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How To Do Magick

This is t he basis for document ing your spiritual progress in t he magickal
trad it ion. The fol lowing are suggest ions on how to jour nal effect ively.
Find which way works best for you.
I use to write down my dreams every morning.
First thing when I woke up, I would write down my
d r e a m s . I n o w fi n d t h a t w h e n I e n t e r d i f f e r e n t
realms, it is a lot easier for me to remember what
- Why? i s g o i n g o n d u r i n g t h e m a n d r e m e m b e r l o n g e r.
o To not forget T h e m e s s a g e s a r e a l o t c l e a r e r, b e c a u s e I t r a i n e d
my brain to remember what is happening. If this
o To mark your progress is a skill you need to work on, I encourage writing
o To get bet ter at visual magick down your dreams when you wake up. It will help
you see more clearly when you are practicing
o To share bet ter magick. Now I have a daily chart where I write
down what magickal thing happened that day and
how I am feeling.
- How?
o Write your dreams every mor ning
o Write wh at you experienced during med itat ion
o Note when you perfor m a magick ritual
o Write wh at effects t he rituals are having in your l ife
o Write do wn t hings you find important, l ike t he moon phase or your
physical and emot ional state

Space Preparation
Magick can be pract iced anywhere. It helps when you are start ing out
to ha ve a ded icated space to perfor m ritual work. Eventual ly, it is best
to take t hese pract ices wherever you go (astral ly or physical ly). Find
what works best for you.

- Why?
o A sol itary space al lows for privacy
I like the space o Going to t he same place to med itate or do ritual
that I have
created, for just wil l often get you in t he zone faster
that reason – I o A separate space to pract ice magick can create a
c r e a t e d i t . I fi n d i t
holds respect for
reverence for t he pract ice
the entities I’ve
worked with to
- How?
have a space set
aside for them. o Create or buy a circle
o Use a med itat ion bench
o Ded icate a cor ner of your room or office space to
pract icing magick
How To Do Magick

Magickal Tools
Magickal orders emphasize col lect ing and making your own tools. There
is a lot of trad it ion to tool making, wit h a lot of symbology of what
t hey represent on d ifferent planes. Some people love tools. Some
people don’t love tools. Find where you l ie on t hat spectrum.

- Why?
I do not use many tools
o To help focus on what you are perfor ming when I perform ritual,
o To provide an exter nal object of inter nal but have a lot of
artifacts in my magick
working room.

- How?
o Typical ly, t he tools are t he same as t he al tar
art ifacts. See below for details on t hem.
o More advanced rituals may cal l for more tools.

A physical representat ion of t he elements you are working wit h, often
helps to actual ize ritual work. I find it is a good reminder of my
presence – physical and spiritual.

- How?
o The trad it ional magickal way is to have a table wit h two levels on
t hem t hat are equal size to represent “as above, so below”
o Air (East): Dagger or feat her
o Water (West): A cup or chal ice
o Fire (Sout h): Wand or Matches
o Eart h (Nort h): Pentacle, sal t or d irt
o Spirit (Center): This one is loose. Perhaps a deity you are working
wit h or a crystal t hat represents spirit to you
o I put a crystal grid on t he bot tom layer of my al ter space

For me, my altar helps keep me grounded in the practice.

I a l s o fi n d t h a t m y a l t a r p a y s r e s p e c t t o t h e f o r c e s I a m i n
communion with. I think altar items should be changed
as we progress in practice. Change is a part of our
evolution, so our altar should reflect that.
How To Do Magick

There are many ways to med itate. Here are a few to ponder. We
encourage you to find a pract ice t hat fits best to you and do it often.
For t he purposes of t hese rituals, it wil l give your body space to adapt
to t he energet ic changes t hat are occurring.

P e r s o n a l l y, I l i k e t o f o c u s o n m y 3 r d e y e , a n d s e e w h a t c o m e s u p t o t r y t o
distract me. I don’t ignore the thoughts but allow them to drift past me at a
faster rate than I would when I am not in meditation. This style has more
credence with visual magick practitioners, because you are learning to go
through the doorway of your mind into the beyond.
1. Sit in Dragon Asana (Stacked spine / aligned)
2. Hands in Dhyani Mudra (sign of contemplation and reverence)
3 . To n g u e c u r l e d s o t h a t t i p o f t o n g u e i s a s f a r b a c k a s i t c a n g o o n t h e r o o f
of your mouth (connects you to your 3rd eye)
4. Focus on 3rd eye in single pointed concentration (15-30 min)
5. When I am just about done, I do a body scan
i. Lift my hands to the heavens in a prayer position
ii. Put my hands on my 3 nerve centers (brain, heart, gut) for connection
iii. Run hands on ground in bowing position and breath out any energy that
needs to be cleared to be recycled in the center of the earth
i v. F i n i s h w i t h h a n d s i n p r a y e r p o s i t i o n a t h e a r t t h a n k i n g a n y o n e w h o p a v e d
the way for me to be meditating at this time

- How?
o Fourfold Breat h:
• Empty lungs while count ing to 4
• Inhale while count ing to 4
• Hold for 4 beats
• Exhale for 4 beats
o Mind State
• You can empty your mind of al l t houghts
• You can consume your mind wit h being completely present
• You can focus on a single point in your 3rd eye
o Prayer
• If chant ing or memorized prayer helps you get in t he med itat ive zone,
t his is a great way to give space for t he d ivine in your l ife
• Look up Bible verses or Mantras t hat resonate wit h you.

Modern Magick – Donald Michael Kraig
T h e R i t u a l M a g i c k M a n u a l – D a v i d G r i f fi n
The Golden Dawn – Israel Regardie
Magick Book 4 – Aleister Crowley
The Adept Initiative – Jason Louv
Royal Science of Angels – Damien Echols

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