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End Semester Examination
February/M arch, 2016
Level :B.E. Course : ETEG 408
Year :IV 02 l'lrrR 70i$ Semester: I
Exam RollNo. : Time: 30 mins. F. M. :20

Registration No Date

[20 Q. x l:20 marks]

Choose the most appropriate answer.

l. Microwave energies propagate through the length of the waveguide by of electromagnetic

a. refraction b. reflection c. penetration d. diffraction

+2. Entities that are combined to form a Magic Tee are

a. one H and two E, plane tees b. one H and one E plane tee
c. two H and two E plane tees d. two H and one E plane tee

J Coupling of two waveguides using a choke flange is done because

a. it is simpler than any other method ofjoining
b. it help the alignment of the waveguides
c. it compensate for discontinuities at the joint
d. it increase the bandwidth of the system
4 Let the peak power : 10,00,000 W and average power : 800 W. The duty cycle of radar will
a. 0.008 % b. 0.8 % c. 0.08 % d.8 %

5 What is the primary purpose of the helix in a travelling wave tube?

a. Reduce noise figure b. Prevent the electron beam from spreading in the long tube
c. Reduce the axial velocity of the RF field d. Ensure broadband operation

-*6 in a magnetron so the electron travels in a cycloidal path.

a. Strong magnetic field is b. The cathode is positive
c. The anode is negative d. The cavities are resonant

7 On which factor the maximum range of radar depends?

a. Pulse duration b. Pulse energy c. Pulse frequency d. Pulse integration

8. Let the maximum range of radar be doubled with all the other factors remaining constant. The peak
power must be increased by_.
a. 32 fold b. 4 fold c. 16 fold d. 8 fold

9. The biggest disadvantage of CW Dopp ler radar is that

a. it does not give the target velocity b. it does not give the target range
c. transponder is required at the target d. it does not give the target position
0 2 }llr, i016i

10. Negative resistance is obtained with a Gunn diode because of

a. electron transfer to a less mobile energy level
b. avalanche breakdown with the high voltage gradient
c. tunneling across the junction
d. electron domains forming at the junction

1l The wavelength of a wave in a waveguide

a. is greater than free space
b. depends only on the waveguide dimensions and the free-space wavelength
c. is inversely proportional to the phase velocity
d. is directly proportional to the group velocity

t2 Tropospheric scatter is used with frequencies in the range.

a. HF b. VHF c. UHF d. VLF

13. The absorption of radio waves by the atmosphere depen ds on

a. the frequency of wave b. the distance from the transmitter
c. the polarization of the waves d. the polarization of the atmosphere

14. Electromagnetic waves are refracted when they

a. pass into a medium of different dielectric constant
b. are polarized at right angles to the direction of propagation
c. encounter a perfectly conducting plane
d. pass through a small slot in a conducting plane

15. When microwave signals follow the curvature of the earth, this is known as-.--
a. Faraday effect b. ducting
c. tropospheric scatter d. ionospheric reflection

l6 The multicavity klystron .

a. is not a good low level amplifier because of noise

b. has a higher repeller voltage to ensure a rapid transit time
c. is not suitable for pulsed operation
d. needs a long transit time through the buncher cavity to ensure current modulation

17. The TWT is sometimes preferred to the multicavity klystron amp lifier, because it
a. is more efficient b. has a greater bandwidth
c. has a higher number of modes d. produces a higher output power

r8 The transferred electron bulk effect occurs ln

a. germanium b. gallium arsenide
c. silicon d. metal semiconductor junctions

19. Indicate the false statement. An advantage of stripline over microstrip is its
a. easier integration with semiconductor devices b. higher Q
c. higher isolation between adjacent circuits d. lower tendency to radiate

20 Which TM mode in rectangular waveguide has lowest cutoff frequency?

a. TMu b' TMor c. TMro d.TMu r
End Semester Examination
Level : B.E. Course : ETEG 408
Year :IV 0 2 l'1Ait 7016 Semester :I
Time : 2 hrs. 30 mins. F. M. :55
Attempt ANY FIVE questions. Missing data may be suitably assumed. Each symbol carries their usual
l. a. Write the applications of microwave system? Explain in detailabout microwave radio relay system and
its applications. [+3]
b. What is GNSS? Why we need GNSS? Explain about differential GPS? t3l
c. Explain the working principle of VOR. t4l

2. a. What is meant by "Bunch" formation in TWT? Describe the working principle of TWT. t3]
b. A microwave radio relay is working at 12 GHz with a transmit power of l0 W and a transmitter
receiver antenna gain of 45d8. Calculate the EIRP in dBW. t3l
c. State Kepler's laws as applied to satellite communications. Briefly describe the orbital parameters with
the help of a diagram. t5l
3. a. Consider a satellite transmitting 25 W at a frequency of 4G Hz via an antenna of 1 8 dB gain. An earth
station uses an antenna of l2 m diameter with an efficiency of 60Yo. Determine the gain of the earth
station antenna, path loss, flux density at the earth station and power received at the output of the earth
station antenna assuming the satellite earth station range to be 40, 000 km. Repeat the question for a
down frequency of I1.5 GHz. Compare the two sets of results and comment. t7)
b. Explain in detail about the application and characteristic of micro strip-line? t4l

