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Norse Mythology Flori Bos Bie Tilezese lauaducion sda Human felngs Ave Made 4-O¢inand Mims sThocand Thal A neatsNectace |The Sono un The Store i Hui 1 Odin usice THE sacas 2a The Sumottte Wang The Stn of Gude sa. Tb Sen ofa 2. The Stay of nie 2a The Desth of aur 25 Lois Punishment 3 Introduction ‘he stoves lam going to sll ae vey spacial, They are wonderul stoves of strange being called “gods” and of giants and doar, stoves of magic pels and of mighty battles. Before | can tel you these stoves | must fist tell you how they ‘nme snout There sori were not ust made ups hey came shou ina feast vray So thet you can understand how thi wale’ think back to the Old Tera ‘ment stories an the stor of Adar and Eve - how they ate the forbidden ft of the Tee of Keaulege of Good and Evian how they were driven fam panic. 1 ong as Adam ard Eve yar sl in parade they could sae God end spi io God evry dy Just think what a wander thing this Was to the Low God in bie righ an pny unt you nar see prone Then Adam and Ee cinabeyes| (God and were dicen fom parade and they could no longer see God eer di, but they oul ul ee hi someties; he sometimes appeared to them sould st zen God, bus nate often Ar Hn wentan thre ware enya fe 200 pe who coud ae Goda al pele lite Abhay, ie Moser, Ike some prophets = and they could only ee hi somtimes. The more people became used te vine ‘en ent andthe betr they became a bultng and farming and making things, ‘th es they could see God. On ew oul il zometimes see him Something ele happenee: people coulé no ee the Lor Godin his might and Ho butven/manyaf them, not jure fus cole ace he angle Taye angele ‘hat made the aeasons ofthe yea the cold of winter and the warmth ofthe su ‘ar: They sang tht worked in wind and weather in ain and cloud, inthe _rouing of plats and even inthe ight thas came fom the sun and moon and stars. In rte we donot even have that bly: bat in theo dare lg tine 2g0, people cid not just el the win, they saw a wondertul Being that made the fof sun or maae; in the light there ware be: ‘What happened was the: the paople who could wo longer see God thought th ach angel was 8 god, and 50 hey came to worehip the angele ae gods, an they rst che angst ae gods and mde scrifce to them The oly paplewha dd fot worship the angelgeds but remained fatto the tue God were the le ‘aeites, the peopl of the Ole Testament and that is why Cist was born among them. The ather people in the world worshipped the many angegnds becuse ‘hate what the coud sae, tthe rue Go inhi lve for mankind ante help the people whe could no longer see hin. and so he et his angels guide her ‘There were many peoples inthe word who worshiped the ang-gads, and ‘hey had worded storiae about shen. The meet woncefl trie ere tld arrange pele who ae called Norsemen, hich means “men fom the Neth ‘These Norsemen real id come fom the North ~ Flom Sweden. from Nowoy ‘They were 3 proud people and zo brave tht they were aly happy when there wat lange: Tht i why they wet to war and fought: to have the joy of ange That it hy they sald their sll sling shipe acioss the see and into the widest stra becaur ns dangerous The Norzeman cameo ety lend to Cartan to Fran, to Brien. Many ate in thee countries, 20 shee is burly anyone here who dose not have, among his ancestor his peat great-great grandparents ‘om verylnga80~ one af thas brave wares one oft Noveemen They are llwarics They card pear and swords and shields ard they knew ha to use thelr weapons well When these brave, force Norsemen tad Sought ball, they came me 3 debate ther itary wih «great eet Eanguet The mast imports ac af ‘he Fest was when # ran clled “bar took rp and sang rece poem a lone poem about te gods and the deeds of the gods. These bards could se he ange: gode tener shan theaters and thay sould understand wht the angle ait beter than the other. Ths how the stores | am going to tll you came about ‘They are stores that these wise bards amongst the Norsemen heard fom angels, seem the ange e082 1. The Creation ‘Theresa speci name fo a story about gods it's not jst ealed a “ston itis called not tall he stores inthe way those etd the sige men, tld them. They made "yea het you fe ging to hear are the Mya of he Norsemen ca ‘their stories into poems, and a very pecla ing of poem they were, Whan we les poem hey oem yes ashi home Inthe mound “The pours ofthe Norsemen ware site lifer. The most important hing was ‘that as many words as possible Began withthe same eter Novwlisten and earn and ose not ter (Ofte sony of stand of arms and range deeds “The fat try am going to ell yous every strange oe. ta myth abou the becinning ofthe world Ite quite ciferet from the bles story of ereton, but shot does nat sate The begining af the eri ornathng 29 erected tat the Sible sor it one part of and the Norsemen stay ip another The Norse ran’ storys this Inthe beginning there was ust vast gap, a yawning abs, an enormous hale sity nothing in & dare and ergy But there was something tothe north of hat _s9. North nthe direction fom which ov cold weather comes, and north of tht a fog. The word fice site caledNifenei, hice mang “home fo ‘There was alo somthing south ofthe abje, something that 7 was the ver ‘opposite of ie: 2 word of raging roaring fre, 2 wold of fame and heat. That sold offre une caledMuspahsion, she "horn or” ‘So weave tee sings at he beginning of the wor the vet aby, noth of the wor of ie and fog cle Nieheim, and south oF it the wold of raging re and fame led Muspehei From th icy moumsins of Nisin there fowed a ret sve which ole tt Hoc offer int the gret gap. Ard itso happened that spat of the rein [Muspelheim flew down int the aves and fl onthe ie, BecAse ofthese fry para the ice began t ets ana it gan to malt Now cones the vey mange partofthe ston The ce as became soft ard ounded, tok shape. In fact tbe ‘came two shapes. became two beings that were made ofice, bu were ave. One lone pans the biggest gant tat ever ae and the other ae a gla cous The art vas cae Vinca the big cow was called Auchurnla The gant ri fc himselwth the mile om the udder ofthe cov, Audhurbla. The cow fed etal? by lieking the salty cus ofthe ie. “So those were she fet beng inthe world Sometimes the giant Vil