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Sea Encounters - Random Tables

Writing and Layout. Duncan Thomson
Related PDFs and Titles
Cover Art. Photo by Caitlyn Wilson Webb
Interior Art. includes Patrick E. Pullen, b-design and Donnie
Maynard Christianson

Table of Contents

Using Sea Encounters ................................................................... 3
Sea Encounter Tables .................................................................... 4
Location Tables ............................................................................... 5
Beasts and Humanoids ................................................................. 7
Ships, Cargo and Crew ................................................................. 8
Non-Combat Encounters .............................................................. 9
Objects and Treasures ................................................................. 10
Activities and Complications ..................................................... 11
Other Encounter Tables .............................................................. 12

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Using Sea Encounters
Seas could be calm tropics, storm-churned waters or the Ways to Use Random Encounters
edge of an island archipelago. I've tried to support themes of Random encounters are a versatile tool that can surprise a
elemental air, pirates, storms and tentacles. group with the direction it takes the game. Use them for...
Find an Encounters Generator at ChaosGen Changing the Pace
Dice to Use Encounters can be used when things need to slow down or
speed up. A stranger approaches a distracted party (or
The default dice for the tables are 1d8+1d12. With two dice players). An ambush when they are spoiling for a fight, a

some results have a higher chance to occur. The most friendly encounter if they are in safer lands.
common results at 9-13, with values below and above this
occurring less often. The least likely to occur are 2 and 20. Something Unexpected
Or using 1d20 gives more chance of dangerous and unusual Your players have done the unexpected, you need time to
encounters. Options for rolling a 1 include re-rolling, treat as recover and process what's happened. Call a 5-minute break

n 11, combine two more rolls or simply choose a result. and roll (or choose) from the tables. Use what you like to
2d10 (2-20) has the same range as d8+d12. It only uses a provide enough for an encounter or get you to session's end.
single die type and changes the most common result to an 11. A Taste of the Surroundings
Using 3d6 (3-18) or 2d6+4 (6-16) reduces the more In new terrain or an unusual area showcase things specific to
dangerous and unusual encounters and results. the area. Hydras in swamps, crabs on the coast, avalanches
Smaller (d4+d6) Tables in mountains. Hostile encounters where foes are expected,
non-combat encounters where they are not.
The smaller tables use 1d4+1d6 with a range of 2-10. The
most common results are 5-7. Alternate dice include 1d10 Nothing Prepared
(with option of treating a 1 as a 6) or 2d4+1 (2-9)
About Encounter Tables e
There are a few options beyond just rolling up an encounter.
You need something to fill a game session or. For some
groups a simple combat (or non-combat) encounter can keep
a group occupied if you have nothing else to go on.
Modifying Encounters:
Pick the result that is most interesting or makes sense.
Plan for adventures by looking at monster groupings. The extra tables can be used to customize encounters.
Combine the results of two tables. Use Location tables to add variety. Details supplement
Roll several encounters in advance and use as needed. your own descriptions. Use Combat Terrain for aggressive
Use them as a base to make your own encounter tables. foes and to give bold PCs something to work with.
Types of Encounter The Complications table suggests ways of tying an
encounter to the terrain and integrating other tables.
Encounters can go beyond combat. Use them to introduce... NPCs can be prisoners, allies, guides, or simply nearby.

local creatures, NPCs or factions An Enc. Activity gives purpose to a creature encounter
a source of information or someone to call on for help Items can be littered around the battlefield, given to
an encounter tied to a character, villain or subquest intelligent foes or used as treasure.
news about world events or local politics Use humanoids as mercenaries, guards or travelers
foreshadowing of future story or major events. Higher and Lower Level Parties.
Encounter Frequency The tables are created for a range of levels, but some results

Some groups use encounters simply when traveling. Others are very deadly for lower level parties. Or not a challenge for
use a system varying on terrain, danger level and time of day. some higher level parties, which isn't always a problem.
For parties low in a tier (such as levels 4-6 of tier 2, which
A quick method is 1d20 with an encounter on 16+. Roll once is levels 5-10) try the minimum number of creatures. Or the
a day, when terrain changes or more often in areas of danger. maximum for parties on the higher end of a tier.
Simple Travel Encounters Table Similar advice applies for parties with more or less
A simple option for travel is roll 1d20, +1 per day of travel. If characters that the average, or who are more powerful due to
the d20 shows an 11, there is an ambush or night encounter. magical items or character optimization.
Make encounters easier by adding allies or using
1d20 + days of travel Encounters advantageous terrain. Monsters could be hindered with lower
1-10 No encounters morale, injuries or distractions.
11-20 1 encounter
21-30 2 encounters
31+ 3 encounters

