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Dual Use 171

self-replicating assembler scenario has accomplished is itary, many of their components are identical or very
to undermine public support of existing nanotechnol- similar to civilian or commercial products. Many civil-
ogy research by scaring people away. ian high technologies are militarily relevant and some
Although Smalley, who died in 2005, is seen by many military technologies have found their way into civil-
nanotechnology advocates in government and industry ian markets. Countries or firms can save money if tech-
to have won the debate, Drexler nevertheless has staunch nologies developed in one sector can also be used in the
supporters. The Institute for Molecular Manufacturing other; however, such transfer is hampered by different
and the Center for Responsible Nanotechnology (both conditions with respect to the market, secrecy rules, and
organizations with which Drexler has been affiliated), export controls. Dual use is an important consideration
and futurist Ray Kurzweil have all come to Drexler’s de- when countries seek to control access to military high
fense, insisting that no substantial technical critique has technology to potential opponents or competitors.
been able to disprove Drexler’s theory because it rests Because of their devastating consequences, dual use
on well-established physical principles. is particularly relevant for weapons of mass destruction
Drexler’s vision, as well as the importance Smalley at- (nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons). Nuclear en-
tached to rebutting that vision, is particularly significant ergy is a paradigmatic case: nuclear bombs are clearly
to the nanotechnology discussion. Regardless of wheth- military—“peaceful nuclear explosions” are no longer
er Drexler’s manufacturing method as proposed will relevant due to the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty of
come to pass, the debate not only raises questions about 1996—whereas large nuclear power plants are clearly
the physical limits of the precise control of matter, but civilian. Uranium enrichment plants can serve both: en-
it has also contributed significantly to instigating dis- riching the fissile isotope uranium-235 to 3–5 percent is
cussion on the ethics, bans, and regulations regarding required for reactor fuel, rising to 90 percent and above
nanotechnology. creates weapon-grade material. Uranium-based reactors
produce plutonium, which can be separated chemically
See Also: Active Nanotechnology; Center for Responsible in reprocessing plants. Plutonium can either be used for
Nanotechnology; Drexler, K. Eric; Engines of Creation; Feyn- bombs or it can be “burned” in reactors for energy pro-
man, Richard; Foresight Institute; “Grey Goo” Scenario; Mo- duction. Thus, enrichment and reprocessing plants and
lecular Nanotechnology; Smalley, Richard. the special equipment used by them are principally of a
dual-use character. To make sure that declared civilian
Further Readings plants and fissile material are not converted to weapons
Baum, Rudy. “Nanotechnology: Drexler and Smalley Make production, the International Atomic Energy Agency
the Case For and Against ‘Molecular Assemblers.” Chemi- puts them under safeguards. Exports of material and
cal and Engineering News, v.81/48 (December 1, 2003). relevant technology are controlled by supplier states,
Drexler, Eric. “Machine-Phase Nanotechnology.” Scientific who coordinate their practices in international export-
American, v.285/3 (September 2001). control regimes.
Smalley, Richard. “Of Chemistry, Love and Nanobots.” Scien- Dual use is relevant in many areas of high technology.
tific American, v.285/3 (September 2001). Because even a small advantage can be decisive in battle,
the military urgently wants technological superiority
Janna Rosales over potential opponents and thus accepts much higher
University of Toronto development costs than could normally be justified on
the civilian marketplace. Overlaps exist where civilian
applications pose extraordinary requirements—this is
the case, for example, in technologies concerning outer
Dual Use space. Ballistic missiles share basic properties with space-
transport rockets, and satellites for monitoring or com-
In the usual sense, dual use refers to products, services, munication are similar between both sectors. Inertial
and knowledge that can be used for civilian as well as guidance systems were developed for ballistic missiles,
military purposes. Whereas complete weapons, bomb- but are now routinely built into civilian airliners. Radar
ers, anti-aircraft radars, and the like are completely mil- is used for air-traffic control as well as for air defense.
172 Dual Use