seep snd when he slept he was ao warm that he sweated, and wet drop of seat be came another gant not quite as big a Yi, but a ant nevenhless.M nothing cleehad happened, the ward would have been nothing but gars ~ uncouth, wld ccestures, big and sup. Sut something else Sc happen. Whit te gan Yinit ‘nas aalee, the com che the ic. She licked ard she licked. Through her ikng the ice as softened and took shape and fom itcame thre beings. They were not crate and sluay lke he giants. Thay ere wall shape, they ware bent they ‘were tong and thy ware wise, Theve three had divine powers They were “fous” and ther names were Odi, il and Ve ‘When Yinie andthe sare tha ne grou fram hi athe Resa orm of the tre gods, they hated ther or nw they sw how vy they were themssies They stormed agsinat Odin, ih and Ve tty and deatoy them. The thee gods fought bac, and ser 3 tre bat they led Voi andthe ater glante tok igh. Qu they remained forever B the enemies ofthe ge and they waked fora time whe hey would ake eve. The thee gods, Odin Vil and Ve had iled Yin and diam amy his git fipeng Out sheresae atl nots were the weld in ohieh we live nee wae nat ether. Thtesvas onthe vast aby with eon one side ad ice an he othe ‘The three gods sald, “Let us make a world. We shall make te worlé om the ‘dy of Vine and we shall pu hi werd inthe gest snp 29 thatthe emptiness shallbe ied” ‘That is what the thee gods di. They took the esh of Yn and they spoke wend They took the bones ofVinir and by therm rocks and mountains and stones They took he blod afi; which was nt ie jc words the bones became and ses and the vers and streams ofthe word They tank the ir tht grew on ‘mic andthe har Beare sass and ower and res ~al he plans tat gr’ ot ‘earth, Then they 20 the sal oY twas an enorrous sl) and bythe mage ver ofthe gods he sala ies hig ota he ears ana tesa the Blue ‘al ofthe sy. nade the skal of however, there was he gia bran The gs used he brain too. became the clouds that float in testy This is how he sold was made cut af he Body a nin the ents ram his Fath, th vce and oursins from his bone, ll the water fom his blood the plants fom his ha, ‘the 6 from his shal a the clouds fom his bran. ‘Then the tree gods, Odin, Vil and Ve, tak fe from Muspthsi, and frm ‘hes Ste they ade se aun andthe men and put the in the zk They soot the pala that care ying andthe pars became the tars inthe by thathad not been ured up herewae sucha le of ij had gat bad and al kinds of File worms ware crewing about init ‘The gods, Odin Vil and Ve, 3, “We sll make use of thes ile things tay" and they made them into dvr To these da the gods gnve gest cu ring but they ad oie underground, inthe depths of he earth. There the dare collected gold and siver and precious stones, which thy hoards and tied to leephien In the toting Fath of Yi there had als been bees, litle creatures with sing, and from there the gua made she fier and shes They le above the arth; they fit inthe light ofthe sun and the moon, Wherever a plan grows, the as below ook ater the rots that grow in the earth, ut the beauties and es look aker she ener ar blastams and fit So the god, Odi, Vil ard Ve, had made the worl, which was 20 ithe great 3p. Bu the new word that the gods had made must rot all own int he depths ofthat tale aye How could Be elt up? The thee goa lta re pron he bigest een the wold a eee 20 big hat is fate reached dow inte the uae ost depths of the bas High up in branches the tee cared the whole werd =the earth and al thing init and evan the shy above. Iwas an ah ie, Oo you now wha ama lak ie? tis nat thick ke an oak The lave are lang with lleteth andthe bari ath re. The ood fom the branches ofthe ash tee az the bes for raking bows. This great ash tee that cried te earth and sky was called Yee which means, “cay divine powers” aYeedeosi “Te thre gad, tin, Vil and Ve, had made the word fom the body ofthe giant ‘ic They had made the dai that lived under the earth (they were called dark lve), they hid made the avis (uh were calle ight ees), and they had made ‘he ese ath tra gain hat cares she worlé nite ranches za at ule notfll dowm nt the depths ofthe aby. Now| mnt tel you more about Yegdasi There were dros of dew on the lesser ef epcras hich fl dour ups se aaah and gove fet all beings tet led thee ~ plans animals and men. Every ing being owed hi ie 2 the dese that fel down rom Yegeasl. High up onthe top of ggasi, above the sy, at an eagles which sal that wert on nthe word. own nthe depths the re ae eee roots At one oot there wa a dragon, which gnavedthe oot and hed 1 de sr the Wee There was aoa litle squire hat an up and down the tee, fom she octeto te top. ttle the eagle what the drag di anda the dragon wae {he eagle sad, ard 20 mace them hate each cher more and more. The wguel was 4 gossip who enjayed making vouble frees You could an, “Why did the pode lathe dragon t he ate est of Ve site ard to gave i The god kre that Se world they had made would net Ine for all etry. Aton tine, fr in the fture, her wold would pss aay and ake room for archer wad x newe ward, an even beter ward, When the war seed ay Yes ble at he root, slow werking towards that dyin he future when Yggdra would a, But there were thre oot onthe ah Ygdcal At the second root here were three beings who gave the te fe so that the dragon could nt destoy Before ‘he git ine had same, There tee henge sare sala the ores an they were sl would fal. Ard so the dragon was allowed to gnaw and nib er; ot wae omer they wre not erty women, bt godlike women, and they ‘ule time. The olest Norn raze the past. 1 an she was called Ur The mide ‘Norn ral he present, and she vas called Verda, The yourgeat Narn rule he tar, and she was called Stud. The three Norns ~ Ur, Verda ard Shulé — {etched water fom the aes river that flowed from the ice mountain of Nfs oun int the abs, and they pouted # upon ther oats strengthen the sth ee —— There was iN thie roo, and he being hat sat bythe third rot was stranger than eter he dragon or he three Noms. twa 2 gan. wha was put ther by the gods. The giants name was Mimic He zat by the third rot to guard a peng of ester hat ose fom nearby. The fountain of Mir had ver speci water, for he sre aranethe water would inoue al eenhing shat ever, shat i. a thi be That iemore