Pakistan's Disintegration-Rise of Nations-South Asia Changing Geopolitical Landscape - 2035

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I. Introduction
A. Overview of the Transformative Changes
B. The Impact on South Asian Geopolitics

II. Parting Ways: The Balkanization of Pakistan

A. Baluchistan's Journey to Sovereignty
1. Historical Background
2. Challenges and Opportunities
B. Sindh's Quest for Independence
1. Historical Context
2. Socioeconomic Implications

III. The Emergence of a Greater Afghanistan

A. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa's Integration with Afghanistan
1. Geopolitical Significance
2. Socioeconomic Effects
B. Afghanistan's Role in the Region
1. Strengthening Regional Stability
2. Trade and Connectivity Initiatives

IV. The Kashmir Question: Integration with India

A. Historical Perspective
B. Impacts on India-Pakistan Relations
C. Kashmir's Socioeconomic Transformation

V. Punjab: An Independent Small State

A. Punjab's Secession from Pakistan
1. Political Background
2. Economic Viability
B. Regional and International Repercussions

VI. Trade and Regional Connectivity

A. Reconfiguring Trade Routes
1. Impact on Regional Economies
B. New Intergovernmental Agreements
1. Bilateral and Multilateral Treaties
C. Regional Economic and Infrastructural Projects
1. Promoting Stability and Prosperity

VII. Geopolitical Challenges and Opportunities

A. Regional Power Shifts
B. Implications for Global Players
C. Balancing State Sovereignty with Regional Cooperation

VIII. Conclusion
A. The Unfolding Geopolitical Landscape
B. Prospects for Peace and Prosperity in South Asia


Rahed Ravi is a distinguished futurist renowned for his expertise in South Asian Affairs. Holding the
esteemed position of a professor at the University of Gambia, he plays a pivotal role in shaping the minds
of future diplomats and policymakers. Driven by a passion for understanding the dynamics of nations,
Rashid earned his PhD, specializing in the intriguing field of artificial nations, shedding light on the
complex processes of nation-building and disintegration. His scholarly pursuits delve into the heart of
geopolitical landscapes, where he envisions possible futures and dissects the intricate web of global
affairs. As a futurist, Rashid's work provides invaluable insights into the evolving world order and the
transformative forces that may shape it. His dedication to unraveling the geopolitical tapestry of South
Asia and beyond has earned him recognition as a leading thinker in the field.




Chapter I


Overview of the Transformative Changes

South Asia has witnessed a remarkable transformation in recent times, redefining its geopolitical
landscape. This chapter sets the stage for our exploration of these changes, highlighting their
profound impact on the region. From the Balkanization of Pakistan to the integration of Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa with Afghanistan, and the shifting dynamics of Kashmir and Punjab, we delve into
the implications of these developments.

The Impact on South Asian Geopolitics

We will examine how these changes have restructured the geopolitical dynamics of South Asia,
affecting regional stability, international relations, and the prospects for peace and cooperation.

Chapter II

Parting Ways - The Balkanization of Pakistan

I. Baluchistan's Journey to Sovereignty

Historical Background

Baluchistan, a land of ancient traditions and a rich cultural tapestry, embarked on a remarkable
journey towards sovereignty, echoing the sentiments of its people for self-determination. The
historical grievances that underpin this quest are multifaceted. Generations of Baluchis have
endured economic exploitation, political marginalization, and a long history of human rights
violations. These grievances are etched deep into the collective memory of the Baluch people,
serving as a catalyst for their pursuit of autonomy.

Challenges and Opportunities

Navigating Geopolitical Complexities

The path to sovereignty for Baluchistan is a labyrinth of geopolitical complexities. It requires

delicate diplomacy, border negotiations, and the ardent pursuit of international recognition.
Baluchistan's leaders must deftly maneuver the intricate web of global politics while
safeguarding the interests of their nascent nation.

Resource Management and Economic Viability

Baluchistan's abundant natural resources, including vast mineral reserves, gas fields, and oil
reservoirs, present a dual-edged sword. They offer the potential for economic prosperity and self-
sufficiency. However, the responsible exploitation and equitable distribution of these resources
are the linchpins of Baluchistan's economic future. Crafting policies that ensure the local
population reaps the benefits while attracting international investments is a high-stakes endeavor.

Ensuring Security and Stability

On the road to sovereignty, Baluchistan must address its security concerns. Establishing a robust
security apparatus is imperative to safeguard territorial integrity and protect its citizens.
However, the challenge lies in achieving this while adhering to international human rights
standards and mending historical wounds. Striking the right balance between security and liberty
is a tightrope walk that Baluchistan must navigate to ensure a prosperous future.

II. Sindh's Quest for Independence

Historical Context

Sindh's quest for independence is a testament to its rich cultural heritage and centuries-old
contributions to the South Asian tapestry. However, it also embodies historical grievances
stemming from cultural marginalization, economic disparities, and the weight of perceived
political subjugation. The longing for self-governance, deeply etched in Sindh's historical
narrative, now propels it toward nationhood.