4. a. A 35 GHz pulse radar having following parameters,

Pr:2000KW T:290 K G: 66 dB B:250 MHz
Lsys:l0dB F:5dB n:10 (SoA,tro).in:l0dB
is used to detect and track the target. Assume the radar cross section of 4.45x10-s m2. Find the
degraded maximum range of radar? If the sensitivity of the radar receiver is deteriorates by 3 dB.
b. Explain the working mechanism and application of Gunn diode. t4l
5. a. In an air filled rectangular waveguide, the cut off frequency of a TEls mode is 5 GHz, whereas that of
TEel mode is 2 GHz. Calculate,
i. The dimension of the guide.
ii. The cut-off frequencies of the next three higher TE modes.
iii. The cut-off frequency for TEly mode if the guide is filled with a lossless material having
e, : 2.25 and p, : l. t7)
b. What do you mean by parametric amplifier? why it is used in microwave system? Explain in detail
about the working mechanism of parametric amplifier. t4)
6. a. A rectangular waveguide with dimensions 2.42 cm x l.l2 cm supporting TE10 mode at 6 GHz is filled
with a dielectric of relative permittivity e, What are the limits on e,. if only the dominant mode
propagates? t6l
b. How can we find the range and velocity by using FMCW radar? explain with suitable diagram. t5]

Marks Obtained:

End Semester Examination [C]
June/July, 2016
Level : B.E. Course : ETEG
Year : IV ? I "tut't 2018 Semester: I

Exam RollNo. : Time:30 mins. F. M. :20

Registration No.: Date

Choose the most appropriate answer.

I When electromagnetic waves are propagated in a waveguide,

a. they travel along a walls of the guide
b. they are reflected from the walls but do not travel along them
c. they travel through the dielectric without touching the walls
@ d. they travel along all four walls of the waveguide

2. Waveguides are used mainly for microwave signals because,

a. they depend on straight-line propagation which applies to microwaves only
b. losses would be too heavy at lower frequencies
c. there are no generators powerful enough to excite them at lower frequencies
d. they would be too bulky at lower frequencies

J If pulse radar operating with a peak power of I MW has the, pulse width 1.2 ps and pulse
repetition interval lms, the value of average power is kW.
a.1.2 b. 1.4 c.2 d. 5

4. When electromagnetic waves are reflected at an angle from a waveguide wall, their
wavelength along the wall is
a. same as in free space
b. same as the wavelength perpendicular to the wall
-@ c. shortened because of Doppler effect
d. greater than in the actual direction of propagation

5 As a result of reflections from a plane conducting wall, electromagnetic waves acquire an

apparent velocity greater than the velocity of light in space. This is called the

a. velocity of propagation b. normalvelocity

c. group velocity d. phase velocity

6. Indicate the false statement. When the free space wavelength of a signal equals the cut off
wavelength of the guide,
a. the group velocity of the signal becomes zero
b. the phase velocity of the signal becomes infinite
c. the characteristic impedance of the guide becomes infinite
d. the wavelength within the waveguide becomes infinite

7. Indicate false statement. The dom inant mode

of propagation is preferred with rectangular
a. it leads to the smallest waveguide dimensions
b. the resulting impedance can be matched
directly to coaxial lines
c. it is easier than the other modes
d. propagation of it without any spurious generation
can be ensured

8 A choke flange may be used to couple two waveguides

b. because it is simpler than any other jiin

c. to compensate for discontinuities at the join
d. to increase the bandwidth of the system

9 ln a klystron amplifier the input cavity is called

a. buncher b. catcher c. electron gun d. collector
10. following waveguides tuning components is not easiry
screw b. Stub
a. c. Iris plunger

lt cylindrical cavity resonators are not used with klystrons

because they have

a. too low Q value.

b. a shape whose resonant frequency is too difficurt to carcurate
c. harmonically related resonant frequencies
d. too heavy losses

12. A directional coupler with three or more holes is sometimes

used in preference to the two
hole coupler
a. because it is more efficient
b. to increase coupling of the signal
c. to reduce spurious mode generation
d. to increase the bandwidth of the system

t3. In a TWT the amplitude of resultant wave travelling down the helix
a. rncreases exponentially b. increases linearly tl&
c. decreases exponentially d. is almost constant

14. A duplexer is used

a. to couple two di fferent antennas to a transmitter without mutual
b. to allow the one antenna to be used for reception or retransmission
without mutual
c' to prevent interference between two antennas when they are
connected to a receiver
d. to increase the speed of the pulses in pulsed radar

I5. ln a directional co
a. isolation (dB) equals coupling plus directivity
b. coupling (dB) equals coupling plus directivity
c. directivity (dB ) equals isolation plus coupling
d. isolation (dB) equals isolation plus coupling