han there go, Odin, vi and, ke They Ent But ‘otal there as, oF wil be. The thoueht they knew enough ard they cid not enn at ett have more nig, 20 they ut the gat Mimi ti oursin to guard & 1 would pot be good fr anybody to dink thir water and kn all things Mimic imeel cald drink the wate, but he caja dow byte oot 2 serailonere his inwedge could do pither hay nor gd 3.Human Beings Are Made ‘The tre gods, Odin, il and Ve, hag mae the word fom the Body ofthe giant ‘mic The war wa held up fom the abyss by he branches othe mighty ath ee ‘egies the une at whore rats were the dragon the Ners and the wie Mimic ‘One day he three gods walked on the earth they had rade, They looked at the srountsing and valley anda the rere and mane, a he rae and Soweto 700 Fom the earth. eva beaut word ut twas not ye complte. The See ods ken tat there was sil smashing they had to do ‘They came tothe sashore and by the ss there aed to tes, One wes ar ash tee (ike peas br, of couse, much male. Bese the ash vee there cams into the wood 2 that te weer could fel joy and oro Vili change the s3p of the two tees so that Became warm Bod, and with he Blood the ash ard she ln changed theieorm The aah became nan an th am Sacare seman ‘They were ne longed, butt ling, ein, human beings Then heat oF ‘the gods, Ve, ave both the mn and the woman a mind to think and toler an te know So now there were the fats human being nthe world: 2 man who came fom the ash ree and »wornan who cae lm thee tee, From dese Sat ‘vo human eins came, in tine, lather the human Being led the world ana rly shen was the word complete ‘The thre gods, Odin, Vil and Ve, ai, “The human beings have het home on above the ea” The gods made this home above the highest branches oF 5+ dri above estas nthe Old Nore language, the word for gods hea (plural (an) and te place wher the goa ued wa ele Arg ofthe si" The earth was caled Mihgac, meaning “mice garden” because ts inthe mile Setveen Asgard and the depths where the rots of Yes sere The godewarted be batten their els tne the war af man 2 hat they could trae ees fom Argerd to Midgard. They made thi bridge: the rinowe “The Rs Odin, Vil and Vales halo ake sure that the suman moon ae ed zeae the shy ad ose and set 3 tha oight tre So they made tu chat, siden ane or she sun ands ser ove forthe con, and hay hamezeed te ai hotses before each chart But who was going to Cie the chaos? Aevongst he fart wna hae eam the gad share wae ne wha had = Beaute zon an = beau daughter That was something vty The giant wh Had these beaut cir was so proud ofthe tht he cle he nupiner Sol wish aan the sun” andthe Bay Man ich means "the moon” The three As Olin, Vil and Ve, kre ofthis and the "These to giant chi ve amongst the us clumsy gis re are just what enced to dive the sun and maon chariots” They wert to the part her and tle hi hey wate hi tive The glans aot laned nut he ea aac ofthe power ofthe nt and az he eth chidren ge, The gl drove the chart ofthe sun and the boy te chat ofthe moon when the ther gas hear sou hey ve try angry and hay ane tus rest wohes to chase the sun charot and the moon chariot and io desoy both ‘wolves te ench up. But sometimes whan the wohes come ven nest on ear tight yi t looked as if he sun had 8 dirk shadow o the fl moon wa davkned by 2 shadow Tis called an “eclpeafthe sun or moon. 4.Qdin and Mimir (in i and Ve made the word called Midgard and ther own worl, Angad The wor where he gant led wa called Urgard ~ the “outside garden” Then there ‘vas even higher than Asgard and they no longer had anything ta do with Midgard lor wth te giants. They had done what they had 0 do helping Gein to make he ‘Oni one of sere shre gd remsined, Odin but he rowhad a new generation of gods heap ir company and to hlp him. Odin ns the hing and ruler ofthe rw gods. Thve weve many of ther an you wil ear stvies about each of thr, “Thera one god clad Tha the god of lgneing and under There wae one 94 ald Ty the god ofbatie and ging. There were bo goddessen: ne was called Figg. She became the wie f Odin and wae the gusan af the gods. Odin and Figga had sever son. The most beauifl the most kind and gene, wae called Sadr Thee was eo one god whom noone could rast= Lak He ea fill in beng king ofthe gods, had x throne hgh up in Asgard From this throne he could lok for and wide ito the wor. There were algo two blac ravers tat Few about evenuhere and reported back when they hed hears someting he shoud know They Fr back to hi and perched on his shoulders and whispered thei secrets int his eat cin dé not aluays atom his throne; he went cow to cursions Uidgerd There he wore slang ide, re lus clash grey ks om 1 lhe the aby and clouds. Sometimes Odin went ring on # Sept which wa ie no other horse inthe word Ithag eight es ad it fin ‘the sir as fst athe win, tn hie hand Odin card » sper, ald Gangric fwn a wondel weapon, for when this spear ae Seon ever mised te mate ‘Aisa any promi ten an the spear could never be broken 6 "Mow you can imagine that Odin, being one ofthe gods who made he world, yey horas ale a avery wise god, af sesing from his tone al hat went on in the world ana hearing frm he ravens wha tees they ha een mya ho even wins Yet the ‘vere sll hinge thet even the wine On did not bron For iat, things hat were going to happenin the fr fur. The ony way to know thie was to dik loatr tht carte frapn the oping at she root ofthe anh Yeneasigunraed by the ‘There came. tne when Odin wanted t know what was going * happen. He ‘was warn about the ture the wold he had made, word about the fue of the gods ho loolad upto him as their king. So Odin mounted the sre wiht leggec horse Sleipir nd he rode doun over the Rainbow Brie, though Miégard snd down tothe rons ofthe ath Yesdrasl unl he came tothe the funtin of _wiadors, Odin asked Mimito lt him eink he water fhe fount, “The giant Mimi sae“ ave Been gen power to guard this spring and without ry permission noone, not cians god not aven the highest gd, can drink Fan thi spring Ofin pleaded with Mimi and in the end he gant sic, "The windor ofthis water is ven ver recious, and you want to dinkyou must show that you selina forest amething hate mare presous to you" Odin ced hi geld and ser, but the plant Mimi ei, “No, They ae precios, but nt pte ‘ous enough” So Odin ofered