on the self-
study and self-study ability of each person. However, I have not had the opportunity to use it
much, so it is still awkward and clumsy at times.

- I'm not good at communicating. When communicating directly with people, I am often shy and
sometimes do not know or dare to say anything. I don't like being in front of many people.

4. Future Job Aspirations

- About working environment: Surely everyone wants to work in a young, dynamic and creative
environment and I am no exception.

- About specific work: I used to work as an Editor and Designer, so I have good eyesight and the
ability to create graphic-related jobs is quite suitable for me.


I. Orientation of the Academy, of the Faculty towards the field of Information


When I received the admission notice of the International System of Information Technology
from Dong A University of Technology, I went online and looked up the necessary information
related to the industry. Our course is the first of its kind, so there aren't many channels for
industry information. These are also areas that attract young people today. Information
technology is the study of hardware, software, and the processes that create, process, transmit,
store, and exploit information. Training majors: Computer networking & communication,
Technology software, Computer science, Information management system. Specialties: NET
Programming, Architectural Computing, Safety and Security, Network Administration, Raw
Operating Systems, Database Management Systems, Multimedia Technology, Adversarial
Programming, Programming web, Official language, Network computing, Linux and open
source tools, System analysis and design, technology software... Some positions after graduation
students can do: Specialist in designing, building and managing IT research and application
projects, Specialist in managing, supervising and investing in information technology projects.
believe. Expert in data mining, applied information for businesses in quantitative analysis,
Skilled in developing social networks and web technology applications, Skilled in developing 3D
products and creating 3D characters .

II. Personal Career Orientation

1. Specific Career Orientation

Through some of my research on possible IT graduate positions and also from my initial point of
view, I really don't think I'm suitable for this profession. The work involved using the code a lot
and often. I watched a few videos on Youtube about teaching programming languages and they
were a bit difficult for me. However, after studying at school for a while under the guidance of
teachers, I was able to catch up with my classmates and chart out a learning path for myself.

After a web design competition in school, I asked myself questions like “Why did they come up
with the idea to make a website?”, “Why do they make websites like this? ”, “How to operate a
website? ". A series of questions appeared and were answered many times when I first came into
contact with the Information Technology industry.

If you just look at it with the naked eye, you will not be able to fully appreciate the beauty of
creating a website. Recently, I have tinkered with and created some very rudimentary websites,
but I am very happy when I make a website. And to create a successful website, behind it is a
team of experts working with positions such as Front - end Developer, Back - end Developer, IT
Support, ...

Front-end Developer
Focus on developing user interface and experience, in charge of developing display and user
experience for web applications.

Back-end Developer
Mainly responsible for the Server of applications running on the Web, simply understood as the
activities that cannot be seen on the browser.

Java Developer
Build enterprise-grade applications, manage application development using Java/Java EE, and
participate in the entire product development process, from concept, analysis, design to testing,
actual operation according to plan

PHP Developer

Ruby on rails Developer

.NET Developer

NodeJS Developer

Python Developer

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Golang Developer
Open source programming makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software.
Detailed job description Golang.

Develops Engineer

System Admin
This position is responsible for installing, upgrading, and monitoring software and hardware.
They may also be involved in backing up and restoring data. You can refer to the detailed job
requirements of a system programmer.

IT Support
Responsible for monitoring and testing the system continuously and during use to ensure that
maintenance and troubleshooting are always handled promptly and quickly. See also the required
daily job descriptions.

Web Designer
The Web Designer will be the person who directly designs and creates the website from scratch
and can then continue as a developer for that website or will convert the detailed built website to
a new website. Another Web Developer for them to receive and manage the site. Basically, Web
Designer's job will be broader than Web Developer's job.

The above positions all have different characteristics and requirements, but in general, they are
extremely closely related to each other. Personally, I quite enjoy working as a Web Designer.
The reason is simply because:
- I have experience as Editor and Designer.
- I want to create the layout and graphics of the website myself.
- I don't have the ability to dig deep into coding.

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2. Necessary Qualities/Skills

To start any job, in addition to the basic knowledge that needs to be mastered, foreign language
proficiency, it is also necessary to practice some of the following necessary skills:

- Graphic design. ...

- User experience design...
- Coding (HTML and CSS)...
- Time management skills. ...
- Well communication skill. ...
- Marketing. ...
- Business qualities.

3. Professional certifications should/need to graduate and find a job

- Language certificate
- Certificate of Informatics and Technology
- Professional certificate in programming

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C. Build my own learning path

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I. About the Academy, Faculty

As first-year students at East Asia University of Technology, re-learning online from the first
lessons and returning to the lecture hall after an online semester, course K12, we feel quite
regretful that we have lost memorable moments. We are very excited to participate in school
events, so we hope that in the future, teachers will join us in creating interesting playgrounds to
make up for the time spent just looking at each other through screens.

II. About the lecturer

For me personally, Mr. Duc is an admirable and respectable teacher. Although I have less time to
meet him in person than in online classes, I can feel that he is not only knowledgeable but also
very friendly and often cares about his students. His lessons not only bring important knowledge
when studying IT, but he also enthusiastically answers questions and exchanges with students
about current job trends. I have heard from his that he is a great contributor to our international
curriculum and I truly admire that you are able to create such an outstanding program.

III. Conclusion

Information technology is an extremely large field with many different working positions.
Studying this major for me is something very new but also full of fun and challenges. Up to now,
I am completely assured of the learning environment
The positivity and dynamism of East Asia University of Technology in front of the enthusiasm
and friendliness of the seniors, teachers and teaching assistants.

Through the essay, I have determined the direction for my future future. Maybe after more than 4
years of studying, this decision of mine will change for some reason but the things I have learned
will never be lost.

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Overview of the information technology industry at East Asia University of Technology:

International training program of East Asia University of Technology:

What Web Designers Do: What does a web designer do? - CareerExplorer

What is a tester? Skills to become a good tester:

Certificate in Information Technology:


The fastest and most reputable job search site:

A public platform building the definitive collection of coding questions &


Website that teaches basic coding for beginners: and

Learn web programming from basic to advanced:

What is a programmer? :

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