Street Fighter - Secrets of Shadoloo

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Creirs \wntten by: Bil Biages, Phil Brucato, Brian Campbell, Sean Lang, Mike Timey and Stephan Wieck Development: Mike Tinney, Stephan Wieck Editing, Brian Campbell {Ar Direction: Richard Thomas Cover Art Tory Harris Cover Design: Lawrence Snelly Layout: Aleen E. Wiles ‘Ar: John Bridges, Tony Haris, aff Rebner. Joshua Gabriel Tmbrook, Jonnifor Yuh Golarsis: Allen E. Miles, Lawrence Snelly F go $58 rove Bu de, Si0NE Hi, GA 30083 USA GAME STUDIO Capcom, street Fighter and The World Werriars are Tade ‘marks of Capcom Co., Ltd ‘Balrog, Blanka, Cammy, ChunLi, Dee Jay, Dhalsim, E. Honda Fei Long, Guile, Ken, M. Bison, Ryu, Sagat, T. Hawk, Vega and Zangiet are Trademarks o| Capcom Co.. Lid. All tkenesses thereofate wrolly owned by Capcom Co., Lic. All writen material pertainly directly to the aforementioned characters is ©1994 Capon Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved, {Al other Gonterts herein are ©1994 by White Wolf, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction without writen permission of the pulblsher is expressly denied, except for he purposes ot ston. ‘encerpls used for iterary reviews, Disclaimer: The characters and events doseriko¢ in thie ook ‘are fclonal, and any resemblance between characters and any person, Iving or dead, is purely corncicental The merticn or reference to any companies or products in thesa pagos i not a challenge t the trademarks or copyrights concemed, ‘Special Thanks to Valerie Thitgon, Hazuki Kataoka and Alex Jimenez. at Capcom, USA for their continuing support Thanks to Joshua "Mookie" Timbrcok, Phil *Ds. Holocaust Brucato, Mike "Sergeant Alex Stone” Tinney. Brian *Mindquake” Campbel, Steve “Maurice Jackson’ Wieck and Bill “Blanka” Bridges ‘or piaytesting "Tourist Trap’. TaBLe of CONTENTS Cuaprer One: Prewupe: Porson Haze OTe ed tase pass CHaprer Seas (Mes aelasecics ey) (TES Teena aay Oo “There is no disaster greater than taking on an enemy Teo easly. So doing nearly cest me my treasure. Thus Of two sites raising aems against each other, ii (One that is sorrow-strcken that wins Lao Tau, Tao Te Ching, Vorse LXIX, Book Two Avocdy shattered the window justas DahvikSaviich reached! ;00rkn109, Cis oF stock explodectrom inside the bar. Detk cursed. Behind him, his pariner’s leopard, Shade, bristled. Pantata crouched beside the ‘alien body, now crumpled in 8 guttered heap. "He's alive," sho told Dehtik. Inside the bar, something wooden splintered. Bodies thudded tothe floor. “Sounds just lie home.” Dehiik shook hishead, reaching again for the door. *‘Dehrik,” Pantara wamed, “Remember your temper. We've got the toumernne! tororiow. We need you inthe ring, notin jail “I be fine,” Dabrik assured, "Coming?" ‘Need to ask?" The fighters stopped insice. Rotating fans faintly tried to stirthe clouds of cigarette srroke, Nno's next?” bellowed a {all man in shades ard a enc” coat Two groaning patrons lay at his feet. its of broken tabio littared the floor. The tall man's eyes sparkled blue behind his shados. It was an unnatural blue, ike electric fre, The other frozen."Wimos,"The talimar's voice dripped conterrpt. “And you call yourselves watts! | ceil you garbage!” The tal man grabbed another bar patron, seemingly at ran: dom, andlified the old man out of his seet with one hand until the ‘old man’s feet dangled. The tall man drew back his fea hand, preparing ta throw a punch as he grinned at his chosen victim thik” Dehrk cooly interrupted, “that you owe these foks an apology. “And tabla,” Pantara added, Hor leopard growled in afirmation. The tall man tured, slowly, throwing tha old man aside lke & torgotianplaything Blue sparks danced benind darkglasses. “So ‘ono of these jellyfish has @ tongue,” he said as he appraisod Detvikand Pantara, "know you! You're Dehri Savitch, the gutter brat of Brooklyn” Dehrikswalloned. The be hithard. Anger lashedthrough him. “Excuse me," he repliad, lass steadily han he would veliked. “Tm rot suro | understood thal use smaller words $9 you'llunderstand." The tall man’s grin Wasa sneer, "Beat kid, Fightingis aman’s game. Punks gethur. Punks die” “Maybe,” eaid Detrik, ‘you'd like togivome a domonstration?’ “Gnil, Dehrik” Pantara touchad his shoulder. Shade’s grow! urred beneath the fghter's words, "He's trying fo rll you,” she whispered. “The brat'a get a gitriend, "the tall man macked. “Cute outit Paniara unconsciously smoothed the tigerskin outfit she wore beneath her own overcoat. "I klled someting a lot stronger than you fo get i.” She met his gaze. “you've got a problem, settle t inthe ting tomorrow. Otherwise, seam.” "don think $0." The blue-eyed fighter grinned wider as three others just ike him emerged {rom the barroom shadows, each Clad in blue sults, shades and leather trench coats. “Me and my fiends came here to have some fun. We wil... over your dead bodies.” Delrik sensed other patrons edging away from the eye of the coming huricane. “No need olrashthe bar,” hesaid. Beneeth the ‘cool words, Dehrk fet battle-rage rise. It tasted bitersweet, frianaly and familiar, “Let's move this outside. “Lot's not,” repied the tall man. Behind his glasses, sparks danced. “A tidbit Ike you won't take any time at al” “Big words,” Paniara shot back, gliding batwean the men. ‘Shade snarled at the other men. Dehrk settled into a fighting stance. “Sure you won’ reconsicer?" “Reconsider this,” anther blueeyed warrior growled as he ‘closed on Dehrik The tall man struck with the speed of a ccbra, but Dehrik was ‘even faster. His spiening kick sent the big man out the broken window. From ihe comer, Shade spat and leaotat the other three. One of the blue-aye¢ newcomers stashed at the leoperd wth a knite- hand blow that knocked the big cat sprawling, Pantara whirled as ‘a knife flung by a soar faced loser nearby flashed by her face. Honor, apparently, wasfor the ting, not the street, Pantera vaulted the table and kicked the man backwarcs nto the wall as Dehri« screamed a warcry and charged the men in blue, The crowd exploded into action. Bystanders scattered— _gawicors pay 10 watch blood sail, not to spill it therrseives— but there wete plenty of other brewiers hanging out in the bar and waltng for Te turtament. Street Fighters and thugs jumped into the cyclone, The bar took the worst oF it “Something's wrong. The though’ nagged Dehik ashe waded through themplee, Vision became tunnel, hat breath seared his thioat Stoner, Dehrik's mentor, shouted warnings deop incide, ‘below the swiring rage that cove him from urawl to brew. This ‘aright was Ike old ies, Denrk was in is elemert, forgetting, in the haze of battle, his wish for something better. Don’ throw ‘your work away, Stoner cautioned, think! Bloodlust washed his ‘entor’s ld advice from his mine. Pantaratradedshots with oneolthe blue-eyednewcomers. His glasses were gone, and blue fire blazed openly from his eye sockets. “Dehrik” sho shouted to Debri, ‘watch your back!” A {good-sized knife whistled by, slashing past his head as he spun Steel was out, Things were serious. Dehrik clawed for his own blade, end then rememberedthat nis packing days were through. Tha sotap became a violent whislwind without honor, skill or glory. Each fightor hac an ugly edo that boilod tothe surlace, and the blie-eyeid men ate the rage lke candy, spitting it backinto the combatants’ nearts. The sounds of hands smashing tables and shattering glass miced wih yells of anger and agony in a wld storm ol sound. Thelblue-2yed warrior who'd picked the figh! was back Glass stuck to his jacket like crazy diamonds, and