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10-0 Officer Down.

A Officer has died from some force and

assistant is needed to the scene.
10-1 Officer need in Immediate Help, All units respond.

10-4 Affirmative, Acknowledged, Copy, (OK), Yes.

10-6 Unavailable, Currently Busy. Taken.
10-7 End of Tour, Out of Service. Patrol Over.
10-8 Start of Tour, In Service, available, awaiting calls outs.

10-9 Repeat, Last message on radio came

Unavailable/Unintelligible, Repeat the last sent message.
10-10 Negative (NO)
10-12 Hold, Standby, Wait.
10-14 Kidnapping in Progress
10-15 Suspect in Custody (Suspect arrested)
10-19 Returning to the Station
10-20 Location needed, Where is it, where are you.
10-22 Disreguard, Forget | "22 That," Don't worry about it,
Forget it.
10-23 En Route to Scene
10-24 Abandoned Vehicle
10-25 Report to ______ (Meeting/Conference)
10-27 Suspect's ID information ("I need a 10-27 on [Subject]")

10-29 Record Check (Person, Vehicle, Weapon, Etc). *CHECK FOR

10-30 Suspect Wanted (They have a warrant)
10-31 Vehicle Wanted, Vehicle = Stolen.
10-32 Back up needed, More units, additional
10-41 Ambulance Required
10-42 DOT truck needed, Tow service requested
10-50 Motor Vehicle Accident.
10-53 Civilian Hurt.
10-55 Intoxicated Subject
10-66 Suspicious Person
10-67 Person Calling for Help (Civilian Flag down)
10-71 Shots Fired
10-72 Armed Robbery
10-74 False Alarm
10-80 Pursuit in Progress
10-94 Pedestrian Stop
10-97 Arrived on Scene
10-98 Temp. Break.
10-99 Vehicle/Weapon check comes back Stolen, Stolen,
Unregistered to 'claimed' owner.

C-1 Radio Code (C-Code) Normal Driving, "E.R C1" no emergency
lights or sirens.
C-2 Radio Code (C-Code) Emergency Lights at intersections

C-2H Radio Code (C-Code) Emergency Lights and Sirens at

C-3 Radio Code (C-Code) Emergency lights and sirens all the way
to the scene
C-4 Radio Code (C-Code) No further Units, Scene Clear, No further
updates of the scene
C-5 Radio Code (C-Code) HRS, High risk Stop, Felony Stop.
C-6 Radio Code (C-Code) Lost Connections
C-7 Radio Code (C-Code) Temporary In-game Break.
BOLO Radio Abbreviation Be on the look out
FTY Radio Abbreviation Failure to Yield
DOB Radio Abbreviation Date of Birth
HRS Radio Abbreviation High risk stop
HCR Radio Abbreviation High crime rate

Sir, what did you do/ Se�or,que hicistes?

What did the suspect do?/�Qu� hizo el sospechoso?

All Right/ Esta bien

Do you know why I stopped you?/conoce porque lo pare

You are detained for , By / Detenido por

where is it going?/a donde va?

to the wall and your hands up/ala pared con las manos arriba

I'm going to frisk suspect/voy a refistrar al sujeto

Sir, have you consumed alcohol?/a cosumido alco

do you have any illegal object?/tienes algun objeto ilegal?

I leave it as a warning

I'll give you a fine for

Motivos y Times Prison

Assault Asalto
Battery �?
Blackmail Chantaje
Harassment Acoso
Identity Theft Robo de indentidad
Kidnapping Secuestro
Murder Asesino
Robbery Robo
Stalking Acecho
Threats Amenazas

Robbery Robo
Theft Robo
400 | $400
Trespassing Allanamiento
200 | $300
Vandalism Vandalismo
180 | $400

Bribery Soborno
Disorderly Conduct Conducta desordenada
300 | $450
Disturbing the Peace Distubando la paz
400 | $450
Evasion Evacion
Failure to Comply Incumplimiento
300 | $500
Obstruction Obstruccion
300 | $500
Resisting Arrest Resistencia al Arresto


Failure to Yield (to Emergency Vehicles)

Failure to Signal
Illegal Parking
No headlights (at night)
Obstruction of Traffic
Reckless Driving
Running a Stop Sign
Running a Red Light

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