him his right arm. ‘No sid Mini, na et pe ‘Then Odin sid,“ ge you ane ofr ep” Ye sak Mimi iFy0u ar ling to give up One of your eyes, hen you de Mimi pis down athe bottom ofthe wall Odin drank the water and ner he ture: al he hings tha were 0 pass 5. Thor ond Thiol ‘ou tave herd of Odi, th king ofthe gods When ne appeared song men they let with eagle’ wings and leaning on hs long spear But one lock of it gay air avay fl oer one ye to hide theft that he ha lost it When the winds “vain inthe San the Norsemen sid “Nave Oi it ding inthe tor on is _rey horse” and “Odin who des in the wird has alo glen us our breath; that is Now ater Odin we come te another gd, Thos the gad oflighning ard hur ‘er, and Thor was que diferent. He was the strongest ofthe gods, wth broad ‘ace was med wth a thick ed bear. As wth many rehired peopl, his temper ‘vas cai toured. Thor's anger as terble For he had power ofthe force of ht range ove chad a big ron hand but rather chorthansl. You il aaelater on shy the handle was shor. The strangest thing about hi hammer ws hi hen ‘Thor thu the hammer it few through the sk and lightning came fom i hat string anting tht ctoad inthe way: Than the names caled Milne (or Mi ri low back nto Thor's hand rove charit tha wae pulled to lack goste. Wan the Naveemen heard hander rambling inthe ak they sald, “That isthe noise rede by the wheels of rns the rumbling of he chat wheel and the trampling of he goats tht pulled the chariot. The goats tht drew Thor's chariot ware nti ordinary goats 9 0H sae fam the many am gong tsliyou 1 Thar and another god, Loki the cunning one tale together fom [Asgard ove the Benbow Bridge to Midgard the word of human beings. Lak are slong in Thors chariot t beep hint contpany. They tavelad inthe chat rar bythe gots unt ita evening ad they came to a peasants cotage Thor Lnjokes the gost an et tern graze beside he chariot Then he and Loki knocked the couse doae The peasant opened the doors him, the na sin oaiee jst like men, ted fom along journey: So the pezant nite the vo ranges t2 come in and rest forthe ight In he eatage were the peasants wife and young ‘The woman sid, You ae welcome, strangers. but | am ot | cannot ofr You anything to eat We are poor people and what ile fod we had we have ab rend enenforcur unser” ‘Ther answered “Dont you wor can prordea goed real fer all af ur* He ert out ard stuck hs 0 goats wth his hammer so that they Fl dea. He tok thet Bent inside and he sora thery and ut the mat fam the oes He nse She mest othe peazant woman to cook buthe put the sin and bones ofthe gosts ona shelfabove the replace an sag, “No one mus ouch these skins and bones* When the meat nas done, the ne Asc andthe peasants sat down fo eat The or called Thai, had to cry the plates and sere the grown-ups an he ony came ts ex when te ethers had finished, But here was not much lf andthe boy ‘van ail hang After the meal they al lay down 0 sleep bt he boy could nat sleep because he was 50 hungry. So he got up inthe dark and ta0k one of the ost bones He brake in a and sucked out the marrow that was int He put the broken bone back onthe shan went to ee. ‘Mest morning Ther got up took the shins 2nd bons cutsde an touched them sith the hanna andthe se gost juniped up, alue and sane ann, stormed into the hut and rare, “twill estoy all of you wth my hammer for breaking 2 Sone af se ofmy zest” ‘Mow the people relied ho their visor was and the boy Thi threw hima leas limping, ove bane in ts lg tas broker Thor was wild with anger He lon his ines before Thor ans aig 8°Pensg puriehenipme|dait and cid aot “Thor forgave the hoy, ute sid, “Beenur ou nave dane hi yeu canna ty vith your parents, You must come with me as my seat" So Thi beceme “Thor's seran and went with him and oki to Asgard 9 S. Freya's Necklace ‘ou Have nears of Oain the wing, the ng of he de, and Thor the fore, he strongest of the gods Mow I'm gsing to tll you about te Lak Loki had great powers, magical powers ofa gd, but he used hese powers sometimes for good ost cunsing ofthe gods, but he used his cleverness to annoy otha that gave bi the greatest pleasure Sometimes he annoyed the gant and sometimes he ar nove hs fll sir, bute was nt happy ules he could ply ticks on sore od, The bard of the Norsemen si "He i the Fre: you are mt earl t ‘an bur our Fingers. can burn our hoe house dour” Lal was ie re and his har and pointes beard were a ed as re I apalitlious son stout Lal 2 naieyou het ind of ticks hese up to ‘Thre was amongst the sta godeee called Freya young goddess andthe ‘most beautifl amongst all the sic Her irae Ie the golden cor, her eyes vies ke the lot 2es and she wae ite than any each worn could evr be “herve there ta prety gil on eat, that pretires ie the gt of ej. When ‘there was avery beautiful gid amongst the Norsemen they sai, “Freya has bean ‘erind the” Frye wns the goddess of ben, Now this godders Fea had » pear neclace, avery precious neclece thatthe “uals had made for he, raya wns 5 ford of hi naclace that she wore al the sire day ancniae The michevous Los vated tomes! the racine He id nat rally war itor hima but he though he would ery sing Fey cing with ‘re when she found the neclace was gone. Besides, Lok though, he could take ‘One right Los rade his yt the rors in gard where Freya was sleping Le thougnttharno oe suckin, nut aozamcone oid, ea anaher Az another ‘one ofthe gods) calae Heinall~ the 200 of Odin, whe guarded she Rinbowr Sedge between Aagard and Midgard against sats, the enerie of te ged. Day ed right Hein eyes cout ee in the dark a5 wal asin dayight and he could see trough val [Az Heine aod by the Sige he lsd upto Anged and eo Lat crsping into Feats room, Heimdllatched and he wondered what Loki was up “The door was locked, but thie was no dificult for Loki. He whispered a magic spell and ened bins ins fy zothat he auld em sheough te cracebeteen| ‘the door andthe floor. Once Loki vs inside he changed ino his rel shape again and went towards Fey, who was soundly sleepin Herbed, He saw that he ony viny to tke the masisce fon Fey wa by opening the caep that held the ton ‘nde of te neckace together But he clasp a athe back of her neckad Frye ra ng on her ack. How could he gat atthe clasp? “Wal clever Lai had an anawert shia, He whispered