he blindsi¢ed Denrik as ne was finishing off a knife-hrower. Dohrik staggered, butluckily Pantara leapt between thetwo men, lashing atthe tall one. \White-hotChisurged through Dehrik'sbody, blasting asice the throbbing ofthe tall man's blow. Killhim, anew voice suggested ‘as Dethik shook the pain eway. It was cold, this voice, and painfully calm, Stoner’s wamningswere drownedtbeneath t. Denrit's Ted rage tured black. Pantara’s kick made the tall ran laugh. Dehrik chiled at the ound, The tall man batted Pantara aside and closed with Dehvik, whose fury grew as they traded blows. Dahrik Savtch coulc teke punishment, but the tell men seerned impervicus to pain, Dehrik’s lungs strained: his neart ihuncerec. Sweat plastered his tshirt against him, A few missed fein's, a few solid shots and Dent's rage were the only things keeping him going. His self-control was history— his Chi was wild, his tochnique was shot and his focus was gone, ‘il hi, the voice repeated. Dehiik’s shot tothe throat was pure back-alley, dishonorable a sin. It connected with a wat sound, and the tall man lost his smile, The fre in Fis eyes diod with him. Deep inside, Dehtik sickened, Stoner would've wept, bul streetkiller instincts re- iced. ‘A sudden, dizzying blow knocked Dehrik sprawling. A smooth wave of calm brushed aside his tury. “Yours is the rage without reason.” The voice ned a peculiar Indian accort. “Stay down, or | must ham you.” Dehiik glanced up into the blank eyes of Dhalsim, the Worlo Warrior who could attack from nowhere, On the floor besic them, bright blue fre raced across the body of the man Denrik had just slain, The fre coneumed the body, leaving only a smoking skeleton, Across the room, Derik heard Pentare's battie-scream and heard glass shattering. Stl, he couldn't turn away from the haunting sceno of the smoking skeiaton beside him. “What in hel?” His rage gave way to Dhalsim’s calm Hellista bad term fori,” said young women’s voice, Derik locked up into the dazziing eyes of a Chinese gil in a trench coat— Chun Li, another high-powered World Warrior. Detrik {groaned in pan and recognition. Were they here for the tourna ment? If 0, the team of Savitch and Pantara had already lost ‘Would tay take him down for murdering the tall an’? Dabrik triad to tise and couldn't You did not ston, said Stoner'svoice. Yourdreams arenothng now. Dehrk sagged, cursing, injured deeper than the flesh. “Come on, get up!” Chun Li tugged Dshvik’s arm. "We have to go.” Off to the side, Dhalsim and Pantara finished off the last Combatants. Bodies Ittered the floor. Most of tiem were barely breathing. The bar was a total oss. Deh triad to siand again, but weakness and pain crushed him to the floor. He cursed vividly as he struggled. "Quiet." Chun Li admonished, closing her eyes end lightly touching his terrples. He comple, even as Sound ot paice sirens outsice grew louder Wk. AB How is he?" Pantara asked, crouching beside therm It was the Poison Haze,” Chun Li affirmed, “He ist too far gone, Hel recover.” ‘What's ‘poiscn haze?" Pantara shot be Dhalsim calls it‘Davk Chi.” replied the World Watrlor, “The Revenants can comupt a fighter’s Chi, turing it inlo a force o' anger instead of harmony. Lovoly,” Dohrik muttorod. Shade roughyy licked tie forehead, "You gonna survive?” Pantars mopped blood from Detrk’s ‘ace. He orinned, then grimaced. "I fee! tke I've been gargiing with lass! ‘Youle Good Sirens screamed in the cistance, growing closer. ‘Wel talk laowhore,” seid Chun Li, turing to Dhelaim. “We must go!’ "whathappened tome?” Dehrk askecas Pantara bundled rim across het shoulders and followed the World Warriors through the shattered door, Z ‘Have you ever heerdof Shadoloo?" asked Chun Ll. The young fighters shook tneir heads. “Theyre cortuplers,” she continued, her voice hard, "spcilers, criminals, terrorists, murderers and ‘Nico guys,” Pantara muttored, Those guys back there work for thorn?” *Yes." Chun Li replied. “They are Revendants, Lord Bison's heartless servants of error. They injected your Chi How?" Dehrik could stand now, but barely. ‘Youallowed them to poson your Chi with your ownbitterness said Dhalsim calmly. "The Revenents brought yourinner anger to the surface, then fed it with their own psychie toxins. ‘Why'd they start with me” "Youare well known for your anger as well as your skil, Detvik Savitch,” said Chun Li. “Pethaps they olanned to corrupt you belore the toumiament tomorrow, or perhaps the wanted to goad you into hurting or kiling somaone important to you.” Saviteh and Pantara gianced at each other. "Bison gathers power from the ‘warriors he comupts, and he takes them in to work for Stadcloo, The streets were dark and slick with rain. Blue light strobe from glistening puddles. but the police were far betind. “Who's thie ‘Bicon’?" ceked Pantara, “and what does he want with the tournament?” ‘and where can we tnd him?” Dehvik added, Chun Li smiled without humor. "Are we allies, then?” ‘Got tht right,” he rasped, “wanta crack at him." Beside him, Pantera nodded assent Dhalsim regarded Denrk evenly: “Yournust control your ra¢ warrior. Itendangers each of us when itis untrained." Dehik said rothing. "I can help, if you wich to lear," the master offred, 1 do, "Sounds Ike a marriage,” Pantara cracked “Porhaps itis," said Chun Li “Attack when they are unprepared and notexpecting tand you will suroly win, This isthe essence of martial arts, to bekeptsecrat {andi not divulged.” — Sun Teu, The Art of War Saifelt the evil from a ofstance, across thacoolexpanse of sea \Mriganka— fetid jangle, shark-infested waters, steep mountains ‘carved into monuments 9M, Bison's vanty. A rough job. Maybe impossible. Sai scratched her ear through her ninja mask and thought. ‘Ary ideas?” asked Dr, Holocaust, squating beside the ninja. ‘Across the water, a lock of sea birds 100k wing. ‘Nene at the morent.” she repied. ‘I'm thinking. “The Pugilst said he gotin al by himself," te Doctor offered. Gnats swired besiae him. His huge hand swatted at he insects The ninja silad his hand. "Pug says @ lot ef things.” Her tone was cool; her gaze was distant. She tumed again fo the island. "Un-ot,” she whispered. Wha? ‘We're surrounded. "How do you know’ the Doctor replied. The fret spear bit the ground at tho Sais feet The sacond missed Holocaust by inches. Tho third grazed him as he sprang, catike, romfis crouch, Saiplantedia lepinghickintoamacman’s ‘chest as he burst fromm the surrounding brush. His companions wero clese behind: their ambush was ruined. War-cries rang above the nearby surf. Tricky deus,” Dr. Holocaust rasped, snatching a spear iron {an incoming jungleman as he tossed another trom the cli to the ‘ocean far below +1 matraidthis places gonna be lulef surprises, “Sai shot back as she dodged anoiner spear thrust, Welcome, warriers, to the product of M. Bison's mad dream. Welcome to Shadoloo, the ompire of comuption. From the gang haunted shadows of Chieagotothe twisted halls o Mriganka, from London bloodpits to the training grounds of the Spanish Ninjas, Shadoloo wiings misery from the common man's sou. Endless crimes feed a hydra ¢o evilthat only the most noble warriors have the strength to resist such a loathsome ontty, M. Bison’s empire writhes behindthe scenes across the globe. Inthe world of he Street Fighter, Shadoloo controls good parton of organizad crime, governmental corruption and the streatfight- ing afenas. Ahiough these crimes existed long before M. Bison, hischarisma, psychic power and fightingprowessnaveforgedan alliance to exploit human evils no criminal empire has before. In a litle over 2 decade, Shadoloo has bocome