Training Users

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1. When a company buys new technology, how important is it to train users?

It is crucial for a company to train its users when adopting new technology. The success of any
technology implementation depends not only on the quality of the technology itself but also on the
extent to which users can effectively utilize it. Without proper training, employees may struggle to use
the new technology, which can result in reduced productivity, increased frustration, and a failure to
achieve the desired return on investment.

Training users on the new technology can help to increase efficiency, improve quality, and reduce errors.
It can also help to build employee confidence and morale, leading to higher job satisfaction and reduced
turnover rates. Furthermore, training can ensure that employees understand the benefits of the new
technology and can use it to its fullest potential, which can lead to greater innovation and
competitiveness for the company.

Overall, investing in training for new technology is a wise decision that can help companies maximize the
benefits of their investment and stay ahead of the competition.

2. What do you think are the advantages of e-learning over face-to-face learning?

There are several advantages of e-learning over face-to-face learning, including:

1. Flexibility: E-learning allows learners to study at their own pace and on their own schedule,
which can be particularly beneficial for people with busy schedules or those who work irregular
2. Cost-effectiveness: E-learning is generally more cost-effective than face-to-face learning, as it
eliminates the need for travel, accommodation, and other associated expenses.
3. Access to a wide range of resources: E-learning allows learners to access a wide range of
resources, including online libraries, databases, and multimedia content, which can enhance the
learning experience.
4. Customization: E-learning can be customized to meet the specific needs of individual learners,
with content tailored to their learning style, pace, and level of knowledge.
5. Interactive and engaging: E-learning platforms can incorporate interactive elements such as
quizzes, games, and simulations, which can make the learning experience more engaging and
6. Scalability: E-learning can be scaled up to accommodate large numbers of learners without the
need for additional physical resources.

Of course, there are also some potential drawbacks to e-learning, such as the lack of face-to-face
interaction and the need for learners to be self-motivated and disciplined. However, overall, e-learning
offers many benefits that make it an attractive option for many learners and organizations.

1 - c) a type of mobile phone that can also use data
2 - d) a way of viewing emails and comments so that all messages in the same conversation are
grouped together

3 - b) adding keywords to a file (e.g. a document or photograph) to make it easier to find

4 - g) an important message for many people, giving new information

5 - a) documents showing standard ways of doing things in an organisation

6 - f) making the data from two places match, e.g. making two calendars match

7 - h) a system for having conversations using short written messages on the internet

8 - e) saving an old file in a special place because you don't use it very often but might want to use it


1. Dear Andrew, I hope you're doing well. Would it be possible to receive training in instant
messaging? As we increasingly rely on this communication tool, I believe it would benefit
our team to learn how to use it effectively. Thank you for your consideration.
2. Hi Andrew, I hope this message finds you well. Can you arrange training for document
collaboration features? This would help our team work together more efficiently on
documents. Thank you in advance for your support.
3. Dear Andrew, I am writing to request training in document archiving. As our team deals with
a large number of documents, it's becoming increasingly important to have an organized
system in place. Thank you for considering my request.
4. Hi Andrew, I am interested in receiving training on finding information. I believe this will
help me be more productive and efficient in my work. Thank you for your time and support.

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