another magic pel and stood watch by the Rambow Bidge. He had speci powers: became fs, The Pes hopped ino Fras be andthe: Fey did not wake up but she tossed and turned and hen caret eon her side Now Loki qucly took rneclace fom Fey's nec without mrakerng her. Then he unlocked the door without» sound and heed ot. (2 Heimdal had seen itll and when We ea Loki coming out wth the nece Ince he dre hit smord and wert for him, Tan was 2 surpiefor Lalla he wns aid of Heimdall So Lok tured himuelf nto a fame offre. Sut Heim to, ad powers of magic an tunes hinself ito a cloud tht sent a shower of rin down upor the fame Before the water auld suenc the fate, Lai tured hi efit a bear and zo dd Heimdell andthe to bees wreed oth each ther, (ut Heimdal was the sronger one arin the end Loi gave, Heda tole ‘the meclace from hms and gave tback o Fey, So, yu se, Lok vs one of he ‘se vhs could note usted 7.The Valkyries 1 you have seen, Mela was, indeed, 2 good an watchful guardian. He Was 2 ssstehran the gods could tat Was lao Heitndal wha wakened the sie and the whole wold every moming, by Bowing his horn at sunise,tling all beings atthe clark right had gone an that he sun was ing shout her sanants Freya hada great many savant, bu hey were rot men. They sere mabdens,beaiful gle. Buta Frat night or a tance, you weuld net have known tht they were gis. For these aldens wore amour and helrets and ‘ied shields and sper. They ode on power horses that could trough the sie These aiden were called Vlirie and the had a special tak, ‘The Norsemen love danger and they loved Fahting. because ony in abate of i and death ould hey know if they ere ely rive, OF cauas in auc 2 baie tena brave and song wartor could be ile. The Norsemen did at mind being illee, because whens warir dain atte a Vallte came riding down fom the sy for im. She took the waior an ta her hare and rade up wth him 0 Asgar tothe cane ofthe gas. There the dead warrior cameo life agin and became the companion and guestof he gods. That is why no Novsean was aad of death in sate He knew shat he woul ve again, that Velie woul ring hi 29.Arzne and ios wondefl He with hese Iewae indeed wonder fe the brave wars sat down to meals ad ban sever in Aagur There was, song othe things a roast boar (wl ig) and t not rater how much you cut, oF how mary people got sles fmf he mest ofthis oust pig never lessened So everbody could eat 9 much a he ied ‘There were lao apples of very wonder kin, which grew asin garden tht, nt ended bya beutifl young godders called dun. longa I looked afer nour paver those wheat hem cout never geil an, aven mare niprart ‘hey never re alder at we human beings do. By cating these apples he gods and ‘he brave waties who had joined thers were abaye stong. healthy and goed looking. They did not lose their hair o ther teeth or have wines in thers, ‘They ere protcted agine all tis bythe golden apples afte ovay godase ean Now the wartors who had joined the gods in ASgud had 2 spacial hall or ‘hemes calc Valhala, Tht was where avery Nereran wanted t #5 ut fe oul have bean very boring for « Norseman ihe could not St. 50 ‘hey hac its they made up vo “tess” that fought a tee bt, he men cut in Vaal hurt eachother forassson ase bate was ove all the wounds were sled and ‘hey all had 3 good mea together The healing of he wounds was Because they ‘So you see why the Norsemen were not afraid of being kil in bate ~ but ‘here was something they feared. They were aad of eying in bed, oF what they ene esp di in th ct mounting of Nien, here hare ‘ule pal, cold gods ald Hel No Norseman wanted to goto the cave of Ha 4 The Story of dun "told you of the godan ales of he goddess Idun, and you can se how impor tantahese appar were for Se seas lla fr the brave warriors wh had come to Val, cared by the Valries, Wthout the apples of un they woud al have become ald and totarng The aples any had magical ponte fhe wer ing byldun Yerthere comes tne when the gods aly lat aun are lth le of Lol and itcame about in his wm. ‘One 6a Odi, the king of he goes, went ona jouerey and with him wert Lo They aaled long way unt they came t0 the land of he git, calle Jot heim. But On an Loki st no ane about, reting seemed in grav an the Hany round. na animals could be sen, and they could nat ee any people or sens At the two gods ravelegon, they sav aherd of atl, cows and ven in a el. Bang and made a feta coskt ‘ier sme time Loki wanted to ee ithe meat was done. He ried to cut with bis knife but the ment asl tough tht noone ould have chewed So Odin and Loki waited another hour ar let the mest cook, bu it a stl fr to tough {for eatng So they cocked it for ancther to haus but the ment was slut = tough as thad been before Then Osim “lean see thats gant ba caste pellon this mest Alrough | 1am very hungry I woul ther nat eat tS shal go.on with my journey and hope ‘afr face when | at bckt the ang of human binge” {ol eid “Tar rot coming with you | he sake alot of touble over shit reat and I'm not going sy For here unl tis dane and I can eat it” So Odin wert om his way and Lot stayed behind and waite forthe mest to cook, but no raserhow long he wated the reat emainedas tough ar hele fa boota4 Lok as gesting very crs about tall when he heard x sie saying, “can help you 1 cask your mea and to ge he mast rice ard tender” Lai ooled up and there wae big ele, bigger by far than any ordinary eagle, This eagle was ely 3 my, elled Thins. Thins had she pouer o change hime ino an eagle and soot mate storms neds tha breaks and make waves a high x house, ‘hen besa the big eagle, Lols knew tis cold ly bea giant uing magic power, But he wanted to eat the meat, and soe said, "Wl ifyou can help me, any said te eagle “but ae my eave I ant my ste of the orem” Lae agreed ha the eagle should havea share ‘The eagle flew over the fe and his wings beat the air into a tong wind that done Then the engl si, "Now Lam ging 20 have my share fst He ew ven apd seized large piece and devoured it ins moment and another pec, ard a= other pice Lol thought shat the eagle would stop, but the large Di kept on et ne ‘When there was anyone piace left and the eagle pounced even on his, Lai was frou. He took along stick struck the eagle and shouted, “Lave this pace forme, you tha ut now a strange hing happened. The long stick stuck tothe bir’ fsthers, like ron sticks to a magne, ard whist Lol was sil holing the stick with bath hands sping to pul othe ag the eagle Fer up inthe at So there was Lol hanging on the ck, high up in the as. Take me bac to the ground, oh please take me back” ci Lois ‘The eaple his was realy the stn gant Tiss, id “On one candi srstyou meen by the spear af Odin shat yu il ier un the gaddens of he golden apes to ma Lol ould do nothing but sea that he would do what Th ‘es wane, and that lun, the goddes ofthe golden apples would be delivered to ‘The eagle hich was eal she stormiart This, put Loti down onthe fren round agin reminded him ofthe eth he had swam an let him go, Loki made his way back across the assinbow Bridge to Asgard. Odin, who had arrived back before him, asked Loli, “Wel, how iit go wth the men? Dig you gti tender in theend?