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Duar _NaTURE__OF RADIATION AND MATTER i> © Photon 40 an elementary. particles of, Rodiotr -|-© Speedo} photon in vacuum ¢ 2299992458 m/s (amie! m/c ~|@® Speedo, pheton vin independant frame oy "eprom _|@_Rest mass _ cy Photon — An Zex0. ~|®_Since__& = me” Also, CBinstein'* mass- ener} C= fpeqnency tah) equatin) “Phen posses eregy ad worn ~|—U)—_Energy—o,__photon__& =_h)_= he | —{ii)_Momertum oa. photon p= =me)__| @ Phetone are newkal_ panies. —hey_ora_oot_dayected | lay —eleckic_or magnetic _yelda —PPnoTorlecreic: Error ite 4 ——_____—_________Phenomenon__,_spontancoun_| _|-emissi 5 —elechmnn rom the _surfpre_otoma _o, any | “eee see ene eee ae a —|-2b—Surtoldle frequency,” in_called__photoeleckic_efject. | _|THResHotp Fresuency +> (a) = pt at_in the _minimasn—dpnequeny 4 ‘radiation _vequired orth Omission op electron —_rern |. _| Are since —atoma oa photosensitive metal” —|NoTes:-> For _photo_emission the _grequency 4, rediodien | | should os yecter_than’ the equcncy a threshold _Cor_dhreshold_grequency). () > J,)__|. —[Wori eunetion += (42) er(we),. al —————________Minimur__energy — 5 —radiatioy _ [requined _to_take-out on elichaan yom the “Guyjace alr |e) photosensitive metoh” As ‘called its torte fuckin. | Gees td pean a tee Ee ae pa haa] —troneny amt cae Locks {tunctan Scanned with CamScanner —Ennstetny’® Proto ELecTRIc Aws : ‘ {©_Photnelechic emission _in_on_instantaneo us_(Spontaneoua)|_ —|_process. _ Chime log beteoeen i ncidence oh -rodiatienn | —|—8ind__emission of, ~clechon ws 109 second). —@__For__pholoemi ssitm_o,_¢lechons,_the frequency qh rodiabinn|_ —} Should toe greater than _the._threshald frequency cp | —|——metal..__ Cor. —Enengy co, tadiokon > Wark sjunction } .__ +|4¢ be th frequency of tadiation Q)2A,), then |. a energy op, _radiaki A i tu0___twoaye. —pOne past in _uned to take -out_electrons_(_toae_funcken| pa enemy ents e meee Poneto kinetic | —-ener i We ‘a (Radiaton)~ >To a] Jess = hi = + + ( _| — hoto= sensitive metal} a | See eet Scanned with CamScanner ®: + Puotogectric Experiment _t> lethede Plier» —{Chotosensitive metal). —|Pnode Plate. .> —| Any metal plate) | i StoreinG PorenriaL, COut= off. Potential): s> (Vo) +} “Minimum —severse C negative) potential | -[ocinss —electrodeo jor —tshich tha photoelectic current! —| become: ero. —| Stepping potentiol depends onthe maximum Kinetic | —- energy _o, _photnelectma.__at depends onthe __| | 4requeng) oy incident__radiokion- 4 ee eee — = KE p, ae @,=hi,)| _| Photaelechic equalinn:> Vg ay ot, az ee wae] _| Stoppi ntial_(V_)__varies _linear\ ith | ey Eaton Cio) taen incepta ~{)—Ejject_O} Intensity on Pec zs | | PEC increases linearly _asth increase inthe — [intensity of, _radioKen__, —| boith_increase in intensity, t the number _o, _photona. | -Crpssing unit _syea_per —|-unit__time.