FCC Newsletter 10/18/11

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Facts & Figures for October 9, 2011 Attendance (140 and 93).............................233 Sunday School.....126 General Fund Receipts..............$5,085.00 Capital Fund Receipts.......................$1,440.00 Loose Offering/Sunday School......$515.50 Non-Budget Funds Receipts...$1,781.00 2011 Facts & Figures as of August 31, 2011 YTD Budget Receipts.........$323,223.47 YTD Budget Expenses.......$332,334.81 Net Receipts over Expenses.......($9,111.34) Presented by Kay Smith, Treasurer, dkwsmith@suddenlink.net

The Stillwater Christian

Volume 2011 In This Issue
Announcements 1 2 Care and Feeding of a Candle

October 18

Session 2 kicks off with Dinner and a Movie! Come prepared to enjoy some good Mexican food, laughs, and friends. All ages Children and Youth 3 encouraged to attend, even hot, fresh movie Birthdays & 3 popcorn will be provided (no ripping you off Anniversaries at the concession stand). Join us and bring Facts & Figures 4 a friend! WNF Menu for Oct. 19 Adults: Creamy Chicken Enchiladas Verde, Fajita veggies, beans, chips Kids: Tacos, Beans, Chips Dessert: Gingerbread with lemon glaze Its time for our annual fundraiser, Blanket Sunday, for Church World Service. Blankets will be for sale in the Small Fellowship Hall for $5.00. These blankets are sent all over the world for the needy. A Special Meeting will be held immediately following the first service on Oct. 23rd to act on the Organist/Chancel Choir Director Position. Once again we are hosting Trunk or Treat on Halloween from 5:30 - 7:30. More information is in the Children and Youth News, as well as your Sunday Bulletin. Please contact Sondra and let her know how you can be a part of this fun event for the Stillwater community.

Work Together, Play Together WNF Session 2, Oct. 19th

Blanket Sunday Again, Oct. 23rd

Special Official Board Meeting Oct. 23

Trunk or Treat, Oct. 31st

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Of Stillwater, OK, Inc. 411 W. Mathews Ave. Stillwater, OK 74075-7517


The Stillwater Christian is a weekly publication of First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The deadline for articles each week is 1pm Monday. Tracy Freeman, Editor editor@fcc-stillwater.org Church Office Phone: 405.372.7722 Fax: 405.372.7726 Find The Stillwater Christian and more information at www.fcc-stillwater.org

2011 CWF Armchair Bazaar Nov. 2nd, 11:00 - 3:00 Wedding Memories Please gather up your favorite wedding mementos to share with us at this beloved event. Then, plan on joining us between Apple Pies Available Nov. 13th! 11:00 and 3:00 to enjoy looking at every You may pre-order your pies by contactones things and visiting.
ing Sheri Gumm or Sondra Ladd. Pies may be picked up around 2pm on Sunday, Nov. 13th. All proceeds benefit childrens and youth ministries at FCC.

Send prayer requests and general email to office@fcc-stillwater.org

Join us this Sunday for Owen Caytons Message, Be the Church: Be the Community of Healing based on Matthew 22:34-46 and 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8 Traditional 9:00am Sunday School 10:10 Contemporary 11:10

