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A Synopsis Report


Intelligent IOT Back Pain Relief

and Posture Correction Modules

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the

requirements of the degree of

Bachelor of Engineering


Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering (Semester VII)


Name of the students: Mr.Imran Memon (04)

Mr.Rajesh Mhatre (05)
Ms.Pallavi Nakhate (06)

Under the guidance of

Prof. Jasmin Hirani

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering

Vishwaniketan’s Institute of Management Entrepreneurship and Engineering

Technology (ViMEET) Kumbhivali, Tal, Khalapur, Maharashtra 410202

Affiliated to University of Mumbai

Academic Year 2023-2024

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
Vishwaniketan’s Institute of Management Entrepreneurship and Engineering Technology
(ViMEET) Kumbhivali, Tal, Khalapur, Maharashtra 410202

Affiliated to University of Mumbai

Academic Year 2023-24

This is to certify that the project Synopsis entitled “Intelligent IOT Back Pain relief and Posture
Correction Modules” Submitted by “Imran Memon, Rajesh Mhatre, Pallavi Nakhate” for the partial
fulfillment of the requirement for award of a degree Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and
Telecommunication Engineering to the Universityof Mumbai,is a bonafide work carried out during
academic year 2023-2024

As prescribed by the University of Mumbai Under the guidance of

Prof. Jasmin Hirani

Guide HOD Principal

(Prof. Jasmin Hirani) (Dr. Jyoti Gangane) (Dr. B. R. Patil)

Internal Examiner External Examiner

Prof. Prof.




4.1 Existing System Survey

4.2 Limitations
4.2 Problem Statement
4.3 Objectives 7
4.4 Scope


5.1 Analysis
5.2 Framework
5.3 Working
5.4 Hardware and Software details 13

6.1 Implementation Details



Sr. No. Fig No. Fig. Name Page No.

1 5.2.1 Block Diagram of Chair Module 14

2 5.2.2 Block Diagram of Table Module 15
3 5.3.1 Showing Distance Gap 16

4 5.3.2 Showing Wrong Posture 21

5 5.3.3 Showing Correct Position 23

6 5.3.4 Showing Empty Chair 24

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
Vishwaniketan’s Institute of Management Entrepreneurship and Engineering
Technology (ViMEET) Kumbhivali, Tal, Khalapur, Maharashtra 410202

Affiliated to University of Mumbai

Academic Year 2023-24

We declare that this written submission represents the ideas in our own words and where
others’ ideas or words have been included, we have adequately citedand referenced the
original sources. We also declare that we have ad- here to all principles of academic
honesty and integrity and have not misrepresented or fabricated or falsified any
idea/data/fact/source in our submission. We understand that any violation of the above will
be cause for disciplinary action by the Institute and can also evoke penal action from the
sources which havethus not been properly cited or from whom proper permission has not
been taken when needed.

Name of the Student: Signature

Mr.Imran Memon

Mr.Rajesh Mhatre

Ms.Pallavi Nakhate
Long periods of sitting and bad posture are common concerns in today's contemporary lifestyle,
and they can lead to a variety of musculoskeletal disorders and discomfort. Our engineering
project is focused on creating a "Intelligent IOT Back Pain Relief and Posture Correction
Module" that will improve the ergonomics of any typical chair in order to address these issues.
This project offers a novel way to combine massage therapy, posture correction, and monitoring
and control systems into a single, adaptable module that is simple to install on the majority of
chairs. The main goals of this project are to reduce discomfort, encourage good sitting habits,
and give users the ease of monitoring and managing the system via an integrated table module.
The clever posture corrector analyzes and detects the user's sitting posture using sophisticated
sensors. The system detects poor posture and initiates ergonomic modifications to promote a
better sitting posture and lower the chance of developing health problems associated to poor
To further improve the user's general comfort and well-being, the massage chair module offers
programmable massage choices to ease stress and muscle strain. Users can customize their
experience by choosing different massage modalities and levels of intensity.
The integrated table module gives users the ability to monitor and operate the entire system,
ensuring user ease and system management. With the help of this feature, which offers instant
feedback on massage and posture correction settings, modifications are easy to make.
When used at home or at the office, the "Intelligent IOT Back Pain Relief and Posture
Correction Module" can greatly enhance the quality of life for those who spend a lot of time
sitting down.
This cutting-edge device makes a significant contribution to the world of ergonomics and well-
being by encouraging proper posture, minimizing discomfort, and providing individualized
massage therapy.
We express extreme gratitude & sincere thanks to our worthy professor and guide “ “ our
vocabulary does not have suitable words befitting to high standard knowledge, extreme
sincerity, devotion and affection with which he/she regularly encouraged us to put best in this
We also convey gratefulness to our honourable Principal Dr. B. R. Patil who helped for this
work during academic year 2023-24