__increan. \c —|-PEc in reanea lineal - | —| cot ites ee tntensity a . independent 2_treueeny 4, todiotinn. __RadiaRon. — Pees) = — fl Scanned with CamScanner ND -E4pect of electrode potential __on__PEC i> * —|—@) Keeping intensity Wasnaiaal 7 and. frequency variable | (ae - = hat | @>ay i =| x Va = Na ae a t +V GQaotentiol ) > a —{O_Setusotion_PeC in independent 4, electrode potential, —|_94 depends on. ahe_inlensihy of, xodiakion. Reverse _cut=e,_potential_Cstopping potentiol) = Ve —| depends onthe frequency ()~ 4, radiatiemn —__| —|—Clinearly dependant), independent of, _indensity . __ _& Lk mae = 2Ve o @ Both, Sorurakion_cusrrent_and_sbppng_patentiol__caitt__| = Change ath _change_in cathode“ plate (_pholosensitine | —|_meta\__plate).. Ct,-1) Yn i] i>. i. 1p ea PEC. - I, >1, 6 =r _ ee 7 “No mee +V— (Potential) * l Y! F Scanned with CamScanner ie If)_Voriation Of Stopping Potential _asith Frequency |- | 6. uae 4 OW, Ne 1 a cal Comparing © aihaene = jesmation J) -O_straight| Nine aga, <6 - ——>| y= mxsee =-@_ _|m= slope = h = tang -—@ awe Be Po = = -G) oe intercept = Vo_(Threshold_| frequen _| y= intercepl = = [Significance 04 x-intercept: ee | la ataved LO I< eC. photo-=| ia ee ee shsinenta| —|-Ssioa__wiith zero __tinetic _energ [ Ther a ee eget tise SIS —| For tus. dij\erent _metala. (14 emo) eee A —|\) and), ane__thresheld 4neq. metal, M, and. eu t _{@) slope = tone =h (same) _| 5 & Ae | ui — - 1.4 a me Ss 4> +, VS : (wack _4unelien eb, = nr) Value ay _Planck’* constant No on he calculated —|—Aiwrough slope Oy Mave ay Graph. Since, : “ l Slope =tono= A= hy = elena) = & Glope)._| |e) Winter tli == al a 7 mmc iol_intercepte) . be qe: € Scanned with CamScanner MATTER WAVES _:-> ee ae ————— Wove_assacioted _asth a1 moving Paviicle Cor matter) in ealled_matiey aan —|-Any moving particle. ap quided by a _qroup op _| -mather__woaveo_n__exhich _Alne_position a _parkele | Cand__-momentum ancl) ave_not__4)xed.. “Were. _| —|4o__uncertasnby inthe position _and__Linear__momentel gre gy —“Heisenbevg'* Uncertainty Principle’ _ ee AX x ap 45 Ov oxnop 2B ~ S Wavelength Oh smaller (waves: ->__Cde Rimgie's coame | _|-€quakien) +> —— jf A | Ptancte® conntan maw hh= 66 x10 24 gs. oS => mass partide.|. —NOTESi=» _______v-» speed h particle | O_When veo 5 then A> 29 (no_exiatence. 4 7 ker cameo). _| —|——So,,-maiter_coawen_ ave _amocioked _asith__pathclea_} a dohich axe__moving+ _A=> 00 |@_wren y= 20 Clive paotona Vac = axiom) ; thon A> 0 = —|—Motion_Ao__Kike __a_straight line motion - dAzo. | —|@_Matter_waven:-> | Ke 4x >. - ncertaints in position (ox) | = a —parkele . | Wavelenglh of, particle or _matter_dependa on _temperotol : : : | Ake T= Jo absolute temperature» : _|__Wavelength__deeveasen sith imeroase in_tempert Scanned with CamScanner | ae a one "4p _accelerosing ___A_| _[eleetic potential “VW _|Kinetic__enevgy. “pines Py electors (mano > -| Since, da-Breglie™ —coavalengih_anrecaled ust Ania Aha ee — Ash W- _---® - Xo. accelerated electron i> @| = bs avelengih % electron i> | Let us consider an elechon avcelerated through an |. h ----® —|Naxiakion oda. Bung! Nic _coovelengta 4 potential “Yr uso pastiden A ond 8 | A, Consying —same_chayge_bul_ Ma > ™Me.-| 7 V2mewv —}M_= m,= Set x183! kg ee 1 re xia, | haé& “6 x10 3s | Ne 2 12:27 a? 1-227 am. a vr aaa — faassen Co charge _parkele > a ae =| [ | vam4 vv _ - \ deeds Axe aN : Ww "x e Ve x = Ans:> 1 Li ~|Question:-> —Pist_a_quph—shouing |— : wm | a> Scanned with CamSca inner

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