Adsorption Sample Problems

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C15 09/22/2010 Page 581

§15.2 Equilibrium Considerations 581

isotherm (15-16). Experimental q–p isothermal data can be Using (15-25), the best straight line is drawn through a plot
fitted to (15-19) by a nonlinear curve fit or by converting (15- of points p=q versus p, giving a slope of (1=qm) and an inter-
19) to the following linear form, and using a graphical cept of 1=(qmK). Theoretically, K should change rapidly with
method or a linear-regression program to obtain k and n; temperature but qm should not, because it is related through
ym by (15-7) to Sg. The Langmuir isotherm predicts an
log q ¼ log k þ ð1=nÞlog p ð15-20Þ asymptotic limit for q at high pressure, whereas the Freundlich
In the graphical method, data are plotted as log q versus log p; isotherm does not, as shown e.g. by the curve for Columbia G
the best straight line through the data has a slope of (1=n) and activated carbon in Figure 15.11.
an intercept of log k. In general, k decreases, while n increases
with increasing temperature, approaching a value of 1 at high
temperatures. Although (15-19) is empirical, it can be derived Other Adsorption Isotherms
by assuming a heterogeneous surface with a nonuniform dis- Valenzuela and Myers [23] fit isothermal, pure-gas adsorp-
tribution of heat of adsorption (Brunauer [21]). tion data to the three-parameter isotherms of Toth:
Langmuir Isotherm q¼ ð15-26Þ
ðb þ pt Þ1=t
The Langmuir equation [28] is restricted to Type I iso-
where m, b, and t are constants for a given adsorbate–
therms. It is derived from mass-action kinetics, assuming
adsorbent system and temperature.
that chemisorption is the reaction. Let the surface of the
Honig and Reyerson devisied the three-constant UNILAN
pores of the adsorbent be homogeneous (DHads ¼ constant),
with negligible interaction forces between adsorbed mole-
cules. If u is the fraction of surface covered by adsorbed n c þ pes
molecules, (1  u) is the fraction of bare surface, and the q¼ ln ð15-27Þ
2s c þ pes
net rate of adsorption is the difference between the rate of
adsorption on the bare surface and the rate of desorption on where n, s, and c are the constants for a given system and
the covered surface: temperature. The Toth and UNILAN isotherms reduce to the
Langmuir isotherm for t ¼ 1 and s ¼ 0, respectively.
dq=dt ¼ ka pð1  uÞ  kd u ð15-21Þ

where ka and kd are the adsorption and desorption kinetic

constants. At equilibrium, dq=dt ¼ 0 and (15-21) reduces to EXAMPLE 15.4 Freundlich and Langmuir Isotherms.

Kp Data for the equilibrium adsorption of pure methane gas on acti-

u¼ ð15-22Þ vated carbon (PCB from Calgon Corp.) at 296 K were obtained by
1 þ Kp
Ritter and Yang [Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 26, 1679–1686 (1987)]:
where K ¼ ka=kd is the adsorption-equilibrium constant and
u ¼ q=qm ð15-23Þ q, cm3 (STP) of 45.5 91.5 113 121 125 126 126
CH4/g carbon
where qm is the maximum loading corresponding to complete P ¼ p, psia 40 165 350 545 760 910 970
surface coverage. Thus, the Langmuir adsorption isotherm is
restricted to a monomolecular layer. Combining (15-23) with
Fit the data to: (a) the Freundlich isotherm, and (b) the Langmuir
(15-22) results in the Langmuir isotherm:
isotherm. Which isotherm provides a better fit? Do the data give a
reasonable fit to the linear isotherm?
Kqm p
q¼ ð15-24Þ
1 þ Kp
At low pressures, if Kp 1, (15-24) reduces to the linear iso- Using the linearized forms of the isotherm equations, a spreadsheet
therm, (15-16), while at high pressures where Kp 1, q ¼ or other program can be used to do a linear regression:
qm. At intermediate pressures, (15-24) is nonlinear in pressure.
(a) Using (15-20), log k ¼ 1.213, k ¼ 16.34, 1=n ¼ 0.3101, and
Although originally devised by Langmuir for chemisorption, n ¼ 3.225. Thus, the Freundlich equation is:
(15-24) is widely applied to physical-adsorption data.
In (15-24), K and qm are treated as constants obtained by q ¼ 16:34p0:3101
fitting the nonlinear equation to experimental data or by
employing the following linearized form, numerically or (b) Using (15-25), 1=qm ¼ 0.007301, qm ¼ 137.0, 1=(qmK) ¼
graphically: 0.5682, and K ¼ 0.01285. Thus, the Langmuir equation is

p 1 p 1:760p
¼ þ ð15-25Þ q¼
q qm K qm 1 þ 0:01285p
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582 Chapter 15 Adsorption, Ion Exchange, Chromatography, and Electrophoresis