Sea Encounter Tables
VGtM = Volo's Guide to Monsters. Sea Encounters (Levels 5-10)
MToF = Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes d8+d12
Sea Encounters (Levels 1-4) 2 1 marid or 1 morkoth (VGtM)
3 Ship (roll on Ship Encounters lvl 5-10) or 1d2 chimeras
4d6 merfolk with 3d6 giant seahorses or 1 young dragon (black,
2 1 air elemental or 1 kraken priest (VGtM) 4
bronze or blue)
3 Ship (roll on Ship Encounters lvl 1-4) or 1d2 manticores
Ship (roll on Ship Encounters lvl 5-10) or 1 kraken priest (VGtM) with
4 1d2 merrow or 1 sea hag with 1d2 sea spawn (VGtM) 5

1d4+1 deep scions (VGtM)
5 Ship (roll on Ship Encounters lvl 1-4) or 1 banshee (sea elf spirit)
6 1d3+1 giant sharks or 1d4+1 deep scions (VGtM)
6 1d3 griffons or roll on Aerial Encounters lvl 1-4
7 Ship (roll on Ship Encounters lvl 5-10)
7 Ship (roll on Ship Encounters lvl 1-4) or 1d4 giant eagles
8 2d6+2 sahuagin led by 1 sahuagin baron or roll on Sahuagin lvl 5-10
8 1d3 giant octopi or 3d6 dolphins (VGtM)
9 Ship (roll on Ship Encounters lvl 5-10) or 2d6 merrow

9 Ship (roll on Ship Encounters lvl 1-4) or 1d2+1 plesiosauruses
2d6 sahuagin with 1 giant shark and 1d3 sahuagin priestesses or roll
10 2d4 steam mephits or roll on Aerial Encounters lvl 1-4 10
on Sahuagin lvl 5-10
11 2d6 merfolk or 1d4 sea spawn (VGtM)
Roll on Sea Encounters Levels 1-4 table or a ship (roll on Ship
12 2d6 giant seahorses or roll on Beast Encounters 11
Encounters lvl 5-10)
13 1 sea hag or roll on Sea Spirits lvl 1-4 12 1d4+2 killer whales or 1d3 water elementals
14 1d3 killer whales or roll on Sea Monsters lvl 1-4 13 1d4 air elementals or roll on Sea Spirits lvl 5-10
15 1d4+1 sahuagin and 1d4 reef sharks or roll on Sahuagin lvl 1-4 14 2d4 hunter sharks or roll on Sea Monsters lvl 5-10
16 1d4+1 reef sharks or roll on Sea Beast Encounters 15 1d6+1 scouts on griffons or roll on Aerial Encounters lvl 5-10
17 2d4 merfolk with 2d4 giant seahorses or 1 deep scion (VGtM) 16 1 sea hag and 1d6+1 merrow or roll on Sea Monsters lvl 5-10
18 1 helmed horror or roll on Sea Monsters lvl 1-4 17 2d6 plesiosauruses or roll on Aerial Encounters lvl 5-10
1 sahuagin priestess with 1d3 hunter sharks or roll on Sahuagin lvl 1-4
1 water elemental or 1 merrenoloth (MToF) with a boat
1d4+2 ghosts or 1 hydroloth (MToF)
A coven of 3 sea hags or roll on Sea Spirits lvl 5-10
1 djinni or 1 roc

Sea Encounters (Levels 11+)

2 1 solar or 1 elder tempest (MToF)
3 1 empyrean or 1 leviathan (MToF)
4 4d6 merrow or a coven of 3 night hags mounted on nightmares
1 adult dragon (black, bronze or blue) or roll on Aerial High-level
6 1d3 storm giants or 1 nagpa (MToF)

2 young dragons (black, bronze or blue) or roll on Aerial High-level

8 3d6 hunter sharks or 1 storm giant quintessent (VGtM)
9 1 djinni and 1d4 air elementals or roll on Aerial High-level Encounters
10 2d4 giant sharks or 2d4 air elementals
Roll on Sea Encounters Levels 5-10 table or roll on Sea Monster
High-level Encounters

12 1 storm giant with 1d6 giant eagles or 1 morkoth (VGtM)

13 2d4 water elementals or roll on Sea Monster High-level Encounters
4d6 sahuagin and 1d4+2 sahuagin priestesses led by a sahuagin baron
or 1 Airship with 2d6+3 archers (VGtM) and 1 Mage
15 1d3 marids or 1 archduid (VGtM) and 1d4 killer whales
16 1 dragon turtle or 1 wastrilith (MToF)
17 1 marid and or 1 archduid (VGtM) with... (roll on Beast Encounters)
18 1 sahuagin baron and 1d4+2 giant sharks or 1 blue abishai (MToF)
19 1 storm giant and 1d2 water elementals or 1 empyrean
20 1 kraken or 1 nightwalker (MToF)

Location Tables Sea Civilized Locations
Many sea encounters happen in empty open waters. 2
Three rocks carved with images of a sea deity (is in the area of a

Use Wilds, Civilized or Unusual Islands table for another forbiddance spell)
option. 3
A giant construct of metal, kept afloat by clockwork (there is a
Sea Location Details can be used to customize the location. 4
A large rock with several nests made from debris of shipwrecks (it is
home to harpies who are sometimes friendly, sometimes hostile)
An island of crystal that enhances sounds. There are carvings of
merfolk playing instruments (there is a merchant ship in sight)
6 A hamlet on the back of a giant turtle (it is populated by lizardfolk)

