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Definition of oral communication

“Oral communication is the process of sharing information and creating meaning

through the use of spoken language, including both formal and informal
Author: Julia T. Wood
Reference: Wood, J. T. (2012). Interpersonal communication: Everyday
encounters. Cengage Learning.

What is oral communication?

The process of exchanging information, thoughts, and ideas through spoken words
is commonly referred to as oral communication. It is a fundamental form of human
communication that allows individuals to interact, express themselves, and convey
messages directly to others using speech.
Oral communication covers various aspects, including speaking, listening, and
understanding. It is a dynamic process involving both verbal and nonverbal cues
such as tone of voice, facial expressions, gestures, and body language.
Nature of oral communication
The nature of oral communication is essentially dynamic and interactive. Unlike
written communication, which relies on written words, oral communication
involves direct interaction between individuals through spoken words. It allows for
real-time exchanges, immediate feedback, and the ability to respond to the needs of
the situation and audience.
Alongside spoken words, oral communication incorporates nonverbal cues,
including facial expressions, body language, and tone of voice. These cues can
greatly enhance the message being conveyed.
Purpose of oral communication
Oral communication aims to effectively convey information through clear and
concise vocal words. It fosters interaction, and relationship building, and facilitates
collaboration among individuals.
Effective oral communication skills are vital in personal, and professional settings
as they enable individuals to express themselves, listen actively, and respond
appropriately to the needs of others.
Characteristics of oral communication
There are several key characteristics of oral communication that shape how it is
used and understood. Understanding these characteristics is essential for
developing effective oral communication skills and successfully navigating
interpersonal interactions in various settings. These characteristics include:
1/ Dynamic and interactive: Oral communication involves a two-way exchange
of information between a speaker and a listener. It is an interactive process that
allows instant feedback and clarification.
2/ Verbal and nonverbal cues: Oral communication includes the use of spoken
words as well as nonverbal cues like facial expressions, tone of voice, and body
3/ Less formal: Oral communication is often less formal than written
communication and may involve informal language. However, the level of
formality can vary depending on the context of the communication.
4/ Spoken Words: Oral communication relies on spoken words as the primary
medium of conveying messages. It involves the use of language, including
vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation, to express thoughts and ideas.
5/ Contextual and Situational: Oral communication is highly dependent on the
context and situation in which it takes place. Factors such as the audience, purpose,
and cultural background influence the language, tone, and style used by the
Further Reading: What are the characteristics of oral communication

