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of the Muslim
Invocations from the Qur’an and Sunnah

Compiled by

Sa'Td bin Wahf Al-Qahtani


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The Virtue Remembering Allah
of 16
1. Supplications for when you wake up 22
2. Invocation when getting dressed 30
Data 3. Invocation when putting on new
clothes 30
4. Invocations for someone who has put
on new clothes 31
2008 Catalog-in-Publication
5. What to say when undressing 32
6. Invocation for entering the restroom 32
7. Invocation for leaving the restroom 33
8. What to say before performing ablution 33
9. What to say upon completing ablution 33
What to say when leaving the home

10. 35

11. What to say when entering the home 36

12. Invocation for going to the mosque 37

13. Invocation for entering the mosque 40

14. Invocation for leaving the mosque 41


15. What to say upon hearing the 'Athan
(call to prayer) 42
© King
16. Invocations for the beginning of the
prayer 44
17. Invocations during Rukii' (bowing in
prayer) 54
18. Invocations for rising from the Rukit' 57

19. Invocations during Sujood 58 adversary or a powerful ruler 145
20. Invocations for sitting between two 37. Invocations against the oppression of
prostrations 62 rulers 146
21. Supplications for prostrating due to 38. Invocation against an enemy 149
recitation of the Qur'an 63
39. What to say if you fear people may
22. Invocation for At-Tashahhud (sitting in
harm you 150
prayer) 64
40. Invocations for if you are stricken by in
23. How to recite blessings on the Prophet your faith 150
after the Tashahhud 66
41. Invocations for the setting of a debt 151
24. Invocations after the final Tash-ahhud
42. Invocation against the distractions of
and before ending the prayer 68
Satan during the prayer and recitation
25. What to say after completing the prayer 78 of the Qur'an 152
26. Istikharah (seeking Allah's Counsel) 88 43. Invocation for when you find
27. Words of remembrance for morning something becoming you 153
difficult for
and evening 91 44. What to say and do if you commit a sin 154
28. What to say before sleeping 118 45. Invocations against the Devil and his
29. Invocation to say you stir in the night 133
if promptings 154
30. What to say if you are afraid to go to 46. Invocation for when something you
sleep or feel lonely and depressed 134 dislike happens, or for when you fail to
31. What to do if you have a bad dream or achieve what you attempt to do 155
nightmare 134 47. Congratulations for new parents and
32. Invocations for Qunut in the Witr prayer 135 how they should respond 156
33. What to say immediately following the 48. How to seek Allah's protection for
Witr prayer 139 children 157
34. Invocations in times of worry and grief 140 49. Invocations for visiting the sick 158
35. Invocations for anguish 142 50. The reward for visiting the sick 159
36. Invocations for when you meet an 51. Invocations of the terminally ill 159

m m
52. What to encourage the dying person to
72. Invocation for someone who gives you
drink or offers it to you 183
say 161
53. Invocation for when tragedy strikes 162
73. Invocation for a family who invites you
to break your fast with them 184
54. Invocation for closing the eyes of the
74. Invocation for someone who offers you
dead 162
food when you are fasting, which you
55. Invocations for the dead in the Funeral
decline 184
prayer 163
75. What to say when you are fasting and
56. Invocations for a child in the Funeral
someone is rude to you 185
prayer 168
76. Invocation for when you see the first
57. Invocation for the bereaved 170
dates of the season 185
58. Invocation to be recited when placing
77. Invocation for sneezing 186
the dead in his grave 171
78. What to say to the disbeliever if he
59. Invocation to be recited after burying
sneezes and praises Allah 187
the dead 172
79. Invocation for the groom 187
60. Invocation for visiting the graves 172
80. The groom's invocation and what he
61. Invocations for when the wind blows 173
says upon purchasing an animal 188
62. Invocation for when it thunder 175
81. Invocation to be recited before
S Some invocations for rain 175 intercourse 189
S Invocation for when it rains 177 82. Invocation for anger 189
5 Supplication after it rains 177 83. What to say if you see someone afflicted
66. Invocation for the withholding of the by misfortune 190
rain 177 84. What to say while sitting in an
67. Invocation for sighting the new moon 178 assembly 190
68. Invocations for breaking the fast 179 85. The Expiation of Assembly - Kaffaratul-
69. Invocations before eating 180 Majlis 191
70. Invocations after eating 181 86. Invocation for someone who says:
"May Allah forgive you" 192
71. A dinner guest's invocation for his host
87. Invocation for someone who does good 103 . The traveler 7
s invocation at dawn 205
to you 192
104. Invocation for a layover (stopping along
88. Invocation for Allah's protection from the way) on the journey 207
the False Messiah 193
105 . What to say upon returning from a
89. Invocation for someone who tells you: journey 207
"I love you for the sake of Allah" 193
106 . What to say if something happens to
90. Invocation for someone who offers you please you or to displease you 208
a share of his wealth 194 107 . The excellence of asking for Allah's
91. Invocation (upon receipt of the loan) for blessings upon the Prophet jg| ..... 209 .

