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VRF Systems:
VRF systems offer individual zone control and flexibility, making them popular in modern buildings.
Key data points for analysis include:
 Cooling Capacity:
Equation: Q_c = m_a * c_p * (T_si - T_so)
 Q_c: Cooling capacity (kW)
 m_a: Air mass flow rate (kg/s)
 c_p: Specific heat capacity of air (kJ/kg*K)
 T_si: Supply air temperature (°C)
 T_so: Outdoor air temperature (°C)
Assume a VRF system needs to cool a room with 50 kg/s air flow and maintain a 20°C supply air
temperature with a 30°C outdoor temperature. The specific heat capacity of air is 1.005 kJ/kg*K.
 Q_c = 50 kg/s * 1.005 kJ/kg*K * (20°C - 30°C)
 Q_c = 50.25 kW
 Energy Efficiency:
Equation: COP = Q_c / W_e
 COP: Coefficient of performance (dimensionless)
 W_e: Electrical power consumption (kW)
If the VRF system in the previous example consumes 15 kW of electricity, the COP is:
 COP = 50.25 kW / 15 kW
 COP = 3.35
2. Chiller Systems:
Chillers provide centralized cooling for buildings, often used in conjunction with air handling units
(AHUs). Key data points for analysis include:
 Refrigeration Capacity:
Equation: Q_r = m_r * h_fg
 Q_r: Refrigeration capacity (kW)
 m_r: Refrigerant mass flow rate (kg/s)
 h_fg: Enthalpy of refrigerant at evaporator outlet (kJ/kg)
Assume a chiller system uses R-410A refrigerant with a mass flow rate of 1 kg/s and an evaporator
outlet enthalpy of 420 kJ/kg.
 Q_r = 1 kg/s * 420 kJ/kg
 Q_r = 420 kW
 Cooling Load:
Equation: Q_l = m_a * c_p * (T_sa - T_ra)
 Q_l: Cooling load (kW)
 m_a: Air mass flow rate through AHU (kg/s)
 c_p: Specific heat capacity of air (kJ/kg*K)
 T_sa: Supply air temperature (°C)
 T_ra: Return air temperature (°C)
If the AHU in the chiller system handles 100 kg/s of air, maintains a 18°C supply air temperature,
and has a 26°C return air temperature, the cooling load is:
 Q_l = 100 kg/s * 1.005 kJ/kg*K * (18°C - 26°C)
 Q_l = 80.4 kW
Data Treatment Tips:
 Collect accurate data: Ensure proper measurement of temperatures, flow rates, and energy
consumption for both VRF and chiller systems.
 Standardize units: Use consistent units (e.g., kW, kJ/kg, kg/s) throughout your calculations
for accurate comparisons.
 Consider diverse operating conditions: Analyze data under different load conditions (e.g.,
peak cooling, part-load) to understand system performance across various scenarios.
 Statistical analysis: Apply statistical methods to analyze data variability and identify trends
in system performance.

VRF Systems:
1. Compressor Performance:
 Volumetric efficiency: η_v = Q_c / (V_d * ΔP)
o η_v: Volumetric efficiency (dimensionless)

o Q_c: Cooling capacity (kW)

o V_d: Displacement volume of compressor (m^3/s)

o ΔP: Pressure difference across compressor (kPa)

 Isentropic efficiency: η_s = (h_2 - h_1) / (h_2s - h_1)

o η_s: Isentropic efficiency (dimensionless)

o h_1, h_2: Enthalpy of refrigerant at compressor inlet and outlet (kJ/kg)

o h_2s: Isentropic enthalpy of refrigerant at compressor outlet (kJ/kg)

 Capacity modulation: Q_c = Q_c_n * K_m

o Q_c: Actual cooling capacity (kW)

o Q_c_n: Nominal cooling capacity (kW)

o K_m: Capacity modulation factor (0-1)

2. Pipe Sizing:
 Pressure drop: ΔP = f * L * G^2 / (2 * D * ρ)
o ΔP: Pressure drop (kPa)

o f: Friction factor (dimensionless)

o L: Pipe length (m)

o G: Mass flow rate of refrigerant (kg/m^2s)

o D: Pipe diameter (m)

o ρ: Refrigerant density (kg/m^3)

3. Control Strategies:
 Setpoint temperature: T_sp = T_ra + ΔT_sp
o T_sp: Setpoint temperature (°C)

o T_ra: Return air temperature (°C)

o ΔT_sp: Setpoint temperature differential (°C)

 Fan control: Ω_f = K_f * Q_l

o Ω_f: Fan speed (%)

o K_f: Fan control coefficient

o Q_l: Cooling load (kW)

 System optimization: Minimize energy consumption by adjusting setpoints, fan speeds, and
compressor operation based on real-time conditions.
4. Energy Consumption:
 Annual energy consumption: E_c = Q_c * t_op / COP
o E_c: Annual energy consumption (kWh)

o t_op: Operating time of the system (hours)

o COP: Coefficient of performance (dimensionless)

5. Multi-zone Analysis:
 Zone cooling load: Q_zi = m_zi * c_p * (T_si - T_zi)
o Q_zi: Zone cooling load (kW)

o m_zi: Air mass flow rate in zone i (kg/s)

o c_p: Specific heat capacity of air (kJ/kg*K)

o T_si: Supply air temperature (°C)

o T_zi: Zone temperature (°C)

 System capacity allocation: Allocate total system capacity (Q_c) to individual zones based on
their respective cooling loads.
Chiller Systems:
1. Psychrometrics:
 Dry bulb temperature: T_db: Measured temperature (°C)
 Wet bulb temperature: T_wb: Temperature of a saturated air parcel in equilibrium with
water (℃)
 Relative humidity: RH = 100 * (p_w / p_ws)
o RH: Relative humidity (%)

o p_w: Partial pressure of water vapor in air (kPa)

o p_ws: Saturation vapor pressure of water at T_db (kPa)

 Enthalpy: h = c_p * T + w * h_fg

o h: Enthalpy of air (kJ/kg)

o w: Humidity ratio (kg water vapor/kg dry air)

o h_fg: Enthalpy of vaporization of water (kJ/kg)

2. Cooling Tower Performance:

 Cooling tower capacity: Q_ct = m_a * c_p * (T_wa - T_wb)
o Q_ct: Cooling tower capacity (kW)

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