™ “ho id not get tender | eft tard went on” He didnot dare toil the gods that he had promised to give dun toa gant. Formany day Loki hought and trough about what he should do until he had ls 1 plan in hit rin. He went to dun, who was i he garden picking ie “They are sale un. There are no apples he tate anhere inthe wort cousin garden” Luouldn sy that? anzuerad Lak“! have seen apples ust az ben ae these ina plce in Midge” "on bev yo sid dun, who was very oud oFher apo. Loli answered, “Come wth me and I wil shaw you where thee ales gram nd you can then a for yourself tht hey are ax gond ws your” Muna 2 ca custo san thae apps tat ae wert with La ‘They crossed the Rainbow Bridge and caret Midgard, and Lot tok dun toa Place that was ul ofrocks and stones. Thre were no people, no gardens, justbare rock Hidden behind s ockvas the big eal, the gene Tiss Poor Idan wae si looting sound, tying #9 ase the apple tree, when suddenly the eagle came the Lok went back o Aga ‘cat he gods ony wondered where lun had gone. They thought she might have gone fora shor journey, a5 all the gods ofan cd, and hey were not wor sbouther Then dey afer day passed, and Idan didnot tur, The apples she had picked were all used up andthe gods began to fel what t meant for Idun roto be ‘there. Ther har af Thr bag 1 turn gry and he sem grew wens Freya fs sin began to show wrinkles, ard the ll ek ld age catching up with them ‘Then Heal, the guatcan ofthe Rainbow Bridge, si,“ 26remember, the Tas time | saw Idun she was with Loi They crossed the Bridge, But Loki ame back nize” ‘he gods turned on Lot. They tre him down and stuck him ard shouted thresened to chin him freer othe ce mountains of Nf ihe would not tel hem the truth Lold was aad and told them what had happened. He tld ‘them ofthe pramiae he had made ta Thins an haw he gt dun nthe paver af the game (in, the kn of the ode, eal, "You, Lol, hae lad dn into the sant power So is up 0 you to bring her bak again. you dant you willbe chained to the ke mountains of Nf fr eve” Lok promised he would find away of rezone Ide {ol had lt of hard hiking to do, but wth hi cunning mind he thought of = way He went Fea and sad “Ihnow youbave a falcons hin and feathers that | auld pat om and became a falcon. Give me the fon fester: and | wil ring am back snthing” But the othe ge tad her that in order 0 get Idun back, she hed to ep Lol. So she gave hi the falcon festhere an Loki put therm on and became a filer, He fe otf Agar ad tothe cane of the gant Tia ‘Thiaeshad« daughter ho ws playing outside he castle, ad he fileon came falcon at ape” and she oth noth cast ‘The gies daughter ook the fle int the cae of er father, the gent This and eps him in he oom. Al the time Loti wondered where the gant kept I, bute could not ee her anehere Than one dy the int chil took the falcon (he perched on her shoulder 102 cav, an in that cave was poor lun. Now that Loki leew where an yas, he Seat he fcon wings and ey sy fom the Bata igh up in he aby The gan child eed, “Come back come baci” But the leon dd not comeback and te giant gwen sy sd that her peed 27 her, [As soon asthe gia child ad gor, Lai back ito the cave ard spoke to ‘dun, She was 0 fl ofoy hat someone rom Asgard hac come to rescue her hat the even forgave Lat La ureés mie spall tht Oain has tush in fst this purpore and trough the power ofthis ape dun was changed int «ite ‘spavow. Lol sai to he. “Now lam going to fy out ofthe cave an up 0 Asad You foloueme ae fet you can forthe ston gin innit xplahap wil 220 bear us fee are both caught se ahall never ecape his poe” Lok Be ut ‘ofthe cave and the lite spnrow care teh, bestng he ite wings as fst a5 shecould In the meantime the giant's child had been watching the sy tying to see her falcon When Loi few ot she ied, “Oh, hee is my fon an Ite sparon flowing him Her father heard her and he aid to hires “Spars dwt fy afer fons: ‘they ep out of falcon’ way. There ie something fay eine on” He rushes to the cave to ae ifldun nas sll here When he diacovred tht ahe rowed with rage and bear an Te gee in Aagerd were wating ssiusl forthe raturn of oi and ue Tay looked ut from the cate wall, wntchng the sky. Everyday they became older ‘con andthe sro But they io sn 2 arihr aay 2 Big sage coming afer them and geting nearer and nee, hat could they do to help Loki end Man? of fre and hel fod» way hrough te fame, but the gar will ot” The gost {id 08 Odin had tole ther. They made fre long the top ofthe wal 20 locked 15 Asgard had two walla all ofstne and ontop ofits wal oe When Loki came to he wal of re he si oldu “Watch how I eis a sand do erat as do” Then Loi fe hough the Sir, bt he eso levy hat “pivow was rght behind him and twisted and tune jst a8 28.0 di ad ao ‘ame through the fe unharmed. Net came the eagle ing 0 fet that he could ‘The fame caught his fnher and burnt the eagle to death “here was now gest joy range the pds. dun hastened so her gare, peked ‘the ripe glden apples and brought ther othe gods. As sson a they had eaten, ‘they became youne ard strong agin. The grey hair went and became its own Colour agsin. Th wines wart and they losin yung once mare There wae 20 ‘rach oy athaving dun back thatthe gods forgave Loli and prized hr for hase ing turn het But wth Lol ou could never kro, The Story of Sif's Mai “We brow that Odin had spear that never mized ts mark and tht Thor hed» those sie wonder shings, a well a many