? $ .luu 2CI16
t6. if the antenna diameter in a radar system is increased by a factor of 4, the maximum range
will be increased by a factor of
a.'lz b.2 - .+ d.8
t7. After a target has been acquired, the best scanning system for tracking IS
a.nodding b. spiral c. conical d. helical

18. The main difference between the operation of transmission lines and waveguides is that,

a. the waveguide are not distributed, like transmission lines

b. the transmission lines can use stubs and quarter-wave transformers, unlike the
c. the transmission lines uses the principal mode of propagation, and therefore do not
suffer from low frequency cut off
d. impedance matching and swR ratio cannot be applied to waveguides

l9 Tracking information is obtained

a. stationary beam b. scanning the beam
c. suitable receiver d. suitable beam width of stationary beam

20 The application of tracking radar is

a. track in range and angle b. track in range only
c. track in angle only d. track in azimuth.



End Semester Examination [C]
Level : B.E.
r'i Course : ETEG 408
Year :IV i- $ rr ;;.:1$
Semester: I
Time : 2 hrs. 30 mins.
F.M. :55
Attempt ANY FIVE questions. Missing data may be suitab ly assumed.
Each symbol carries
their usual meaning.
l. a. why a microwave is called" Microwave"? what is the frequency range of
b' Enlist the advantages of microwave frequencies over lower frequency t3l
waves. Make
a list of important applications and the Corresponding characteristics
of microwave. 14l
c. Explain the types of microwave transmission lines uied in microwave
circuits? t4)
') a. Explain Gunn Effect. With a neat sketch explain the working principle of a Gunn
b. How can we improve the detection capability of the radar? [3 l multiple frequency CW radar employed? t3l
9' An
d. aircraft is
Explain its principle of operati on. [3]
flying at a speed of 350 Km/h. co*pui. the Doppler'frequeriry
for radar operating at a wavelength of l5 cm.
J a' In an air filled rectangular waveguide, the cut off frequency of a TEls
mode is 7 GHz,
where as that of TEsl mode is 3 GHz. Calculate,
i. The dimension of the guide.
ii' The cut-off frequencies of the next three higher TE modes.
iii. The cut-off frequency for TE11 mode if the guide is filled with a lossless material
having e, = 2.25 and p, = 1.5.
b' What do you mean by parametric amplifier? Explain in detail about t7)
the working
mechanism of parametric amplifier
4. a' Draw the block diagram of microwave link repeater and explain the
function of each
@ b. why FMCW, ! used? explain its marit and demarits. t4l
c. write the merit and demerits of GpS system and voR system. t3l
5 a. Compare the multi-cavity klystron, magnetron and Traveling wave
tube on the basis
of their
(i) Basic construction (ii) operation Applicarions t4l
b. . (iii)
IP,=2000KW T=290K
30^9lll-p_ulse radar having following paramerers,

: dB
G=60dB B=250MHz
LsYs l0 F=5 dB n: 20 (S6/Ns)r;, = - dB
-10 --
is used to detect and track the target. Assume the radar cross section
of 4.45x I iiS *r.
Find the maximum range of radar? Explain, ff tfri Uanawidth is "rY'Y$evu
in.r.ur.j U,
will vr tOO VH,
what be the effect in maximum range. t7)
6. a. Explain and.adva11a,g^1o.f geo_stationary orbit.
The range berween a
ground station and a satellite is 420-00 ki. Calculateitre
iree space loss at operating
frequency of 6 GHz.
b St.t. fu*t as applied to satellite communications. Briefly vvrvr'uw
describe th..ff..r[7]
of G/T parameters
s "i.

Marks scored:

End Semester Examination [C]
Level : B. E. Course : ETEG 408
Year : IV Semester : I
Exam RollNo. : Time: 30 mins. F. M. :20

Registration No.: Date 1 0 201?

[20 Q. x I :20 marks]

l. In a microwave communication system noise is most likely to affect the signal_.

a) at the transmitter b) in the channel
c) in the information d) at the destination

a 2. A klystron operates on the principle

a. amplitude modulation
b. frequency modulation
c. phase modulation d. velocity modulation

J One of the following types of noise becomes of great importance at the high frequencies.
It is the_.
a) shot noise b) random noise c) impulse noise d) transit time noise

4 when microwave signals follow the curvature of the earth, this is known as
a. ducting b. the faraday effect
c. tropospheric scatter d. ionosphere reflection

5 A receiver connected to an antenna whose resistance is 50 Q has an equivalent noise

resistance of 30 O. Then the receiver,s noise figure is_.
a) 1.3 dB b) 0 dB c) 2 dB d) 2.04 Db

a 6 Radar silence is_.

a. area in which radar waves can't penetrate
b. a region shielded from radar illumination
c. a period of time during which radar transmission is stopped
d. a period of time when radar searching for target

7 A helical antenna is used for satellite tracking because of it's

a) nature polarization
of b) maneuverability
c) broad bandwidth d) good front to back ratio

