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Manlilikha Studios

As Initial Business Budget Plan Proposal

Presented to

Mr.John Mark F. Madeja

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the subject

College Logic and Math


Maria Katrina L. Jallorina

Andre C. Roa

Ayanna Mae R. Carpio


A. The Business Concept and Business Model
B. Company Vision and Mission Statement


A. Purpose of the product/service
B. Product Unique Features
C. Description of the market opportunity to capture or market problem the business solves
D. Reasons for why this is an attractive business opportunity
E. Key distinctions or differentiators of the business versus competitors


A. Business Objectives
B. Type and Category of the Business
C. Company Name
D. Logo description
E. Location


A. Target Customer
B. Size of Your Workforce

A. Production/service process and controls. Procedure and contingency plan (Plan A, B, or C)
for risk and uncertainties
B. Distribution logistics
C. Material requirements and sources of supply


A. One-time start up cost
B. Business Incorporation Fees(Philippine Government)
C. Recurring costs (Monthly Basis)
A. The Business Concept and Business Model

Graphic design is an art form and a mode of visual communication that has become integral to our
modern world. It encompasses a diverse range of creative activities, blending artistic skills with technical
proficiency to convey messages, ideas, and information through visual elements. In the dynamic
landscape of today's interconnected world, graphic design has emerged as a cornerstone of
communication and visual expression. Its importance spans various facets of our daily lives, influencing
how we perceive information, engage with brands, and interact with the digital realm.

Graphic designing over the past few years has become a very well known career and business
opportunity for many people. The business and career of digital design has been increasing over the
years, leaving many job opportunities to people that are interested in changing the color of the world.

As we all known in the modern world, technological advancements have been a driving force behind
the acceleration of globalization. The digital revolution has enabled instantaneous communication,
making information and ideas accessible worldwide. This is one of the reason why we comes up with the
idea to create this business since that technology is become important trend that has made a graphic
designing very well known. Business in this area of graphic designing has upgraded in many ways and
has led to many new innovations throughout the world. In other hand, choosing this business offers a
blend of creative fulfillment and entrepreneurial opportunities. It allows us as entrepreneurs to leverage
our artistic talents, respond to the growing demand for visual communication, enjoy flexibility and
independence, tap into financial potential, and make a tangible impact on the branding and success of
businesses across diverse industries.

One of the primary functions of our business graphic design is its pivotal role in shaping brand
identity. In an oversaturated market, where competition is fierce, businesses rely on visually distinct and
memorable elements to stand out. Logos, color schemes and overall design aesthetics are crafted by our
graphic designers that will represent a brand`s identity and values. We also have a diverse range of
product services that we cater to the varied needs of our clients including Branding packages
(developing comprehensive branding packages, including logos, typography and brand style guides),
Print materials such as (business cards, brochures, flyers, posters and packaging), Digital and Web design
(including digital advertisements, social media graphics, designing visually appealing and user-friendly

The Manlilikha Studios lives with, entails, and promotes its own Vision and Mission.


The company’s vision in its future is to further expand the business and not just focus on graphic
designs but on various types of branding as well.


That being said, what the team is aiming for is to provide branding or rebranding for artists,
businesses, and entrepreneurs and build partnerships that will last a long time with both company and
clients growing in the process.


A. Purpose of the product/service

• To provide branding/rebranding of artists, businesses, and other entrepreneurs, even small business

• Provide quality graphic designs according to the needs and wants of customers

• Assist individuals and businesses in communicating their concepts in ways that are memorable,
effective, and appealing to the eye

• To edit websites, social media accounts, and different marketing ads

B. Product unique features

• Updated software and hardware

• The team and staffs are more knowledgeable in hardware and software specifications

• Designs are made from original ideas along with the ideas of the clients
• Numerous drafts are being produced before having a final output to ensure the quality of the service

• Different styles and approaches are presented

C. Description of the market opportunity to capture or market problem the business solves

• To provide branding/rebranding of artists, businesses, and entrepreneurs and build partnerships that
will last a long time with both growing the process

• To generate creative, thoughtful, and worthy of money designs that can tell a thousand words story

• To serve the business market in an area with great design solutions that will help both the firm and the
clients succeed.

D. Reasons for why this is an attractive business opportunity

• Opportunities offered by different companies that will help an individual earn decent money while
appreciating one's job

• Improves creativity and relevant designs are made from original ideas

• It will enable the company to capture and grab customers' attention, as well as to adapt smoothly to
this modern generation of brief, high-speed communication

• An individual's career is unpredictable for one could land a position at a studio on the other side of the
world, or find that their job requires a lot of travel to farther regions

• Every day brings new challenges and problems to solve, allowing a person to learn and evolve their
abilities and knowledge throughout working life.