the largest criminal ‘organization the world has ever known, combining syndicates: roughout ine world into asingle ent. The immense profits trom this gargantuan empire fuel Bison's lust for world domination, tiches and personal glory allowing him to slowly warp the world to fit his own twisted vision Lord Bison is not content with merely mastering the world through Shadoloo. He is also cbsessed with bringing down any hero who embodies nobilty and honor, especialy Ryu and the ‘other honorable Werld Warriors. Their goodness mocks him, their skiltauntshrn;theirghry defieshin. Tothisend, Bison pulls Street Fighters Into Shadoloo as pawrs to combat nenorable Street Fighters of avery division and rark. Bison will never end his crusade, and he contnuss to direct his empire's resources, A Sx Against THE SHADOWS Steet Fighters can clash with Shadoloo in any number of ways; agenis of the empire infiltrate every kind of crime. These crimes have their victims— and their avongors. Many Street Fighters have long-standing grudges against Shedolco. ‘though this criminal empire hugs the shadows, the interna: tienal police organization called Interpolhas discovered some of, itasecretsandseoks o bringBison to justico. Despitethie, Bison's iolomatic inmunity tough his internationaly recognized coun- ‘ty of Mrganka limits interpo's abilty to stike at the heart ct Shadooa. Therefore, some Street Fahtersmay find ther wey into Inverpo's plot, ether a8.unoficial agents of Interpol, unwitting spies, sudden recruits or curious bystanders. Despite its power, Shadoloo is not without faws: within its ranks, gang lords battle eachother, As their profits spiral of to the remote isiand base off the coast of Thailand, many gang- slers hire mercenary fighte's to take out ivals, sabotage competiton and divert Shadoloos attention trom Impending rebellions within thei ranks, Weakness cannot be shown to the "masters of the pyramid, and the fight to reach the apex is @ fierce one indesd. Many less honorable Steet Fighters sell out to Shacoloo, ‘Some warriors seek cash of glory, while other fighters suc- cum to desperation or despair. Worst of al are tho corrupted Revenants, soulless minions who stak the world's arenas in, ‘search 0! new rectutts. Snaxoloo’s army of Street Fighters ads the Bosses and Overlords of this empire of pain. Honorable. warriors have ro choice but to stand against them. ‘Tnese reasons can guide your players into a conflict as dramatic as itis dangerous. There isa war against Shadoloo. fone that must be fought to the death! How To Use Trts Boox Secrets of the Shadoloo |s a sourcabook for the Street Fighter Storyieling game. Here, the agents and ruers of Shadoloo, the nation state of Mrigarka and the pyramid of power that runs Shadoloo all stand revealed. We recommend that players read no further. Storytellers should create or change details to sult their own story groups. Many areas of this book fave been left vague for the Storyteller to embollish as she will Contents Chapter One: Poison Hazo Abie tale cf one team’s clast with the Revenant Chapter Two: Into the Heart of Darkness ‘An intioduction tothe book and alook at Shadoloo’s globel organization. ‘Chapter Three: Shadoloo Warriors. Full descriptions of M. Bison, Sagat, Vega and some of Shadoloo minions: Chapter Four: Mriganka Atrip through the fiendish hells of M. Bison's island strong hol Chapter Five: Shadoloo Adventures Allis of Chronicle and Story ideas to help you design your own Street Fighter adventures based on the fight against Shadoloo ‘Chapter Six: Tourist Trap A ready-to-run adventute— can the players survive a trp into Vega’s arena? A Woe of Exptanarion Shadoloo Is, of course, fictional, Unfortunately, some of ihe miseries ths fictional book attributes to it are quite real. Keep inmnd that Seerets of the Shadoloo is a gam suople- ment, nota depiction of real-life conspiracies. We st White Wolf de not condone, glotty or dismiss ihe crimesin this book. Our intention is to provide @ villain worth fighting. Perhaps by battling an imaginary source of evi, we can empower Our ‘selves to stand agains! real-life injustices Tue Pyramto oF Power “The point is, ladies and gentieman, that greed is good, Greed werks. Greedisrighi. Greed clarifes, cu's through and captures the evolutionary spirit. Greed in allite forms, grood for lite, money, love and knowledge has marked the upward ‘surge of mankind... —G. Gekko, Wall Street Shadoloo stands solid and immobile, a pyramid of misery and exploitation. The hierarchy of Shadoloo utilizes the leg- endary power of the ancient three-cornered design to remain stable inthe face of internal and external conflict A the bottom ofthis dark pyramid le the gangs, small opera- ‘ors funneling their il-eamed gains up therenks totheir master, M. Bison, The base of the pyramids broad:ilegal actvtias in nearly ‘very eviizednation forthe foundation. Money and power flow up ths pyramid to its apex, the island of Mriganka and the throne of M. Bison, To topple its Dark Master, cne must ether scaie the pyramid or destroy it rem within. Many have tried. None have succeodad. An Evpire of Creme The crimes o! Shadoloo are many: drug trafickna, slavery, governmental corruption, vice, extortion, murder-‘or-hire, black- ‘market weapon end technology trade, scologice profiteering an ‘ouright thef. Crime feeds on the weaknesses of humanity. in the dark world of the Steet Fighters, ctime nes become such & booming business that Sradcloo takes imtless fundsrem tsnuge money-making entarprisas, At each level of the pyramid, the underlings o Sradoloo skim abt the profits for hemnselves. Even stil, remendous sums cf money flow Into the vaults of Mriganka, IM. Bison understands greed: by allowing his underings to snatch at the endless cash flow, Bison keeps their hands at each other's throats instead of his own. While the underlings squabble, Bisonstands a the op of hepyramid grinning at the ‘ools around him. Lavers of THE PyRAMID As he stepped inside the darkened boardroom, Dr. Holo- caus! spied the pyramid chart litby LED outings. Each corner, each successive layer onthe graph, was iluminated by biood- red traceries on a glossy black wal. “My God,” thought Dr. Holocaust as he scanned tho ranks of Shadoloo's empire, “How can we stop them? They te so big. Binding ight explodedtromoverhead. Dr. Holocaust gasped in eurprise and scrambled for cover es machine-gun fre ripped the display apart. “Such @ pity,” a waspish voice buzzed from a nearby speaker. Three thugs wacled through the qunsmoke, kicking chaire and tables aside. “That panel will cost a pretty pany to replace.” The speaker-roice laughedas Dr. Holocaust dodged another fusillade. ‘Step lively, Street Fighter! | want frst prize at ihe Candia Death’ vid-fest atthe next council meeting, and Jintond to get it any way I can!” Shadoloe's pyramidal power structure's rigidly divided into diflerent classes of criminals. The layers of command range from the gangs who work the streets to the Dragon Triat and Lord Bison. Tue Base or tue Pyeaunn iminals compose the ranksal the pyramic's e desperate men and women rob, cheat, threaten ny ofthom boliove they tives are mete pawns and then pass’ law enforcement and poliical groups allow the gangs lees to conduct their activities, Shadoloo's poisonous influence spews forthas these gangs harvest the fruits of crimo: prostitution. drug smugoling. exter: tion, robbary end wolence-for-hire, Hired muscle comes from ngs sserenks as wellfor aminimal fee, any one ot the: ‘can supply an ary of toughs to assault tie ranks of ihe se righteous. By using the gangs to