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Official (Closed), Sensitive (High) [Upon Completion]

Weekly Journal
Instruction to Student:
1. On a daily basis, record the specific task that you carried out for that day.
2. At the end of every week, describe one task in more details with diagrams or photos attached.

Week: ____________ Date from: ________________ to __________________

Department/Section Attached: _______________________________________________________

Day Tasks Record

Monday I did soldering as well as placing components on a PCB board after using soldering paste so that
the board could be placed inside the oven and heated up to melt the soldering paste to secure
the components on the board. The board when placed inside the oven is elevated so that the
bottom side of the oven wouldn't be in direct contact with the surface as most of the time
there are components on both sides of the board. Furthermore, it also prevents the board from
falling off the surface, hence ruining the board.

Tuesday I did soldering as well as separation of components.

Wednesday I did soldering, separation of components and placing components that separated onto the PCB
board with thermal paste already placed on the board.

Thursday I did soldering and also soldered a resistor which is only just a wire and I learnt that resistor
wire is very different from the conventional resistor. It is usually used for heating elements,
high resistivity and oxidation resistance is important as the materials used to make these are
alloys (Nichrome, Kanthal) and they have a very high temperature resistance. The physical
resistance of a wire uses the formula, Resistance = rL/A where r is the constant resistivity of the
wire’s material, L is the length of the wire and A is the cross-sectional area, or diameter, of the

Friday I did soldering as well as cutting and cleaning the PCB boards that are needed to be sent out for

Describe one task in more details with diagrams or photos attached.

Explain the importance/relevance of this task to the company.

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Official (Closed), Sensitive (High) [Upon Completion]

When placing resistors on the board after soldering paste is placed, I wondered to myself what does the
number on the resistor meant so I asked Ah Lang and he told me it represents the resistance of the resistor.
So I did more research and realized that there are three types of systems. There are Three digit system, Four
digit system and the EIA-96 system. The Three digit system is there are 3 digits on the resistor where the
number of the last digit indicates the power of ten by which to multiply the given resistor value with the first
two digits. For example, 273 = 27 Ω x 103 = 27,000 Ω. Similarly to the Four digits, the last digit indicates the
power of ten by which to multiply the given resistor value but instead of the first two digits in the Three digit
system, it is the first three digits in the Four digit system. For example, 7992 = 799 Ω x 10 2 = 79,900 Ω. The
EIA-96 system is a higher precision resistor, aimed at resistors with 1% tolerance. In this system, the marking
exists out of three digits: two numbers and 1 letter. The first two numbers represent a code that indicates
values for each code are given. For example, the code 04 means 107 Ω, and 60 means 412 Ω. The letter
represents the multiplier of the code of the first two numbers. For example, the letter ‘C’ is the multiplication
factor of 100 and ‘Z’ is the multiplication factor of 0.001. Therefore, if the code is 04C, it means 107,000 Ω ±
1%. This is important as I can double check whether I am placing the correct resistor on the PCB board as well
as sorting out the resistor correctly in case the resistor given was the wrong value needed.

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Official (Closed), Sensitive (High) [Upon Completion]

Assessment on Student
Grading Scheme :
A (Excellent) - Consistently exhibit qualities beyond expectation and norms.
B+ (Very Good) - Exhibit qualities above expectation and the norms.
B (Good) - Exhibit qualities which are considered necessary to produce good quality work.
C+ (Good Credit) - Exhibit good qualities which are the norm.
C (Credit) - Exhibit acceptable qualities which are the norm.
D (Pass) - Exhibit qualities which varies between the norm and unacceptable standard.
F (Fail) - Exhibit qualities which are not acceptable and are hindrances to operations.

Conduct: _____________________ Attendance: *Regular/Average/Poor

Performance: _________________ Punctuality: *Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory

Remarks: ____________________________________________________________________________

______________________ _________________
Name of Supervisor Signature & Date

*Delete whichever is not applicable

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