Thanking You’

Mr.Imran Memon

Mr.Rajesh Mhatre

Ms.Pallavi Nakhate

Now a days people in India are well educated, the literacy rate of our country is increased from
past few years, due to which the life style and working standard of people is also increased.
People perform their work from home & office, by sitting on the chair. Continuously sitting on
the chairs causes a back pain and slowly slowly it become a permanent. So avoid such type of
pain in future we design this project.
So this project will help the people who suffering from permanent back pain, we can also
implement this system in hospitals, offices, massage centers, saloons, Cars etc.
4.1) Existing System Survey:

Sr. Paper Title Author/s Journal Name Contribution of the paper


1. Sitting Posture Xiong Yang1, Proceedings of The designs a posture

Correction Student Member, 2018 IEEE correction device based on
Device based on IEEE and Yajing International the principle of infrared
Infrared Shen2, Senior Conference on ranging
Distance Member, IEEE Real-time
Measurement Computing and
Robotics August 1-
5, 2018, Kandima,

2. Smart Posture Ms.Vidhya.B, .Proceedings of the provide a solution that

Detector Using Mr.Abdul Hayum 6th International helps in the posture
Iot Aarthi.M, Conference on detection which is wearable
Aishwarya.V, Communication and and not just limited to
Dhanashree.K Electronics Systems the chair.

3. The Design Of Xuexia Li, Zhun 2020 international Based on Arduino

Seat For Sitting Xiao, Xi’an Conference on development platform, a
Posture Shaanxi, computer seat which can correct the
Correction Kun Yang engineering and wrong sitting posture is
Based On application designed
Ergonomics (ICCEA)

4. Lumbar Mireille N. M. van JAMA, June 10, To assess the efficacy of

Supports And Poppel, MSc; Bart 1998—Vol 279, lumbar supports and
Education For W. Koes, PhD; No. 22 education in the
The Prevention Trudy van der prevention of low back
Of Low Back Ploeg, MD; pain in industry.
Pain In Industry Tjabe Smid, PhD;
Lex M. Bouter,
4.2) Limitations:

Comfort and User Compliance: Many wearable devices, such as posture-correcting braces and straps,
can be uncomfortable to wear for extended periods. Users may become less compliant with these devices
over time due to discomfort.

Limited Real-Time Feedback: Some posture correction systems provide limited or delayed feedback.
Users may not receive immediate alerts or reminders to correct their posture, reducing the system's

Lack of Personalization: Many existing systems offer one-size-fits-all solutions and may not adapt to
an individual's specific needs or body type. Personalization is essential for effective posture correction.

Intrusiveness: Wearable devices can be visible and may draw unwanted attention, potentially causing
self-consciousness in users.

Battery Life: Battery-powered wearable devices may have limited battery life, requiring frequent
recharging, which can be inconvenient for users.

Complex Setup: Some posture correction systems require complex setup procedures or calibration,
which can be confusing for users and deter them from using the system.