dothair dirty work, the Bosses dtha scrutinizinggezeol the of the law. plieworld and thelongarm sny street gangs reluse to follow the i of th 88. These renegades either rebel openly oF obey orders their own way and then pin the blame on somebody olse when the Bosses get wise. Many smell packs of street toughs oparateon ther own withouteveraltracting tne Bosses’ notice, but incteasing notoriety brings the assistance of Shadel Pothaps a gang leader naeds a “get out of jal rea" card or urgent medical attartion, Maybe a small gang neede a big favor to sland egairst @ larger rival. Olen, the local Boss imply sends a group of enforcers to “reason with 2 prominent gang Leaders who refuse usually dont last very long) Tue Bosses The nea! lier oI M, Bison's monument to Grime inch Bosses, powerful gangsters who contial crime in their ap- pointed territories. Some of these Bosses are simply men and women ruthless and clever encugh tosculptout a powerbase In ther home towns. Others are powerful warriors, would-be Street Fighters who rule their underlings by force and feat. Either way, Bosses are hard to defeat, and il]one goes down another quickly rises to take her plac: Most Boss anger cies cai have @ number of Bosses who spend most of iheirtimetignting each other. Each Boss commands @ small fighting forca— gangsters, ninja, secret agertsormercenarias. These Bosse: answer toa allects disputes be- gonal council that dictates policy 1d resolves the frequent territorial tween Basses. st Bosses lead small organizations, such as Yakuza gangs or Mafia families, but some Bosses contol very litle territory while running important organizations fortheir Over lords. Such Bosses might oversee a house of nina group of political espicnage agents or a crew of nomads who Ship ilicit qoods between diferent terrtores. I beers mentioning that Sagat, Vega and Balrog are tech- rically all considered Bosses within the organization of Shadoloo, In actuality, however, the three World Wartiors ara highly respected and feared by everyone in the Shadoloo chain of command and report to no one except Bison himsett They wil coordinate their activities with the Overlord and Dragon they technically serve, but they do rat accept orders from anyone but Bison, Sagat controlls a small area outside of Bangok, but he basically spendshis tre practicing. Vega runs is assassina tion organizaton oul of Spain, and Balrog serves as the honorary Boss of Las Vegas (Balrog lets other poole handle most of the business and just cracks some heads whan its needed.) Tue Overvoens Cloaked in secrecy, the Overlords work their evil behind the ‘scones of continental governments, Each Overlord oversees dozens of Bosses, coordinating their activites to acheive broader strategie Goals and implementing the orders of NM Bison or the Dragon Triat, Individual Overlords contol largo territories, such as the domain of the Over’ord of California, or even entire countries, such as the empire cf the Overiord of Brazil All the Overlords meet every third month of the year. While there are thousands of Bosses tnroughout the world, the ‘governing council numbers less than one hundred. Member- ship often changes wih the distavor ce death (usually both) of various Overlords. Each Overlord is chosen (ar disposed of) personally by M Bison or one his hand-picked enforcers (Sagal, Vega or Balrog), Many Overlords are Street Fightars who cbtained their position through sheer determination. The rest ere unusually Vicious and intelligent criminals wtio wouldn't last thiee se (nds na real fight, but are excellent at managing @ particular branch of Shadoioo. Each Overlord reports to M. Bison at leastonce @ year fora persona breling/mesiing/vacation/breinweshing session Such ic might that these brillant paranoics are ‘completaly under his control and can't aven reaize ‘The Overlords avoid confrontations thal might expose thelr deeds to scrutiny and ther persons to assault, Instead, Mey command legions of agenis and sireet thugs to do their bidding, Tha Overlords have access to the deadly Revenants and, occasionally, io Bison's World Warrior enforcers. Few underlings even know of the Overlords’ identity. Some Overlords are rumored to hava myslic powers or access to high technology, whie others openly display their fighting prowess. The identlies and resources of the Overlords ereleit doliperately vague; tne Storyteller should feel free to grant these characters whatever powers and personalitiesshe wants them to have. Their invcivernent in a Straet Fightar adventure should be something of a momentous overt, and Overlords ‘can become enduring villains in. Streot Fighter chronicles, Tue Deagon Tear The comarsiones of Shadoloo's pyramid ompirereston thres ccaniinents: Asia, Europe and Nerth America. Each of t Continents Is the headquarters for one cf the members of the ‘Dragon Trat, the council of three that reports directly to M. Bison. Each memiver of the Trial consentrates on a particular sahere of expertise white monitoring all of the general crime in ther region ‘and keeping the Overiords who report 0 thern in line Noeru Anertca In North America, Shadoloo feeds fram the immense weal cf the United Siates through thelt and vice. By expiotting ‘America’s freedom, egotism, vanity and insatiable hunger for alimuiation, Shadoloo reaps huge profits with drugs, cheap weapors, media manipulation and poitical grat. By poisoning the American Dream and sapging its vitality, Adrian Hearse, Dragon of ine Arnericas, keeps Stiadoloo's coffers full and his pockets loaded while altempting to circumvent and destroy dictatorship's greatest! foe— the idea’ of democracy. Adrian Hearse is charged with bringing North America to its kneos through vatious methods of economic terrorism and crime. However, Adrain also has a responsibilty even more critical than bringing anarchy to North America. Adrianisresponsiole for keeping a constant flow of scientific genius flowing out of America’s universites and Industrles and into Snadoloo's ‘employ. The Dragon of the Americas keeps Shadoloo on the Cutting edge of technology through industrial espionage, bib ery and the hiring of tho best and brightest scientists into service for Shadoloo. Adrian selects scientists whose degraded sense of morality is such that they don't mind becoming "evi sciantisis’ and accepting employment from a criminal empire. These scien: lists are shown the whole hortfic splendor of Stiadoioe and sent to Mriganka to toil Other scientists, researchers who would resist employment if they knew the true nature of Shadoloo, are duped into working for Shadoloo inary number of dummy labs set up under fake corporation names. Adrian Hearse ‘Adrian Hearco was the con of a Harvard law professor end a starlet known for her interest in the Ocoull. Hearse estab: lished himself as a prodigy by the age ot sx, His talent for organization, leadership and bald-aced lying made him a naatural for politics. Aftor a promising start in school govern: ment, Advien was caughtina scandal involving the deathofan opposition candidate. Even his lather could not save him, Adrian was convicted of a host of crimes and barred from practicing law, the stepping-stone of poitis. Aiter serving his time, Adrian signed on with a prestigious Wall Street investment fim, which he plundered for al i was worth. When the bottom foll out of tho U.S. cavings and lean market, he led to Switzerland, wherehe invested heavily inthe street fighting underground. Hs stable, the Black Dragons, ‘mac it all the way to Mriganka. Bison, sensing a kindred sou invited Adrian into his organization. Adrian