8 If the PRF is 1200 pps and the pulse width is 1.5 ps, the duty cycle will be_
a) 12.5 % b) 8 % c) 0.1 8 d) 0.12

9 If v, is group velocity, v, is phase velocity and v" is velocity of light then indicate the true
a) v* vo= 2v. b) v, = vrv. c) vrvr= v.2 d.) v. = v*vo
10. A radar transmitter has a peak pulse power of 400 kw, a pRF of 1500 pps and a pulse
width of 0.8 ps. The maximum unambiguous range is_.
a) l0 km b) 50 km c) 100 km d) 250 km

ll A magnetron whose oscillating frequency is electronically adjustable over a wide range is

called a_.
a) coaxial magnetron b) dither tuned magnetron
b) frequency agile magnetron d) vortage tunable magnetron

t2. The radar cross-section area least depends on

a)frequency b) polarization of the incident wave
c) degree ofsurface roughness d) direction ofthe target

13. Indicate false statement. Klystron amplifiers may use intermediate cavities to
a) prevent the oscillations that occur in two cavity klystrons
b) increase the bandwidth
c) improve the power gain
of the device
d) increase the efficiency of the klystron
14. In the Radar, if the pulse echo is received in 100 ps, the distance of the target could
a) 1500 km b) 150 km c) 15 km d) 1.5 km

15. The multifamily klystron_.

a) is not a good low power amplifier because of noise
b) has a high repeller voltage to ensure a rapid transit time
c) is not suitable for pulsed operation
d) needs a long transit time through the buncher cavity to ensure current modulation

16. VOR gives

a) range oftarget b) height oftarget
c) position of target d) velocity of target

17. The wavelength of a wave in a waveguide

a) is greater than in free space
b) depends only on the waveguide dimensions and the free space wavelength
c) is inversely proportional to phase velocity
d) is directly proportional to group velocity
t8 In a microwave communications system free space path loss calculation formula uses is

a) 94.2 + 20 log f + 20 log d b) 92.4 + 20 log f + 20 log d

c) 94.2 + l0 log f + 20 log d d) 92.3 + l0 log f + 20 log d

l9 At what frequency does oxygen cause excessive attenuation?

a) 60 GHz b) 50 GHz c) 40 GHz d) 30 GHz

20 Dominant mode of circular waveguide is_

a)TErr b) TEro c) TEor d) TMoo
End Semester Examination [C]
Ju,ly,2017 Jul- 1 tl 2{J1i
Level B. E. Course : ETEG 408
Year IV Semester : I
Time 2 hrs. 30 mins F. M. :55

Attempt ANY FIVE questions. Missing data may be suitably assumed. Each symbol
carries their
usual meaning.

I a. Explain Gunn Effect. With a suitable sketch explain the working principle of
a Gunn
diode. t3l
b. How can we improve the detection capability of the radafl t3I
Why multiple frequency CW radar is_employed? Explain its principle of
operation ffi
An aircraft is flying at a speed of 350 km/h. Comiute the boppie, fr.qi.n.y for radar
r '
t )
operating at a wavelength of 15

a' Explain the properties.and

advantage of geostationary orbit. The range between a ground

station and a satellite is 42000 km. Calculate the free space loss at o[eratinjfrequency
6GHz. e-
b. State Kepler's laws as applied to satellite communications. Briefly describe the effect ofUj
G/T parameters.
3. a. A rectangular waveguide with dimensions 2.42 cm x 1.12 cm supporting
TEls mode at
6 GHz is filled with a dielectric of relative permittivity e,. What
are the limits on e, if only
the dominant mode propagates? t6]
b. How microwave link repeater system works? what is its significance?
suitable diagram.
e--------'--explain with
4. a.Mention applications of Cavity resonator.
b.With the help of diagral IZ)
the operating principles of Travelling wave Tube.
c. What_is tunneling effect? Explain the construction t4l
ani working of thetevice, which
uses this effect. Also discuss its v-l characteristics.
o 5. a. Explain the properties and advantage of microwave frequency
for telecommunications.

b. Differentiate between VoR and DVOR. t3l
c. Two rectangular waveqr1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,fdes are joined end to end
and have the same dimension a x b.
If the first guide is air filled and the second is filled with dielectric
of relative permittivity
of e, , then find the limit of e, such that a single dominant
both the guides.
mode-- -r-'--'vrr i,'v pJr.ible
operation Hvusrr in
6. a. A 35 GHz pulse radar having following parameters,
P1=2000KW T=290K G=66d8 B=250MHz
Lsys:l0dB F=5dB n=10 (SoAIo),in=lOdB
is used to detect and track the target. Assume the radar
cross sectio n o,f ,10-s m2.
i. Find the maximum range of radar?
ii' If the maximum range of radar is reduced by l0 km, what will
be the degradation in
receiver sensitivity in dB? .. " [2+4]
b. Explain how to calculate the width of stripline for given
characteristic impedance. t5]
Marks Scored
End Semester Examination
Level : B.E Course : ETEG 408
Year : IV Semester : I
Exam RollNo. : Time:30 mins F. M. :20
Registration No: Date
t'1AR 2 6 2011

