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Part 1

My testing-Test on jags staging site.

1.Testing the Personal information name: I you select the name for disputing, the name
should appear on the letter.

2.If you select the current address, it should appear in the letter.

3.If you select the date of birth it should appear in the letter.

4.If you select all 3 all 3 should appear in the letter.

1.Test for all 5 credit monitoring reports
2.If you select the name, the name that is showing on the letter must match the name
on the customer screen.
3.Same with current address and with date of birth.

4.Match Placeholder information at the top like name, address and date of birth with the
name, date of birth and current address with the information below.

Rotation Logic
1.Admin 1, if you execute the letter check the verbiage under personal, current address
and date of birth. Then using that same customer execute again and let me know if the
verbiage changes, then execute again up to 10 times and let me know if the verbiage

2.Then move to customer number two and do the same thing and let me know if the
verbiage changes and is different from customer 1. Do this 10 times. Ask Sandeep for
1,000 for virtual cash if you run out.

Part 2
Make sure the admins notifications are going on out with the metro 2 letters.(Meaning if you dispute,
accounts, inquiries and public records, an email notification will be sent to the customer.

Need to test the following

Account Summary
1.Make sure the account name and account number for each account is matching the account and name
in the account summary at the top of the letter.

2.Do this test with smart credit, identity IQ, Identity IQ, myfreescorenow and Privacy guard.

1.As you can see there are now tables added to the account section. Make sure the data is loading in the
tables. Compare the data on the credit report with the data on the Metro 2 letter.

Public Records
1.Test the public records by itself.

1.Run a metro 2 letter without the public records and make sure the summary is showing.

Accounts and Public records

1.Run a metro 2 letter with the public records and the accounts and make sure both are showing in the

Rest of the pages:

1.After you execute and it goes into bulk print. Make sure the word Metro 2 Attack/Ehance summary
shows up in the archive, tracking, dispute status, and quick view.

Bureau Wise Testing

1.Check letter for Experian and make sure the accounts for experian is matching in the summary at the

2.Do the same thing for Equixfax and transunion

3.Check all 5 credit monitoring.

Individual Account testing

1.Out of 10 accounts, uncheck 8 and execute an attack and check that it is tracking the summary for just
those 2

2.Do the same for the other credit monitoring.

3.You can do random numbers.

Part 3
1.Trial account
4.All 5 Credit Monitoring Reports
5.Archive, tracking, dispute status, Quickview
6.Results screen, testing status changes
7.Public records
8.Personal information
10.Testing single accounts
11.Data loading
12.Formatting in place.
13.Bulk Print-edit Letter
14.Bulk Print-Archive-Edit and Print

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