Structural materials such as carbon-fiber reinforced among others, electromagnetic-wave-absorbing materi-

plastics have spread from military to civilian aircraft. als and sonar components.
The predecessor of the Internet was developed for secure With the advances in molecular (and synthetic) bi-
command and control of strategic nuclear forces. Spin- ology the dual-use dilemma is becoming much more
off from military to civilian use has sometimes been used urgent, in particular for research. What can be used for
as an argument for military research and development, better therapy, for example, individualized medicine—
but due to the different requirements and military se- understanding infectiousness, targeting individual or-
crecy, direct investment in civilian research and develop- gans, toxin release only on certain conditions in cells—
ment (R&D) would have brought faster advances. could also be used for selective chemical or biological
For a few decades, there are areas where civilian tech- weapons. Knowledge gained in medical or pharmaceu-
nology has overtaken military technology. This occurs tical research could be misused by terrorists or even
where fast advances in technology have been demanded countries, violating the Biological Weapons Conven-
by competition, and high research and development tion. Not carrying out the research or not publishing the
costs could be borne due to the resulting huge mar- results could mean denying help to future patients. As a
kets. The paradigmatic case is information technology solution to this dual-use dilemma, a raised awareness of
and microelectronics. From the 1940s to the 1970s, the researchers has been recommended, together with the
military was the biggest customer for computers, and suggestion of caution being used on the part of scien-
acquisitioned software development not only for large tific journals, along with oversight by the governments
programs, but also for programming languages, and of independent authorities. To address such problems,
even operating systems. With the advent of the personal for example, the National Science Advisory Board for
computer and the vastly expanding market, the military Biosecurity has been founded in the United States.
has lost its lead in information and communication
technologies. In many cases it now has to rely on com- Nanotechnology and Dual Use
mercial off-the-shelf components and software. Because nanotechnology industry is extremely broad
To determine which goods count as dual use and and often generic, dual use will be relevant in many
which exports will be restricted, countries have general areas. To name a few: electronics, structural materials,
guidelines, as well as detailed lists. Both are discussed energy storage and conversion, biochemical sensors.
and coordinated among some 40 member states in sev- Example of nanotechnology-enabled systems are ro-
eral export-control regimes. These regimes are not le- bots, small satellites and launchers, and body implants.
gally binding, and the final decision rests with the sup- The dual-use dilemma will be aggravated in those cases
plier country. The Wassenaar Arrangement on Export where nanotechnological substances or systems can be
Controls for Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Goods produced in small and cheap installations. Convergence
and Technologies (founded 1996 as a successor to the with biotechnology and information technology will
Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Con- further increase the problems. Preventing destructive
trols [COCOM] regime directed against Russia and its uses while not overly hampering beneficial applications
allies, today 41 members including Russia) contains may need more stringent regulation and monitoring
the most comprehensive dual-use list. It has nine main within countries as well as internationally.
categories: advanced materials, materials processing,
electronics, computers (telecommunications and infor- See Also: Arms Control; Department of Defense (U.S.); Ex-
mation security), sensors and lasers, navigation and avi- port Controls; Nanoweapons, Ethical Issues of.
onics, marine, aerospace, and propulsion. The 142 pages
defining the respective goods and technologies are fol- Further Readings
lowed by a “sensitive list” of 14 pages and a “very sensi- Alic, John A., et al. Beyond Spinoff: Military and Commercial
tive list” (three pages) containing specific subsets. For Technologies in a Changing World. Cambridge, MA:
example, the former contains machine tools with better Harvard Business Press, 1992.
than 3.6 µm positioning accuracy, radiation-hardened Gummett, Philip and Judith Reppy, eds. The Relations Be-
computers, image-intensifier tubes and focal-plane ar- tween Defense and Civil Technologies. Dordrecht, the
rays of infrared sensors. The very sensitive list mentions, Netherlands: Kluwer, 1988.
DuPont 173