Socioeconomic Implications

Impact on Local Population

Independence holds the promise of an inclusive governance structure that empowers Sindh's
people. The local population aspires to see their voices elevated in decision-making processes, a
fairer distribution of resources, and the ability to shape their collective destiny. This journey
toward nationhood represents a tenacious determination to secure a brighter future for all

Governance Structures and Regional Dynamics

Crafting governance structures that resonate with the aspirations of its people is a formidable
task for Sindh. This entails defining the role of regional authorities, establishing robust
democratic institutions, and shaping a constitution that embodies Sindh's unique identity.
Simultaneously, managing diplomatic relations with neighboring regions and forging potential
alliances adds layers of complexity to this historical endeavor.

Economic Prospects

Independence unfurls a canvas upon which Sindh can paint its distinct economic landscape. With
its diverse economic base, from thriving agriculture to a burgeoning manufacturing sector and
the bustling metropolis of Karachi, Sindh holds the palette of potential. However, the challenge
lies in charting a sustainable economic course that bridges existing disparities while promoting
prosperity for all of its citizens.


This expanded section provides a deeper and more detailed exploration of the historical context,
challenges, and opportunities that shape Baluchistan's and Sindh's journeys toward sovereignty,
capturing the nuances and complexities of their quests for self-determination.

Chapter III

The Emergence of a Greater Afghanistan

I. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa's Integration with Afghanistan

The Weight of History: A Reverberating Decision

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa's historic decision to join hands with Afghanistan echoes through the
annals of time. The very land, imbued with the memories of countless generations, stands as a
testament to the enduring spirit of its people. For those residing in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, this
moment represents the culmination of a journey etched with historical significance. From the
grandeur of ancient empires to the trials of modern geopolitics, their heritage is a tapestry of
resilience and determination.

Geopolitical Significance

At the crossroads of empires and civilizations, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa's alignment with

Afghanistan carries a geopolitical weight felt far beyond its borders. This integration challenges
established power dynamics, beckoning a fresh chapter in South Asian history. The region's
geographical position, perched at the confluence of trade routes that have shaped the course of
nations for centuries, makes it a linchpin in reshaping regional politics. For its residents, this
decision represents the forging of a new identity within an evolving landscape.

Implications for Regional Stability

While hope abounds for regional stability, the path ahead is marked by complexities. Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa's journey to join Afghanistan unveils challenges that require careful navigation.
Security, governance, and the dynamics of cross-border interactions present a tapestry of
intricacies. For the people of this region, the pursuit of peace is more than a strategic choice; it is
an embodiment of their yearning for a tranquil future.

Socioeconomic Effects

Trade and Migration Patterns

The realignment of trade and migration patterns brings both promise and transformation. The
historical crossroads of commerce and culture, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa's integration with
Afghanistan alters the fabric of daily life. Trade corridors pulse with activity, and the movement
of people takes on a new dimension. These changes hold the potential for economic prosperity
and human connectivity. Yet, they also require judicious planning to ensure that the benefits
reach every corner of the region.

II. Afghanistan's Role in the Region

Strengthening Regional Stability

Afghanistan's ascent as a regional player resonates deeply with its history as a crossroads of
civilizations. Its commitment to nurturing stability extends beyond borders, echoing a sentiment
that transcends politics. The region, with its rich heritage of diverse cultures, recognizes
Afghanistan as a vital partner in confronting shared challenges. For those whose ancestors
traversed these lands, Afghanistan's role is not merely geopolitical; it is a reflection of the
enduring bonds of shared history.

Trade and Connectivity Initiatives

Afghanistan's vision for the region transcends political boundaries. It aspires to harness its
geographical position to cultivate trade and connectivity among neighboring nations. Initiatives
like the Afghanistan-Pakistan Transit Trade Agreement (APTTA) and the Central Asia-South
Asia (CASA) electricity transmission project encapsulate this vision. These projects are not just
about economics; they represent a commitment to weaving a tapestry of diplomatic relations and
shared growth across the region.

This enriched chapter resonates with the historical, linguistic, and cultural heritage of the people
of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Afghanistan, infusing their journey with a deep sense of history and
emotional significance.

Chapter IV

The Kashmir Question - Integration with India

I. Historical Perspective

Kashmir's Ancient Heritage: A Land of Myths and Majesty

Kashmir, a land ensconced in the embrace of the Himalayas, boasts a history that stretches back
millennia. Its valleys have echoed with the footfalls of emperors, poets, and mystics. The story of
Kashmir is a tapestry woven with threads of diverse cultures, from the ancient Dardic
civilizations to the splendors of Buddhist monasteries. To appreciate its integration with India,
we must navigate the corridors of time and touch upon the resonant chords of this majestic land.

Partition's Tumultuous Winds: The Crucible of 1947

The partition of British India in 1947 cast a long shadow over the princely state of Jammu and
Kashmir. As India and Pakistan emerged as independent nations, the fate of this picturesque
region remained uncertain. With its mosaic of communities and a princely ruler, Maharaja Hari
Singh, at the helm, Kashmir became a microcosm of the tumultuous events of that fateful year.
The factors leading to Kashmir's integration with India are complex, entwined with political
maneuvering, tribal invasions, and a quest for identity.