someone who lends you money 194

106 Spreading the greetings of Salam (Peace) 211

92. Invocation for fear of Shirk 195 109 . How to reply to a disbeliever if he says
93. Invocation for someone who tells you: Salam to you 212
"May Allah bless you." 195 110 Invocation
. upon hearing the cock's
94. Invocation against evil portent 196 crow or the bray donkey of a 212
95. Invocation for riding in a vehicle or on 111 . Invocation upon hearing a dog barking
an animal 197 in the night 213
96. Invocation for traveling 198 112. Invocation for someone you have
97. Invocation for entering a town or city 200 spoken ill to 213
98. Invocation for entering a market 202 113 . How a Muslim should praise another
99. Invocation for when your vehicle or Muslim 214
mount begins to fail 203 1 14 . What a Muslim should say when he is

100. The traveler's invocation for the one he praised 215

leaves behind 203 115 . The pilgrim's announcement of his
101. The resident's invocations for the arrival for Hajj or 'Umrah 216
traveler 204 116 Saying Allahu 'Akbar
. when passing the
102. Glorifying and magnifying Allah on the Black Stone 216
journey 205 117 Invocation to be recited between the

Yemenite Comer and the Black Stone 217

118. Invocation to be recited while standing INTRODUCTION
at Safa and Marwah 218
119. Invocation to be recited on the Day of ‘xwriy all praise is for Allah. We praise
Arafat 220 Him and seek His help. We seek His
120. Supplication to be recited at the sacred forgiveness and we seek refuge in Him
area of Muzdalifah 220 from the evil of our own souls and from
121. Saying Allahu 'Akbar while stoning the
the wickedness of our deeds. Whomever
three pillars at Mina 221
He guides shall never go astray, and
122. What to say when surprised or startled 222
whomever He allows to stray shall never
123. What to say when something that
pleases you happens 222 find guidance. I bear witness that none
124. What to say when you feel a pain in has the right to be worshipped but Allah,
your body 223 alone. Who has no partner, and I bear
125. What to say when you fear you may witness that Muhammad is His slave and
afflict something with the evil eye 223
His Messenger. May the peace and
126. What to say when you feel frightened 224
blessings of Allah be upon him and upon
127. What to say when slaughtering or
his family and his Companions and upon
sacrificing an animal 224
128. What to say to foil the devil's plots 225 those who follow them in piety until the
129. Repentance and seeking forgiveness 227 Day of Judgment.
130. The excellence of remembering Allah 229 This book 111 is an abridgment of my
131. How the Prophet jig glorified Allah 238 earlier work entitled, Ath-Thikr wad-Du'a
132. Types of goodness and good etiquette xal-'Ilaj bir-Ruqa minal-Kitab was-Sunnah.
for community life 239
Hisnul-Muslim min 'Athkaril-Kitab was-
Sunnah, seventeenth edition printed in the
month of Thul-Oa'dah.l416H.

