Abebaw Amhara Region - Template-USAID-PEPFAR Faith Based ART Retention and Adherence Initiative - FY23 Quarter Two Implimentation Progress Report

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USAID/PEPFAR Faith-based Retention and Adherence Initiative

Inter Religious Council of Ethiopia (IRCE)

Quarter IImplementation Report

(January 1, 2023 to March 31, 2023)

Grant Number: FAA# 72066320FA00006

Submitted to: Hailu Gebisa

Submitted by: Abebaw Getu

Position, IRCE
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Telephone: -0922441941

Table of Contents

1. Introduction..............................................................................................................................3

2. Key Accomplishments by Activity..........................................................................................4

1. Project management: Familiarize IRCE and Interfaith Council Management about

PEPFAR Faith Based ART Retention and Adherence Initiative Services...........................4

2. IR 1: Strengthened ACSM interventions on compatibility of Spiritual therapy with


2.1. Improved ACSM by top management of IRCE and member religious institutions
at all levels...............................................................................................................................4

2.2. Improved knowledge of targeted FBO leaders and their followers toward
compatibility of spiritual therapy with ART.......................................................................4

2.3. Improved ART Retention and Adherence among PLHIV who are following
spiritual therapy at spiritual healing sites............................................................................5

3. IR 2: Strengthened capacity of interfaith council and FBOs to conduct ACSM on

compatibility of Spiritual therapy with ART..........................................................................6

3.1. Improved capacity of members religious institutions to deliver ACSM on

compatibility of spiritual therapy with ART.......................................................................6

3.2: Strengthened MEL for evidence generation and use for strategic ACSM

4. Quality Improvement............................................................................................................8

5. COVID 19 prevention and Mitigation.................................................................................8

3. Major Challenges and Measures taken.....................................................................................9

4 Major Planned activities in the second quarter......................................................................10

ACSM…..Advocacy communication social mobilization

ART…Antiretroviral therapy

COVID-19…Corona virus infectious disease 2019

EOTC…Ethiopia orthodox Tewahido church

FBO….Faith based organization

GBV….Gender Based Violence

HIV/AIDS…Human Immunodeficiency virus /Acquired Immunodeficiency syndrome

IRCE…Inter religious council of Ethiopia

SBCC….Social Behavioral communication change

TWG….Technical Working Group

PEPFAR….President’s emergency plan for AIDS relief

PLHIV…People Living with HIV

USAID…United State Agency International Development

1. Introduction
Inter-Religious Council of Ethiopia/IRCE/ is an organization established by seven-member
religious institutions. These are; Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, Ethiopian Islamic
Affairs Supreme Council, Ethiopian Catholic Church, Evangelical Churches Fellowship of
Ethiopia, Ethiopian seventh day Adventist international church, Ethiopian Kalehiwot Church and
Ethiopian Evangelical Church of Mekane Yesus.

Its main purpose is to facilitate a forum for its member institutions to engage in the development
of the country through peace building and other development activities. IRCE targets in bringing
religious leaders and institutions of various faiths at national and regional levels to identify
potential on building trust and relationship among the various religious communities. IRCE
currently implements various development activities including Peace Building, Prevention and

Mitigation of Harmful Traditional Practices, Gender Inclusiveness and PEPFAR Faith Based
ART Retention and Adherence Initiative.

U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) through USAID has granted IRCE
“A Faith-based ART Retention and Adherence Initiative” project running for 23 months. The
objective is Strengthening Advocacy, Communication and Social Mobilization (ACSM)
approaches to community engagement carried out by public health organizations. This will help
to be more systematic, multidisciplinary, and informed about cultural norms, beliefs, and
practices. In addition, this project has aimed in strengthening the capacities of the interfaith
council and participating FBO to conduct advocacy, communications and social mobilization
purposefully and systematically.

This report covers activities that have been implemented during the period of October 01 to
December 31, 2022 under FY23 project implementation plan.

2. Key Accomplishments by Activity

1. Project management: Familiarize IRCE and Interfaith Council Management about
PEPFAR Faith Based ART Retention and Adherence Initiative Services
1.1 Contract extension for all project staff both at national and regional level

 Xxx

1.2 Annual review of FY22, Orientation of the project scope with milestone deliverables
activities (Workplan of FY23) to project staffs

 (Accomplished in the first quarter)

2. IR 1: Strengthened ACSM interventions on compatibility of Spiritual therapy with ART
2.1. Improved ACSM by top management of IRCE and member religious institutions at all
2.1.1 Conduct subnational advocacy conference on retention and adherence and stigma
reduction focusing on compatibility of spiritual therapy with ART with leadership of member
faith-based institutions, government sectors, PLHIV associations, USAID implementing partners
and spiritual healers/leaders at respective healing sites.

