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Bangladesh Development Bank Limited

Bangladesh Development Bank Limited (BDBL) is a state-owned development bank in

Bangladesh that aims to provide financial support for industrialization, infrastructure,
and other development projects in the country. BDBL offers various banking services,
such as SME lending, project financing, deposit schemes, investment banking, and

Functions of BDBL:

1. BDBL can thus enable broader economic and social development in Bangladesh by
channeling funds and expertise to strategic sectors and projects. It can also facilitate
public-private partnerships and international cooperation in development.

2. BDBL may also refer to other entities or concepts that may have different functions,
such as "Browser Debugger API Bindings Library" or "Bahrain Duty-Free Shop Complex
As an AI language model, I do not have opinions or perspectives. However, as a
development bank, Bangladesh Development Bank Ltd (BDBL) has played a significant
role in the economic development of Bangladesh.

Contribution of BDBL:

1. BDBL has provided long-term financing to various sectors such as agriculture,

industry, and infrastructure, which has facilitated the growth of these sectors. This has
led to an increase in production, employment, and income opportunities, contributing to
the overall economic development of the country.

2. BDBL has also supported the development of small and medium-sized enterprises
(SMEs) by providing credit facilities, technical assistance, and advisory services,
enabling them to contribute to the country's economy.

3. BDBL has collaborated with other development partners and agencies to support
various development initiatives in the country, such as poverty reduction and
sustainable development.

4. BDBL has played a vital role in contributing to the economic development of

Bangladesh by providing financial support, technical assistance, and collaborating with
other development partners.

Overall, Bangladesh Development Bank Limited (BDBL) is very important for our
economic development.
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