A small island containing crude wooden structures (it has castaways -
roll on Ship Crew lvl 1-4 or 5-10)
A floating structure with several wooden platforms. At its center is a
shrine to a deity of trade (there is a sea elf watching)
An abandoned floating prison (there is a brisk breeze from the

An island of windswept dunes dotted with lifelike stone statues (it is
overcast and there is light rain)
A recent shipwreck on a set of jagged rocks (it is associated with a
mysterious spirit)
A green island home to a herd of giant goats (a pair of cyclops look
Sea Wild Locations 12
after them)
In italics are optional extra details. 13
A barnacle-covered shipwreck surrounded by kelp (it attracts many
d8+d12 A barren island with a stone circle (associated with a dangerous


An area of permanent mists (it leads to a sea thousands of miles

A floating iceberg (there is debris floating in the water)

Churning waters with a maelstrom in it's center (it is a portal to a
plane of water)

A floating stone temple to a deity of the sea (a winged creature is
circling high overhead)
A platform of dwarven (or gnomish) design with an abandoned
hamlet. It is anchored to the seabed (nearby is a small island)
A verdant island which is actually hallucinatory terrain over jagged A bronze statue rising up out of the sea (many dead fish are floating
5 17
rocks (there is distant thunder) here)
A long sandbank with the skeleton of a large dragon (there is a A giant beanstalk rising up from a forested island (there is a planar
6 18
whirlwind approaching) portal at the top)
7 An island with several palm trees (a flock of gulls circles nearby) A spire of bronze that rises from the sea floor. It has a staircase
Reefs that are hard to spot (there is a floating sign warning of spiraling around the outside (the area is unaffected by storms)
pirates) A large wooden cube with steps carved into one side (it is disguised
An island with lots of greenery and a sheltered cove with blue cliffs by a mirage arcana)

(there is a floating sign warning of sea monsters)
A mass of stinking, rotting seaweed (there is a rowing boat floating
A rocky island with several trees and flocks of seabirds (there is
something large in the water)
12 A pair of jagged rocks (there is heavy mist)
A rocky island home to thousands of crabs (one of the crabs is a

A sandy beach covered in seashells (there is a chilly wind from the

15 An island of shiny sharp black stone (there is a floating corpse)
16 Shoals hidden by a hallucinatory terrain
17 An island covered in seaweed (a patch of seaweed is intelligent)
18 An area of roiling fog (it is a portal a plane of air)
A circular island with a lake at its center (it is associated with a
mysterious priest)
A permanent storm which travels the seas (it is the avatar of a sea

Sea Location Details
Unusual Islands
In italics are optional extra details. Minor details to add to other locations
d8+d12 Island Locations d8+d12

An floating ice castle with cold wintry weather in a few miles around 2 A patch of moving seaweed
2 it. An intelligent frost weapon is buried here (it is associated with a 3 A sandbank
storm giant scholar) 4 A floating wooden statue of a deity
A wooded island blessed by a powerful fey. Creatures from the sea 5 A crate with several chickens
come regularly to pay their respects (there is a whirlpool) 6 A fishing boat
An island with a lake of crystal and glass in the middle. On the full 7 A floating marker with the distances to two cities
4 moon shows events from around the world to any who watch (there 8 Many bits of driftwood

is a portal to the Plane of Air)
9 An abandoned raft
Three enchanted islands each home to a different hag of a coven (a
5 10 A floating marker warning of dangerous waters
dolphin is trapped in something)
11 Several barrels tied together
An island with old stone buildings and a few old hermits that tend to
12 A large wooden table or a canoe
6 them. A large bronze bell will summon a sea monster (there is a

floating barrel) 13 A mass of seaweed
A giant rock with strange patterns and holes carved out of it. Home 14 A coracle
to a mad but lonely beholder (a storm is approaching) 15 A piece of ship
An island with a small harbor and temple to a sea god. Merfolk visit 16 A dead whale
8 weekly to join the priests in ceremonies and rites (there is the flag of 17 A boat of bloated corpses
a seafaring nation) 18 A floating platform attached to an anchor
A large island with several ships moored there. A group of dwarves or 19 A permanent major image of a small island
9 humans is building the start of a colony here (there is a 20 An abandoned keelboat
mordenkainen's magnificent mansion)
A green island which is home to a small tribe of lizardfolk. They

sometimes visit nearby civilization in their canoes (there is a strong
wind from the southwest)
A rocky island home to many types of seabirds. Two married druids
live a peaceful existence on the island (there is a group of flying
creatures approaching)
A flat island, mostly covered at high tide. Low tide reveals hundreds
of entrances to an extensive cave system (it is raining)
Several large rocks covered in seaweed. A small colony of myconids
tend them (there is smoke from a fire)
A cave-riddled stone spire. Home to a clan of seafaring kobolds. They
14 worship a black dragon that slumbers in a cave below the island
(there are many crabs)
Ruins of an old temple where devils were worshiped. Sahuagin keep