Types of oral communication

Oral communication can be categorized into several types based on different
contexts and purposes. Each type has its own specific characteristics and purposes,
and being proficient in each type of oral communication is crucial for effective
interpersonal interactions. Here are some common types of oral communication:
Common ways to communicate orally
1/ Group Discussions: Group discussions involve multiple participants engaging
in an exchange of ideas, opinions, and perspectives on a specific topic. This type of
oral communication enhances collaboration, problem-solving, and decision-
making within a team.
2/ Public Speaking: This type of communication involves one individual speaking
to a large group of people. Public speaking is often used for informative or
persuasive purposes, such as delivering a keynote speech or presenting a proposal.
3/ Interviewing: This type of communication involves one individual asking
questions of another individual. Interviews are often used in job interviews, media
interviews, and research interviews.
4/ Video Conferencing: This form of communication is similar to face-to-face
communication but takes place over video conferencing software. Video
conferencing proves beneficial for remote teams and individuals unable to meet in
5/ Telephonic Communication: This type of communication involves two or
more individuals communicating over the phone. Telephonic communication is
useful for situations where face-to-face communication is not possible or practical,
such as in long-distance relationships or business negotiations.
6/ Informal Conversations: Informal conversations occur when individuals
engage in casual and Unplanned discussions with each other. Informal
conversations occur in everyday settings such as social gatherings, family
interactions, and friendly conversations.
Examples of oral communication
Examples of oral communication channels
 Oral Reports
 Interpersonal Conversations
 Podcasts
 Speeches and Lectures
 Customer Service Calls
 Team Huddles
 Radio Broadcasting
Oral communication tools examples
 Voice Assistants: Virtual assistants activated by voice commands, such as
Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, offer convenient and hands-free
 Voice Recorders: Portable voice recorders or smartphone voice recording apps.
 Video Conferencing Tools: Video conferencing platforms like Zoom or
Google Meet.
 VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol): VoIP services, such as Skype, or
 Telephones: Traditional landline phones and mobile phones.
Elements of oral communication
1/ Speaker: The speaker is the individual or source who initiates and delivers the
oral message. They are responsible for formulating their thoughts, organizing the
message, and selecting appropriate language and delivery style to effectively
communicate their ideas to the listener(s).
2/ Message: The message refers to the content and information intended by the
speaker for communication. It combines both verbal and nonverbal components,
such as words, tone of voice, facial expressions, gestures, and body language.
3/ Listener: The listener is the recipient of the oral communication. They receive
process, and interpret the speaker’s message.
4/ Feedback: Feedback is the response given by the listener(s) to the message
conveyed by the speaker. It can be verbal or nonverbal and helps the speaker
understand the effectiveness of their communication.
5/ Channel: The channel refers to the medium or mode of communication used to
transmit the oral message. It can include face-to-face conversations, telephone
calls, video conferences, presentations, and more.
6/ Context: The context includes the environment in which oral communication
occurs. It includes factors like physical location, cultural norms, social dynamics,
and the topic of communication.
7/ Noise: Noise encompasses any form of interference or barriers that affects the
smooth flow of effective communication. It can be external noise like distractions
or internal noise like language barriers.
8/ Purpose: The purpose of oral communication is the objective or intention
behind the communication.
What are oral communication skills?
Oral communication skills refer to the abilities and competencies that enable
individuals to effectively convey their ideas, thoughts, and messages through
spoken words.
These skills involve using language, tone of voice, body language, and other forms
of nonverbal communication to engage listeners and convey messages clearly and
1/ Active Listening skills: Active listening is a crucial skill in oral
communication. It involves fully focusing on and understanding the speaker’s
message, responding appropriately, and providing feedback or clarification when
2/ Presentation Skills: Presentation skills involve effectively delivering
information to an audience in a well-organized manner. These skills encompass
organizing content, using visual aids effectively, maintaining audience
engagement, and delivering a confident and impactful presentation.
3/ Flexibility and Adaptability skills: Being flexible and adaptable in oral