ther, come int the posession of the gods? This try iso tie before Odin ad his spear ané Thor ha hha “The story begins wth Loki beng upto some mich tring to annoy someone called Sd and she hed the most beau the exlurof gold Thor loved S's iden hac and if 00k pride in it because her husbar loves it so much, Now fone day whan Thor was say, Sifwant 2 & mando in Aapard an ay dun ond fal asec. Lot happened to pass he Geld and he av Sith he golden hie He sid to himself cut her hr of wl annoy not only Sif nese ut seo her husband Thor erwuld befun” He ads pirofszzrar in ne packet and he ff leaving only shor stubble on her had Sif id nt wake Thor was ang A litle Inter Sf awoke and ft there ws something wrong. She touche her head and gave a wilder Her beaut hair hae gone. The poor god ene tembied atthe sought that any othe af the god anaulé cee he ke i swentand cut Sih She an fst she could to herhoune and her room and cried and id come to meet him. He went oer tom ar there se as ith «vel ovr the to oF her head and her eyes rad ith eying. Whan she tld her husband wat hae happened, Thor rated faut “Only Loki cnlé have dane sueh thing” and he rushed out oFnd Loki. ut Lol had hidden biralf wall arin the end Thor 'syopunshed= “Thor with Sin he vl, wen to Odin on his ges throne, Odin cae al he gods together and hen they heard whe Lali hd dane, hey wave all ery ana (ein sae “No mater how hard punish Loli itwould not ge Sifbackher golden fair So wil command Loko return te hart SPs hesd within thee days” sionals san autte cl La by ennman of Odin. Lal hes the al and ad to obey or Osin wa hing ofall se So he came to the hal where Qin sat fon re rane and whee all the gods stood. nd he sath furyin Thr ace and he sau the sem lane an Osin's ca and Lali warble with fear and wited he had never cut if bir (in eet Las “in ve Say Sf ts to hve lang hai an her hess asin, Lok How you doit thats upto your ‘ok could on 2a, "es, ys wile done Then he ef the hall and not one ofthe rode mis sword 2 i al, ol though he was wicked, wns clevr and he coud auays think of some way to get out of touble. This tne he thought f the dae, wha lve under te cath in Srartei and who can make the most wonderful thing frm gold ard sie ver and gers, So Lol traveled across the Rainbow Bdge and down to Migrald snd tough caver deep down undar the ath unt he ent to due eld ‘vali hie Gand. Lli spake te Drain ard paied him a the Best arch in all he ‘valine doar as pleased ard fatared ha one of he peat ar came to hi, begging for help, ard apres to mate he tree hirgs. you gta bar of geld that ou can harm into thea 2 re that hey il ei the hai of Si? Can you make something so ne? | am sue you con you ae such clever dunt Oslin, Me one at cau do 8” y Rang the doar Dvn, Let sot hin to sat work Dulin mae the bar of zld soft in his fre, and he ham= sere it with s eral hammer and ites into trade, rer and Sey, ur she threads were as fire as Sis her had been When the god had cones down Lok tookitine hshand and it foued dou tthe ground ~ bent golden hai at wanted ya something ale orm the dar He ine that all te othr ade ‘vere ny coset hon a he thug he ould ake thane some presnte Then pacha they might frgve him. So he got the var Dslr #0 make to other 4 spear that would peer eee argo, a2 Boat that could eal on 3 sen butcould hen befoed up za salltheryou sould puis in your soctet, Lott wa very pleased with tase tings. He paied the dua. He thanked Hin woud pve the dar ap eexard~ promises he peer hep. Then he tock the three things and was bckin Asgard wal before the tree days wate over He sods into ‘the great hall where On atom his throne. Althe gods stand and locke at hint sith gi acs but Lot only sie ther are andt Sf “Take the vl oF you head” Poo Siftok har vio and Loki pu he mass of golden Fair on her shown head Te golden web held ther head a fi ad gown ther fling fread of snd shiny over ber shoulders ren gta Thor smiled and was hapoy again, and s0 was Sif Then Loki sid “us ths not al My end Oval, the mast wander amit areang the dae has made something soe a wall He showed the gods he bow that ou could i snyate on the saa sn sil ba folded up 20 cma that would into poke. Lot gave sie seat toa god cles Frey hs bad paar ofthe sunlight and Fey was pleasee “hen Loi sid “Ihave yt another gif agit worthy of the king ofthe goes nd be gave On the wands peat. Gungric Odin wa 2 plesed thathe cole rolongerbe coes wth Loi “Ten Lot ani “Al thse thre fe have been epeclly sade or me by the ‘ott sll master arith of al he dat, Dean, Thee eter dain the sahole f Seater ho an 4 what my ena he donee ‘a happened here was ust hen another art in Asgard — = art clad rok, whe had come to ask Odin some frou, and he happened io be there when Lot calles Dalim the most skifl of al evar, Brok was 3 ve spiteful an es us doar He could not mand hearing snater dur bing prized So he jumped fonvard and scrmamed et Las, “Nol You area 1! Drain i othe bert rong Lo looked down on Brak and ssid, “Yau sly litle erature You and your brother shuld go te Dvaln and enn fom him. Then you might be able fo make “wnt eeenried Sick“ ana brother auld aan For tht cum flee ‘alin? bet you that ny brother cou rake things fr beter than what you have “On laughed Loi “you want be? What well you bet my ite end?™ ‘The dare, "bet my Head against yours, Loki” “Al ight” aid Lo ltl sheet yur rather ean make ating Better than Sif hai, Odie spear and Fey’ bat then you can eat of my heed But iF whatever you bing is rot 25 good wil ut of your head, and al the gods here sal jue when yeu Seng she things ere” Then Sek the chat went oy 22 Statin, tothe place shee ie ied with i brother Sind 10, The Moking of Miolnir The das Srokast of backio Sveti. But without being see, Loki he 2 shad ‘flawed him down to ert and then deep underground to the caves were Bre snd Sindee. When Grok apinas 2 Since about he bet, Sai grinned ane said, "Oh ys, Lean certainly make something beter than Duala ca: just you it 23nd see” Svaghtanay Sind stoked up th ren the forge so tat spars Pew and ames St upthe darkness af the eave, And then he agar so mi hi meta and 0 “weave nis charms into the fre and rake the ames oar and plow right Sind set he pigtinDelows tothe fre and tod Bro to wor them unt he came Back Do net pause fra vest