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Nozzle-type separators for efficient PLS clarification GBA Nozzletype separators discharge concenteated suspensions continuouely via nozales which aee installed on the petiphery of the bowl. Ths product Hows via ths fsed into ths bow, whe st is separated snta concentrate fundarflew) and cantrate (ove ov, The dee stack wich is instllad in the bevel inecesses the ‘equivalent clavfication aros and thus the petformance of the separator ‘The eize of the howd dlameter and thus the number of nozrles sce linked proportionately to the potential concentration of the concentrate, The concentration increases in conjunction with Increasing theoughpun, high tltil concentration of the product, declining sslide content inthe discharge, small nozole diamense and a low bow! speed. ‘The task is to aehleve a balance between these factors and the ‘equivalent clonfication ares ae a erandatel maseure forthe clae dying performance ofthe baw in cedar to make sure thatthe ‘semaining seid contant in the concentrate permanently meste the customer's cequlzements, ‘With the online analysis facility which is cEfored by GEA and hich i based on measurement of the consanteation of the provluct upstream and downstream of the nczzletype separates, itis possibleto adjust the elarifying peeformance of the cent {uge very procisly: The figures sssulting foo the concentration, measurements are used for automatically carrying out adjust ‘ments tothe Feed capacity and the concentrate recycling, Thie schisves constant concentration of the dischsagad suspension Fluctuations in the proces ratulte can thus be reliably exclude. Benefits at a glance: + All operating sizer coveted Continuous method of operation ‘With concentrate recyeling before the nezzlein ‘order to increase the concentration Sophisticated online analysis for stable poocess conditions Dinect drive for optimum energy aficieney and low serve coats Preduct feed

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