The predicted values of q from the two isotherms are: In a similar fashion, as shown by Yon and Turnock [30], the
Freundlich and Langmuir equations can be combined to give
q, cm3 (STP) of CH4/g carbon the following extended relation for gas mixtures:
p, psia Experimental Freundlich Langmuir 1=n
ð qi Þ 0 k i pi i
qi ¼ P 1=n ð15-33Þ
40 45.5 51.3 46.5 1 þ k j pj j
165 91.5 79.6 93.1 j
350 113 101 112
where (qi)0 is the maximum loading, which may differ from
545 121 115 120
(qi)m for a monolayer. Equation (15-33) represents data for
760 125 128 124
nonpolar, multicomponent mixtures in molecular sieves rea-
910 126 135 126
sonably well. Broughton [31] has shown that both the
970 126 138 127
extended-Langmuir and Langmuir–Freundlich equations
The Langmuir isotherm fits the data significantly better than the
lack thermodynamic consistency. Therefore, (15-32) and
Freundlich. Average percent deviations, in q, are 1.01% and 8.64%, (15-33) are frequently referred to as nonstoichiometric iso-
respectively. One reason for the better Langmuir fit is the trend to an therms. Nevertheless, for practical purposes, their simplicity
asymptotic value for q at the highest pressures. Clearly, the data do often makes them the isotherms of choice.
not fit a linear isotherm well at all. Both (15-32) and (15-33) are also referred to as constant-
selectivity equilibrium equations because they predict a sepa-
ration factor (selectivity), ai,j, for each pair of components, i,
j, in a mixture that is constant for a given temperature
§15.2.2 Gas Mixtures and Extended Isotherms and independent of mixture composition. For example, (15-
32) gives
Commercial applications of physical adsorption involve mix-
tures rather than pure gases. If adsorption of all components qi =qj ðqi Þm K i
except one (A) is negligible, then adsorption of A is esti- ai;j ¼ ¼
pi =pj ðqj Þm K j
mated from its pure-gas-adsorption isotherm using the partial
pressure of A in the mixture. If adsorption of two or more As with vapor–liquid and liquid–liquid phase equilibria
components in the mixture is significant, the situation is com- for three or more components, data for binary and multi-
plicated. Experimental data show that one component can component gas–solid adsorbent equilibria are scarce and
increase, decrease, or have no influence on adsorption of less accurate than corresponding pure-gas data. Valen-
another, depending on interactions of adsorbed molecules. A zuela and Myers [23] include experimental data on
simple theoretical treatment is the extension of the Langmuir adsorption of gas mixtures from 9 published studies on 29
equation by Markham and Benton [29], who neglect interac- binary systems, for which pure-gas-adsorption isotherms
tions and assume that the only effect is the reduction of the were also obtained. They also describe procedures for
vacant surface area for the adsorption of A because of applying the Toth and UNILAN equations to multi-
adsorption of other components. For a binary gas mixture component mixtures based on the ideal-adsorbed-solution
of A and B, let uA ¼ fraction of surface covered by A and uB ¼ (IAS) theory of Myers and Prausnitz [32]. Unlike the
fraction of surface covered by B. Then, ð1  uA  uB Þ ¼ extended-Langmuir equation (15-32), which is explicit in
fraction of vacant surface. At equilibrium: the amount adsorbed, the IAS theory, though more accurate,
ðkA Þa pA ð1  uA  uB Þ ¼ ðkA Þd uA ð15-28Þ is not explicit and requires an iterative solution procedure.
Additional experimental data for higher-order (ternary and/or
ðkB Þa pB ð1  uA  uB Þ ¼ ðkB Þd uB ð15-29Þ higher) gas mixtures are given by Miller, Knaebel, and Ikels
[33] for 5A molecular sieves and by Ritter and Yang [34] for
Solving these equations simultaneously, and combining re-
activated carbon. Yang [25] presents a discussion of mixture
sults with (15-23), gives
adsorption theories, together with comparisons of these theo-
ð qA Þ m K A pA ries with mixture data for activated carbon and zeolites. The
qA ¼ ð15-30Þ
1 þ K A pA þ K B pB data on zeolites are the most difficult to correlate, with the sta-
tistical thermodynamic model (SSTM) of Ruthven and Wong
ðqB Þm K B pB [35] giving the best results.
qB ¼ ð15-31Þ
1 þ K A pA þ K B pB

