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GEA SEPARATORS © 17 Separators used for cleaning the refining stream Separators from GEA assure higher process efficency. GHA Separers can be used for leaning the product stream and removing the rensiring rolvent before electrolysis tage. The advantage of this solutions thatthe electrolyte hath has 10 be replacedmurh less frequently - with a postive impact on oper- sting end dapora ccsts, “This wpaatcr is equipped vnth 2 selfcleaning @sttype bowl, “The sclution eelfis eparatedin the dis: takin aight snd abeavy liquid phase. At the same time, the solids which accu rmulate in the bowl space are reraoved by canvritugalfcrce. at regular intervals, the howlopens automatically vis the piston valve and ejects the solids. The light liquidphase (solvent) flaws ‘towards the centreot the towl through the dise stack, and is @echicged via cil bole the hood. The heavy liquid (aqua- Productfeed ‘cus pha) flows ‘0 theperiahery cf the bow viathe separating ise, andis alec discharged under grwity, The new generation, of separators fcr liquiGliqutd separation covers the ante range cf possible capacities. They feature ahigh moter perfecruance and optimum. dynamie qualities with low energy consumption. Further advantages are tobe seen in the high reliability, siraple operation and low ruaintenanee costs The process is suitable for recovering copper, nielsl, cobalt and ursniam, Benefits ata glance: + gelfelesning baw! for usomatie diceharge » Hydrohermetic product feed for gentls treatment » Hesitle adjustment of the separating zene for sasimum separating effriancy of the liquid phases Direct drive for optimum energy efficiency andlow service + Clocedfeed and discharge forthe product phates CiPeleaning for reliable operation with consianily lagh yields Explosion protection design (ATEX craplisnt}

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