Limited Mobility: Wearable devices may restrict the user's mobility or range of motion, making it less
practical for activities that involve movement.

Inaccurate Sensors: The accuracy of sensors in some devices may be questionable, leading to false
positives or negatives in detecting poor posture.

User Engagement: The effectiveness of posture correction systems often relies on user motivation. Users
who are not actively engaged in the process may not experience significant improvements in their posture.

Privacy Concerns: Smart devices that collect data on user posture may raise concerns about data privacy
and security, making users hesitant to adopt such technologies.

Cost: High-quality posture correction systems can be expensive, limiting access for individuals on a

Short-Term Focus: Some systems may only address short-term posture correction, and users may revert
to poor posture habits once they stop using the device.

Limited Monitoring and Control: Many existing systems focus solely on posture correction and lack
integrated monitoring and control features, which would provide a more holistic solution.

Initial Investment: Innovative massage technologies such as massage chairs and high-end percussion
massagers can be expensive, making them inaccessible to individuals on a tight budget.

Complexity: Some massage technologies, particularly massage chairs with multiple features and settings,
can be complex to operate and may require a learning curve to use effectively.

Limited Personalization: While many innovative massage technologies offer various massage
techniques and intensities, they may not provide the same level of customization as a skilled human
Space and Mobility: Massage chairs are often large and stationary, limiting their use to specific locations
in the home. They may not be suitable for individuals with limited space.

Understanding these limitations can inform the design and development of more effective and user-
friendly posture correction systems. The "Intelligent Posture Corrector and Massage Chair Module with
Integrated Monitoring and Control System" project seeks to address some of these limitations by
providing a comprehensive solution that combines posture correction, massage therapy, and user-friendly
monitoring and control.

4.3) Problem Statement:

The modern lifestyle, characterized by extended periods of sedentary activities, has given rise to a
growing concern related to poor posture and its associated health issues. Prolonged sitting, especially in
poorly designed chairs, can lead to discomfort, musculoskeletal problems, and diminished well-being.
Additionally, users often lack tools and systems to monitor and correct their posture effectively. Existing
solutions, such as wearable devices and standalone massage chairs, are often limited in their scope and
may not provide an integrated, comprehensive approach to address these problems. To address these
issues, our project, the "Intelligent IOT Back Pain Relief and Posture Correction Module" aims to provide
a holistic and user-friendly solution for posture correction, massage therapy, and real-time monitoring,
offering convenience and improved well-being for users.

4.4) Objectives:

Develop an Integrated Module: The primary objective of this project is to design and develop an
integrated module that can be added to most standard chairs. This module should combine posture
correction and massage chair functionalities to create a holistic approach to well-being during prolonged

Effective Posture Correction: The project aims to create a system that can effectively detect poor
posture and actively engage the user in correcting it. Real-time feedback, such as haptic alerts or visual
indicators, will help users maintain a healthier sitting position.

Customizable Massage Therapy: The massage chair module will provide a range of massage techniques
and intensity levels, allowing users to customize their massage experience according to their preferences
and needs.

Monitoring and Control System: The project seeks to develop an integrated monitoring and control
system with user-friendly interfaces. Users will be able to monitor their posture and massage settings in
real-time and make adjustments effortlessly.

Enhanced User Comfort: A key objective is to ensure that the system enhances user comfort during
prolonged sitting, reducing discomfort and promoting well-being. Ergonomic design principles will be
incorporated into the module.

Data Privacy and Security: The project will prioritize data privacy and security, ensuring that any user
data collected for monitoring is protected and used responsibly.

User Engagement: To maintain user engagement and motivation, the project will explore user-centered
design principles and usability considerations, making the system intuitive and user-friendly.

Convenience and Versatility: The system will be designed to be easily installable on a wide range of
chairs, making it versatile and accessible to a broad user base.
Contributing to Health and Well-Being: Ultimately, the project aims to contribute to the well-being of
individuals who spend significant time sitting, whether at home or in the workplace, by promoting better
posture, providing relief from discomfort, and offering personalized massage therapy.

