Newsletter 06

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This Week
Well, with only four days between Yom HaKippurim and Sukkot, we had a grand total of two days of school to get ready! As usual, your children were real shampions and we learned a lot of material and we even managed to do an art project to apply what we learned about what makes a Sukkah kosher or not kosher. questions with I have included this week. answers

N e w s l e t t er 1 0. 1 2. 1 1 V o l u m e 1, I s s u e 5

" "

Seattle Hebrew Academy, 1617 Interlaken Drive East, Seattle, 98112 Rabbi Yehuda Rapoport // // // 206.323.5750

only one day of ( Chag), not two 5. A ( Sukkah) , must have at least, how many, walls tell me? four is great, but really only three are needed 6. The width of each wall must be at least...... 7 ( , tefachim = hand widths; a tefach is between 3-4 inches) 7. How many ( tefachim) high must each wall be? 10 8. Whats the tallest a ( Sukkah) may be? 20 (Amot =arm lengths; between 18-24 inches) 9. What do we call the roof?

Considering the fact that we only had two days to prepare, you might want to let your child(ren) review a little before you start asking. Moadim lSimcha

For the Shabbat&Yom Tov Table

1. Whats so special, about, (the 15th of Tishrei)?

( ,skhakh) it has the same

( shoresh =root word) as

it is the start of ( Sukkot)

2. is one name, can you give me

( Sukkah) 10. ( skhakh) must grow from the

ground, but.... before you put it up, make sure its cut 11. How much ( skhakh)do you need? there must be more shade, than

another two?

( Chag HaAssif) and ( Zman Simchateinu) 3. The first day's ( Yom Tov), the
next six have this name?

( Chol HaMoed) 4. Whats different in( Chutz

LaAretz =outside Israel)?

Parent Signature______________________


sunlight on the floor 12. How does one keep the (mitzvah) of shake East, South, West, North, Up and Down 18. The seventh day of (Sukkot), is known by this name:


Seattle Hebrew Academy, 1617 Interlaken Drive East, Seattle, 98112 Rabbi Yehuda Rapoport // // // 206.323.5750

( yeshivat sukkah =living in a sukkah)? by using the ( sukkah), to

eat, drink and sleep 13. Before eating our meals, say the ( brakha)of 14. If it's, too cold or wet, or your health is poor? please eat inside, you are
(patur =exempt, you dont have to do the mitzvah)

( Hoshana
Rabba) 19. We march around the bima seven times saying special prayers called
20. Then we beat a bundle of

( leisheiv basukkah)

( , hoshanot)

the floor 21. The eighth day is a new named

( ,aravot =willow)on (,Yom Tov)

15. We invite these guests who can't be seen? each night, a new one, the 7

22. We start saying these words in the ( ,musaf) of

(shemini atzeret)

( shemini atzeret)

, , , , :
( , ,Ushpizin:

Avraham, Yitzchak, Yaakov, Yosef, Aharon, David) 16. What besides the ( ethrog) make up the species)?

23. What is ( Simchat


' 4( minim =

The name of the second day of

a ( lulav), 2 ( aravot
=willow) and 3 ( hadasim =myrtle)

( Shemini Atzeret)
24. What is it called when we take out the ( Sefer Torah) and dance all around?

17. Each day, besides ( Shabbat), we take the ( Arbaat HaMinim = 4 species) and make ( , al netilat lulav) then give them a

( hakafot =circuits)
25. What do we do when we finish the ? We begin again, right away, from ( Breishit)

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