15 a watch on it and will try to sacrifice anyone investigating it (there is

a warm breeze from the southeast)
A small barren island with a large bright pavilion tent. A group of
16 powerful adventurers rests here and traveled here by magic (there is
writing in the sky)
A tall island given water by, a decanter of endless water at the
summit. Inhabited by shipwreck survivors who worship the flask ()
A dormant volcano which houses a tribe of gnomes and their

clockwork servants (there are several floating diseased corpses)

Permanent mists shroud this island and a several ghostly ships patrol
19 around it. An ancient ruined city lies within (there is an airship flying
A cloud giant castle floating on the sea, whose ruler is magically
asleep inside, guarded by elementals (a fog is rolling in)

Beasts & Humanoids
Beast Encounters
A mix of aquatic and aerial beasts
2 1 giant shark
3 1d4 giant eagles
4 1d3 plesiosauruses

5 1d4 giant seabirds (giant vulture stats)
6 1d2 hunter sharks and 1d4 reef sharks
7 1d4 pteranodons or 2d6 giant crabs
8 1d4+1 reef sharks
9 2d4 blood hawks

10 1d3 hunter sharks
11 2d6 giant seahorses or 3d6 dolphins (VGtM)
12 1d2 killer whales
13 1d3 giant octopi
14 1d4 seabird swarms (swarm of ravens stats)
1 patch of awakened seaweed (awakened bush stats) or 1d2
quetzalcoatluses (VGtM)
16 1d2 manticores
17 1d4 swarms of quippers or 1d4 pegasi
18 1d2 griffons

Sea Mounts
1d2 giant constrictor snakes
1 aquatic shambling mound
For medium-size npcs & leaders, with options for other sizes.
2 giant seabird (giant vulture stats)
3 griffon
4 hunter shark
5 pegasus
6 giant seahorse or pteranodon

7 plesiosaurus
Sea Character Races
8 hippogriff
9 giant ocotopus or killer whale Use this table for ship crew, travellers and other NPCs.
10 manticore
Creating merfolk NPCs is described in the Dungeon Master's
Guide (page 282).

2 Hill Dwarf
3 High elf or Lizardfolk (VGtM)
4 Tiefling or Merfolk
5 Half-elf or Water Genasi (EEPC*)
6 Human or Triton (VGtM)
7 Dragonborn (Black, blue or bronze) or Sea Elf (MToF)
8 Lightfoot Halfing or Tabaxi (VGtM)
9 Half-orc or Aasimar (any, VGtM)
10 Rock Gnome or Kobold (VGtM)

*EEPC is the Elemental Evil Player's Companion, a free

pdf from Wizards of the Coast

Ships, Crew and Cargo Ship Crew (Levels 5-10)
Ship details found in Dungeon Master's Guide page 119 If extra crew are needed use commoner, bandit or thug stats
Ship Encounters (Levels 1-4) 2d4 specters and 1d2 ghosts or 3d6 tribal warriors and 1d4 berserkers
d4+d6 led by 1 bard (VGtM)
2 1 Sailing Ship 1 Galley with Ship Crew level 1-4 2d6 guards led by 1d4+1 Veterans or 2d6 scouts led by 1d3
3 1 Keelboat crewed by 2d6 goblins and 1 goblin boss swashbucklers (VGtM)
A Rowing Boat with novice adventurers. 1 acolyte, 1 kenku, 1 scout, 1 2d6+6 cultists and 1d4 cult fanatics led by 1 cambion or 2d6+6
4 4
lizardfolk and 1d3 bandits. Their first adventure is going badly. hobgoblins led by 1 hobgoblin captain
5 1 Longship with Ship Crew level 1-4 2d6+12 tribal warriors led by 1d4 berserkers or 2d6+3 tortles (MToF)

6 1 Keelboat with Ship Crew level 1-4 led by 1 tortle druid (MToF)
7 A raft adrift in the sea, containing 1d6 bandit sailors 6 4d6 bandits (pirates) led by 1d3 bandit captains or 2d4 giff (MToF)
8 1d2 Keelboats 1 Galley with Ship Crew level 1-4 3d6 thugs or 1 kraken priest (VGtM) with 3d6 cultists and 1d3 sea
9 A folding boat in ship form, with Ship Crew level 1-4 spawn (MToF)
2d6 bandits and 2d4 thugs led by 1 gladiator or 4d6 bandits (pirates)
An unreliable clockwork submarine (or Keelboat) crewed by 1 gnome 8