Miller, S. and M.J. Selgelid. “Ethical and Philosophical Con- superpolymer, nylon, Lucite (a hard plastic sold under
sideration of the Dual-Use Dilemma in the Biological brand names including Plexiglas), and nonstick coat-
Sciences.” Science and Engineering Ethics, v.13/4 (2008). ing Teflon—substances still common and still house-
The Missile Technology Control Regime. http://www.mtcr hold names today. World War II brought major mili-
.info (cited April 2009). tary contracts, not only for gunpowder and explosives,
Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls for Conven- but for parachutes, tires, and other equipment. DuPont
tional Arms and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies. was instrumental in the Manhattan Project, and in later (cited April 2009). decades provided materials to the Apollo space pro-
gram. Mylar, Dacron, Lycra, Corian, and Tyvek joined
Jürgen Altmann the DuPont line of synthetic materials in the 1950s and
Technische Universität Dortmund 1960s, and when Kevlar was developed, DuPont quick-
ly became one of the most important manufacturers
of body armor, supplying military and police forces
around the world.
DuPont Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, DuPont benefited
from its 1981 acquisition of oil and natural gas com-
E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company (DuPont) is an pany Conoco Inc., which gave it easy access to the pe-
American chemical company, the second largest chemi- troleum needed to manufacture many of its plastics and
cal company in the world by market capitalization, the polymers. (Something of the scale of DuPont’s chemical
fourth in revenue, and somewhat more ignominiously, operations is indicated by the fact that the action that
the country’s leading air polluter. Founded as a gunpow- made it one of the country’s 10 biggest petroleum pro-
der company, DuPont led the 20th-century revolution ducers was taken for the sake of such ancillary benefits.)
in polymers and has recently entered into a partnership In 1999, the company sold its interest in Conoco, which
with the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) to develop subsequently merged with the Phillips Petroleum Com-
adequate risk assessment for nanotechnology products. pany. Getting out of the petroleum business was part of
French-born industrialist Éleuthère Irénée du Pont, a then-CEO (and current chairman) Charles Holliday’s
refugee from the French Revolution, imported gunpow- commitment to sustainable development, with the hopes
der machinery from France to Wilmington, Delaware, of producing more materials derived from plants instead
to found his gunpowder mill in 1802. The company of petroleum. In another shift of focus, the textiles busi-
expanded when du Pont realized that the United States ness was sold in 2004 to Koch Industries; DuPont textiles
was lagging behind Europe in the Industrial Revolution, included Dacron polyester, Orlon acrylic, Thermolite
and by the time of the Civil War, his company has be- Lycra, and Lycra.
come the leading supplier of gunpowder to the Ameri-
can military, providing most of the powder used by the DuPont in the 21st Century
Union Army. Dynamite and smokeless powder followed, The company now identifies as a science products and
and when three of Éleuthère’s great-grandsons bought services company, rather than a chemical company,
the company from its managing partners in 1902, they and organizes its product lines into five areas it calls
began expanding rapidly. Their acquisition of other marketing platforms: agriculture and nutrition, coat-
chemical companies triggered an antitrust investigation, ings and color technologies, electronic and communi-
which ruled that they had gained a monopoly over the cation technologies, performance materials, and safety
explosives industry, requiring the divestment of some and protection. Headquartered in Wilmington, Dela-
of their assets in the form of the Hercules Powder Com- ware, DuPont has over 300 locations in the Americas,
pany and the Atlas Powder Company—now Hercules, Europe, and Asia. Its annual research and development
Inc., and AstraZeneca, respectively. budget is over $1 billion, and its active and aggressive
Materials science soon eclipsed explosives in impor- pursuit of new technologies has been a hallmark of the
tance, and from the late 1920s to the 1930s, DuPont’s corporation since the early 20th century.
team, led by organic chemist Wallace Carothers, devel- That DuPont is the country’s largest air polluter
oped neoprene (the first synthetic rubber), a polyester (annually producing pollutants that include 4 million

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