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Date __/__/ 2: | Procetue for. abhanas binyte anol » lortpa ch how fe tang too” Q2h4Gna fae Lach, Life wugla widhee - e 7 ay | Obesity ? Dis propordjonote oth Jn DE art Ta compaxect 40 The lodpuckite 5. catlea obesity: Causes cme - gucegsive eee foot onl inappropriate pool ab ition Mxunious Ligeotyle od chemitel imbolone, eee mea ochvilt, § Jen sion- ‘ oO @ Padakana — Procectuse : Stank upi _ ecttention position : Lt Usk ime LO ahd - TADASANA fr PALM TREE POSE Geet wr hanche WAnAA. Raree your a L your od warelo- ‘ Heer sol Hime bswotte Atele and co. on = oud Sfowly ara come to the peaviouwe poa'Hon. 4 Repeat HY Some 2xndde jon lo to IS fmes - ae t | Benged ve Ghe asona pbutchés Pre oboe bi nck | secluces tikealnees oceuseol ue to obe by ant on overweigid : OF Aelpe costrect muscle imbalances posts bail ‘ ® Selecteot gomes ix Diaahan of Atel [coat I Date y__ + - hig ¢ Asona ‘impsoves agility anol adtiong fheng the back, Ai pe .arck ahs 0 Condnrainctications 2 Going Voolasona Proubel be avoided ff @ person Yas 4eadache low Alook epresutd higgyneae on LigAtheadsotneos, joint , back on shoal en concerning @ Lasch'mottanasana. Proce olusa - 4 with our Liga | SArutchect Snot size _ = Place the pekme ©. _ Setopective” knees: = New bene your honk gnot | | thunk Slorol forward to catte _ | the toes tort ff thumb anol mictdlle finger without ~ ~ bencting knbo¥. — Ake a cleep bewoth anc wthels sl0.0ig. Tn fo fouk ous head tr your both kneas- Gg - Bend the anm Gral Hay touch se Chow orthe floon ~ Bxchabe completely onol Vhokoling oud Yow bavath. sto tr this posted jon afew Ge conde « - Alsen _feco Secorde, How's FH fe eps initial position « Repeat thie LuHAUSE 8-4 Hmes- i Benepe | on cncls to Aco TT atabeles uncles cortewd F kalichakSasana J2 .Ggective —__ [in tp rctching he Spire ancl ——- ns 1 | satorins Goo otk. ATSSUt. | “Perpoumiis this 06a nae se afc Tine porcisaa — 1 — 0 hile kets obiebstes vinolen <—_ __| ord sok as neabichaAs.coeres d)oulel be avoiolcl oluching g., 2g non be | perser has heme Zep Dove Ons he - Phsough ar ab dorninet Susy tig fet be : Peeweediyses - St tm Raclmasome oh Sukhacona ketpir honcla in Cygan muclna , close the mouth slowly ancl becly selorect . Kopalate convalso be prachece jr Atonding_position ee Vow With bom the nostsule ket mabeing quate Date __y TH+ dose tp the yiaht bultocke = Clasp the gingers 81 both hance Aphined the bach. _ =kerp te rcidet obbow bthind the cook ina = power tn Which me Acool psbsees Ageinat The _ inside & the arsed atm. ue A Attee maintaining Fre position fora feed seconae undasp the honlo tA naira bSen Ye Lega Grol Selon tre body. < o € = Release fre lft food anal patent H#, =Reliace the Bag bt foot Oro prtercling rf come to tne atanting porition. 7 keep he neck ord woist jpthaigid - _ ~ Do tre osera inthe tuverse onder gt en |_pousing for 2-3 ninules. Beneits - 94 piovidee bhy tare brecath enol 7 Cp dtu ngprene Lung” Onol cheat. ~ = Shown positive Yfeto on kolney AlimulatOn 4 __ wWhick Lea de wv bette, gunchow sidlmege anol 18 helpful a ctabthe paler * — 9 Adpe ir attilching the pull boaly paste _ | dhe phouleles aim cheod dnofegives geet |_hamateinge ans onck quacliictpe. | | Herp, ro athe Sttabice. poair , hefpe the atiffmese yiiom shoulders och jhe 3 ca bLooat op 9 aArsng tiene Ped on Wan suppost