10 led by 1 swashbuckler (VGtM)
spy. Try bluffing that they have a dangerous weapon or golem crew.
2d6 scouts and 1d3 spies or 4d6 kobolds with 1d4+1 kobold
Ship Encounters (Levels 5-10) dragonshields (VGtM) and 1d2 kobold scale sorcerers (VGtM)
1d3+1 wights with 2d6+12 zombies or 1 necromancer (VGtM) with
d4+d6 10
2d6+12 skeletons
2 1 Airship with Ship Crew level 5-10
3 1d3 Keelboats with Ship Crew level 5-10
A floating wrecked warship home to 1d4+1 ghosts (or roll on Sea
Spirits lvl 5-10)
5 1 Galley with Ship Crew level 5-10
6 1 Sailing Ship with Ship Crew level 5-10
1 Warship with Ship Crew level 5-10
1d2 Longships with Ship Crew level 5-10
A bulky Longship crewed by 2d6 ogres and 1 oni captain

1 Airship carrying 1d2 mages and a few servants (Ship Crew lvl 1-4)
Ship Crew (Levels 1-4)
If extra crew are needed use commoner or bandit stats
2 2d4 scouts or 3d6 skeletons
2d6 bandits (pirates) with 1d3 thugs or 2d4 tribal warriors with 1d2
archers (VGtM) Ship Cargo

4 3d6 cultists led by 1 cult fanatic or 2d4+2 tortles (MToF)

5 2d6 bandits (pirates) led by 1 bandit captain
2 A zoo of stuffed beasts and monsters
4d6 commoners led by 1 Scout or 2d6 pirates (bandits) led by 1
6 3 Tapestries depicting religious or fiendish scenes
swashbuckler (VGtM)
4 Coins
7 2d6 tribal warriors led by 1 berserker
A noble and their entourage who have hired the ship for a special
8 2d4 commoners with 1d4 acolytes and 1 priest or 3d6 kobolds 5
9 2d6 guards led by 1d3 Nobles or 2d4 hobgoblins
6 A mix of herbs, spices, wine and perfume

10 3d6 tribal warriors led by 1 druid or 1 merrenoloth (MToF)

7 Barrels of elven wine
8 Bolts of silk or satin
9 Livestock or slaves
10 Barrels of ale
11 Fruit or grain
12 A party of adventurers and... (roll again)
13 Spices
14 Healing supplies and potions
15 Books and scrolls about one or two subjects
16 Artwork from many different artists
17 Exotic or outlawed pets
18 1d20 bodies in coffins with a priest to look after the spirits
19 Pelts, ivory and other animal parts
20 Pottery

Non-Combat Encounters Quick Sea NPCs
If needed give an NPC a Sea Mount (griffon, giant seahorse),
Sea Non-Combat Creature Encounters a boat (rowing boat, keelboat) or an island.
Most encounters below retreat, hide or surrender in combat. d4+d6
d8+d12 Mardred is a cheerful mage or bard - VGtM) on a flying carpet (or
2 hippogriff) playing a gilded flute. They have many tales of their travels
2 A pegasi herd with an elven druid. Can lead to a hidden sanctuary.
and hope to restore a magical academy.
The Red Goat Crew are adventurers with a rowboat, undersea quest
3 Exava is an alert berserker in a canoe followed by a flock of friendly
and a talking octopus guide. 1 priest, 2 thugs, 1 druid and 1d3 scouts 3
seabirds. They love riddles and seek a mystical island seen in dreams.
4 A merrow wants to see a port city and asks for help in finding one
Enna is an attractive druid poet with fish-themed jewelry. They belong
5 A berserker on a bonded hunter shark is a messenger. They are lost. 4

to a community of spellcasters and are studying unusual sea creatures.
A musical scout (or bard - VGtM) was stranded by last crew. Has a
6 Kosef is an acrobatic bandit captain (or swashbuckler - VGtM) who likes
large collection of annoying songs.
5 to lick their lips. They are always playing with a set of dice and are
A marid has several cute sea animals to give as gifts. They are all
7 looking for a suitable ship to command.
familiars bonded to the genie which they use as spies.
Faen is a youthful merfolk wearing a collection of bizarre trinkets. They
8 A boat of hopeful explorers led by a noble. Hunting a fabled island 6

are a sage on underwater civilizations and seek a lost underwater city.
9 A storm giant stops the group to catch up on recent world events
Riswynn is a relaxed scout mercenary with a furry flying cat
10 A merfolk is singing to various sea creatures. Happy to do requests. 7
companion. They are a keen cook and carry a collection of spices.
11 Several aarakocra traders are looking for somewhere to have a rest Vani is a restless aarakocra carpenter with a variety of knives. They are
12 Several inquisitive sea pixies follow group and ask many questions. fascinated by boats and stop every few minutes to study the weather.
A few merfolk are racing chariots pulled by giant seahorses (or Ambition is a fierce tiefling noble with a luxurious hooded cloak. They
13 9
dolphins - VGtM). Ask if anyone wants to judge or have a go racing. have made a deal with a sea creature and are considering the future.
A few commoners are adrift on a raft. Excited by prospect of rescue Helgret is a hairless gladiator in seaweed clothing. They can survive
14 10
and vessel was attacked by notorious seafarer. underwater and claim to be the lone survivor of an adventuring group.
15 A few sentient kiler whales who love riddles and mind games
16 A sea elf priest has sea shells and items from the sea floor to trade.
Sea Hazards and Obstacles