communication allows individuals to adjust their message, language, and approach
based on the needs and preferences of the audience. It involves being open to
different communication styles, cultural differences, and unexpected changes in the
communication context.
4/ Conversation Skills: Conversation skills refer to the ability to engage in
meaningful and productive conversations with others. This involves initiating and
maintaining conversations and showing interest in others’ contributions.
5/ Discussion Skills: It involves participating in structured group discussions. It
involves contributing ideas, listening to others, and providing feedback or
responses. Effective discussion skills can help facilitate group decision-making,
resolve conflicts, and promote collaboration and teamwork.
6/ Telephonic Communication Skills: Telephonic skills involve the ability to
communicate effectively over the telephone. It includes speaking clearly and
audibly, using appropriate language and tone, and being attentive to the listener’s
needs and concerns.
Techniques for improving oral communication skills
 Practice Active Listening: Actively listening to others is a fundamental aspect
of effective oral communication. Practice focusing your attention on the
speaker, avoiding distractions can help you improve your oral communication
skills. Active listening encompasses three key aspects:
A. Cognitive: This involves actively paying attention to all information being
B. Emotional: This aspect involves remaining calm and compassionate during
the conversation.
C. Behavioral: The final aspect of active listening involves conveying interest
and comprehension both verbally and nonverbally.
 Expand Vocabulary: Enhancing your vocabulary can improve your ability to
express ideas accurately and precisely.
 Use appropriate tone and pitch: Adapt your tone and pitch to match the
context and audience.
 Seek Opportunities for Conversations and Discussions: Engage in
conversations and discussions with others as much as possible.
 Use Visualization Techniques: Before important presentations or
conversations, visualize yourself speaking confidently and effectively.
 Seek feedback and practice: Actively seek feedback from trusted individuals,
such as mentors or colleagues, and work on areas that need improvement.
Benefits of improving oral communication skills
Improving oral communication skills can bring a range of benefits to both personal
and professional environments. For instance, it can enhance one’s ability to express
ideas clearly and effectively, which can help in building strong relationships, both
at work and in personal space.
Moreover, clear communication can also help in avoiding misunderstandings,
reduce conflicts, and promote collaboration and teamwork. Additionally, it can
improve one’s public speaking abilities, which can help in presentations and
speaking engagements.
Importance of oral communication
Effective interpersonal interactions rely heavily on oral communication. It
allows us to express our thoughts, emotions, and ideas and enables us to
understand others more deeply. Strong oral communication also fosters positive
relationships, builds trust, and facilitates collaboration.
 Clarity and understanding: Through oral communication, individuals can
effectively express complex ideas and information with clarity. It promotes
better understanding and minimizes confusion or misinterpretation.
 Collaboration and teamwork: Effective oral communication is crucial for
successful collaboration and teamwork. It enables individuals to exchange ideas,
provide feedback, and work together towards common goals.
 Enhance Customer Service: In customer-facing roles, oral communication is
essential for providing exceptional service. Clear communication helps
understand customer needs, address concerns, and provide solutions.
 Persuasion and influence: Oral communication is a key tool for persuasion and
influence. Through effective speaking skills, individuals can convince others to
adopt their viewpoints, take action, or change their behavior.
 Problem-Solving: Effective oral communication is crucial for problem-solving
and decision-making processes. It allows for effective sharing of information,
active listening, and collaborative discussions.
Significance of oral communication at the organization level
Oral communication holds immense significance at the organizational level as it
impacts various aspects of operations, leadership, decision-making, and external
interactions. Effective oral communication ensures smooth information flow and
coordination, improving productivity and collaboration within the organization.
It plays a critical role in leadership, allowing leaders to articulate their vision and
inspire teams. Decision-making processes benefit from clear communication,
facilitating informed discussions and consensus. Externally, effective oral
communication builds relationships and satisfaction with stakeholders.
Methods of oral communication
The methods of oral communication can be divided into two categories,
mechanical channels, and non-mechanical channels:

The mechanical channels include:

 Telephone conversations: Communication using telephones, where spoken
messages are transmitted electronically.
 Voicemail: Leaving voice messages on an answering machine or voicemail
system for others to listen to later.
 Conference calls: Communication between multiple parties in different
locations through a telephonic connection, allowing for group discussions.
 Television broadcasting: Transmitting spoken messages along with visual
content to a wide audience through television channels.
 Automated phone systems: Interactive voice response (IVR) systems that use
pre-recorded prompts and voice recognition to provide information to
appropriate destinations.
Non-Mechanical Channels
 Debates: Structured discussions involve participants presenting arguments and
counterarguments on a specific topic in an organized manner
 Interviews: Verbal exchanges between an interviewer and interviewee(s), often
used for research or employment purposes.
 Speeches: Prepared and structured presentations that convey a message or
express thoughts and opinions, often delivered at public events.
 Conferences: Organized events that bring together experts, and professionals in
a specific field to share information, discuss ideas, and network.
Modes of oral communication
Understanding the various modes of oral communication can help individuals
effectively adapt their communication strategies based on the context, purpose, and
audience involved in a given interaction.
There are two broad modes of oral communication:
1/ Intrapersonal communication: Intrapersonal communication refers to the
mode of communication that occurs within an individual’s own mind. It involves
the internal exchange and processing of thoughts and ideas. While it may not
involve direct interaction with others, intrapersonal communication is essential for
self-reflection, self-analysis, and decision-making.
2/ Interpersonal communication: This mode involves communication between
two or more people in a face-to-face interaction, with each person taking turns to
speak and listen. Interpersonal communication can be either formal or informal,
and it is used in a variety of contexts, including personal relationships, business
transactions, and social interactions.
Different styles of oral communication
There are several styles that individuals can employ when communicating orally,
depending on the context, purpose, and audience. Here are a few common styles:
1/ Formal style: This style of oral communication is characterized by a structured
and professional approach. It is commonly utilized in formal scenarios such as
business meetings, presentations, or public speaking engagements.
2/ Persuasive style: This style of oral communication aims to influence or
persuade the audience. It is often used in sales presentations, debates, or
3/ Interactive style: Interactive style of oral communication involves active
participation and engagement between the speaker and the audience.
4/ Storytelling style: This style involves the art of storytelling to captivate and
engage the audience. It is often used in presentations, speeches, or public
5/ Assertive style: Assertive style focuses on expressing thoughts, opinions, and
needs confidently.
These are just a few examples of different styles of oral communication. It’s
important to note that individuals may employ a combination of styles depending
on the specific communication context.
Media of oral communication
In oral communication, the term “media” denotes the various means or channels
through which information is transmitted. Vocal communication can be conveyed
through various media, which can impact the message’s effectiveness and reach.
Here are a few common media of oral communication:
 Broadcasting: Broadcasting involves transmitting oral communication through
mass media channels such as television or radio. It allows for the spread of
information to a large audience, but it is typically a one-way communication
 Video conferencing: Video conferencing combines audio and video to enable
communication between individuals or groups in different locations. It allows
for visual and verbal communication, which can enhance the effectiveness of
communication in remote settings.
 Press Conference: A press conference is a media event where a spokesperson
or organization addresses the press and journalists to make announcements,
provide information, or respond to questions. It allows for oral communication
between the spokesperson and the media.
 Teleconferences: Teleconferences involve audio communication between
multiple participants who are located in different places. It allows individuals or
groups to hold meetings or discussions remotely, using telephonic connections
or audio conferencing tools.
 Grapevine: Grapevine refers to the informal and unofficial communication
network within an organization or community. It involves the transmission of
information, rumors, or gossip through oral channels among individuals.
Principles of effective oral communication
The following principles serve as guidelines for enhancing the effectiveness of oral
communication, allowing speakers to deliver their messages clearly and achieve
the desired communication outcomes.
1/ Preparation: Effective oral communication requires proper planning and
preparation, including understanding the audience, and determining the topic,
timing, and other relevant factors.
2/ Clarity of Pronunciation: Clear and correct pronunciation is crucial for
ensuring that the oral message is understood by the receivers. As communication
can become confusing when there is a lack of clarity in the message being
3/ Natural Voice: Using a natural voice helps maintain the authenticity and
effectiveness of oral communication. Avoiding artificial or unnatural tones
enhances the overall impact.
4/ Logical Sequence: Organizing ideas in a logical and sequential manner
enhances the communicative and appealing nature of the message.
5/ Use of Suitable Words: Choosing appropriate and familiar words is crucial in
oral communication. A simple and common language helps ensure that the receiver
can easily understand and respond to the message.
6/ Courtesy: Demonstrating courtesy while addressing listeners creates a positive
impression and fosters effective communication.
7/ Emotional Control: Effective oral communication requires the speaker to
maintain emotional control.
8/ Control of Gesticulation: Conscious control of gestures is important in oral
communication. Avoiding excessive or distracting gesticulation ensures that the
focus remains on the message.
Similarities between principles of oral communication and
written communication
Both oral and written communication share fundamental principles that contribute
to effective communication. Starting with clarity which is essential in both forms,
emphasizing the need for clear and concise messages.
Understanding the audience which ensures that the message is tailored to the needs
and interests of the receiver. Effective communication in both forms requires
careful planning and preparation. Additionally, the use of appropriate tone and
style enhances communication in both oral presentations and written documents.
Related Reading: Similarities of Oral and written communication

Barries of oral communication

 Technical barriers: Problems with equipment, technology, or software can
interfere with good oral communication, especially in remote or virtual settings.
 Semantic barriers: Misinterpretation of words, phrases, or symbols due to
ambiguity, double meanings, or lack of context can hinder the clarity and
effectiveness of oral communication.
Related Reading: What are Semantic barriers of communication
 Language barriers: When the speaker and the listener don’t share a common
language or when the speaker uses jargon, technical language, or unfamiliar
words, it can create communication barriers.
 Physical barriers: Factors in the environment, such as noise, distance, and
unfavorable conditions, can pose challenges to mutual understanding between
the speaker and listener.
Related Reading: What are physical barriers in communication
 Lack of attention and active listening: When listeners are distracted,
disengaged, or not actively paying attention to the speaker, it can hinder
effective communication.
 Lack of feedback: Feedback plays a crucial role in oral communication as it
allows the speaker to gauge the listener’s understanding and adjust their
message accordingly. When there is a lack of feedback it can hamper effective

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