[20 Q. x 1=20 marks]
Choose the most appropriate answer.

l. PPI display of radar is/are

a. intensity modulation type c. deflection type
b. intensity modulation and deflection type d. intensity modulation or deflection type

2. A-SCOPE display p lots

a. range versus amplitude c. elevation versus range
b. azimuth versus rang d. elevation versus azimuth

3. If the peak transmitted power in a RADAR system is increased 8l times, then the
maximum range will be increased by a factor of,
a.3 b.9 c.27 d.8t
4 In microwave communication links, path diversity and frequency diversity are adopted to
overcome fading in the path due to,
a. rain attenuation c. polarization shifting
b. phase lagging d. fog accumulation

5 A reflex klystron is capable of generating such high frequencies as,

a. 0.1 GHz b. I GHz c. l0 GHz d. 100 GHz
6 TWT is basically,
a. an oscillator c. a tuned amplifier
b. a low gain amplifier d. a wideband amplifier

7 The dom inant TM mode in a rectangular waveguide is

a. TMro b. TM zr c. TM11 d. TM32

8. which of the following modes is most difficult to excite in a waveguide?

a. TEro b. TMrr c. TE11 d. TErs

9 The variation of attenuation constant with frequency is known as,

a. Frequency distortion c. Phase distortion
c. Modulation d. Fading
l0 The free space attenuation between two microwave antennas 40 km
apart operating at g
GHz is
a.146.7 dB b.142.s5 dB c. 82.5 dB d. 86.7 dB
1 l. The characteristic impedance of a lossless transmission line is,
R+ jaL
G+ jroC
c E
.b.t" tr+ ;rL !a
\ n+ iatc
12. What is the most common problems of microwave tubes?
a. Radiation leakage. c. Low efficiency.
b. Large physical d. Electrical breakdown.

13 What is the primary purpose of the helix in a travelling wave tube?

a. To reduce noise figure.
b. To prevent the electron beam from spreading in the long tube.
c. To reduce the axial velocity of the RF field.
d. To ensure broadband operation.

14. In a magnetron why does the electron travel in a cycloid path?

a. Strong field is supplied by the permanent magnet.
b. The anode is negative.
c. The cathode is positive.
d. The cavities are resonant.

t5 Let the generator's transmitting frequency be 3 GHz. A target is moving radially towards
generator with a velocity of 360 Km/hour. The frequency of the target will be,

a. I KHz b. 1.5 KHz c.?KHz d. 300 Hz

16. The cavity resonator,

a. is equivalent to an LC resonant circuit
b. is part of klystron to take output from the reflector plate
c. is used to amplify frequency
d. has a low Q factor for narrow operation
17. which of the following is not an application of microwave cavities,
a. Band pass filter c. Band stop filter
b. Oscillator frequency control d. Detector

l8 The time from the transmission of a radar pulse to its reception is 0.12 ms., The distance
to the target is how many nautical miles?
a.4.85 nmi b. 9.7 nmi c. 11.2 nmi d. 18.4 nmi

19. In a microwave communications system free space path loss calculation formula uses is

a.94.2 + 20 log f + 20 log d b.92.4 + 20 log f + 20 log d

c.94.2 + 10 log f + 20 log d d.92.3 + 10 log f + 20 log d

20. At what frequency does oxygen cause excessive attenuation?

a. 60 GHz b. 50 GHz c.40 GHz d. 30 GHz
End Semester Exam ination l'|AR 2 6 24fi
Level : B.E. Course ETEG 408
Year :IV Semester I
Time : 2 hrs. 30 mins F. M. 55

Attempt ANY FIVE questions. Missing data may be suitably assumed. Each symbol
carries their
usual meaning.

l' a. Enlist the advantages of microwave frequencies over lower frequency. Make a list of
Spg{ant applications and the correspo.ndjng characteristics of microwave systems. I4l
,b' th.e types of microwave transmissioi lines used in microwave
c. A dielectric filled re:tangular waveguide has a cut-off frequency circuiis? i+'l
cH, rur the TE16' '
mode and 7.5 GHz for the TE11 mode. If the relative permittivity "i+
ortne aielectric material
is 3.7, calculate the dimensions of the guide. t3]
2' a' Explain Gunn Effect. With aneatsketch explain the working principle of a cunn diode.