where (qi)m is the maximum amount of adsorption of species

i for coverage of the entire surface. Equations (15-30) and EXAMPLE 15.5 Extended-Langmuir Isotherm.
(15-31) are readily extended to a mixture of j components:
The experimental work of Ritter and Yang, cited in Example 15.4,
ð qi Þ m K i pi also includes adsorption isotherms for pure CO and CH4, and a
qi ¼ P ð15-32Þ binary mixture of CH4 (A) and CO (B). Ritter and Yang give the
1 þ K j pj
j following Langmuir constants for pure A and B at 294 K:
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584 Chapter 15 Adsorption, Ion Exchange, Chromatography, and Electrophoresis

Radke and Prausnitz [37] have been fitted to the Freundlich and
Langmuir isotherms, (15-35) and (15-36), with the average devia-
tions indicated, for solute concentrations up to 50 mmol/L:
Co Co
mp mp
osi osi
te te Absolute Average
B Acetone in Water (25 C): Deviation of q, %
(a) (b) q1 ¼ 0:141c0:597
1 (1) 14.2
A A 0:190c1
q1 ¼ (2) 27.3
Com 1 þ 0:146c1
pos Com
ite B

B pos Propionitrile in water

(25 C):
(c) (d)
q2 ¼ 0:138c0:658
2 (3) 10.2
q2 ¼ (4) 26.2
B 1 þ 0:0961c2
where qi ¼ amount of solute adsorbed, mmol/g, and ci ¼ solute con-
A centration in aqueous solution, mmol/L.
Use these single-solute results with an extended Langmuir-type
Co Com isotherm to predict the equilibrium adsorption in a binary-solute,
m pos
po ite
sit aqueous system containing 40 and 34.4 mmol/L, respectively, of
e acetone and propionitrile at 25 C with the same adsorbent. Compare
(e) (f) the results with the following experimental values from Radke and
Concentration Prausnitz [37]:
Figure 15.13 Origin of various types of composite isotherms for q1 ¼ 0:715 mmol/g; q2 ¼ 0:822 mmol/g; and qtotal ¼ 1:537 mmol/g
binary-liquid adsorption.
[From J.J. Kipling, Adsorption from Solutions of Non-electrolytes, Aca-
demic Press, London (1965) with permission.]
From (15-32), the extended liquid-phase Langmuir isotherm is
It is then common to fit the data with concentration forms of ðqi Þm K i ci
the Freundlich (15-19) or Langmuir (15-24) equations: qi ¼ P ð5Þ
1 þ K j cj

q ¼ kc1=n ð15-35Þ From (2), (q1)m ¼ 0.190=0.146 ¼ 1.301 mmol/g.

From (4), (q2)m ¼ 0.173=0.0961 ¼ 1.800 mmol/g.
From (5):
Kqm c
q¼ ð15-36Þ 1:301ð0:146Þð40Þ
1 þ Kc q1 ¼ ¼ 0:749 mmol/g
1 þ ð0:146Þð40Þ þ ð0:0961Þð34:4Þ
Candidate systems for this case are small amounts of organ- 1:800ð0:0961Þð34:4Þ
q2 ¼ ¼ 0:587 mmol/g
ics dissolved in water and small amounts of water dissolved 1 þ ð0:146Þð40Þ þ ð0:0961Þð34:4Þ
in hydrocarbons. For liquid mixtures dilute in two or more
solutes, multicomponent adsorption may be estimated from a Summing, qtotal ¼ 1.336 mmol/g.
concentration form of the extended-Langmuir equation (15- Compared to experimental data, the percent deviations for q1, q2, and
32) based on constants, qm and K, obtained from experiments qtotal, respectively, are 4.8%, 28.6%, and 13.1%. Better agreement
on single solutes. However, when solute–solute interactions is obtained by Radke and Prausnitz using an IAS theory. It is expected
are suspected, it may be necessary to determine constants that a concentration form of (15-33) would also give better agreement,
from multicomponent data. As with gas mixtures, the con- but that requires that the single-solute data be refitted for each solute
centration form of (15-32) also predicts constant selectivity to a Langmuir–Freundlich isotherm of the form
for each pair of components in a mixture. q0 kc1=n
q¼ ð6Þ
1 þ kc1=n

EXAMPLE 15.6 Adsorption of VOCs.