por fre nec ond Led id Stonct nestial Dine, loive place # a joke blanket asiourel AE nechac Support olubing ihe Qbanc Back parr - © Ushtiodana - Procectume - Moral or gow tne pole one Sicle Aotol’ tne 4 ferible ancl sors Io sgetan pectce Aetpo Hut then benat, tre oFhts Asel - Yn the feat proartio rn. { gue moninume case 4y the spine 45 abing tne bpwtertning rosmal |W eeveve coon slembthe Sproncly lets ancl eervicat | Sponclilisa a | ondnainelication - Ayiol thie Qeare if you hov nr bloud prusiie on Levesee yateped) | eonefilt © Ushbvasona makes tre frre Asatlog Cc | Ustrasans seness Ketoing ag dot nce. | otwain thelkheea Gnol alto behosin the 14 Aves. Joleath Twes shout Jouck with I yround. Now. by bé robin | siols ancl Aosel He otro Co —' — | - 9 stlroves Aackahe andl pain te the heck . De Pbuteching sfgecf Loosene and gporo the Oho lols eat oncl neck that atlit oh eo ee di obtnése tn the ufepe poly - _ — GH awakens are Kunclatine = The ovine losmic _ Onithe,s, trod fostnd S$ - neals gcdtior Wn Ce oes cancel g_» chaise, Aiea Pceuee ancl spivttsct ork, Phu gicetla , the Wencleb'nt oweblning(— Gi ede. Uodgsteingte ancl tli of _Lidtle to of 25 Juolne,, stbnes, stomack ancl “ver porns. _ TU seven phalhos y tre body get balored anol co-onclinaded, bins ns ab Le nar porrrations (1 fhe Bons beghe Cn CF ticle | 4 nh in clivi clual Zondiainclicafion: Consutte a clo ckor in Cab y oud Cute Seely ai h rae paprtre hCOn, colitis 1Bab veine pssgnoreg don tite — _(—— 7 ot. ana hapenthgie | ® _Bhujong.asana : BHUJANGASANA heating on Fhe a fwundl, the atrmal . | mudell pall the hotla anct tne Liga full VIuskeh el Pece\ \ both Sue bMel, by Pre _arele _ Lg ine choad binding Prem E -_ the Lbows owed ane hatseal . Procedusee > Lie With the feneheod 3 F Stouwdy aire the Acad bu Aoniling the nbch bck word ~teotdhn up haine the ths slowly guom She spounet | | qivineCa Joo bencl ty the Spine - v g Puno naire dhe uppr part the abdomen onc | maintain the poatuts. e |. Bung clown tre upper pat 4 theabolomen fo the ‘| utd - | owe tne chert to tne apouncl € \- Bie he forchead to ie anouns , r Com’ ine siasfing postr by sufenctiny, PRE Game. Weenefils — 9 opens tre Aeord form rfron Fran | anniely sulrg Ag arling in a pilicoe aaciadtien Cact [ate Be es eee _ ona gension. wat tee Bed, that nourishes Ke bein - Sh pftes G Girlit masayse WW me dij eahve phat nck £0 tao Hest ing, of Ah LOG Laehe invigorates the bicly a in “On Anhance, pactisoinYenti nat funeti (eels Date 3 | Procedure foe abhanas binefeta ancl lortpach hdr for # org hoo ashona for each Life wy te Lisdbse - ‘ey Obesity o || bate), Noss fos Hakvard itefs VeAt [Brineia Tnelow Goons | Rating | “upto us Poo | 5o- £0 fvesoge | [| et os above Crv00l Acventoges @ Pot: ~ Ges Pyvipmonts neoded = Less mupensive = baby hinehon in othy, sed vw Disadvantages a Test? = Peed 4 tall. people - ~ Net phot fable $2 ebhase plopls- Le one erxtondect. Gis outron 40 popeete | = __—_—. | Ch Rules - - Kneee pod bord, - | hancle phoulet, = Rothe 4 phous _@> heowing = a “pe the nog costly Ch roxctocl-_ p rece ust ue The Crdunonce — and tink Ste ; te pent sagessed! - Sid power Climensiona » 12" xX 18" “ys ool bach) 19" x 31" (top) p Prk worth enfant a the vette pier ae wilt bs placed fe onal 4a a geuinst gg ule be atheigee whi “upper. ers j haargtn gid F Ondl fu suech J Aor wih. the of wovteowt SEAL = Jon eve pot up, Leave bt we _ aoing push pe completed ihe 2° (sides), 12" X10" Gngsibe The yeclatione- GF 42 2 Cuual ~ whack. the subj ess ad the 93 tre nak. Fad Keon cua Aion cok ok guapeut “is Qe _W i IAL xt ©) ©) Procedtuss - Me pastiquet ce clown or fle mak or ona lov, wit~ honds beloro Ghoulates foes tncler. fighters a bolonvral tagyon onc bends ylbow. tv a on ae, ae ng ou _ word] wel Pegs lp wuepen 7 PO 34 pe Prodnipad my = ttt PY y= ame = ‘4 | Te piped pA ~ o Ye ompcod ery ay eo saa ved paz Y ayer po 77U PB oPgot BH FLT Mypepred af 7, FAK fe pra ay nag Ty 30 wupep TF a Pen Pay of OF 259g Fibro TIE © batbray BUY eT G eae PIoF BG PpPOWrF 8F arajyD oly key dian snags ap ao woop poy AT Pedrigied ny ~ roped CD w prem ders Fen = primbng poudmoy @ ge, (2. g. e KIO Pr preuucpe go be Ua RD

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Gy Pulte - Be beoly abvulol be adsaig pt hide along recoliprech push g 4 Connecti 12 Sueconcle cb Neaoutemont 4 Cob cliovacculah Frtneao - —_Hasvard Wp fest - Jn 15903, BAguha ancl otis olevelopet a 4004 fo meaouta athe Lroluronce 4 Cartiwarcuctir Agate + The ability te of hears corel Lurie te apply Og ta~ hloocl foVithe Boosting muscle fisues Ome the ability g tre murda te use Ox bv produce tnesg My 02 fe prrocts is fos mien ert « (©) Purpose - Movement ¢ Lardio vecwlos frinkss o_ Equipment faqedsccl = Date | ©) Pawe cole Be compete slope pe eine ore sec. One get- clown AS ay $2 rvtnutes 0A Unérh guboud Hor ead Oubectiow | Alten 4 dhe ey) opie hoo mite after one mirude |upte gosee. 1-8 putin 8-9-5 min opden _trseee_roineade 3-35 mir | aly Rubes - Agden aes patel on the Aor .mahe gute “trad the tack gnol nech tn othas ght Sapente srovle be Harteol ay tik foe shoot DAtond 4oh a white Yavet cath on The bom - fre feat = bond Shoulot wear hary port ont ae Shoeo- | coy Seoming « & measur thie tre formule lo Courting Onc the hg thm ny LuA0a2e2 fhe wal he rotate [noswal). Rurubion oy pre Lnihne nese Onole Swe = ih Setonols ¥ 100 ss Pulse count Leb S rain cy per exenrurse —Ht WO hearse & © ge cute houtdlia Ondl block. Kelp your SA aig hs ond hook aheack |= Bend gous Deact o Lille pokssarel -onel Place yout chin tM! our pulmo. = Wi wtb! out vow Liye with tee foe aues # outer | -sicla fork yor bowy F puching Pre _gfeound. = Brveethe Fromme Ly Lint Mowly bedt salon your |_museles. eg th 6 Adora Af eeoPniricdee — Lombletely selene = unt! —|-4% @ sltacd , pom Ane potion , am Fb move _Goube ~ patina one Jne Chir | bin Gaus Cabot { anek reoek down, anol rr I Benefits — IF Ofpetee oletfe —_} Siam tenets Hes esate — HNKARASANA poly hgh leap rjunrencolec I booty a ef Sup uv bo cx t— Pimen crocomsvost 94 Guatitevce tne bed, Cod! - te aodn L Sie jhe mincl bf tensor - {> 9% hetpo ; i se ae a a an | ancl spine oncl the whole = 9F feeds” hy sg petonsi Orn SE peat dsease Ye minal olisorcline olesp, pes Condnain cfions + Make dude thet oe be fing the Qa0ne 4a bath injury, meek Tnjunien be tr thes poritor jor 1 ren trhate » D — |- Stovory Asin ody alsa pect. Eig eg Dy Duckie canct | chanale” atone Zur gis booty? A tasce eter “bswate Grok elére - | Benes = Helps in Lemprsaviy bLoow cinukativ~ ¢ to the gnhine boatel, improve Kithneys Grol LV functions - = Reliever swelling grel podno assou otek ae | wit varicose v@ins, alto weleves inéomnie, I sinusitis onal anulety 1 SOL teet | Contaaimalicattond — Gnjury enol Surgery: Peroor Sg any LE i unolix a Blomach Surgatu shows Heidt us compatedeli « i — Lack 6 00%, “ast ate Connechond : Lor Laie awareness bswooith Cor molec dit a me Loni [povernent andl i fee joostuss au @ Makanasona~ e _| Provedits — Lie otow~ on dhe poo or yous stomach | = hold yy yews handle and http Iie tip af tne ehbeioe eee a ict ed Gaile ae apart 4 4h nb COL IO Pev pls su/ftung qyor On bined knee rrytry Oh Uouteltl Gabe pein 0 d & po dt Cuviel tart Leone tie pudension ~ he abnogmal ppbbacued pscoclut eat 7 wn tre bhoock tsucm J2 collet Ay perctension + U [= | | | | |) | | \ | LI @ Amoctha Halasana - Procedute ! — Ve clown or [The yoga mad comportabt ede back nb on’ js fo e ~ % [og that Meipe gput ASS — [pig_toee_legetiaes Place pe tt along shots gous. with patho? pene own - C _ ly eke in Ot preclinceld Base botn diga ufo suc ref pnts, oUt pth, Coli ata te ot Ge clashes ete with tee afoumdl while _b dat 2 (nbc uh fer Ceo abet ated § nk A: ne _ro [= iia pono ntl aeoly Bee ‘ pronmatly _ beefing ge 4 pe ener nent ont apn Seah. ie" We ea Gshenise ty controling _ cae. SS Date [pew minute. Dasnin Ka palo hat? Joho ef com pide wrchales shy trrmically, wey 60 stokes oud inhelation, Toho will be cutbmate anc beat case. There | Qhoutd bs alight movement a afomack , adtomach wit goin eokits You whals . Repeat 60 ssrwker af a aisulcs| penepds ~94 2 one tre Bead Le wurece ogc. fore | t The endite i grdive Ggaterm , 02, Fela’ angadem Gnd dncnetore, Syatem. Io jugular nach helo | cus cabo? rurally gf 2 a nahral cht & Saapisctes aitments Like Leaetituasnean bhondi hie anol dothrka. Kapolb hati tones upp coroliae rrusles anh _nesves 4 ne _boctyy: _ Condncinalicoctions - Pationts iufyduing prom Severe | puseancs Like iwellin gourd nbval ghoule ovoid | puis _oSana- g € © Gomulhasona. - Pewoceclubee - SF witty feet gheatch ek (TS Patol He sg ht Leg ot the T enee. Bping the Bight pood \ Ine Lut Sole ano pare it close fo the Luft butock _, | x Poset tre ligt ws at he SF ente Basing the Lift foot jo tre igh Sivle Ono! ploce = “0 woe BODRRLEEE B Seleetect games } ' — Gh ba prositads wih oud afseunirg ~Oort bere bigs hikers, hufp Be Le in atiaiggt Ob toy Tn Oi — i oO ola the Yon at — dha ni € — 7 Tea ty ane af corefortatets —_ = bwhats dno ahowig Lots, figa er Fie_apoourel Come beck fo he vaktins of _ ~ Let tre bhactirg enol Crecdareet hatin fo rose heatd bent ee [gang Bis aaa pe davai LEG Diooo ougah dr AL body. gf #2 wef 20 hahehe = PES OTS partner ere fo ¢ bony. __|_he woe id oy fh Tans asone / One ghould be uote! come Hide oval Severity 4 ihe tease: _ Selectect games Diaahom o field [coat j poshuss conhuibuher 2 att als fe a = the “de wwracthiog @ heel poaluss. p2_ in Ketpring ona. alio Aeph Voweateh Bakes omae a o | ferdeaincdications — Cog nad -Wamen eb otren Oh TL pilifokme Shin atone ¢ | Gniutt a_etocten im tod Gay eng Yims abi tene en” Ap clin, seitt len Poon” dovuieas - spechahe M66! Abeod pre Read” obiseas es We. JO Ghatakiatona - — |@ tA — —Peocedits = Ge Yoh on Atomock Wit the ond futd bach a © Z LG “ dy. DE Ae hn 4 fhe ——P haces Face te time vnc gee body os tearp = et tre ticle _ (= Shy bly atsaler the chor in Ie poriveact chishe RAP Wl! oben on He [2% Pi oi out Ae pots | proach _ Giwdy brite the phon third jaiing Sie Ln thie acora

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