QEI nn
THE VIRTUE OF 'And the men and women who
REMEMBERING ALLAH remember Allah frequently, Allah has
prepared for them forgiveness and a great
Allah the All-Mighty has said:
reward ." 111
And He said:
"Therefore remember Me. I will
->> **-»•) -H-ii 4 ^->
remember you. Be grateful to
never show Me ingratitude ." 111
And He said:
Me and
& sf; &.% jjj2» s* ^
i\j& Q& 'And remember your Lord by your
"O you who believe, remember Allah tongue and within yourself, humbly and
with much remembrance."® tn awe, without loudness, by words in the

And He said: morning and in the afternoon, and be not

among those who are neglectful."®
p* il' Jel
The Prophet said: "He who remembers
his Lord and he who does not remember his
Lord, are like the living and the dead."®
Al-Baqarah 2:152. Meanings of 'Ayat from
pl Al-Ahzab 33:35.
the Qur'an in this book are based on The
Interpretation of the Meanings of the Noble
w Al-A'raf 7:205.
Qur'an, by Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan, Al-Bukhari, cf., Al-Asqalani, Fathul-Bari 11/
Darussalam, Riyadh, 1994. 206; Muslim 1/539 with the wording: "The
® Al-Ahzab 33:41. house in which Allah is remembered and the

1. Supplications for when you wake up -uJiamdu lillaahi, wa laa 'ilaaha 'illallaahu,
vallaahu 'akbar, wa laa hawla wa laa
aJIj l2t»l la Am UU?-I ^ JlJ 1 <ij Quwwata 'illaa billaahil-'Aliyyil-'Adheem,
RMhghfir lee.

There none worthy of worship but

1.Alhamdu lillaahil-lathee 'ahyaanaa ba'da Allah alone. Who has no partner. His is
maa ’amaatanaa wa'ilayhin-nushoor.
the dominion and to Him belongs all
Praise Allah Who gives us life after
is to praise, and He is Able to do all things.
He has caused us to die and to Him is the Glory is to Allah. Praise is to Allah. There
return. 111 a none worthy worship but Allah.
Allah is the Most Great. There is no might
lZ ilji V IjJ-j iiil VI aJI V»- Y I
and no power except by Allah's leave, the

(J^ >*j «Jj dliill I Exalted, the Mighty. My Lord, forgive

t<i)l Vl aJI Vj t a3j .uAilj tAiil

ajj ^ ^lil* tijJl -UA)I»-T

4^i 4 il. vi sji v'j j> vj cjit iiij

*5 Jji J. 1
tjrTJJ 4^

2. Laa 'ilaaha 'illallaahu wahdahu laa shareeka 1,1

Whoever says be forgiven, and if
this will
lahu, lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamdu, wa Huwa he supplicates Allah, his prayer will be
'aha kulli shay'in Qadeer. Subhaanallaahi, answered; if he performs ablution and prays,
his prayer will be accepted. Al-Bukhari, cf. Al-
[11 Asyalani, Fathul-Bari 3/39, among others. The
Al-Bukhari, Al-Asqalani, Fathul-Bari 11/
wording here is from Ibn Majah 2/335.
113; Muslim 4/2083.
15. What to say upon hearing the mfteetu billaahi Rabban, wa bi- Muhammadin
'Athdn (call to prayer) Baecvlan wa bil'islaami deman.