Small amounts of VOCs in water can be removed by adsorption.
§15.2.4 Ion-Exchange Equilibria
Generally, two or more VOCs are present. An aqueous stream con- Ion exchange differs from adsorption in that one sorbate
taining small amounts of acetone (1) and propionitrile (2) is to be (a counterion) is exchanged for a solute ion, the process being
treated with activated carbon. Single-solute equilibrium data from governed by a reversible, stoichiometric, chemical-reaction
C15 09/22/2010 Page 605

§15.3 Kinetic and Transport Considerations 605


v or
q* Fa A
Lin C e
o ra c
f av
Un Figure 15.34 Effect of shape of isotherm
on sharpness of concentration wave front.
0 c0 z (a) Isotherm shapes. (b) Self-sharpening wave
(a) front caused by a favorable adsorption isotherm.

Scale-Up Using Constant-Pattern Front

Persistent transport-rate resistance eventually limits self-
sharpening, and an asymptotic or constant-pattern front LES

(CPF) is developed. For such a front, MTZ becomes constant

Loading = qF*
and curves of cf=cF and cb =cb become coincident. The bed

Loading = 0
depth at which CPF is approached depends upon the non-
linearity of the adsorption isotherm and the importance of
adsorption kinetics. Cooney and Lightfoot [130] proved the A
existence of an asymptotic wave-front solution, including LUB
effects of axial dispersion. Initially, the wave front broadens
because of mass-transfer resistance and/or axial dispersion.
Analytical solutions for CPF from Sircar and Kumar [131]
and a rapid approximate method based on Freundlich and 1
Langmuir isotherms from Cooney [132] are available to esti-
mate CPF concentration profiles and breakthrough curves
using mass-transfer and equilibrium parameters. q/qF
When the constant-pattern-front assumption is valid, it
can be used to determine the length of a full-scale adsorbent 0
tb ts te
bed from breakthrough curves obtained in small-scale labora- t, time for adsorption step
tory experiments. This widely used technique is described by
Figure 15.35 Determination of bed length from laboratory
Collins [133] for purification applications. measurements.
Total bed length is taken to be
LB ¼ LES þ LUB ð15-86Þ
the sum of the length of an ideal, equilibrium-adsorption sec- EXAMPLE 15.14 Scale-Up for Fixed-Bed Adsorption.
tion, LES, unaffected by mass-transfer resistance Collins [133] reports the experimental data below for water-vapor
cF Q F t b adsorption from nitrogen in a fixed bed of 4A molecular sieves for
LES ¼ ð15-87Þ
qF rb A bed depth ¼ 0.88 ft, temperature ¼ 83 F, pressure ¼ 86 psia, G ¼
entering gas molar velocity ¼ 29.6 lbmol/h-ft2, entering water con-
where QF is the volumetric feed flow rate, plus a length of tent ¼ 1,440 ppm (by volume), initial adsorbent loading ¼ 1 lb=100
unused bed, LUB, determined by the MTZ width and the lb sieves, and bulk density of bed ¼ 44.5 lb/ft3. For the entering gas
cf=cF profile within that zone, using moisture content, cF, the equilibrium loading, qF, ¼ 0.186 lb H2O/
Le lb solid.
LUB ¼ ðts  tb Þ ð15-88Þ
cexit, ppm cexit, ppm
where Le=ts ¼ the ideal wave-front velocity. The stoichio- (by volume) Time, h (by volume) Time, h
metric time ts divides the MTZ (e.g., CPF zone) into equal
areas A and B as shown in Figure 15.35, and Le=ts corre- <1 09.0 650 10.8
sponds to the ideal wave-front velocity. Alternatively, ts, may 1 9.0 808 11.0
be determined using 4 9.2 980 11.25
Z te   9 9.4 1,115 11.5
cf 33 9.6 1,235 11.75
ts ¼ 1 dt ð15-89Þ
0 cF 80 9.8 1,330 12.0
142 10.0 1,410 12.5
For example, if ts equalizes areas A and B when it is equi- 238 10.2 1,440 12.8
distant between tb and te, then LUB ¼ MTZ/2. A conserva- 365 10.4 1,440 13.0
tive estimate of MTZ ¼ 4 ft may be used in the absence of 498 10.6
experimental data.
C15 09/22/2010 Page 606