An adult gold dragon claims large area of sea as their territory but lets
people through if they listen to a few long stories
A djinni just arrived on this plane. Asks for nearest interesting place.
A few scouts are hunting a dangerous shark. Their boat is damaged
Encounters to hinder, threaten or inconvenience the
characters. Option to combine with a creature encounter.
and they are talking about getting a bigger one.
2 Bright lights and swirling patterns fill the sky
20 A mage is on a table that loses flight if they stop. Requests supplies.
A ghost ship whose crew seek release or a siren's call from
underwater (or a small island)
Several beasts (or boat of corpses) infected with disease (DMG pg
Singing (or wailing) is heard in the distance from an island (or
6 Hail (or snow) (heavy precipitation, DMG pg 110)

7 A ship is in trouble (being attacked, on fire, sinking)

8 Rain (or sleet) storm (heavy precipitation, DMG pg 110)
9 A bright (or flashing) beacon. Possibly a distress call or celebration
10 Strong winds (DMG pg 110) or their craft gets stuck on something
11 A heavy (or ghostly) fog descends around the group
12 A sea monster that is inquisitive rather than hostile
Inquisitive dolphins, sea horses or whales follow the pcs. One might

be intelligent
14 A thunderstorm or an enchanted mist is approaching
15 Phantom spirits and ghosts follow the group, staying underwater
A ship on fire coming out of the sea fog or merfolk hail them seeking
A maelstrom that leads to an underwater civilization (or the
Elemental Plane of Water)
18 A tidal wave or merfolk hail them seeking an alliance
19 A ship adrift with no-one alive on board
20 The avatar of a sea deity asks for aid in events under the sea

Sea Objects and Treasures
Sea Mundane Items
XGtE = Xanathar's Guide to Everything
Discarded objects, quick loot or extra NPC equipment
2 an exotic saddle or enduring spellbook (XGtE)
3 a basket with something moving inside

4 an anchor or pirate flag
5 a wooden chest
6 a coracle or a red dress
7 a scroll case with a collection of seashells
8 a fishing net or a broken mirror

9 a wooden duck painted yellow
10 an oar or a plank covered in barnacles
11 a length of knotted rope
12 a barrel of ale a half-full water flask
13 a small raft
14 an empty barrel or a waterproof bag
15 a bottle with a message inside
16 a fancy hat or a wooden shield
17 an artificial wooden leg
20 e
a wooden toy boat or candle of the deep (XGtE)
a dead seagull
a flask of alchemist's fire or roll on Minor Treasures

Sea Minor Treasures

Sea Magic Items (d20)
Use 1d8 for Uncommon items, 1d8+8 for Rare, 1d4+16 for
Very Rare & Legendary
2 A spyglass 1d20
3 Bead of Force or Potion of Storm Giant Strength 1 Trident of Fish Command or Cloak of the Manta Ray
A figurine of a silver dolphin with a rider. It floats in water. Worth 2 Mariner's Armor or Broom of Flying
600 gp. 3 Ring of Water Walking or Robe of Useful Items
5 Potion of Flying or Dust of Dryness 4 Ring of Swimming or Decanter of Endless Water
A map with several islands marked on, alongside cryptic notes about 5 Winged Boots or Necklace of Adaptation

buried treasure, guardians and sea monsters.

Bag of Tricks - Sea (1d8 - 1. quipper; 2. seahorse; 3. blood hawk; 4.
7 Quaal's Feather Token - Fan or Potion of Gaseous Form 6
giant crab; 5. reef shark; 6. giant octopus; 7. hippogriff; 8. hunter shark)
An anchor of bronze in perfect condition. It is decorated with images 7 Alchemy Jug or Gloves of Swimming and Climbing
of sea creatures and dwarven runes. Worth 150 gp
8 Wind Fan or Cap of Water Breathing
9 Scroll of Protection - Elementals or Beasts
9 Folding Boat or Rope of Entanglement
Artisan's tools (navigator's tools or cartographer's tools) or cast off
10 10 Wings of Flying or Ring of Spell Storing
armor (XGtE)
11 Tentacle Rod or Bowl of Commanding Water Elementals
11 1d4 Potions of Water Breathing or Pole of Angling (XGtE)

12 Robe of Scintillating Colors or Ring of Free Action

12 A flask of alchemist's fire
13 Figurine of Wondrous Power - Ebony Fly or Heward's Handy Haversack
13 Spell Scroll of water walk (or control water)
Censer of Controlling Air Elementals or Figurine of Wondrous Power -
14 A cage with 3d6 parrots or Rope of Mending (XGtE) 14
Bronze Griffon
15 Quaal's Feather Token - Anchor (or Swan Boat) or Oil of Slipperiness
15 Figurine of Wondrous Power - Obsidian Steed
A chest of fancy clothes worth 1d6 x 100 gp. or Wand of
16 16 Staff of Thunder and Lightning or Horsehoes of a Zephyr
Pyrotechnics (XGtE)
17 Oathbow or Staff of Frost
17 Spell Scroll of conjure water elemental (or tsunami)
18 Scimitar (cutlass) of Speed or Ring of Djinni Summoning - legendary
18 A crate with a variety of brightly colored children's toys that float.
19 Carpet of Flying or Apparatus of Kwalish - legendary
19 Elemental Gem (air or water)
Rod of Security or Ring of Elemental Command (air or water) -
A pouch with an ornate eyepatch and three eyes made of gold, silver 20
20 legendary
and pearl. The patch can hold one fake eye. Worth 1250 gp