b. Why we need FMCW radar, explql its working_mechanism

c' An aircraft is flying at a speed of 2.50 Km/h. tompute the Doppler frequency [:]
for radai
operating at a wavelength of 5 cm when aircraft it is'coming towaiJanO
ricealng u*uy.
3' a' Draw the block diagram of microwave link repeater and explain the function of each t2)
b' What are the important issues must be considered during the route planning or,.....,rijfl
c. ,A r99t$-gular waveguide cavity resonator having dimensions a= 22.g6mm and Lzl
b :
I 0' I 6 mm.and op.erating in ihe T8161 mode, h"as
a resonance f.equercy of l0GHz. Now,
the resonator is required to operate at i2 Guz in the same mode.
rina tne change in d. [5]
4' ?' ExP]ain the properties and advanta8e gf geostationary orbit for telecommunicarions.
b. Differentiate between VOR and OVOn. t3l
c' Two rectangular waveguides are joined end to end and have the same dimension a * b. \il r

the first guide is air filled and the second is filled with dielectric
of relative permittivity of
€,, then find the limit of e, such that a single dominant mode op..uti"n
is possible in both
the guides.
5' a' with the suitable figure, describe the basic operation of a travelling wave tube and
b' .1ni"i, trr. significance of G/T ratio in satellite commu_nication, with example
c' Consider a satellite transmitting 25 W ata frequency of +c Hz viaan antenna of l g dB i;l
gain. An earth station uses an antenna of l2 m diarLt..
with an .in"i*.v of 60%.
Determine the gain of the earth station antenna, puit ios, nrio.rrii/
and power the output of the earth .tuiion antenna station
assuming the satellite earth
station range to be 40, 000 km. Repeat the question io. u
ao*n f[q;;*
of 12 GHz.
Compare the two sets of results and comment. 15]
6. a. I 35^9_llf-rylse radar having following parameters,
Pt:2000KW T=290K G=66dB B:250MHz
I-ryt: l0 dB F = 5 dB n: l0 (SoA.,tro).in: t0 dg
is used to detect and track the target. Assume the radar cross section
of a.a5iT0-5 m2.
i. Find the maximum range of radar?
ii'If the maximum.range of radar is reduced by l0 km, what will
be the degradation in
receiver sensitivity in dB?
b' e*prain r,o* to calcuiate the width of stripline for given characteristic Oitl
End Semester Examination
February/March, 2018
Level : B.E
Course : ETEG 40g
Year : IV
Semester: I
Exam RollNo Time : 30 mins F.M. :2O
Registration No:
Date [l-B 26?l
[20 Q.x l:20 marks]
Choose the most appropriate answer,
A satellite downlink at 12 GHzoperates with transmit power of 6 W
and an antenna gain of
48.2 dB. The EIRp in dBW is .a
a.45 dBW b. 50 dBw c. 75 dBW d. 56 dBW
2. A 20 m antenna givesa certain uplink gain at frequencies of 4l6GHz.
For getting same gain
in the 20130 GHz band, antenna iize reluired is
a. 100 b.4 c. I d. 10
3. Pulse radar operating at
I0 GHz frequency has an antenna with a gain of 28 dB and a
transmitted power of 2 kW. If it is desired to detect a target
of cross section 12 m2.and the
minimum detectable signal is -90 dBm, the maximum range
of the radar is
a.8114 m b.2348 m c. 1256 m d.4563 m
4 If the target cross section is changing, the best system for accurate tracking
is .-
a. Iobe switching b. iequential lobing
c. conical scanning d. monopulse
5 If a return echo arrives after the allocated pulse interval,
a. it will interfere with the operation of the transmitter
b. the receiver might be overloaded
c. the target will appear closer than it really is
d. it will not be received

.-,^ 6. MTI Radar is

a. CW radar b. Pulsed radar c. FMCW radar d. CW Doppler radar
7 When the electric field in a wavegu ide is perpendicular
to the direction of wave propagation
the mode is said to be
a. eleptical polarization
b. horizontal polarization
c. transverse electric d. transverse magnetic

8 Th.e wavelength of a wave in a waveguide

a. is greater than offree space
b. depends only on the waveguide dimensions
and the free-space
-r wavelength
c. is inversely proportional to the phase velocity
d. is directly proportional to the gioup velocity
9 Tlie noise figure of a receiver is a measure of
a. excess noise generated b. bandwidth of the receiver
c. gain of the receiver d. operating frequency

10. 'l'he polarization refers to

a. the physical orientation of the radiated wave
tr. the direction of propagation of the wave
c. dire,-:tion perpendicular to the propagation of the wave
d. direction parallel to the popagation of the wave

1l The gain of parabolic reflector antenna is proportional to

a. the frequecncy of the transmitted signal b. square of the diameter of the reflector
c. aperture area of the feed d. square of the power of the radiated signal

12. A parametric amplifier has an input and output frequency of 2.25 GHz, and is purnped at 4.5
GI{2, is a
a. traveling wave amplifier b. degenerate amplifier
c. lower side band up converter d. upper side band up converter

13. Microwave link repeaters are typically 50 km apart,

a. because of atmospheric attenuation b. because of output power limitations
c. because ofEarth's curvature d. because ofinterference from other sources

14. The bandwidth of a radar receiver is inversely proportional to the

a. pulse width b. pulse repetition frequency
c. pulse interval d. square root of the peak transmitted power

15. The tunneldiode

a. has a tiny hole through its center to facilitate tunneling
b. has a special layer with a very high reverse resistance
c. uses a high doping level to provide a narrow junction
d. works by quantum tunneling exhibited by gallium arsenide only