 Xxx

2.1.2 Proactively attend, revitalize and contribute to federal/regional HIV TWGs representing

 Xxx

2.1.3 Conduct rapid assessment/mapping of spiritual healing sites where PLHIV with potential
retention and Adherence problems resides to trace the lost to follow up and reengage them to

 (Accomplished in the first quarter)

2.2. Improved knowledge of targeted FBO leaders and their followers toward
compatibility of spiritual therapy with ART
2.2.1 Design and deliver audio video messages focusing on HIV testing, treatment
compatibility with spiritual therapy, prevention of GBV and stigma reduction for persons living
with HIV through faith-based media houses to interfaith leaders and their constituencies

 Xxx

2.2.2 Working with Interfaith leaders and facilitate transmission of retention and adherence on
prevention of stigma and discrimination messages during holidays by heads of religious

 Xxx

2.2.3 Produce and broadcast TV/Radio talk shows/programs on ART retention and adherence,
stigma and discrimination and GBV with religious scholars, health professionals and affected
communities (PLHIVs)

 Xxx

2.2.4 Translate, Print and distribute sermon guides to preachers, RLs and the target community
with different local languages

 Xxx

2.2.5 Translate and print bill board messages that promote ART adherence and retention in to
different local languages and erect at three regions

 Xxx

2.2.6 Design and erect mini and mega billboards promoting ART adherence and retention for
each religious member institution at healing sites and major regional towns.

 Xxx

2.2.7 Print and distribute leaflets and stickers broachers containing messages on HIV testing,
treatment compatibility with spiritual therapy, stigma and discrimination reduction and GBV
prevention. (5000 per region)

 Xxx

2.3. Improved ART Retention and Adherence among PLHIV who are following spiritual
therapy at spiritual healing sites
2.3.1 Conduct sensitization events across all members of religious institutions of IRCE to
advocate for compatibility spiritual therapy with ART

At all members of religious institutions of IRCE, from selected healing site, trained healing site
leaders, healers, and religious youths are educating/ giving awareness raising/ for the
congregation at healing sites about the compatibility of ART with spiritual therapy, while LIPs
health personnel and community service volunteers support healing sites technically and

2.3.2 Commemorate world AIDS day with Government of Ethiopia and USAID implementing

 (Accomplished in the first quarter)

2.3.3 Facilitate outreach program in collaboration with trained spiritual healers, PLHIV
associations and USAID-PEPFAR implementing partners at holy water and worship areas
identified by program data to advocate for compatibility of spiritual therapy with ART. in 8

Trained spiritual healing site leaders and healers give about compatibility of ART and spiritual
therapy education to congregations at healing sites; that is congregation can take ART
medication with spiritual therapy like with holy water. About 109 congregations have received
this education (about compatibility of ART and spiritual therapy). In addition, trained healing
site leaders and healers have advocated the demand for HIV testing at healing sites for
congregations. This education (HIV testing importance) has been given to about 109
congregations, and six (6) client are tested for HIV at healing site and identified one (1) HIV
positive client and link to health facilities for ART initiation.

2.3.4 Identify PLHIV who interrupt treatment and refer/link them with IPs for re-engagement:-

Five PLHIV clients were identified or trace from the healing site who stop taking their ART and
they are reengaged to health facilities. Healing site healers and religious youth volunteers
identify the clients/congregations, contact them with the LIPs health profession, and

accompany them to health facilities. The feedback will also be delivered to the healing site

by the LIPs health personnel as well. Also, LIPs health workers and healing site healers will

follow their clients.

2.3.5 Identify PLHIV who face intimate partner violence, provide psychosocial and counseling
support and refer to health facilities as necessary:-

Trained spiritual healing site leaders and healers give gender-based violence prevention
education to congregations at healing sites. About 50 congregations have received this gender-
based violence prevention education, but no GBV victims or cases have been identified.
Moreover, for four (4) congregations have received psychosocial and counseling support.

2.3.6 Provide counseling support to children, adolescents and old age PLHIV who have poor
adherence to treatment and referral/link to social protection scheme/ Economic strengthening,
legal services, USAID Ips, etc.)

 All PLHIV clients who are identified at the healing site have received adherence
counselling by a LIPs health professional. The responsibility of the healing site healers
and religious youths is to identify clients who are PLHIV, and work in together with the
LIPs health professional

2.3.7 Refer/link PLHIV with high need of economic support /social protection through IPs)

Four (4) clients are referred for social and economic support from healing sites who need social,
psychological, material/economic support are referred to CBO and LIPs. Clients are PLHIV
who are poor and need support such as food, clothing, and others, and are identified by healing
site leaders and LIPs health workers.

