18 Motorola Video-Case

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Video-case: MOTOROLA

What Happened to Motorola?

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?


Instructions: Watch the YouTube video using the link above, then answer the questions that follow by
filling out this sheet. Each of the boxes below will expand if you require more room.
We will discuss the case in class, so be prepared to interact on each question.

1. Conduct a SWOT analysis for Motorola Mobility. What is the most compelling opportunity? What is
the most daunting threat?



2. Consider the opportunity you identified in Question 1. Explain how Motorola might leverage one of its
strengths to seize this opportunity. Next explain how Motorola might use this opportunity to overcome its

How could Motorola leverage one of its strengths?

How could this opportunity be used to overcome a weakness?

3. Consider the threat you identified in Question 1. Then combine it with one of Motorola's weaknesses to
identify an area of concern. How can Motorola defend against this new area of concern you've identified?

Explain your process below in a brief paragraph or a detailed bulleted list.

4. Motorola hopes to regain lost market share using the new Razr smartphone. What combination of
SWOT factors may have led them to pursue this strategy?

Explain your answer via a brief paragraph below

5. Based on your analysis, do you agree that the Razr is the best way to improve Motorola's position?
Explain your answer using the results of your analysis.

Explain your answer via a brief paragraph below

6. Based on the company background provided in the video, what weakness (or weaknesses) led to
Motorola's current position? What opportunity did they miss to overcome this weakness?

Explain your answer via a brief paragraph or a detailed bulleted list

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