The Care and Feeding of A Candle

Owen Cayton, Senior Minister pastor@fcc-stillwater.org
Dont just go to church, BE the church! As the church, we are disciples of Jesus Christit even says so on our sign as a part of our name! In the gospel of Matthew, the gospel we have been exploring in our worship readings this year, he shares stories about what it means to be a disciple; what it means to be the church. Here is a brief list of gleanings from the gospel of Matthew as I have studied it this past year. It is by no means an exhaustive list, but can be helpful in seeking ways to be the church: Disciples of Jesus... practice their discipleship in everyday ways. Great deeds of power are wonderful, even attention getting, but they do not sustain. Discipleship and faith are lived out in daily life. By practicing discipleship, it becomes a part of you and in doing discipleship we often find that we become disciples. make a difference in peoples lives. The kid in school, who is lonely and gets made fun of, probably doesnt need to be cleansed of leprosy. But she may need a smile, a hug and a friend: and what a difference that may make in her life. The question we ask ourselves is, Is my neighbor, the checkout girl at the grocery store, the man filling his tank with gas next to me, the waiter at the restaurant, the hungry person at the homeless shelter finding their life better because I am a disciple of Jesus Christ? give others glimpses of the Kingdom of God. We are reminded as we pray, Thy kingdom comeon earth as it is in heaven, that the Kingdom of God is not just something in the far off future, but is something to work toward now. When we welcome those who are not welcome, identify peoples needs and meet them, give up our security and come into contact with the riff-raff of the world people desperate to pay their electric bill, for companionship, to know that there is more to life we give people glimpses of the Kingdom. care for each other. How in the world can we expect to care for others on the outside if we do not care for those in our midst? Disciples dont always agree on everything, but then agreement between disciples has never been the point. Disciples have not always been friends with one another, but being friends is not a requirement for practicing care. We care for one another because Jesus has called each of us to be his disciples and each of us has responded, however perfectly or imperfectly. We are one because we follow one leader: Jesus. worship God. Jesus gathered with his community of faith to worship God. In fact, he even taught in the synagogues. The early church would gather in the synagogue on the Sabbath and then gather together for worship on the first day of the week. It is important that we as disciples worship together as a community of faith. It is from worship that our ability to be disciples in other ways stems. pray. Jesus was consistently in prayer, and he taught his disciples to pray. A life of discipleship is a life marked by prayer. Be the church. Live as disciples of Jesus. Shalom, Pastor Owen


Sondra Ladd, Children/Youth Ministry Director youth@fcc-stillwater.org

31 youth, along with Rick and Sondra, spent the day at Frontier City on Sunday. Frightfest is a benefit for Make Promises Happen. The group left after the traditional service and spent a beautiful afternoon riding rides and blasting innocent log riders with water (sorry Jason and Carson, Rick shows no mercy on the water cannons). We ended the evening with a trip through The Nightmare; Sondra still had to hold Jenna Bakers hand (some things never change). A highlight of the evening was introducing Ryan Parker to Wooly Willy. Oh, the memories! Thanks to all participants, each of us not only had a great time, but also helped to Make Promises Happen. No High School Lunch this week - Enjoy Fall Break! FCC will once again host Trunk or Treat in our parking lot. This is a community event and we need LOTS OF HELP handing out candy to the little ones. You dont want to miss this! Not only are we providing a safe trick or treating experience for Stillwater children, we promise youll have a great time too. Here is how it works Call Sondra NOW to reserve your space, dress up, decorate your trunk or tailgate, and hand out candy to lots of adorable children. Well provide food and drinks for all the volunteers (probably have a little extra candy to throw your way also). We are really hoping to fill the parking lot and be that exclusive neighborhood where EVERYONE wants to trick or treat. Please consider helping us out youll be glad you did! Contact Sondra immediately to reserve your space. (If you are absolutely unable to attend but would still like to help, candy donations are currently being accepted). FCC Youth Pie Sale, Sunday, Nov. 13th. All children, youth and parents are asked be a part of the assembly line. The Big Reveal will be held immediately following pie assembly. We will be announcing summer camp dates, places and policies. Everyone planning on attending a summer event is encouraged to attend. CYF MYSTERY TRIP Nov. 18-20 CYF (9th-12th grade) mark your calendars NOW! The 2011 Mystery Trip is scheduled for Nov. 18-20. Watch for details to be announced soon, but dont ask where you are going its a secret! Happy Birthday to: 10/19 Kelly Arrington; 10/20 Jerry Crenshaw, Keeley Gross, Beverly Hesser; 10/21 Alene Fassnacht, Kimber Taylor; 10/22 Courtney Andrews, Burl Carrier, Matthew Dempsey; 10/23 Beau Bigheart; 10/25 Judie Varnum Happy Anniversary to: 10/23 Tanner and Ashley Ladd

Freightfest Fun!

Trunk or Treat, Oct 31st

Apple Pie Day, Nov. 13th

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