E. Overview of the marketing and operations strategy and plan

In our business promotion or advertisement is important since it refers to any communication

that aims to persuade our consumers to acquire our items and services. Our ways of advertising our
service are commonly through online platforms and referrals because online advertising, as well as
referrals, allows us to advertise our business outside of our immediate location and often to a global
audience. Examples of this are the following:
• Social Media

• Website

• Vlogging

• Networking

• Client referrals

• Client reviews


A. Business Objectives

The objectives of our graphic design business include building a diverse portfolio, establishing a
distinct brand identity, networking for client acquisition, providing excellent customer service, staying
updated on industry trends, setting financial goals, maintaining a strong online presence, understanding
business operations, seeking client feedback, and exploring niche markets for specialized services. These
objectives collectively aim to ensure creativity, professionalism, client satisfaction, and long-term
business success.

B. Type and category of business

The Manlilikha Studios is basically considered as Partnership due to the sole fact that it is consist of
three people not just working within the business, but also shares its profit as well as liabilities. Aside
from that, it is also non-food type of business because it mainly render services in line with graphics
designing that may help other businesses to advertise their products and services to the mainstream.
Lastly, the business fall under microenterprise as it only have small scale or limited staffing that may
result in having less revenue which on the other hand, does not require huge amount of capital.

C. Company name

Manlilikha Studios- It is a small business graphic design editing service. Manlilikha is a Filipino word
that translates to “creator” in English. Through manlilikha studios, your creativeness and imagination are
put into life, specifically into a logo. Together with the power of Manlilikha, the client and designer work
on the logo and voice out each other’s opinions, especially those of the client, to create the perfect logo
that matches the client’s interest.
D. Business Logo and description

A logo is a fundamental component of a business identity as its provides instant brand

recognition. The logo that we created is more than just a symbol; it encapsulates the essence of
our business, conveying meaning and values beyond mere recognition. Our logo convey a
fusion of artistic elements, creativity, and it appears to communicate a message of artistic skill,
versatility in graphic design tools and precision in work. The man holding a paintbrush
represents the “Manlilikha” or creator that highlighting the artistic and hands-on nature of
graphic design. There are graphic materials as well on his side signify the modern digital realm
which are the important tools in graphic design. The pen below the artist represents creativity
and design emphasizing the importance of visual communication and artistic expression. Lastly
the mix of colors below the graphic pen serves as a vibrant and diverse creative palette. This
shows that our graphic design business is capable of producing a wide spectrum of visually
appealing and dynamic designs.

E. Location
“Manlilikha” Studios is located at 4116 Ramon Magsaysay Blvd Sampaloc, 1016 Metro Manila,
near SM Santa Mesa Manila.


A. Target Customer

Graphic design is vital in business as it creates a distinctive brand identity, facilitates effective
communication through visuals, projects professionalism, enhances marketing efforts, contributes to a
positive user experience in the digital space, and ensures consistency across various platforms,
ultimately giving a business a competitive edge.

Manlilikha studios target consumers are including small businesses seeking branding materials,
entrepreneurs in need of logo design, event organizers requiring promotional materials, students need
help in editing projects, social media influencers, and individuals looking for personalized graphics for
personal or professional use. These clients benefit as effective graphic design enhances their brand
identity, communication materials, and overall professionalism. It helps them stand out in the market,
attract customers, and establish a strong visual presence, ultimately contributing to business success.

C. Size of Your Workforce

The Manlilikha Studios has a small scale workforce that basically consist of 3 employees only.
Since it is considered as microenterprise, it does not require huge number of workers because this kind
of business limits their resources, capital and more especially, their workers. As the business only consist
of fewer people, these said three skillful employees has their own designated work task that they cannot
just fully accomplish, but also perform in their most effective and efficient way to render service to the
people with greater quality.


A. Production/service process and controls. Procedure and contingency plan (Plan A, B, or C) for
risk and uncertainties

• Designers will show the client sample products to get them more interested.

• The client will explain the type of graphic design they want.
• Designers will check the type of design including its size, color, and how complicated or simple the
client wants it to be.

• Designers will compute how much it will cost and explain it to the client.

• The client will agree and will have a down payment for the designers to proceed.

• Designers will present the finished design to the client and ask them for any changes if they want one.
• Together, the designers and client will communicate to finalize the design and get it ready as a file.

B. Distribution logistics

Our business are distributed through the following online channels, involves leveraging various
elements to effectively reach clients and manage interactions.

 Social Media Platforms

 Website
 Promotion
 Networking
 Client Reviews
 Client referrals

C. Material requirements and sources of supply


Loptops Electronic stores

Personal Computers Computer/Computer Parts Stores

Editing Software Marketplace

Printer Electronic stores

Stylus and Graphic Tablets Electronic retailer/ Marketplace


A. One-time start up cost

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