4.5) Scope:

The scope of the project, "Intelligent IOT Back Pain Relief and Posture Correction Module" encompasses
the design, development, and implementation of a multifunctional module that aims to address issues
related to poor posture, discomfort, and well-being during prolonged sitting. The project includes the
following key elements:

Hardware Development: Design and build the physical module that can be easily installed on most
standard chairs, integrating posture correction and massage chair functionalities.

Posture Correction: Develop a real-time posture correction system that utilizes sensors and haptic
feedback to detect poor posture and guide users in maintaining a healthier sitting position.

Massage Chair Functionality: Create a massage chair module within the system that offers a range of
massage techniques and customizable intensity levels for users to alleviate muscle tension and stress.

Monitoring and Control System: Design and implement a user-friendly monitoring and control system
with interfaces that allow users to adjust settings, monitor their posture, and control the massage

Ergonomic Design: Incorporate ergonomic principles into the module to enhance user comfort during
prolonged sitting, considering factors such as lumbar support and adjustable seating positions.

Data Privacy and Security: Ensure that user data collected for monitoring is protected and handled in a
secure and privacy-compliant manner.

User Engagement and Usability: Focus on user-centered design principles to make the system intuitive,
engaging, and easy to use, encouraging user compliance and motivation.

Versatility: Make the system versatile, allowing it to be installed on a wide range of chairs to maximize
its accessibility and potential user base.

Well-Being Enhancement: Ultimately, the project aims to contribute to users' well-being by promoting
healthier sitting habits, reducing discomfort, and providing personalized massage therapy, with a focus
on both home and workplace environments.

5.1) Analysis:

We analyze existing system but there is no proper Solution is available, therefore we decided to design
a such a system which provide both posture control, lumbar support as well as Massage to User while
working in office or work from home.
Our Project provide chair module, table module and mobile application control, there is no need to
change whole chair just put our Chair module on existing chair and chair become smart.

5.2) Framework:

Fig.5.2.1) Block Diagram of Chair Module

Fig.5.2.2) Block Diagram of Table Module

5.3) Working of Project:
Project concept through images:

Fig.5.3.1) Showing Distance Gap Fig.5.3.2) Showing Wrong Posture

Case 1:

If the person is not sitting in correct posture as shown in figure (5.3.2), The Ultrasonic Sensor will

detect the Gap and send the signal to micro controller, then the microcontroller will give output to the

Table Module (buzzer will start ringing and it will indicate and remind the person to correct his/her

position or posture on the chair). At the same time microcontroller gives signals to the relay module

which switches off the relay control and stops the massaging module even if we press the switches. This

way our project saves power also.

Case 2:

If Person is sitting in a correct position as shown in fig. below

Fig.5.3.3) Showing Correct Position

Then both the sensors will detect correct position of the person, the output of sensor is given to
microcontroller, then NodeMCU sends signals to table module which indicates correct posture message
and stops buzzers and green LED will turned ON.

If user wants to massage his/her back (lower or upper as per his/her wish, he can take the massage by
pressing a switch which will be provided on the table module or through mobile application.

Case 3:
Fig.5.3.4) Showing Empty Chair

If there is No – person on the chair then both the sensors will detect the proximity and send signals to

microcontroller and the microcontroller switches off the chair module and save the power which will

improve the battery life of chair module

We can place our project on any chair, it consist of two massager module, two sensors one is IR sensor
and one is ultrasonic sensor act as proximity sensor, Table module to indicate correct and incorrect
Posture of person.

About Table Module:

Table Module contains OLED as Output device which Display a message of correct and incorrect
Buzzer which produces audible sound which also alert user about incorrect posture.
If posture is incorrect Red LED start blinking (for Def people).
If Posture is correct green LED constantly glow.
Table module is rechargeable and provide backup up to one week.

