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Name of Student: _____________________________________________ Topic: Repayment (Finance Math)

Goal: Provide options to a client how to pay a bank loan in different terms and explain how much total interest will incur if
such option is chosen.
Role: Bank Officer
Audience: Foreign Teacher
As Taiwan is leaning towards bilingual curriculum by 2030, a lot of foreign teachers are coming to the country. Many
foreign teachers are concerned on how bank loan works in Taiwan. As a bank officer, you need to provide a service to a
foreign teacher that will avail of bank loan. Use concept of compounded interest in calculating the total amount the foreign
teacher needs to pay. Provide options of mode payments (different number of years) for the teacher based on your
company’s policy of compounding interest.
1. A matrix of values of final amount a teacher would pay monthly when a certain amount of loan in is paid in a certain
number of years compounded in 2-3 different ways.
2. Appendix that shows formula of by-hand solution on how these final values were obtained.
3. Bibliography for the type of compounded interest policy of the bank you are representing.

Standards: Criterion C and D and task specific rubrics (See Below)

National Development Council Bilingual 2030 – Ministry of Education Teacher’s remuneration
Today’s Task:
1. Choose 1 among the 4 teachers who you would like to be the client.
2. If you choose either Teacher Ava or Teacher Carlos, research on the value of car that suits their needs.
3. Choose a bank that you would like to represent and research on the interest rate for the personal loan.
You may choose other local banks in Taiwan.
4. Submit the client’s profile, encircling the name of your chosen client and the bank you have chosen. Changing of client
and bank is not allowed after submission.
Criterion C
The student is able to:
'I. Student consistently uses the correct mathematical language that involves finance math like present value, interest, rate,
future value, repayment, compounded interest and alike.

II. Student consistently uses appropriate mathematical representations to present information

A. Defined mathematical notations and formulas were explained clearly.

B. Presents raw-data matrix that are well structured and with appropriate column titles and captions

III. Student effectively moves between different forms of mathematical representation:

A. Student effectively uses formulas and matrix table to support claims
B. Student effectively (with minor errors) uses proper notations
IV. Student communicates through lines of reasoning that are complete, coherent and concise:
A. Reasoning involved in determining repayment value and how time and interest rate can affect the repayment value.

B. Verbal reasoning involved how to generalize concepts of repayment and compounded interest in complete, coherent
and concise manner

V. Presents work that is consistently organized using a logical structure

A. Overall structure of report is followed consistently
B. Each subsection is consistently broken up into slides and has a clear purpose
Criterion D:

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