BT 23 Tec Le HD SH 1006

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Design Review Form


Employer’s Engineer / HDEC

Prepared by: Zhu Ruichen, He Taolin
Issued by: He Taolin
Date: September 18, 2023
HD-Ref-NO.: BG-2023-091

Related Document
The Employer / Engineer The Contractor
BT-23-TEC-LE-HD-SH-0927 BT-23-TEC-LE-SH-HD-0833
/ BT-23-TEC-LE-SH-HD-0924


Doc. No.: BT-23-TEC-LE-SH-HD-0924

Subject: Submittal for Dam, Concrete Outline, Mid-level Spillway Monolith (No4 Monolith) Rev 2.0

Approval Status: ☐ Approved ☐ Approved Except as Noted ☒ Returned for Correction

Section in Engineer’s Comments Contractor’s Response Engineer’s Comments

No. Document/ Rev. 1.0 Rev 1.0 Rev. 2.0
Drawing No. (2023-09-02) (2023-09-11) (2023-09-18)

(1) The contraction joint layout from (1) According to the arrangement of the (1) Noted. Please update the plan view
EL.362.00m to EL.365.00m of this dam body joints, the 3m accordingly.
monolith is inconsistent with the conventional concrete of the dam
(2) The bottom elevation of the air vent
general layout drawings; please foundation has been shown in the
outlet is 433.5m, which is lower than
check it together with the No. 4 monolith.
the FWL 434.5m; please check the
treatment of the joint.
(2) The detailed drawing of the air vent water level in the air vent at the FWL
(2) The layout of the air vent is not outlet has been added, and the air condition.
BT-SH-D1- detailed enough, and the material vent steel pipe in the drawing has
(3) The section number in Detail B is
1 05-DGD-21- of the vent is inconsistent in the been unified as Q235B.
inconsistent with the section k-k in
010-2.0 drawings, please check.
(3) One of the section j-j has been sheet 14/14. The “section d-d” is in
(3) There are two sections with the modified. the wrong place.
number of j-j, please check.
(4) The treatment measures for the (4) Noted. It will be reviewed after
(4) Please clarify the treatment partial joint will be shown in the BT- submission.
measures for the partial joint. SH-D1-05-DGD-21-022 Dam, Joint
(5) Please add the outline control
Arrangement and Grouting. The
parameters of the monolith such as
relevant drawings will be submitted
the radius and center of the dam


in the near future. axis.

(6) Please clarify the access plan from

the dam crest at EL.436.00m to
the operation platform at
EL.420.00m and between all the
hoist rooms at EL.420.00m, as well
as the maintenance access from
the EL.420.00m platform to the
gate support beam, which should
fully meet the requirements for
safe operation.

(7) Please check the net clearance

between the maintenance flow
chamber and the spillway surface.

(8) The annotation “1:0.2218” in Section

A-A is wrong, please check and

(9) Please indicate the range of the

steel lining more clearly.

(10) It is suggested to unify the

downstream outline to Sta. D
0+007.50 to make it connect smooth
to adjacent monolith.


(11) Please detail the EL.413.10m

platform in Detail B.

(12) Please check the concrete zoning

boundary of C5-1, which along the
radial gate slot is improper.

(13) It is suggested to add construction

joints to the spillway surface, which
located at the bottom of the
contraction joints at Sta. D
0+031.51, and adjust the related
joints treatment measures and
waterstops accordingly.

(14) The bending part of the vertical

reinforcement in Detail E towards
downstream will leads to
inconvenience for construction, it is
suggested to adjust it.

(15) Please add necessary embedment

parts to show the relationship
between the embedment parts and
the concrete outline.


He Taolin
Design Director

NO Document Number Document Title
Dam, Concrete Outline, Mid-level Spillway Monolith (No4
1 BT-SH-D1-05-DGD-21-007-2.0


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