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Official (Closed) – Sensitive when completed

School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Singapore Polytechnic Internship (13 Sep 2021 -11 Feb 2022)

MY SDL Journey form

Name of Student: _____________________________ Student ID#: _______________
Course of Study: DASE / DCPE / DEB / DEEE /
Name of Company: ______________________________
[A] Weeks 1 to 5: My learning (Goals, challenges and strategies/ resources used)

One of the challenges faced at the start was not getting used to working lifestyle
where I need to follow a fixed schedule everyday from 9am to 6pm and it was also
mentally and physically draining. Moreover, there were many technical terms used
such a bomb list as well as using machines and soldering electronic components I
had never seen in my life. My personal goal would be to complete all my tasks with
100% effort and improve and learn as much as I can from my supervisor. When in
doubt, learned to always ask and not be shy as that’s the only way to learn and not
make any mistakes. Mistakes are bound to happen but able to learn from the
mistakes and have takeaways is the key otherwise I will just make the same
mistakes over and over again. Hence, I would always reflect upon my mistakes at
the end of day and think what I could had done better to ensure that mistakes
wouldn’t happen. Sometimes the components I may not understand the use of it
so, if need be, I would go home and do some research and further understand
what is the use of the component, for example the 0 Ω resistors.

[B] LO 1st visit: Record of feedback received on [A]

Student Signature:_____________________ Date: _____________

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Official (Closed) – Sensitive when completed
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Singapore Polytechnic Internship (13 Sep 2021 -11 Feb 2022)

[C] Weeks 6 to 11: Record of follow-up actions on [B] with evidence/result (to be shared
during LO 2nd visit)

[D] Weeks 6 to 11: My learning (Goals, challenges and strategies/ resources used)

[E] LO 2nd visit: Record of feedback received on [C] and [D]

Student Signature:_____________________ Date: _____________

[F] Weeks 13 to 21: Record of follow-up actions on [E] with evidence/result (to be shared
with LO during 3rd visit)

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Official (Closed) – Sensitive when completed
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Singapore Polytechnic Internship (13 Sep 2021 -11 Feb 2022)

Student Signature:_____________________ Date: _____________

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