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Powered by AL Bing Faith and fear, two contrasting companions in the human heart: 1. Faith: © Belief in something greater than oneself. © Trust in unseen forces, whether divine or universal. © Hope that sustains during adversity. © Courage to face challenges, knowing there’s a purpose. © Assurance that things will work out, even when circumstances seem bleak. Anxiety about the unknown, Dread of failure, loss, or pain. Paralysis that prevents action. Darkness that clouds the mind, Isolation that disconnects us from faith. ‘Together, they dance within us, shaping our choices. Faith whispers, “You are not alone.” Fear shouts, “What if?” But when we embrace faith, fear loses its grip. We find peace, knowing that beyond our limitations, there’s a guiding light. So, let faith erase fear, and may the blessed peace of the Lord reside within us. Jy

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