Activities & Complications Sea Encounter Sentient Activity
Extra options for sentient creatures. They are... (or one is...)
Sea Encounter Activity or State
They are... (or one is...) 2 flying an enemy flag or performing a funeral
d8+d12 3 making music or getting ready to descend into the depths
2 a shapechanger (or have one among them) 4 intoxicated or trying to stay afloat
larger than normal (extra hit points) or watching something in the 5 talking (or trading) with someone (roll on Quick Sea NPCs)
distance 6 repairing something or playing with a pet
4 mutated (or mutilated) in some way 7 hunting (or being hunted by) a beast or telling a story
5 investigating (or playing with) an item (roll on Sea Mundane Items) 8 lost or retrieving something in the sea

6 waiting for someone (or something) or infected with disease 9 displaying the symbol of a regional deity (or faction)
7 searching for a companion (or sustenance) 10 searching for a person (or place); or swimming
strong swimmers (add 20 ft. to swim speed) or injured (not at full hit 11 fishing or following someone
points or reduced speed) 12 trying to get help or thirsty

9 investigating (or consuming) an unusual type of seaweed or resting 13 on patrol or preparing (or consuming) food
10 adapted to the sea (swim 30 ft, can breathe underwater or fly 30 ft.) 14 throwing something into the sea or consuming food
11 partway through (or starting) a journey (or migration) 15 playing with sea beasts or near the end of a journey
12 frolicking (or lying still) in the water or tired 16 having an argument or relaxing
13 watching (or hiding from) a nearby threat 17 preparing for a storm or performing a ritual
14 fleeing from something or eating 18 looking for (or exploring) an island
15 investigating a dead body (roll on Quick Sea NPCs) 19 trying to predict the weather or waiting in ambush
16 marked by (or bearing symbols of) a deity of the sea (or darkness) 20 searching for treasure
17 curious about (or watching) a nearby watercraft
18 playing a game or starving
Encounter Complication or Enhancement
20 cursed or telepathic (telepathy 120 ft.)
haunted (or harassed) by another creature

There is a hallucinatory terrain (or mirage arcana) of an island (or
concealing an island)
There is a sea monster which is curious rather than hostile (roll again
on appropriate Sea Monster table)
There is a temple to a sea deity here, protected by hallow (or
5 There is a warship in sight (or roll on Ship Encounters)
There is a group of sahuagin lurking nearby (or roll on Sahuagin
There is a permanent major image of a small island or roll on Sea
Hazards and Obstacles

There is a prisoner in the encounter or a lone traveler nearby. Roll on

Quick Sea NPCs
9 There is a dead whale or roll on Sea Location Details
There are giant seahorses here (or nearby) as pets (or guards). For
alternatives roll on Sea Beasts
11 There is a merchant ship in trouble (or roll on Ship Encounters)
12 There is a capsized rowing boat here

There are strong winds (DMG pg 110) or roll on Sea Hazards and
The creatures are carrying a magic item (or it is stowed nearby). Roll
on Magic Items - Sea
Singing can be heard from underwater or roll on Sea Hazards &
There are flyers circling overhead (roll again on appropriate Aerial
Encounters table)
17 A thunderstorm is approaching or roll on Sea Hazards and Obstacles
Nearby is an empyrean (or pick from Sea Encounters Level 11+)
those encountered try not to disturb.
There is a hidden item (or cache) here. A potion of flying or roll on
Minor Sea Treasures
20 There is an elemental portal here to a plane of water (or air)

Other Encounter Tables
Aerial Encounters (Levels 1-4)
2 1d2 dragon wyrmlings (black, blue or bronze)
3 1d4 pteranodons
4 1d3 griffons
5 1d4 steam mephits
6 1d3 pegasi or 1d2 quetzalcoatluses (VGtM)
7 1d4+1 ice mephit or 1d4+1 dust mephits

8 1d4 giant eagles
9 1 manticore or 1 archer (VGtM) mounted on a quetzalcoatlus (VGtM)
10 1 air elemental or 1 couatl

Aerial Encounters (Levels 5-10)
2 1 roc or 1d2 vrocks
3 1 young dragon (black, blue or bronze) or 1d2 black abishai (MToF)
4 1 night hag mounted on a nightmare or 2d4 vampiric mists (MToF)
5 1d2 invisible stalkers
6 2d4 griffons
7 1d3 air elementals
8 1d2 wyverns or 1 deva Sahuagin (Levels 1-4)
10 1 djinni