ruthlossly climbed the ladder of Shadotoo's power structure from then on, ising tohis present rank as Dragon af the Americas, Adrian row controls all of the Wester Hemisphere, from Canada to Argentina. in South Amtica and Central America, his Overlords marage drug trafficking, ecological profiteering inthe rain forests and control ot government otticiais through bribery end bieckmail. in North America, all kinds of crimes ‘suck monay into Shadoloo's coffers, insuring enough revenue to fund Shadoloo's technology branch, Fnally, Adrian has managed fo sucessfully insinuate hinset into Balrog's graces, and he atten gets the former champ to co a lot of enforcement favors, Adrian is careful to meintain this relationship. He's rotrmuch of a fighter justa poitician at hear. Europe The European common market and poitcal bulkings wean endless source of cash and amusement to Lord Stephen Montgomery, Dragon of Europe. From his base in England, this sadistic baron pulls the strings behind dozens of poitical factions, pitting them againat cach othor while simultancously encouraging a commen economy— one he himself controls! The poitical inighiirg creates armarket for weapons, medical treatmenis and poltical clout. while Montgomery's banking patrons funnel money into his pocket. The bd, a brtal arstooratwnose boodline stretches backnasrlyten centuries smirks atthe headlines his actions cause— assassinations tials, ethnic volence, insane taxaton and goverment waste. He pitias the ‘pathetic commaners” he has explatted. I they only know. Lord Montgomery seeks to control Europe by loosening its purse strings. His minions perform all sorts of economic manipulation and outrightterrarier. Crimes like counterfetng, large-scale bank aud and labor union racketeering are the Dragor's large-scale projects. Ona smaller scale, everything tromarmedronbery to bombings disable uncoorperetive busi- Montgomery is also in chargeofAtica, butin truth, he cares lve for what happens on the continent, since he sees every- one thereas savages". This isfine with the OverlordsotAtrica, \who enjoy the relative ireedom Monigomery's hands-off atic tude allows them Lord Montgomery Lord Stephen Montgomery despised peasantry from his bith As hisancesital lands were sold offt© suppor worthieas leeches living on the dole, Montgomery sank deeper into an alrmost Noto-ike obsession with gladiatorial combat, piting kicnapped punks against dasperate winos forthe pleasixe of his decadent fronds. On a journey to Bulgaria, Montgomery encountered bath the pitfighting underworld and the dark sorceress known as Sultana, Wilh her aid, he tapped into his long-dermant ancesiral powers of magic while swelling his saults with income from & collection of fighting stables. Sultana was oneo! the original Overlords, When she turned against Bison, Montgomery sensed a chance to advance to whathe felt was hisnaivral due: featy ioa worthy monarchand total daminance over worthless gutter tresh, Sutana, a com- moner by birth, was worth litle 1o a member of the landsd gentry. He betrayed her to Bisonand “inherited” her power and positon. The few servants that remain from that time say ner ghost sill haunts him, promising grisly revenge, Monigomory himsol is not comeone to be teken lightly, ‘Whether the powers Sultana taught him ere true magic oF just New uses of Chi, his powersare effective, Shadoloo operatives throughout Europe and A'rica atribuie a greatmary pawersto Montgomary. He is purported to be abla to experiance visions of events happening thousands of miles away, employing 2 Power that keaps nis Overlords trom platting openly against him. He is also said to be able to summon lightning out of & clear blue sky and summon hurricane winds to blast oppo- nents, For now, these poners are morely rumors. Asta The ancient majesty of Asia is twisted by Triat Dragon Tal ‘Yuan, an evil woman whose thrret forknowledgeis rivalac only by her cruelty. Through briliance and ruthlessness, Tai Yuan commands over a hundred secret laboratories throughout Asia, While street operatives end organized crime farniles shake down the oppressed common people, laboratories in China, Japan and the former Soviet Union labor to unicck mystic secrets throughout the world Tal Yuan's teams of mystics and traditional scientists ex: plore such phenomenon as the Marinas Trench, Tunguska, Easter Island and even merepopular sites, such as Stonehenge, Fiold researchors bring back data and evidence to Tai Yuan's labs where mystics end scientists work side by side to under- stand the mystic forces of theworld and bendlthem to Shadcioo's, purposes, Tai Yuen has the arduous task ofkeoping the Chinese Triads and Japanese Yakuza clans in line, as well as managing a Criminal empire irom the Ukraine to he outbacks of Austvala, Her commitment to pursuing mystic knowledge often binds her fram the machinations other Overlords as they plat against ‘each other and against her. So far, she has held her territory together, mainly by making brutally rulhless examples out of these who openly betray her. Both Adrian H loathing for Ta er of the T 5 own part ofthe t Ta Yuan's tears, who have licensa from Bison tor id exploring mystic eccrote, Hearse and Yuan of usin jontgomery 2 infringe ons wh Tal Yuan Tal Yuan, many say attered the elledu ins now used t \gment in a crystal case the ground. Noone knon ifths fr THE Orver of Heaveny Unny radicloo falls cutsideotine pyramic povr was persuaded Onesegmente structure, Only nie follows amed Aka Zahn, to establish falee rel used by Shadoloo alone, UN rdden people through the world who were dasperate for aray of nope, and Aka. antec to fil ted, burned-out wretches. tyinthe Americ a and Europe, but still has hn, who holds t yf nundreds of Theons. the set tho Tho Thoone ities and establish cuts there, thenirapidly begin inthe cily, founding a temple thereand arietyof peuedo-~eligious, pop as invented by A ah ot the pare itself who lft Earh ceunifyall fe nology all of whict nn and the Theon 0 the id. The Order es hat the world must ho coming of a new age, wh 3 wil return once again tc way of think age and the return been very ‘and publishing its message out on wuntioss ashing of the Th of Heavenly Unity ‘or the new iting ne mmen tot the O ind them to athor chapters in faraway cities, There, the new member is isolated ‘and brainwashed into becoming part of the Order. By the timo authorities or parents find out what happened to their loved ne, thekidnappedperson hasbecomea believer in the Order and will claim that she went wilingly into the Orcer. Thus, the Order has yet to bo charged with kidnapping, and all the while its demented membership grows. Power Poumes “When one opponent and it appears on the surface thathe has been defeated, ifhis fighting spirit hasnot yei been eradicaied in his heart of hearts, he wil nol acknowledge dofoat." — Miyamoto Musashi, The Book of Five Rings Tai Yuan's bed was knurious, but her sleep was uneasy. Each creak of the hardwocd tloor, each rustle of the windin the branches became another waming of impending death. Mad ‘mercenaries from Foxworth? Ninjas from Kitsumo? Blue-eyed killers trom Bison himself? Betrayal was tact ofifein Shadoloo, and each night held many terrors. Grime breeds mistrust, The various factions In Shadoloo's, pyramid waich their own backs while keeping a ready knife at ‘everyone else's. The deiicate balance of power is maintained throughmiadirection, ntimidation, M. Bicon’speyehie gifts and Bison's heavy-handed friends— Sagat, Balrog and Vega. The constant shift in Shadoloo's ranks keeps the lower crooks in line while rewarding layalty and cleverness. it sorves another purpose as well: a steady influx of new blood. With’ rapid turnover within Shadoloo's pyramid, Bison avoids the stagnation that comes with too much siabilty. Initrating the ‘group is dificult, as Interpol knows. and localized attacks do litle lasting damage to Shadoloo as a whole ‘Smart Street Fighters can explot the treachery within ‘Shadoloo to bring down gangs, Bosses or even Overlords. The system, however, heals itself, Unless some huge blow crioples the whole organization, Shadoloo quickly replaces any losses It may suffer. Although Shadoloo appears fragile from the outside, is flexibility allows itto withstand assaulis that would cripple another organization. As Musashi has said, aslong as fan enemy retains the wil to fight, he can never truly ba destroyed. 