5.4) Hardware and Software details:

 Hardware Specifications:

Chair Module:
Node MCU - ESP 8266
Motor Driver - L293D
Massager - 5 volt motor
Power supply unit 5v/2amp
Power Bank
Sensors – IR, Ultrasonic
Lumbar Support (Back Cushioning)
Foldable Neck Pillow
Wires, DC Jack, On-Off Switch
Charging Point

Table Module:
OLED Display
Node MCU – ESP 8266
LED Light (Green & Red)
Control Switch
On-Off Switch
Rechargeable Battery
Charging Module
Common Charger for both modules
Resistor/ Capacitors
RTC Module

 Software Requirement:

MIT App Inventor:

MIT App Inventor is a high-level block-based visual programming language, originally built by
Google and maintained by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It allows newcomers to create
computer applications for two operating systems: Android and iOS, which, as of 25 September 2023, is
in beta testing.

Google Firebase:
Firebase, Inc. is a set of backend cloud computing services and application development platforms
provided by Google. It hosts databases, services, authentication and integration for a variety of
applications, including Android, iOS, JavaScript, Node.js, Java, Unity, PHP, and C++.


We already started a physical implementation of our projects

 1st Week
Chair Module Designing
 2nd Week
Installation of Sensor, Massager, Node MCU, Power Supply, Battery Backup
 3rd Week
Component Testing and Programming
Connecting all and Programming
 4th Week
 5th Week
 6th Week
Orthopedic Doctor visit
Doctors Approval
 7th Week
Table Module
Testing of Components
Soldering on Zero PCB
Final Casing Installation
 8th Week
Mobile App Development
 9th Week
Combining all and testing with Our Project guide
Doctors Visit
Conclusively, the "Intelligent IOT Back Pain Relief and Posture Correction Module" offers a novel and
all-encompassing approach to resolving the prevalent issues of extended sitting and poor posture in the
modern world. In order to promote healthy sitting habits, lessen discomfort, and give users the ease of
monitoring and controlling the system, this engineering project seeks to improve the ergonomics of
standard chairs.
This system's main components—the integrated table module, programmable massage chair module, and
intelligent posture corrector—all work together to enhance the user's overall comfort and well-being in a
comprehensive way. By guaranteeing that users keep a good sitting posture, the posture corrector lowers
the risk of musculoskeletal problems. In addition, the massage chair module accommodates personal
preferences by providing individualized massage options to reduce stress and pressure on the muscles.
Users may effortlessly monitor and manage the entire system with the integrated table module, which
enables real-time modifications to the massage and posture correction settings. This feature makes the
whole experience more enjoyable and guarantees that the device will always be flexible and focused on
the needs of the user.
The "Intelligent IOT Back Pain Relief and Posture Correction Module" has the potential to dramatically
enhance the quality of life for people who spend a lot of time sitting down, both at home and at work.
This innovative tool contributes significantly to the field of ergonomics and well-being by promoting
good posture, reducing discomfort, and offering customized massage therapy.
This project not only tackles current health issues but also demonstrates how IoT and intelligent
systems may be used to develop creative solutions that improve our daily life. This intelligent module
has the potential to transform how we approach sitting and wellbeing in the contemporary world by
having the ability to reduce pain, enhance posture, and provide a customized massaging experience.
1) Xiong Yang1, Student Member, IEEE and Yajing Shen2, Senior Member, IEEE

2) Abdullah Tashtoush Biomedical Systems and Informatics Engineering Department Yarmouk

University Irbid, Jordan, 2015 IEEE European Modelling Symposium

3) Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems

(ICCES-2021) IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP21AWO-ART; ISBN: 978-0-7381-1405-7

4) Mireille N. M. van Poppel, MSc; Bart W. Koes, PhD; Trudy van der Ploeg, MD; Tjabe Smid,
PhD; Lex M. Bouter, PhD

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