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Mary Hinesly, D.B.A.

Stephen M. Ross School of Business

University of Michigan
701 Tappan, Room R3466
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1234
Tel 734.936.3183 Fax 734.615.6525

December 11, 2018

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Loizeau:

You do not know me but I am one of your biggest fans. Your son Gastón was in my
advanced business communication class here at the Ross School of Business, at the
University of Michigan. It is my strong belief that the hardest job in the world is to be a
parent and the highest praise an individual can earn is that of being a fantastic parent.
You are both fantastic parents.

You have done an exceptional job with Gastón. He is an amazing young man. He has
exceptional skills, and more importantly, he is respected and liked by his peers and
professors. He (as most international students) is in a pass/fail grading mode but he
truly earned an A+.

Gastón is an intellectual who easily absorbs great quantities of information and

assimilates them well. As a student, he gave numerous exceptional presentations in
class. He researched vast subjects, identified major issues, and presented them

Gastón was able to participate in class discussions surrounding all of the class material
absorbing his learning and contributing intelligently. He has exhibited the ability to work
diligently on projects. He is an enthusiastic hard worker and very dependable. Gastón
knows how to prioritize and used initiative to manage his coursework. Again, he is
admired and liked by his classmates.

Gastón clearly possesses the intellectual ability, but he also exhibits strong leadership
abilities. He is a thinker with exceptional interpersonal skills. You have so much to be
proud of with regards to Gastón. I thought you should know.

With great respect and admiration,

Professor Mary Hinesly

Faculty – Business History, Communications

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