3 “Our fleld agents are experiencing a common problem: not only does Shadoloo have political clout all over the worid, but when it comes down to outright nitration, ouragents are going inarmeditothe tooth and getting their asses kicked by Shacoloo's ‘enfercement teams of martial artists. Only a handful of agenis are wiling 10 accept ‘unofticial’ Snadoloo assignments any- ‘more because they've seen their frends wind up in hospitals and morgues too mary times Heinrick Klausmann, (qucted unofiicialy) Most of Shadoloe's true power in the world comes from its Insi¢ious ties to every majer government. By using his peye! powers, Bison can direct his trained minions to prey on a politcian’s worst fears and fondest desires. Blackmail, ntm- dation. bribery and outright mind contro! are all tools used by Shadoloo to keep politicians and industrial leaders under the crimenal empire's control. Bison prefers to irfluence thers to do his bidding rather than achieving nis megalomarical de- sites through an cutright show of force, Interpol Disttict Capiain Stil, Bison's psychic powers cannotbe everywhere at once, and sometimes Shadoioo will choose force over psychic per suasion, especially against rogue crime syndicates who stil resist Shadoloo's control, Bison has many enforcers at his disposal who are all ooeagerto instruct through violence those who will not bow to Shadaloo, Bison himself rarely becomes involvedin violent acts perpe- trated by Shadoloo. He preters to send servants to enforce his desires. Citen, one of his World Warriors— Sagat, Vega or Balrag— will work wth a team of Shadoloo thugs when Bison nls to make a strong show of force. Normal missions are handled by clans of Shadoloo-controlied ninja, sirest gangs, Shacoloo Street Fighter teams or special servants ot Bison, ‘as the Revonants. Presented below are full stats for Bison, Sagat and Vega along witha description of their maial arts styles: Ler Dit, Thai kickboxing and Spanish Ninitsu. Balrog andhis style of Boxing re detailedin Appendix One of the Street Fighter ‘uicbook Playersare tree to create warriors who know Thal Kiskooxingor Boxing. However, the Storyteller should restrict players from taking Ler Drit or Spanish Ninjtsu as a style, since these two martial arts are only taught by Bison and Vega. Ler Drit is M. Bison's own unique fighting style, one that combines Soviet assassination techniques, powerful jumping movernants and Bison's own dark psychic powers. Ler Diitis aver taught {0 anyone outside of Bison's organzzation. I's effectiveness is without dispute. However, learning this style ig no easy task. Its tolls on the body and mind are enormous. Casualties in class ere not uncomrron, Students whe can't handle Ler Dni's physical training usually dle, and those whose minds snap under the strain ofthe psychic taining tum. into goulless Revenants M. Bison hes been practicing and developing Ler Drit for nearly 15 years now. He Is continually improving ihe style and adding new techniques. This is yet another reason for his involvement in the World Werrior circuit. He musi practice his, special maneuvers egainst the very bes! in the world. Only then will his style become refined, Strength, confidence andruthiessnessare the hallmarks of Ler Drit, and M. Bison teaches his students those quaiitios. By hainessing the power of the mind and developing the body to frightening levels of physical pertection, the Ler Dnt stylist seeks the power to crush his opoonent under foot. Little is known in the outside world about the history of tho style, iis brutal training methods or its siylsts’ source of psychic pawer. It is surmised that many of the more base maneuvers were techniques Bison learned in his youth whie undergoing Special Forces training with Soviet commandos The true ofigin of the style's Special Maneuvers confound even the wisest of Sensei. Bisons ability to channel so much, ‘energy into maneuvers lke the Psycho Crusher asounds the fighting community } Ovexing Fig | Piper Fist (5) SP ping KnucKe (3) (1) | mics Dovbe Braga xi Fina Kee Tush Forward FigKnde Kee (3) Forward Slide Kick (2) ScissorKick (a) Slide Kick (2) Stepping Front kick (4) / Block ‘San He (3) Grap | Stappiing Deterse 4) Won Ciaw(s) Athletics Flying Body Spear (3) " ying Heo! Stomp (9) Flying Punct, (3) aa bra Ce Charm (3) c : | “nnd Bone) oi ind Roading (3) : ee Crusher (5) | SYChic'Flage (3) Payohic Vise (4) Psychokinetic Channeling (3) (2) ‘Stunning Shout (3) Telepathy (2) New Street Fighters show upwith ths sty occasionally and usually clean up at Tournaments. However, Ler Drit ss stil uncommon. Anyone possessing knowledge of it is almost always assumed fo be working for M. Bison : ‘Schools. The only known place tostudy Le: Dritis Mriganka, M. Bison’s isiand country. Members: Corprisedentitely of Shadoloo operatives, Ler Drit is taxing and costly. Mombors of both genders have eared this style; however, no one but M. Bison has truly mastered i ‘Concepte: Sradolco Street Fighters, criminal dictators, regalomaniacal Overlords Initial CI Initial Wit Quote: “Show your oppaneni no weaknesses and he vill always fail to find yours. Gry Yo Theirteratoalintetigenoecammuniy'stsecordolBaondatestothe Bisons vist tothe area proves tobea hzsdusore. Only Bgonhimeelt 1mi-1960, wren ne was working for aFussanmetcznay. 8isonS early suivvedthetia tthe creat the carers unas Saye killa very veasswererarkedbyvioenceasis mecenarycimmandcuritvashied gil ‘sewho went within). Theaccoun aterhiseert remain obscured ‘to perm covet mission in Southeast Asia: the Savi Unon inegends, bits hat Bisen cd nd the ain meter andcame ‘Mtr the Vein War, Bon ere up in Thala working for he back changad. son mmecaoy ordered fi soetucion ofa rewbar, tatons miliary ruler, Bison's mila taining unde be Soviet KGB mate hic includes pacing Bison's awn secret chambers ve the respec himindspersableto te Thiru. albwngBisonto slowiyusuropowerand oe “eseai evenly deems ashe ratons dior Eisen dspayed immense powers afr is under 1971, woven 1973, hepopu- iscovey. He could angity bis Chi lac eres tei coer or ths sig bis energy. He iso demon loreiger and hs oppressive ditto sae a vary psec powers. In ship. paula eat end Bisons addtion, tis akeady criminal mind ‘ul. Bison and his closed sananis changed sottathismeyalamania grew arly escape the mots an ex toa to a cosmic sca. He was driven fo lit-Known sinc of th ast cet of canolevery ype otresoure: human, Taland called igi natal and mystea. His megloma- From te isard, Bison statod a Nairludedan obsess wit finding ale bid for power, his time deeper ‘ ard corioling various myabca! sos underground, Fomisretcerary days, aor the word, suchas nso. Bison emennbeechistieswihihecrie Hani’ servation in Mexico. rotark called Shadlac, the eganiza- Bisons lst for power vas