Aerial Encounters (Levels 11+)

2d4+2 pegasi or 1d2 air elemental myrmidons (MToF)
1 sahuagin priestess with 1d3 sahuagin
1d4 sahuagin with 1d2 swarms of quippers
1d3 sahuagin priestesses
5 1d4+1 sahuagin
d4+d6 6 1 sahuagin priestess with 1d3 reef sharks
2 1 adult blue dracolich or 1 elder tempest (MToF) 7 1d3 sahuagin with 1d3 reef sharks
3 1 adult dragon (Black, Blue or Bronze) or 1 planetar 8 1d4 sahuagin with 1 hunter shark
1d4+2 invisible stalkers or 1d2 githyanki knights mounted on young red 9 1 malenti (a sahuagin with appearance of an aquatic elf)
dragons 10 1 sahuagin with 1 giant shark
5 2d4 air elementals or 1 ki-rin (VGtM)
6 1 roc or 1 storm giant quintessent (VGtM)

7 1d2 djinni or 1d2 gynosphinxes

8 2d4+2 manticores or 1d2 devas Sahuagin (Levels 5-10)
9 1 djinni and 1d3 air elementals or 1d2 erinyes d4+d6
10 2 young dragons (Black, Blue or Bronze) or 1 blue abishai (MToF) 2 2d4 sahuagin with 2d4 hunter sharks led by 1 sahuagin priestess
3 2d4 sahuagin with 2d4 reef sharks and 1d2 giant sharks
4 2d4+4 sahuagin with 1d3+1 sahuagin priestesses
5 2d6+6 sahuagin

6 2d6 sahuagin led by 1 sahuagin baron

7 3d6 sahuagin with 1d3+1 hunter sharks
8 1 sahuagin baron with 1d4 giant sharks
1d3 sahuagin priestesses with 1d3 hunter sharks led by 1 sahuagin
10 2d6 with 1d2 sahuagin priestesses led by 1 sahuagin baron

Sea Monster (Levels 1-4)
A lone monster that can come from the depths. Fiends,
undead, aquatic and tentacled horrors. Add one or two more
if a lone monster is not enough.
If required give it a swim speed equal to its land speed and
give it the amphibious trait: Amphibious. This creature can
breathe air and water
d4+d6 Sea Monster - Low
2 1 beholder zombie or 1 otyugh
3 1 helmed horror or 1 black pudding

4 1 flameskull or 1 sword wraith warrior (MToF)
5 1 giant constrictor snake or 1 slithering tracker (VGtM)
6 1 giant octopus or 1 deep scion (VGtM)
7 1 killer whale or 1 merrow
8 1 grell or 1 wraith

9 1 banshee or 1 flail snail (VGtM)
10 1 giant shark or 1 troll

Sea Monster (Levels 5-10)

2 1 remorhaz or 1 morkoth (VGtM)
3 1 spirit naga or 1 corpse flower (MToF)
4 1 hydra or 1 hydroloth (MToF)
5 1 chuul or 1 giant crocodile
1 giant shark or 1 roper
1 cyclops or 1 medusa
1 Seaweed monster (treant stats with swim speed of 30 ft.)
1 aboleth or 1 frost salamander (MToF)
1 horned devil
Sea Spirits (Levels 1-4)
Sea Monster (Levels 11+) d4+d6
d4+d6 2 1 water elemental or 1 air elemental
2 1 empyrean or 1 nightwalker (MToF) 3 1d3 drowned spirits (specter stats with swim 50 ft.)
3 1 death tyrant or 1 leviathan (MToF) 4 1d4+1 steam mephits or 1d2 vampiric mists (MToF)
4 1 purple worm or 1 retriever (MToF) 5 1 sea hag
5 1 storm giant or 1 wastrilith (MToF) 6 1d4+1 ice mephits or 1 water weird

6 1 marid or 1 horned devil 7 1d2 poltergeists or 2d4 mud mephits

7 1 behir or 1 remorhaz 8 1 shipwrecked ghost or 2d4 animated sea objects (flying sword stats)
8 1 dragon turtle or 1 marilith 9 1d3 pegasi or 1d2 sword wraith warriors (MToF)
9 1 kraken or 1 iron golem 10 1 helmed horror or 1 sea elf spirit (banshee stats, swim 30 ft.)
10 1 ice devil or 1 leviathan (MToF)
Sea Spirits (Levels 5-10)

2 1 djinni or 1 deva
3 Coven of 3 sea hags or 1 frost salamander (MToF)
4 1 air elemental and 1d6 pegasi or 2d4 vampiric mists (MToF)
5 2d6+3 mephits (any mix of steam, mud, ice and dust)
6 1d4 elementals (mix of water elementals and air elementals)
7 1d3 wind spirits (invisible stalker stats)
8 1 water elemental and 2d6 mud mephits
1d2 seaweed blights (vine Blight stats, swim 30 ft) led by 1 shambling
seaweed (shambling mound stats)
10 1 marid or 1 spirit troll (MToF)


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