606 Chapter 15 Adsorption, Ion Exchange, Chromatography, and Electrophoresis

Determine the bed height required for a commercial unit to be oper- Let ts ¼ the midpoint or (9.76 þ 12.25)=2 ¼ 11 h. The ideal wave-
ated at the same temperature, pressure, and entering gas mass veloc- front velocity ¼ Le=ts ¼ 0.88=11 ¼ 0.08 ft/h. From (15-87), LUB ¼
ity and water content to obtain an exiting gas with no more than 9 0.08(11  9.76) ¼ 0.1 ft. MTZ ¼ 0.2 ft and LB ¼ 1:96 þ
ppm (by volume) of water vapor with a breakthrough time of 20 h. 0:1 ¼ 2:06 ft.


1;440ð18Þ §15.3.6 Multicomponent Differential

cF ¼ ¼ 0:02592 lb H2 O/lbmol N2
106 Chromatography
G¼ ¼ 29:6 lbmol N2 /h-ft2 of bed cross-section
pD2 =4 Most separation systems discussed thus far perform a binary
Initial moisture content of bed ¼ 0:01 lb H2 O/lb solid split between key components (e.g., LK and HK in distilla-
tion). Chromatography can separate multicomponent mix-
From (15-87), revised for a gas flow rate based on the lbmol of N2 tures into 2+ products, whose elution time, t ¼ zL =f s u,
instead of the volume in ft3 of N2,
increases proportionally to relative thermodynamic partition-
ð0:02592Þð29:6Þð20Þ ing of each species from moving fluid to stationary adsorp-
LES ¼ ¼ 1:96 ft tive phase (15-51). Transport-rate processes (e.g., 15-57 and
ð0:186  0:01Þð44:5Þ
15-58) dilute the product concentration and mix adjacent sol-
Use the integration method to obtain LUB. From the data:
utes. Figure 15.36 illustrates differential chromatography,
Take te ¼ 12.8 h (1,440 ppm) and tb ¼ 9.4 h (9 ppm). also called batch or elution chromatography, in which a feed
By numerical integration of breakthrough-curve data, using (15-88): mixture insufficient to load the sorbent is pulsed into the feed
ts ¼ 10.93 h. end of the column.
From (15-88), An eluant carrier gas or solvent moving at a constant plug-
  flow interstitial velocity u that has little or no affinity for the
10:93  9:40
LUB ¼ ð0:88Þ ¼ 0:12 ft sorbent moves the fraction of solute desorbed into the fluid
phase (15-54) along the length of the column at solute wave
From (15-86), LB ¼ 1.96 þ 0.12 ¼ 2.08 ft, or a bed utilization of (migration) velocity uc ¼ vu, given in (15-85), as solute read-
1:96 sorbs and desorbs in succession via mass action. Transport-
 100% ¼ 94:2%. rate processes broaden each solute peak as it proceeds along
Alternatively, an approximate calculation can be made. Let tb, the column. The solute migration velocity, given by (15-85),
the beginning of breakthrough, be 5% of the final ppm, or 0.05 is smaller for solutes with higher affinity, i.e., smaller a cor-
(1,440) ¼ 72 ppm. Using the experimental data, this corresponds to responding to a larger Kd in (15-51). Initially, overlapping
tb ¼ 9.76 h. Let te, the end of breakthrough, be 95% of the final solute peaks are gradually separated by the fractional differ-
ppm, or 0.95(1,440) ¼ 1,370 ppm, corresponding to te ¼ 12.25 h. ence in migration velocities of adjacent, noninteracting

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Solute A



Figure 15.36 Movement of

concentration waves during
Eluant separation in a chromatographic
Concentration in bulk fluid column.

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