otto mas the sues! fom your brow Ds nat ver sl ou fora single momento cateh your beth fri you do he maa inthe re vil be spot. So Sind went into the next eve and Brak began to wate the bel: low uni there rasa rarng beatin the ere ‘Now Loi ad been watching ard ltening ol this fom ust outside he cave snd he as ing hasta shine af sy inion apo he wore af the vats 22 that he would not lose the bel. Then Loki had an ides: he changed himeelnto a dy. A gadis abe biting Ay that pestrs horses and cae iit bites you is ‘en painful At Soke sae working had atthe Selous the gad sured aroun inv and bit him herd onthe hand 2 thet the blood wed Although twas tery | fer oven itr Sins care back ard tol Bok to stp. He carefully pushed aside the gowing embers and rook outa glowing golden boar with old bases Ths bow geese une he git of greaes peed: can eavel fart rough the re “Then Sind md up mare metal wove through with spel, and si oBrok, Get bur atthe baliows again and rot stop fora moment or the wor wl spoit and he le the cave Srakorked the bluse eda he ould anche ares roared ard leat up ~ bat agin the saci, which was realy Lok ted to the blood flowed and it was teil painfl Seok warted very macht take spe the fy, bute cotaled Himself and wert on working Afra few minutes Sin is came nace ane ce rom the fee slowing smband of galt “The asiden| simband giver is une the greet el because very nine day eight more golden igs om it” ‘Once agin Sinai rea hie metal and ra Hew with the bellows on te ares. tls was dappoined and annoyed tht he hd rot been abet put Brok fhe wor, andere thie was his ast hance, Soconceagae the gay bussed round Bok and this ime it anded on hie face and hit deep ines his eyed rl {he Hood Fowed and went nhs eye The pan ae 20 grea hat Bok could not help mcf nd jus fora moment took his hand ofthe Blows to sips the 4) sony For one mannan te pumping fhe bellows sled dui, and then Brak vers working ssn agin as hard az eer few minute late Sindh came int the Mine ae near spoils see how te handle isto short. Bu, even 4, this har er gives owner the gt of he greatest strength, fo it beaks whatever Wis ‘The bi dare wte peated with tee wor, inspite ofthe short hardon the harnmer Mion. ut Loki was nat 2 peated. He quiet changed ino is own erm gain and made hia way back Aga 8 ‘1 Loki’s Punishment ‘Tene duis ares the tee hinge they had nade the great hl in Aogned where Odin sat on his shone and all he other gods stead, ready 1 decide ho had won th Bet The to vars et showed the gods the golden boa ard they 00 ite Fry, the god who had resved the pocketed host fom Loki Fry though thal the golden fying boar was «work of geste kl than the boa, bt the «ser gods could not mate up their minds ato which ofthe gts was beter ‘Than the dure showed the gods the geen am ing om which ver ine days thre care eight mote ring. Ths they gae to Odin. Qin was very planed sith he ar sing but Loi diver hin the spear that ever ised its mak ane he thougit te spears mre pecout The other goce cou aot makeup their ind which was the bate gf ‘Thar thehammershat na anyone fut sha the handle was toe shor Sut when “hor held the hammer, and thew it wth ll i strength - and Hghtning streaked barn that wil crush the iat” And all the gods pried the haramer andthe a who hac mae spear and the boat o ete the golden bithat Loli brought rom the dar Drain. S004, Bok have won your bet and Loli has lost When Brae hers tht he jumped up and dan wth gle and showed, “Nowe eee! down, okt so that can ct of our heal But Osi said tothe dat, “You have won your bet but ou must rid some ther punishment for Lot fis eat ight you shale me im pay orth ore bet wth i fe ‘The dnarfwould rot hear of this and screamed, “Do you wantto cheat me, king ofthe gods? | had lot, Labi would have cat of my head and row that have won 1 am going to cut 36 his head, Not een you, Oa ting ofthe gods, an sop se: for as the judge, you must bef And itis ony ur that do to Lol what he wouldhave done tome ‘Then Lal th lave, suing Lok stapes fond and sid “All ig rae you hve won your bet and | am uit ready to bree down to have my head rot an prof my nell you evan touch a par cf asetan she zeae heres balou (Odin answered, “Lol is guit ght You have na ight to ct off more han jst the hed ~ ane fyou co, we sal punish you andl you sid" tld you before that you should not ak for Laks head but you can ln Fict another punishment on hin” ‘Then Gra alvesdoun an sid “al f|eavtsate your handle ot least do somthing about your mouth | shall se your lis together and tha wil 09 you Flom mating mischit for everbody Loi ook at the other gos, but ‘they agreed thane deer purshrnent and that he hed 2 py ie sore fash ton forthe lost bet ick the dvartok slong tong needle, such a cobbles use for shoes, and 2 leather shong, and with the thin sp of lather he seued Laks lips together, Stok and Sind wart back to Svarhei: and aprtd the neue of how they had got the beter of Lot So, in agar theres peace fs tine Beene Ll cauld nat do much it chief wi is ips seom togathr This peace did nt lst very lan. fr ait sore days the lester began to wear hin and Loki broke it and opened hs mouth sean ‘ut from tatsione on he tout stout hohe colds hin revenge on he god for puting him to shame and nting Srokaewhi ne togetet 2 12, Frey and Gerda ‘You have heard of he god Fey the gad oflaht He i the ord ofthe hes who work inthe light of sun and moon. i was Fey to wham Loki had given the Boat thatyou could putin apace, and ta wha Brokhad given the boa hat coud fy ‘rough thea Su Fee had ore posseaion that was dere to hi than the boat lorthe golden boa, and that was his magic sword. was sword that could sng pen wth = teible ore Fey tne ap all the Zee ben tat ne dy share would be tere bate beta the glans and the gods, and in tha ar Frey would rad is swore ‘One day Fey care ints the grat hall where Odin throne ae Odin was not {heres he had gan ona journey to Midgard. Thre was na othe gd inthe all and Frey wondered what would be ket ion Odin’ one ard se al the things ‘hat went on in he word. No gad hae ever dared t a an Odin's thon hey lene that would be wrong But ay oe curous, and 20 he went up and eat oun. He enojed aeting land and sea, what people dl in Midgard what age ened amongst eves and duarfs. He also