Interview Questions

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Please refer to the below some common questions asked during the interview.

answers to these questions may differ on case to case basis. Apart from below listed
questions any other questions can also be asked so student must do his own
research also and be well prepared.

Some important information on Interview preparation:

a. Please study about the university and its facilities.

b. Reasons for studying in the UK and selecting this particular university.

c. Please study about couple of more universities in order to do a comparison with

selected university.

d. Please study about the city in which university is located like local transport
facilities, cost of meal, accommodations , nearest airport etc

e. Please study about the course structure and it's career benefits in India

f. Please be aware about the funds which have been shown for the visa.

Please refer to the below mentioned Questions and Answers

Why you want to study in UK?

1. Quality Education
2. Students from throughout the world select UK as their destination for higher studies.
3. UK degrees are highly regarded in India.
4. UK degree will help me in finding better career positions in India
5. Excellent facilities in University
6. Advanced education system
7. Practical approach of teaching at UK Universities. So learning is more simple and interesting.

Why not any other country?

1. UK has quality education system.

2. UK is safe and multicultural place to live. In countries like Australia/USA we have seen
attacks on Indian students.
3. UK has Renowned universities with excellent facilities

Why this University?

1. University is well renowned for its Quality Teaching

2. University has Good Course Structure and Modules
3. Good facilities provided by universities
4. Positive feed backs from senior students.
5. Good Location
How do you know about this university?

1. Education Fairs or
2. Agent or
3. Friends, Internet

Where is this University located & what is the nearest airport?

• Mention the university location, airport & check few nearest universities.

What type of facilities do you get in this University?

(Please go through university website and study about following points/facilities and explain more
about it in your answer)

1. International Student Support

2. Career Guidance
3. Libraries
4. Accommodation
5. Students Union

How many students do you expect in your class/ What would be your class size?

• Please refer to the university website to check the class size. Normally 40-60 students are

Which other Universities have you considered ?

1. Must name some UK Universities you have researched/applied.

2. Student should also go through other university websites/course to compare between the
universities. eg if student says he selected university ”A” because of better course structure
as compared to University ”B” and “C”, then visa officer might like to know what was the
difference in course structure.

What qualification will you receive? Which course you are going for?

Please mention the course name as per the offer letter.

Why this Course?

1. Good Course Structure.

2. Importance of the course in your career plan. This course would help in finding better jobs
in India

What is the Course structure & duration

1. Please refer to university weblink and answer the Courses modules accordingly

How will this course benefit you?

1. Explain how this course will be useful in career

2. Opportunities you will get after the course completion.

You are already holding a master, so why do you want to do a master again?

1. Explain according to the career goal you have designed for yourself
2. Explain the difference between your previous master subjects and proposed master.
3. Or if any specialization subject you have picked to master

You are going for studies after gap of few years. Why you are going after such long gap? What
were you doing in these gap years?

• Explain according to situation & pointing towards interest in education which will help in

Why you want to study 2 year Master degree as compared to 1 year Master ?

• Student can mention two year course has better course structure. Normally 1 year course is
very intensive and by time we adapt to UK education system have already completed lot of
studies. Also 2 year masters is more recognised in India because other countries are also
offering 2 year Masters like USA, Australia. We got good feedback from students who are
studying 2 year masters in UK. The 2 year Masters also includes project work/ internship
which will be beneficial when we come back to India.

What are your Career plans?

1. Will Come back to India

2. Name few good companies in where you will wish to work.
3. Name few Job Titles which you are aiming for and also expected salary.

ü If any student is stating he will start his business then visa officer would definitely like to
know more details on his business plan like what will be the capital requirement, how will you
arrange the funds for business, what will be the product, how many employees will be needed,
what will the office space needed and more related questions.

What will be the Teaching methods ?

1. Practical approach of teaching

2. Faculty Lectures
3. Lab work
4. Self Study
5. Project work & assessment

How your performance will be evaluated or assessed by university?

1. Exams
2. Project work
3. Day to Day class activities like Case Studies/Presentations.
What about your accommodation?

1. Plan to take university accommodation

2. Will finalize on getting valid visa
3. Accommodation cost can be GBP 80 to GBP 150 per week. Please refer to the university
website and check the accommodation details

How will you travel from Accommodation to University ?

You can answer depending on the distance between your accommodation and university campus,
Normally students go walking or by cycle or bus or local train.

Which city/town your university is located ? Are you aware about local transport? Which would be
the nearest airport?

To answer this question please Google about the city where the university is located. Check about the
local transport, bus ticket price, weather, market, major airport/train stations etc.

Also study about local restaurants and shops to get idea about the cost of basic items and meals.

When did you apply to the University? When did you receive CAS

• Please check your records and be aware of date to answer.

On which date you plan to travel to UK? Which will be the nearest airport to University? Which
airline you plan to travel?

1. Mention the travel date as mentioned in the visa application form

2. Please search on the nearest airport to University.
3. Also have basic idea about airlines flying to UK and airfare

What are the Living Expenses?

• GBP 9135 (Outside London)/GBP 11385(Inside London)

What is the course fees ?

• As per the offer letter

How are you funding your studies?

• Please answer it according to the funds you are showing for the visa

Will these funds be available to you before travelling to UK?

Yes, the funds are available to me before travelling to UK.

Course is for more than 1 year, how will you show manage expenses for the 2nd year?
• Parents will sponsor. They have sufficient savings/funds with them.

How your parents have arranged these funds or loan? What is your parent’s financial background
and what is their income?

• Student should go through the loan letter thoroughly to answer any question from loan
letter or related to loan. They might be asked the minute details of the loan.

Are you aware about part time job limits? Will you work in UK?

My main focus will be on studies so I am not keen for part time jobs. As per the rules we can work
for 20 hours during the study period and full time during holidays like Christmas holidays.

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