T6 If an antenna draws l2 A current and radiates 4 kW, then what will be its radiation resistance?
a.22.22 Ohm b.27.77 Ohm c. 33.33 Ohm d.39.77 Ohm

17. Which mode of propagation is supported by a strip line?

a. TEM mode b. TM mode c. TE mode d. Both TE and TM

18. If the loss tangent is 0.001 for a stripline operatin g at 12 GHz with the relative permittivity of
the dielectric material being used equal to 2.6, then the conductor loss is
a.0.102 b.0.202 c.0.001 d. 0.002

19. The effective dielectric constant €r for a microstrip line

a. varies with frequency
L.. independent of frequency
c. is a constant for a certain material
d. depends on the material used to make microstrip

20. A-SCOPE display p lots

a. range versus amplitude c. elevation versus range
b. azimuth versus rang d. elevation versus azimuth

End Semester Examination
February/March, 2018 ttB 2 6 2018
Level B.E. Course : ETEG 408
Year IV Semester: I
Time 2 hrs. 30 mins. F.M. :55

Attempt ANY FIVE questions. Missing data may be suitably assumed. Each symbol carries their usual

l. a. Why a certain range of frequency is known as"Microwave"? Express the standard frequency
bands allocation used for microwave devices and system? [3']
b. Make a list of important applications and the corresponding characteristics of microwave
systems. t4l
c. Explain the working and importance of stripline for microwave frequency? t4]
2.a. What is GNSS system? Compare GPS and GLONASS. t4l
b. A I KW, 3 GHz radar uses single antenna with a gain of 30 dB. The receiver has noise
bandwidth of I KHz and a noise factor of 5 dB. A target of radar cross section of I 0 m2 at a
range of 18520 m is to be detected. Calculate the minimum SA.,l. l4l
c. Explain the application and working of SAW devices. What is the significance of SAW devices
in microwave communication? 13]

3.a. What are the applications of cavity resonator and parametric amplifier? t2l
b. With the help of a neat diagram explain the operating principles of Travelling Wave Tube. I4l
c. Explain the properties and advantage of geostationary orbit. The range between a ground station
and a satellite is 42000 km. Calculate the free space loss at operating frequency of 6 GHz.
4.a. A target is receding on a radial of radar with a relative velocity of 501.6 m/s. The radar
transmits continuous wave energy ata wave length of 2.5 cm. what will be the Doppler shift of
the target? What will the Doppler shift if the target alters its course by 450? l4l
b. Explain Gunn Effect. With the help of schematic diagram explain the working principle of a
Gunn diode. 141
c. Compare the Klystron and Magnetron on the basis of their,
i) Basic construction ii) Operation iii) Applications [3]

5.a. Explain the working mechanism and application of VOR. I5l

b. A rectangular waveguide with dimentions 2.42 cm x 1.12 cm supporting TEor mode at 6 GHz is
filled with a dielectric of relative permittivity er. What are the limits on er if only the dominant
mode is propagates? t6l

6.a. What do you understand from Fresnel zone clearance? Why it is important for Microwave radio
link design explain with example. t4l
b. A rectangular waveguide carries an electromagnetic wave having a frequency of 4000 MHz. A
standing wave indicator shows that wavelength of the wave in the guide is I 1.4 cm. What is the
cut-off wavelength of the waveguide and the velocity at which energy is propagated along the
guide? Vfil
End Semester Examination
Februarv/March. 201 9
Level B.E. Course : ETEG 408
Year IV Semester: I

Exam Roll No.: Time : 30 mins F.M. : 20

Registration No Date FtB 182019

SECl'lON ":\"
[20 Q.' l=20 rnarks]
('hoose the nutst erltpropriute unsv'er.

I . Pulse radar operating at l0GHz fiequencv has an antenna with a gain of 28 dB and a
transmitted power of 2 kW. If it is desired to detect a target of cross section 12 m2, and the
minimum detectable signal is -90 dBm. the maximum range of the radar is
a) 81 14 m b) 2348 m c) 1256 m d) 4563 m

2 The term rhdar cross section defines the

a) scattering ability of the target
b) power radiating ability of the radar
c) amount of energy scattered by unwanted objects
d) cross section of radar area through which energy is emitted
J If the peak transmitted power in a radar system is increased by a factor of 16, the maximum
range will be increased by a fhctor
a)2 b)4 c)8 d)16
.+ Ifareturnechoarrivesa1iertheallocatedpulseinterval-'
a) it will interfere with the operation of the transmitter
b) the receiver might be overloaded
c) it will not be received
d) the target will appear closer than it really is