sled by bon trough which he had ilagaly his assocation wth Shadoloo, Wh is reso Seams, He ewe is as- ‘ewty-undpovers, Bison quit coke Sodation wih Sadolaoandbeyanusing cl ofthe erimiral empire ard bu it its backing again, While exploring in the pla yada ts today, Bin sigan Bison's mon dacaverodacave ‘honusothispowerstoforcethepaltcians network ta showed signs of strong > of fhe werd to have the Unie Nations dtr, ‘ormalyecconze Magan as separate Honingtehadfoundapltoriummnine, rato, hereby gartingBsonsislande- Bisan orcered exploration eas ine the {waters immunty tom ntematoal police «aes. Wal he axtualy score Wes ‘ations 4 lage fragment of a mer tat hat crashed on he island untld ages go. ‘The survey tan fund the Fagment ane bwougitapieceatktoBion, Feelngte unralal ard mmense power of this srl acment, Bison diced vas fig tositehimsot laying M. Bison: Powe ening rata. YOUbYe ewer can igor sadness 0 8 eagle ote word. and youre ringing misery. YOU vs Ou" FONE Inte spr and orl of Appearance: drm eghtu Bison fs of me. vs isstilaveyinpasing | tte wot, Youate ince ‘Pan, Hearse in Shadloos rat op 0 are el ow yone yu TL lathe Soviet mia plete coms axe he word 0 witha cape tometer on and you ll ae gout. Te hari coal back aa nea HS our vision oF whl in fy (oat blac ana his eyes ripple eu begets 06179 wit be sys fame, gestny ™ LER ORIT Team: Concept: Ex-01ICTATOR Signature: DRAWS THUMB Name: ™. BISON ArreiBuTes eS a a Soctat Menrat Charisma Manipulation Appearance ABILITIES ee eal Knowtenges Alertness Arena Interrogation Computer Intimidation tion Insight Subterfuge Specta Maneuvers DUCKING FIERCE [PSYCHIC RAGE POWER uPrERcuT |PsroHic VISE FLYING KNEE THRUST)PSYOONNETC GMRELNG Block SCISSOR KICK [TELEPATHY Grab hays ere ees FLYING HEEL STAMP FLYING PUNCH une PSYCHO CRUSHER imino CONTROL AIND REAOWG, |Combos: FORWARD SLIDE KICK TO _ __ouckive lence BLOCK TO SCISSOR KICK BLOCK TO PSYCHO CRUSHER FLYING HEEL STAVE TO JUMPING BackGRounns EXPERIENCE Standing Losses_0 KOs_#2 Thisuniave bondofEuropean and Japanese fighting tyes Spee nas mveved by Vege Spanah Wnjisu contre: he Co aa pean Foftng at of sevato with the Japanese art ct nits. Bape aya Savate lends the style lots of fast, powerful kicks, while ninjisu Mo ) Gives the style a variety of skills useful in combat, such as key Grab Punch (4) acrobatics, cimbing end grappling. Many Sperish Ninjisu stylists also borrow other skills trom Japan's shadow warriors, Kiok: eo suchas steath and suviva taining. Finally, sincerrost ofthe 88K Flip Kes fall Pn | mar and wornen Vega tins sat ate former matadors, | Fotward ga ag Z | Spanion ninja ere very elusive ghere wth quick Teatwers | Forward Fppue ZZ | \Gerhed alter yours of buigtting in tha arenas of Spein. Handtand Kiek (1) a Vege's servants scout the bullights of Spain to find pro: J Siderkiek fay. Z spective candidates for training in Spanish Ninsu. Fecruts a ponies ae ae a tons to weed dul bse who “dor't have fhe stomach for [im assassination work.” Every Spanish ninja encs up working for J) Me TRAOW (2p Uega, fling assassination and espionage missions around BGK Roll Throw (4) theclabe oc coral of anyone wing te pay vege ce, especialy Shadoloo, } Sepie«(1) TTaining in Spanish Ninisu is extremely dangerous. Vege nas ste pationee for conarcs, especialy unatracive ones [iAthtetios Recs are town inte pastures with mad bulls and must. Bach fay practice evasion end tee climbing o avoia being gored by ¢ (Bug bulls fom. Inthe enc. the iaining aroduces some ot he pi cauatal ‘oa tiee) Stomp (3) ) fastest, most agile fighters in the world ile figt ie Schools: Stucents must be recruited to one of Vega's | training camps in Spain | Tumbling artack (2) Members: Most members come from prior criminal | “Mal SBring (a) backgrounds or the bullfighting circuit. Ls | Concepts: matador, assassin, thie! Initial Chi: 2 pare ncnand foltd is, carr onto trait aaacy emp rane FOnIME ST a ‘Ninja frequently Use ‘weapons a ane the rules ot any given many SP: is abaut using weapons ture they wi | mney Rave £0 Tronevor possioe ory une wee es Hy ors ‘style, suchas thin seen i weenie ng like clubs 3 aur fons. crude weaot students ore ie re gre forbidden. A fey Meciifiers for COMM! : Mtns contenu NEO ren mabe rulebook. Atan early age, Vega learned the power that money grants. His farily was one ol the wealthiest in Spain, They raised him inasacluded villa near Madrid where hewas schcoled in the finer arts and was given ev- erything he ever wanted. His every whim was catered, He had the best of everything, in- cluding private teachers, exotic sporiscars and oxpensive clathos He grow to ove anything hat bolsteredis ego, He spent large sums of his parents’ money on himself. collecting amusing loys and pursuing dangerous and scandalous diversions. It soonbecarre obvious thathe onlyloved, fone thing: himselt He began a weight Wraining regi men to atvengthen and tone his boay inn efforttomake him seff the perfect specmenol a man. Vega began to train in savatoe thathe could show off his beauty and please the noards of people that came to see him fight. He provedadept at martial arts and had his parents fly na Japanese ninjitsu master to tain Yegain that sie. Pe oa west ou ely he vost ae vo. Aning HS Spgautuisnoud bedestOY ee notnearomate ee Beau You weihe ng then you ti Appearance, Vega is a tal, well-buit Spaniard. Hie combat {fess consists of two. ne spandex and a ash. He normally can Be found in the beet of elothing and the arenonorabieonly it youre on a jo®: ‘by any means hing ands oten the company of mora mone. beaut) woman. 1ocraw ates ton to bis cum be of course. me Jaded by his rich life, and seeking adventure anc more fare. he paid to have himself rained as a matador, a bull- fighter. Vaga grew to love the crowds and the ex citementof bringing he ugly, powerful bulls to their rightful cemisain tha ring, ‘After @ bul’s horn nicked his unblemished face in a particularly glorious duel. Vega decided to wear a mask during his fights 1o insure that his perfect com- plexion would never be threatened again. Eventually his new and expansive lifestyle caused his parents 10 cut him off from thelr fortune. This, in turn, forced Vega to seek a way to pay for his ex- travagant lifestylo. Ho began to put his martial arts training to use as a hired assas- sin. Vega proved that he was rather good at being a hiredkiller, and hemade good money at it, but he wanted more. Ina freak accident, his parents were rampled to death during the running of the bulss in Barcelona. It has never been proven that Vega was responsible, but Vega's family fortune ie ow under nis complete contro Vega has quick'y moved up in status in both the under- ‘ground circuit and in the underworld. His money, power and uiilingness to do anything to bottor his postion mace him perlectiohelp M. Bison. He isnow thetop assassin freelancing for the Shadoloo. He also is known to take some jobs from employers cther than Shadoloo, bat, He rea claw When i oF ent eno y because ft wnt is 72 Vega treat pieters this wean foes not interfere New Weapon \egacanuse Ort neuver mod iy held lave +1 Speed. +1 ab Technique fiers add 12 oll and his th Damage, +OMOVE whieusing his the speed and co Stikes (which jaw Techniaue specia! vonches). His dots in Cl mage ‘ol Team: NONE Concept: DILETTANTE Signature: unmasks Name: VEGA Player: Chroni Strength Dexterity Stamina Perception Intelligence Wits es (F715 TaLents Sens Knowienges Alertness Blind Fighting Arena @ Interrogation Drive Computer @@000 Intimidation Leadership Investigation @e@000 Insight Security Medicine OOOO ‘Streetwise ‘Stealth Mysteries @@000 ‘Subterfuge ‘Survival Style Lore ecceo = Beecennes SdECIAL MANEUVERS: FORWARD SLIDE KICK anew Fe BACKING AIR THROW CONTACTS Fai RESOURCES STAFF TUMBLING ATTACK TO TUMBLING ATTACK (OZZy) JUMPING FORWARD TO STRONG TO TUMBUNG ATTACK (DZZY) Wittpower @eeee00 ooouuuoo ° ° 5° oO ° Oo °° °o oO ° ce /ORLD WARRIOR (FREESTYLE) EXPERIENCE @ Standing a wins_62 Losses_3 Draws_ kOe_S! e@ Qa Martial Ansin Thaiand onginated asancifshoot of vars | Chinese warars, uct a Kung Fu. However. he ive chai ggg Mameuver® | Kickboxing, called Muay Thai ("Moo Te") n Thailand tse, } developed independently of Chinese iniluences and became | Penel “ger Uppercut) (8) | people of Thaland (then known as Sam) to de‘end itsett | ElbowSmash (4 against ts many neghboriig eneny rations. Me Thai people | Framing Drago daveloped a proud history of remaning independent despito | _gajnning Back FRUN constant warwiththeir neighbors. andre power ot Trailard's | yen puch (4) fighting aris became legendary } As Thaland’s fighting arts developed, they became a | yyy wy compative sport et stl contanedine bruaiy other found- | BE pyaaKeK 8) ing war aris. Thai Kickboxing became the official style of the as county. and echoole wore guile common in al parts of Tha | Dauple-sitis be d | land, Kids throughout Thailand practice kickboxing just as Double-Hit Knee ) l / children in other courtrigs practice soccer or basketball. ‘nai | eying Knee Thrust 2 Kickboxing competitions are incredibly popular events in | oat Sweep (1) G 44 | Thailand and aro growing in popularity in other countries as Lightning Leg (4) ¢ | wel. Uniortunetely, the sport's suscess has led to a great deal Wounded Knee (2) of gambling and the involvement of erganizea crime | ‘igor neo (4) | Thai Kickboxers are astrange mic of disciplineandiron wil. | Muay Thai fighters ao renowned and otten foarod by fightors father styles becaueof the brutal andintense raining the Thal Block Kickboxerendures iopertecinis en. AMuay Thaligntersnons | Mala NATE: an aura of confidence throughout a fight andwill never showa. ign of weakness ta his opponart. This makas some beliove that they ere imporvicus to pain rain Cracker (1) “Ine actual fighting style of Thal Kickboxing is one of ost, seas eat Hots (2) brutal ever seen. The fighar uses every part of her arms and Basher (2) legs in a fight. She constantly kicks, elbows, punches and kages her opponent in a relentiess race to bring him down in the fastest and harshest way possible. & fighter will erget her ‘opponent's oints and head. Thishas proven to be the end of some fightar's caraors Thelriraining technique s noless brutal. Fighters strengthen their arms and legs by repeatedly striking traes, walls and oiher hard and seemingly immobile objects. This training serves rot only to strengthen a target area, but deadans it as well. This is what possibly gives thern the inhumen resistance to pain for which they are famous, With the defeat of Sagat al the hands of Ryu, many warriors inthe Stroat Fightorcircuit began tobelieve thatthe superiority ‘ofthe Muay Thai fighters wasjusthype. This isa belie that has cost many fighters more than just a rratch. The majority of seasoned fighters remember the beating they received from ‘Thai Kickboxars and willlell younot io get to cocky with them — ‘you may find yourself going down for the court. Schools: Schools cannowbe foundall over the wortd, but fewofler the qualiy of raining o! those in Thailand. Theschools jn Thailand aro whore como of the best kickboxers and taach- 18 can be found. Thai Kickboxes build lifelong associations wth thelr chasen schoo, representing the schoal in te ring, Members: Thai Kickbaxers are chosen from the most promising young students and train night and day from child- hood to be fighters. Many professicnal Thal Kickboxers know ‘of no other occupation. Kickboxare, gym trainers, ex-champions Initial Willpower: 5 Quote: "Train hard, fight hard and honor your schoo! with victory.” ZL EL Sagat grew up in one of the poo Thailand. He found that only the strong got anywhere in the world and started taining at an early ago to improve his body and mind. He studied Muay Thai Kiokboxingandentered hisfirst competition at tne age ofthirteen. Sagat showeditlemercy for his competi- 18 and would often maim opponents SGVVES SEPT FS” _ AE A Ee y YUN = Z 9pponenets who hac shown temarkable promise and destroyed them with sheer ferocity In the early ‘908, a young fighter showod enough promise that Sagat gave him a fight. His name was he match was scheduled, and Sagat was ‘expecied to destroy the young unknown in the frst round, but this was not so. Sagat By Ine age of twenly, he had become disgusted wih the growing regulations imposed in the pratessional kickboxing tings. Sagat believed that the influx of toreign fighters and growing international intorest was leading to regulations that dilutad the content othe matches. Same regulations made certain strixes forbid den in order 10 dectease the number of Tajaitles in the ring. Sagat heard of the large amounts of money that could be won in certain underground lournaments, ‘s0he fought for the first time in the undor ground circut and found thet the thrill of ihe no-holds barred competivon was as rewarc- ing as the large sums of money. He stayed in the circuit for the force and brutal competition. Slowly, he worked his way Up in the ranks to become champion. the manila of Grand Master suited Sagat. His status growtoths point whore he could choose: who he would fight and the circumstances: of each bout, Sagat began to only fight Coa and wre a 60 2 sieve bounds ol satan ou sees restmanes you ah i® thon af te opPere rian py te orang © ten, you Wa i you shat jor, but You ‘The only thi" ne hurr you crush, You al Sree again fight F took the first round quickly, but in the ‘second round, Ryu stunned both the crowd and Sagat himself by besting the Grand Champion. The match was settled in the third round after a long and brutal fight. In the final seconds, Ryu threw the strongest Dragon Punch he could, The punch caused flame to ‘engulfhishand and burnocia searacross Sagat’s chest. This loss sent Sagat into seclusion in the jungles of Thailand, There he worked to per fecthis own techniques and develop new ones sso hale could one day retuin and defeat Ryu. During this time, Sagat was contacted by an ‘agent of Shadoloo. Sagat visited Bison and ‘agreed to help Shadoloo i Bison could lure yu into @ rematch for Sagat. Bison fugled Sagat's desire 10 avenge his defeat until ‘Sagat developeda burning hatred for Ryu. Now Sagat has retuned to the tourna. mentcircultand has reestabisied himself ‘as one of the most feared of the World Warriors Appearance: Sagai js al 'an Whose body hay edintoa brutal appear. is bald, wears a patch Sve and has a large Up his chest. He is us, reSsed in his tracitiongl acitional trunks, andhe prepares Wrapsbeforeany big Over his to scar going ally found kickboxing hand andl Style: THAI KICKBOXING Team: School Concept: FIGHTER Stabi Signatu AUGHS ATIRIE Ef Sa aT Paysicat Social MentaL @0@0@ Charisma @@000 Perception @e000 ©8008 = Manipulation @@000 imeitigence eo 1 1@O@® Appearance @0000 wits ABiuimies se eee Sets Kwowtenges Blind Fighting @ Arena Computer Leadership Investigation Security Medicine Streetwise Stealth Mysteries Subterfuge Style Lore SpeciaL MANEUVERS - ower urrercur | nicer Knee Tectntques Punch Kick Block Grab Athletics Focus eo0e QgQ0009000000 e @e0000 g0000goggoo0d00 QogogQgQ0g00guou0u0 WORLD WARRIOR (FREEST/LE) Z EXPERIENCE ‘Standing Wins_!64__Losses_! Draws_2 KOs_!47__

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