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I. Find in the text the English equivalents to the following words and word
combinations and use them in your own sentences. Learn them.

• загадковий ( покритий таємницею); вимерлий; пірат; бути розголошеним;

алкоголік; здоров'як; зрозуміти щось; зловісний; покласти край суперечці;
синиця; бачити наскрізь.
• enigmatic – загадковий ( покритий таємницею)
• In her enigmatic remoteness Jenny was a little disquieting.
• extinct – вимерлий
• Mr. Scogan might look like an extinct saurian, but Gombauld was altogether
and essentially human.
• a corsair – пірат
• The corsair retaliated by leading what remained of his navy on a plundering
raid to the Balearic Islands.
• to be divulged – бути розголошеним
• as though the subject of her health were a secret that could not be publicly
• a dipsomaniac – алкоголік
• As a lover or a dipsomaniac, I've no doubt of your being a most fascinating
• a robuster – здоров'як
• But his coat was very well cut and, discreetly padded, made him seem
robuster than he actually was
• to get the hang of smth. – зрозуміти щось
• He had to repeat the question several times before Jenny got the hang of it.
• sinister – зловісний
• "Shall I tell you what I think of that man? I think he's slightly sinister."
• to clinch the argument – покласти край суперечці
• The argument was sound
• a tit – синиця;
• The great tit (Parus major) is a passerine bird in the tit family Paridae.
• to see through – бачити наскрізь;
• I'm only just beginning to see through the silliness of the whole thing!

II. Translate the following words and word combinations. Give situations from
the chapters where they were used. Learn them.

• a robin – вільшанка;
• His nose was beaked, his dark eye had the shining quickness of a robin's
• a scaly look – пошарпаний вигляд
• The skin of his wrinkled brown face had a dry and scaly look;
• an heirloom – фамільна річ
• that bowler-like countenance was one of the Wimbush heirlooms
• implacably – невблаганно
• "Last week," Mr. Wimbush went on softly and implacably
• to be damped by smth. – бути збентеженим
• he was damped
• to dabble in – балуватися
• he dabbles delicately in Amour and disappears
• an adolescent – підліток
• And after all, even in England, even in Germany and Russia, there are more
adults than adolescents.
• a pregnant silence – багатозначна тиша
• and then there was to be a pregnant silence.
• loutish – неотесаний
• And I like the way the tits cling to the flowers and pick out the seeds, while the
other loutish birds, grubbing dirtily for their food, look up in envy from the
• ratiocination – логічне міркування
• There are the twenty tons of ratiocination to be got rid of first.
• to take for granted – вважати саме собою розуміючим
• I can take nothing for granted, I can enjoy nothing as it comes along.

III. Explain in English and learn the following words and word combinations:

gaunt; a bird-lizard; saurian; an antiquarian find; to pounce on smth.; mentality; an

anthropologist; a blackfellow; to be put out; a cloister, a Monophysit

• Next to Mary a small gaunt man was sitting, rigid and erect in his chair.
• In appearance Mr. Scogan was like one of those extinct bird-lizards of the
• "Not so fast," he said, stretching out a small saurian hand with pointed nails
—"not so fast. I was just going down to the flower garden to take the sun.
• Has Priscilla told you of our great antiquarian find?"
• to pounce on smth - to accept something quickly and with enthusiasm
• "I've 26 known a great many artists, and I've always found their mentality very
interesting. Especially in Paris. Tschuplitski, for example—I saw a great deal
of Tschuplitski in Paris this spring..."
• You regard me as a specimen for an anthropologist
• a blackfellow - Australian Aborigine
• be put out definition: to be annoyed,
• a cloister a covered walk in a convent, monastery, college, or cathedral,
typically with a colonnade open to a quadrangle on one side:
• a Monophysit one holding the doctrine that Christ
IV. Use these adjectives in different word combinations and translate them into

impenetrable; ingenuous; indolent

• impenetrable - непроникний
• an impenetrable forest incapable of being understood; incomprehensible:
impenetrable jargon incapable of being seen through: impenetrable gloom not
susceptible to ideas, influence, etc: impenetrable ignorance physics (of a body)
incapable of occupying the same space as another body
• ingenuous - геніальний
“He seemed too ingenuous for a reporter”
“Only the most ingenuous person would believe such a weak excuse!”
“She is too ingenuous in believing what others say”
“It is ingenuous to suppose that money did not play a part in his decision”
• indolent - млявий
There was something indolent in the way he half leaned, half stood.”
“Because I enjoy being indolent, there is nothing I find more pleasant than
relaxing in bed.”
“Malignancies with slower growth rates, such as indolent lymphomas, tend to
respond to chemotherapy much more modestly.”

V. Make up one situation with the following words and word combinations:

- a summer-house; unageing; vivaciously; infinity; - clockwork speed; engraving;

malicious; to be bowed down with; -a bore; preposterous ; fragrant volleys; congenia

• They have a summer house on the lake

• The elves were unageing and immortal, and their beauty was undiminished by
the passage of time
• in a way that is attractively energetic and enthusiastic: She chatted vivaciously
while he remained sulky and morose.
• There is an infinity of possible solutions.
• The train was moving at a clockwork speed along the tracks
• She takes him off to the graveyard where her grandfather is buried and the
maze symbol is engraved on his gravestone.
• She was bowed down with grief after the loss of her husband
• The whole idea is preposterous!

VI. Give literary translation to the following sentences (in written form):

1. «На вигляд містер Скоган був схожий на одного з тих вимерлих птахів-ящірок
Третинна. Ніс у нього був дзьобатий, темні очі мали сяючу прудкість, як у
Але в ньому не було нічого м'якого, милостивого чи пір'ятого. Шкіра його
зморшкувате коричневе обличчя мало сухий і лускатий вигляд; Його руки були
крокодил. Його рухи відзначалися бентежно-різкими рухами ящірки
годинникова частота; Мова його була тонка, плавна і суха.

2. «Вона була рідною племінницею Генрі Вімбуша; Це обличчя, схоже на

казанок, було одним
реліквій Вімбуша; Він протікав у сім'ї, з'являючись у її представниць жіночої
статі як
порожнє лялькове обличчя. Але через цю лялькову маску, немов весела мелодія,
що танцює над
незмінний фундаментальний бас, передав інший спадок Анни – швидкий сміх,
легка іронічна забава і мінливі вирази багатьох настроїв».
3. "Что касается художника, то он озабочен проблемами, которые так
совершенно не похожи на проблемы
на проблемы обычного взрослого человека - проблемы чистой эстетики,
которые не так уж
что описание его умственных процессов
что описание его ментальных процессов для обычного читателя так же скучно,
как кусок чистой математики".
4. "А мне нравится, как синицы цепляются за цветы и выбирают семена, в то
время как
а другие паршивые птицы, грязно копаясь в еде, с завистью смотрят с земли.
земли. Они завистливо смотрят вверх? Боюсь, это литературный штрих".
5. "Ничего - для вас. Но ты родился язычником, а я старательно пытаюсь
сделать себя таковым. Я ничего не могу принять как должное, я могу
наслаждаться тем, что приходит само собой.
как попало. Красота, удовольствие, искусство, женщины - я должен
придумывать оправдание, обоснование для
всему, что восхитительно. Иначе я не смогу наслаждаться этим со спокойной
совестью. I придумываю маленькую историю о красоте и притворяюсь, что она
имеет какое-то отношение к
истиной и добром".

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