The healing site healer, and religious youth will collaborate with the LIPs health professional to
identify clients who are PLHIV, are experiencing economic problems, need clothing, and need
other support. LIPs, CBOs like 3CC and other organizations offer support in the form of food,
clothing, and other resources.
3. IR 2: Strengthened capacity of interfaith council and FBOs to conduct ACSM on
compatibility of Spiritual therapy with ART
3.1. Improved capacity of members religious institutions to deliver ACSM on compatibility
of spiritual therapy with ART
3.1.1 Refresher and basic capacity building training for holy water sites/Churches and Mosques
leaders, spiritual healers and youths on ART Retention and Adherence (compatibility of spiritual
therapy with ART), stigma and discrimination reduction and GBV prevention.

It has been given for 97 leaders, healers and religious youths at Bahir Dar for west Amhara
region healing sites.

Title of the training course Training for holy water sites/Churches and Mosques leaders,
spiritual healers and youths on ART Retention and Adherence
(compatibility of spiritual therapy with ART), stigma and

discrimination reduction and GBV prevention
Coverage of the training.eg. The training participants were from spiritual healing sites
Woreda, sector offices…
Location and Venue of training Bahir Dar town, Naky Hotel
Start date of the training 23/03/2023
End date of the training 24/03/2023
Total numbers of training days Two day
Total number of participants 97
Number of Male participant 92
Number of Female participant 05
The regional religious council coordinator welcomed the trainees, and the director of the
HAPCO directorate for the Amhara region opened and spoke. The trainers are selected from the
region's health bureau and ADA (LIPs).

3.1.2 Train religious media house professionals on ART retention and adherence (compatibility
of spiritual therapy with ART), stigma and discrimination reduction and GBV prevention

 Xxx

3.2: Strengthened MEL for evidence generation and use for strategic ACSM intervention
3.2.1 Orientation of IRCE staff, spiritual healers and volunteers on various tools, guidelines,
reporting formats etc.

Youths, healers, and leaders of healing sites have been given training about how to collaborate
and integrate with LIPs and health facilities, including the referral system, as well as how to
document the activities they accomplished. We also gave orientations about registers, reporting
systems, and guidelines.

3.2.2 Conduct periodic joint supportive supervision with RHB, health facilities, religious
leaders and USAID implementing partners at selected healing sites

3.2.3 Undertake mentorship at site level at selected sites

 Xxx

3.2.4 Conduct routine data quality assessment (RDQA) by integrating with JSS

 Xxx

3.2.5 Conduct quarterly, biannual and annual project performance review meetings

 Xxx

3.2.6 Conduct quarterly review meetings at SNU/regional level with RHBs, religious leaders,
health facilities and USAID implementing partners.

 Xxx

3.2.7 Participate at national level periodic FBO-TF meeting and site level joint supervision

 Xxx

3.2.8 Document and disseminate best lessons learned on faith-based ART retention and
adherence initiative

 Xxx

3.2.9 Conduct assessment on impact of ACSM work done through faith medias on ART
retention and adherence (Spiritual compatibility with ART)

 Xxx

3.2.10 Project close out Workshop will be conducted at the end in coordination with USAID
implementing partners, MoH/RHBs/ health facilities and PLHIV associations.

 Xxx

4. Quality Improvement
4.1 Support in establishment of QI teams across Service delivery points/health facilities, who
will conduct routine review of data to identify HIV data and service delivery gaps and implement
strategies to support performance and quality of services provided

 Xxx

4.2 Provide training on QI for QI team at selected health facilities and project staff

 Xxx

4.3 Monitor changes in performance through M&E and the use of quarterly performance

 Xxx

5. COVID 19 prevention and Mitigation

5.1 All training sessions and meetings shall be conducted by strictly following the COVID-
19 prevention precautions.

 Yes

5.2 All necessary PPE shall be applied like use of sanitizer, hand washing, wearing of a mask
and maintaining distance at all times.

 Surely, we adhered to and maintained COVID-19 preventative measures at all times.

3. Major Challenges and Measures taken

3.1 Major challenge

There is no anymore major challenge (the office and internet were a major challenge, but they
are now solved), but there is still a reasonably minor challenges with office furniture like chair,
table printer, and shelf.

3.2 Measures taken

 Communicate with PD and project team

Note:-We were grateful and appreciative for the commitment and effort the project team
worked forward to solve our concerns and overcome major challenges.

4 Major Planned activities in the third quarter

 Give support, Mentor and coaching trained healing site healers, and religious youths and
strengthening integration of healing site with health facilities and LIPs (SS, JSS and
 Conduct quarter review meeting with partner and health bureau
 Support in establishment of QI teams across Service delivery points/health facilities,
 Conduct subnational advocacy conference on retention and adherence and stigma
reduction focusing on compatibility of spiritual therapy with ART with leadership of
member faith-based institutions, government sectors, PLHIV associations, USAID
implementing partners and spiritual healers/leaders at respective healing sites.
 Proactively attend, revitalize and contribute to regional HIV TWGs representing FBOs


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