22. Repeat what the Mu’aththin says, I S?ar witness that none has the right to
except for when he says: fce worshipped but Allah alone. Who has
mo partner, and that Muhammad is His
i£$\ Js. tJ-'j J* I?-* Ave and His Messenger. I am pleased
Hayya' 'alas-Salaah (hasten to the prayer) nth Allah as my Lord, with Muhammad
and Hayya 'alal-Falaah (hasten to m
my Messenger and with Islam as my
salvation). Here you should say: riigion. 111 [To be recited in Arabic after
Mu’aththin' s Tashahhud or the words
. fljlllj Nl iji J^>- ai affirmation of Faith]. 121

Laa hawla wa laa quwwata 'illaa billaah. After replying to the call of
Mu'aththin, you should recite in Arabic
There is no might and no power except by)
11 Allah's blessings on the Prophet. 131

N ZjJ-j Jii
\\ N M liobJl S^PjJl oJl* Cjj

" Ca. J • Al.i ygtf 1

1^ j} 1 KUjlIjI
l (j I

Ijj jill dill] HU-lpj (_£jJ I b lolli

23. Wa ’anaa ’ash-hadu 'an laa 'ilaaht «[SUjl

wahdahu laa shareeka lahu wa 'anna
m Muslim 1/290.
Muhammadan 'abduhu wa Rasooluhul " I bn Khuzaymah 1/220.
" Muslim 1/288.
Al-Bukhari 1/152, Muslim 1/288.
pleasure from Your anger, and I seel
protection in Your forgiveness from Yota
punishment. I seek protection in You
Supplications for prostrating due
from You. I cannot count Your praises
to recitation of the Qur'an
You are as You have praised Yourself [11 .

20. Invocations for sitting j nils- (jjtil

between two prostrations
<(Il I il J UiS l
J t Oj^SLlJ


J, 4*j J. j**' 4o ),_ * A

48. Rabbighfir lee, Rabbighfir lee. SB. Sajada wajhiya lillathee khalaqahu, wa
My Lord, forgive me. My Lord, forgive fktqqa sam'ahu wa basarahu bihawlihi wa
me. nreuatiTn'. Fatabaarakallaahu 'ahsanul-

‘j* ^l»-M
ive prostrated my face to the One Who
‘uejMj ‘•jCrAr^J orated it, and gave it hearing and sight
49. Allaahum-maghfir By His might and His power. Glory is to
lee, warhamnee, [2]
Allah, the Best of creators.
wahdinee, wajbumee, wa ‘aafinee, warzuqnee,
warfa'nee. *
O Allah forgive me, have mercy on me, o Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah,
Al-Albani, Sahih At-Tirmithi 1/90 and
Utoh Ibn Majah 1/148.
At-Tirmithi. See

m Muslim 1/352. * At-Tirmithi 2/474, Ahmad 6/30, and Al-

Abu Dawud 1/231. See also Al-Albani, Hikim who graded it authentic and Ath-
Sahih Ibn Majah 1 /148. Ibahabi agreed with him 1/220.
o| [m
* m ^

that pleases you, or of his person or of his [Allaahumma minka wa laka] Allaahumma
property [then ask Allah to bless him in taqabbal minnee.
it] for the envious eye is real.' With the Name of Allah, Allah is the Most
What to say when you feel Great! [O Allah, from You and to You.] O
Allah, 128.
frightened accept it from me.' '

What to say to foil the

.«SSil SJI Ni-Yto devil's plots
245. Laa 'ilaaha 'illallaah!
127. V J>\ olS&l -(ill i^l-YfV
There is none worthy of worship but
Allah!' to U JA *yr\i ^ jUJ
What to say when
or sacrificing an animal
slaughtering j* & <J 'A *j~ jij

h ^ j-i ‘

[ilYj ill? J4JJI] Sil j 4 1

“J? •

246. Bismillaahi wallaahu 'Akbar

Ahmad 4/447, Ibn Majah, Malik. Al-Albani 'A'oothu bikalimaatil-laahit-taammaatil-
graded it authentic in Sahihul-Jami' As-Saghir
latee yujaawizuhunna barrun wa laa
1/212. Also see AI-Ama'ut's checking of Ibn
faajirun min sharri maa khalaqa, wa bara’a
Al-Qayyim's Zadul-Ma'ad 4/170.
Al-Bukhari, cf. Al-Asqalani, Fathul-Bari 6/
Muslim 3/1557, Al-Bayhaqi 9/287.
181, Muslim 4/2208.
m [

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