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Operating System Unit wise important topics as per external exam

Unit 1

1) Operating System Services

2) Operating system layered structure.
3) Kernals and its types…
4) Classification of operating system: time sharing, real time, multi processor

Unit 2

1) Producer Consumer Problem with its solution using semaphore(Critical Section problem
with its solution using semaphore
2) Dinning Philospher problem and its solution
3) Semaphore, Mutex Dekker & Petersons soltuions
4) Inter process communication

Unit 3

1) Thread and their management

2) Scheduling performance Criteria and Scheduling algorithm numerical
 SJF with preemption or SRTF
 Round robin
 Priority with preemption.
3) Process states and PCB
4) Deadlock and its necessary conditions
5) Bankers algorithm and its numerical

Unit 4

1) Paging and its numerical

2) Segmentation and its numerical
3) Virtual memory
4) Page Replacement algorithm with numerical
5) Thrashing

Unit 5

1) Disk Scheduling Algorithm and its numerical

2) File System organization, protection and its security
3) File Allocation Methods
4) I/O management

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