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Chapter I of Don Quixote

Description How is it in the text? Dutch translation
Call to mind Call to mind herinneren
Not working leisure ontspannen
Taking out extracted uithalen
Being in love with infatuation verliefdheid
Extreme suffering agonies pijn
Inperfections blemishes
Having to do with knights chivalry ridderschap
Mohammed Mohamet
Idea notion idee
Full of meaning Significant belangrijk
Bravery valour moed
Who shaves you barber kapper
Seeing perceived waarnemen
Leftovers scraps restjes
Hypothesis conjectures vermoeden
Danger peril gevaar
The opposite of sense nonsense onzin
Remains of a wound scars littekens
One who rides a horse to war knight ridder
None of the two neither geen van beide
Kind of cloth fabric stof
Under the influence of a spell enchantments betovering
The quality of being enthousiastic eagerness gretigheid
Without end interminable eindeloos
Story Tale verhaal
Fight with words quarrels ruzie
A breed of dog greyhound windhond
Mind wits intelligentie
Obvious plain Opvallend
Being clear lucidity helderheid
Who operates you when you are
gravely ill surgeons chirurg
Goal purpose doel
What is woven velvet fluweel
Not paying attention neglected verwaarloosd
True Veracious waarheidsgetrouw
Making an effort striving streven
Civilized well-bred goed opgevoed
With much fire
What one likes adour liefde

Summarize the text above in one sentence of maximum 15 words. Give the three topical
questions for an introduction.

What is the big problem of Don Quixote?

Had you previously heard of Don Quixote?

Give five remarkable details of the life of Cervantes, the author of Don Quixote?

The movie is most likely situated in prehistory. There are no cars nor buildings to be seen. People,
that seem like cavemen, were throwing rocks at a monkey, in a very dry forest. Villagers nearby
caught wind of the situation because the ones throwing the rocks were fearful and they were
screaming. The villagers took weapons as the village chief (I assume) was alerting everyone. They
prepared for battle. Then, a tribe of monkeys pushed tree trunks and earth off a cliff that was next to
the village. Several people fell victim to the surprise attack, and they got dirt on themselves. A
chaotic fight between the village people and the monkeys, broke out. At some point during the clip,
one of the monkeys threw a whole tree trunk at an opposing enemy as another victim was pushed
from a very high place. When it tried climbing back up, a few villagers used a stone to hurt the hand
that was gripping on the edge. A monkey ran away with a stick that was lit on fire. There are loads of
deaths. Others decided to flee the scene. A monkey burns its foot by accidentally stepping on a
burned piece of wood. It then gets stabbed in its mouth. After the battle is over, we see two
monkeys sitting together, and they seem to be inspecting some wooden sticks by a nearly
extinguished campfire. Shortly after, wolves arrive at the field of battle. They start sniffing at corpses,
and eventually the hunting animals pick up on the scent of villagers who were fleeing from that
traumatising place. Not long after, the wolves catch up and a few people get taken down. The fallen
victims are now nothing but food for the dangerous carnivores. Those who successfully escaped the
grasps of said predators, escaped by going through a harsh water stream that the wolves couldn’t

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