5. High fiequency waves fbllow

a) the ground wave propagation b) guided wave propagation
c) the ionospheric propagatiotl d) surrface wave propagation
6. In electromagnetic waves" polarisation is
a)due to transverse natllre of waves b) always vertical in isotropic medium
c) due to longitudinal nature of w'aves d) carlsed by ret-lection of waves
7 Electrontagnetic wave in which the electric freld is entirely transverse to the direction of
propagation is known as
a) TE wave b)
'fEM wave c) TM wave d) TEro wave
8 For a rectangular wave guide with a : 2 cm and b = I cm. the cut-off wavelength for
fEro tnode will be
a)2cm b)lcm c)4cm d)8cm
9 is tracking radar
a) Monostatic radar b) Bistatic radar
c) Monopulse radar d) Secondary surveillance radar
10 which of the fbllowing position services provided
by the GpS require crypto keys,/
a) Precise position service
c) Ultimate position service .li 3ffi,X. J""J;[""",::l]:'.'
il. The intentional degradation of GpS signar in
specitic areas is cailed
a) selective degradation bt selective ."rlf .illi"
c)distributed GpD d) signal iornrnlrg-^""'
12. What t-v.'pe of antenna is usecl in GI)S svstems,?
a) Yagi antenna
c) Loop antenna :l i;,H:',[H#;'"'
l3 Rainfall is an important factor fbr fading of radio
waves at fiequencies above
a) l0 GHz Hz
b) 100 G c) I GHz d) 100 MHz
i'+. i-i:e ca',,itv resonator
a) is equivalent to an LC resonant circuit
b) in a klystron has its output taken fiom the reflector prate
c) produces a trequency which is independent of
the cavityj size
d) has a low Q factor fbr narrow operation.
l5 A travelins wave tube t]-WT) arnplifies signal b-v., v'irtue
a) the absorption ot'energv by the siqnal fiorn an electron
b) the effect olan extental rnagnctic tiet.t
c) the energy contained irr the car,itv resonators
d) the energy liberated fiom the collector

l6 The tiequency ot'the oscillation generated by a magnetron

is mainlv cletermined by

a) the flux density of the external magnet

b)the ratio of the clc cathocle vortage to the magnetic flux clensity
c) the number of the cavitv rcsonators
d) the dimension of each cavity resonator
17. For an elliptical orbit? Eccentricity e is
a)0<e<l b)e:O c)e=l d)e<0
18. The velocitv of a geostationarv satellite is nearly
a) I 255 km/hr b\ 67 57 knr/hr c ) I 1052 km/hr c1) 12644 km/hr

lc) what is the approximate path loss fi.rn satellite to earth station,l
a) 100 dB b) 50 dB c) 75 <tB d) 200 dB
20 A satellite cross link nlealts
a)earth statiorl to satellite link b) satellite to earth station link
c) satellite to satellite link cl) satellite to terrestrial network link
End Semester Examination
Februrarv/March. 2019 FtB 1 I 2019
Level B.E. Course : ETEG 408
Year IV Semester: I
Time 2 hrs. i0 mins. F.M. :55
SECTI oN "8"
Attenlpt ,1,\'Y P II E c1r-testions. IVIissing data nrav be suitably assumed. Each symbol carries their usual

a. Write the applications of rnicror.rave svstem,l Explain in detail about microwave

radio relavJ
systenl and its applications.
b. What is GNSS? Why we need GNSS,? Explain about GL ONASS and difl-erential
GpS? [3]
c. Explain the working principle of VOR.
2 a. A 30 GHz pulse radar having tbllowing parameters.
Pt= 2000KW T:290 K G:60 dB B:200 MHz
L.,,., ;'J,j;; F:5 dB n: i0 (So,N,r)r,n: l0 dB
is used to detect and track the target. Assume the radar cross section of 4.45x10-5
m2. Find
the degraded maximunl range of radar. if the sensitivity of the radar receiver is
bv 3 dB. I7l
b. Explain the working mechanism and application of Gunn diocie. t4)
J a. A rectangular wavegr.ricie with dinrensions 2.42 cm x l. l2 cm supporting fElo mode at
5 GHz is filled with a dielectric ot'relative pernrittivitv e, What are the limits on
e,. if only
the dominant mode propagates/ 16l
b. How can we frnd the range and velocity bv r-rsing FMCW radar? Explain with suitable
diagram using the moving target case. t5]
4 a. Explain the properties and aclvantage of geostationary orbit. The range between a ground
station and a satellite is 42000 km. calculate the free space loss at operating frequency
4 GHz.
b. Derive the expression fbr link budget calcr"rlation of Satellite sysrem. What is the
significance of G/T parameter'/ Explain with
5 a. Mention applications of Cavity resonator. pl
b. With the help of diagram cxplain the operating principles of Travelling Wave Tube.
c. What is the significance olmicro-strip ancl strip-lirre in rnicrow,ave engineering'/ Explain
the width calculation trechanisnr ot'strip-line with suitable exarnple. t5]
6 a. Explain the properries and advanrage of SAW devices. t3]
b. Differentiate between VOR ancl
DVOR. t3]
c. rectangular waveguides are.ioined end to end and have the same dimension a x b. if
the first guide is air frlled and the second is fllled with dielectric of relative permittivity
sr. then tind the limit of e, such that a single clominant rnode operation is possible in both the
gLrides. t5l
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