Class 5

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The Gardener Boarding High School

Uttar behadi-4, Dhangadhi, Kailali

Third Terminal Examination 2080
Class: Five Full Marks: 50
Pass Marks: 20
Subject: Computer
Time: : 2:00 hrs
1) Very short answers for the following questions.(10*1=10)
a) Write any two features of computer ?
b) What Is hardware?
c) What is computer generations?
d) How did people count before the invention of computer?
e) Who developed mark I and Mark II ?
f) Give the source to download rapid typing?
g) What is font?
h) List the components of data communication .
i) What is the Internet ?
j) Who is Jonathan Gay?
2) Short answer questions . 7*4=28
a) What is the main difference between flash and MS-Paint?
b) Write any four features of computer?
c) Write the difference between Pu Command And PD Command ?
d) List the basic rule while planning ?
e) What is the difference between Web page and Web site ?
f) Write any two facilities of word pad?
g) How can you open rapid typing program?

3) Long answer questions . 2*6=12

a) Differentiate between Local Area Network and Wide Area Network?
b) Describe the time period and technology used in all generations of computer .?


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