Impact on India-Pakistan Relations: A Complex Web of Tensions

Kashmir's integration with India echoed far beyond its picturesque valleys. It resonated as a
contentious issue that became emblematic of India-Pakistan relations. The conflict over Kashmir
defined the geopolitics of South Asia for decades. The shadow of this integration loomed large
over diplomatic negotiations, sporadic conflicts, and elusive peace talks. Its legacy continues to
shape the region's geopolitical landscape, making it a subject of intense international scrutiny.

Chapter V

Punjab - An Independent Small State

I. Punjab's Secession from Pakistan

The Political Landscape: A State's Quest for Autonomy

Punjab's journey towards becoming an independent state is rooted in a complex political

backdrop. It unravels the dynamics of power, identity, and governance that fueled this decision.
Decades of evolving political narratives and aspirations culminated in Punjab's declaration of
autonomy. Understanding the intricate political landscape is essential to grasp the essence of
Punjab's newfound independence.

Economic Viability: Paving the Road to Self-Reliance

As an autonomous entity, Punjab stands at the crossroads of economic transformation. This

section assesses the economic viability of Punjab, scrutinizing its resource base, industrial
potential, and economic outlook. The quest for self-reliance requires pragmatic strategies for
sustainable development and prosperity.

II. Regional and International Repercussions

Neighboring States and Beyond: Impact on the Region

Punjab's newfound independence reverberates through the region. This section delves into the
implications for neighboring states, both in South Asia and beyond. It examines how Punjab's
autonomy reshapes geopolitical dynamics, influencing alliances, and regional power structures.

Global Players and Their Interests: Navigating International Relations

The international repercussions of Punjab's independence are far-reaching. It scrutinizes the

interests of global players, major powers, and international organizations in the wake of this
development. Balancing Punjab's sovereignty with international cooperation and expectations
poses a unique challenge.

Chapter VI

Trade and Regional Connectivity

I. Reconfiguring Trade Routes

A New Trade Landscape: Realignment and Opportunities

The emergence of independent states in South Asia has led to a reconfiguration of trade routes.
This section navigates the intricate web of changing trade dynamics, exploring the emerging
corridors and their significance. It assesses how these shifts present opportunities for economic
growth and cooperation.

II. New Intergovernmental Agreements

Bilateral and Multilateral Pacts: Catalysts for Cooperation

The chapter examines the bilateral and multilateral treaties forged among the newly formed
states. It assesses how these agreements facilitate trade, cooperation, and regional stability. The
role of these pacts in promoting economic integration and political harmony is a focal point of

III. Regional Economic and Infrastructural Projects

Building Bridges and Roads to Prosperity: Key Initiatives

This section analyzes the pivotal regional economic and infrastructural projects aimed at
enhancing connectivity and fostering development. It scrutinizes the impact of initiatives such as
transportation networks, energy corridors, and trade facilitation hubs. These projects are pivotal
in shaping the economic future and stability of the region.

These chapters offer a comprehensive exploration of Punjab's independence, its economic
viability, and potential regional roles. Additionally, they delve into the regional and international
repercussions of this transformation, along with the realignment of trade routes,
intergovernmental agreements, and key infrastructural projects that are reshaping the region's

Chapter VII

Geopolitical Challenges and Opportunities

I. Regional Power Shifts

The Unfolding Transformation: Changing Power Dynamics in South Asia

This chapter unfolds the intricate web of changing power dynamics in South Asia. It traces the
evolving fortunes of nations, examining how shifting alliances, economic growth, and emerging
powers have redrawn the geopolitical map. It delves into the challenges these shifts pose, from
territorial disputes to strategic rivalries. Yet, it also illuminates the opportunities for cooperation
and peace that may arise from this dynamic landscape.

The Quest for Regional Leadership: Rivalries and Cooperation

Within this shifting terrain, regional powers vie for supremacy while balancing the delicate task
of cooperation. It scrutinizes the aspirations and strategies of South Asian states as they seek to
assert regional leadership. The chapter dissects how rivalries are tempered by shared challenges,
offering glimpses of a future where cooperation can prevail over conflict.

II. Implications for Global Players

The Global Gaze: Major Players in South Asia's Geopolitics

Major global players cast their gaze upon South Asia's unfolding geopolitical narrative. This
section assesses how these global actors adapt to the region's evolving landscape. It explores
their strategies for engagement, from economic partnerships to diplomatic initiatives. The
chapter also deciphers the interests and influence wielded by these actors in shaping South Asian

Global Actors and Regional Stability: Balance or Discord

As global powers exert their influence, the consequences ripple through the region. It assesses
the impact of global players on regional stability, dissecting their roles in mitigating or
exacerbating conflicts. The chapter contemplates the delicate balance between external interests
and regional peace, offering insights into how South Asian nations navigate this complex arena.

III. Balancing State Sovereignty with Regional Cooperation

The Diplomatic Tightrope: Sovereignty in an Interconnected World

In the evolving geopolitical context, South Asian nations tread a diplomatic tightrope.
This section examines the delicate equilibrium between state sovereignty and regional
cooperation. It explores mechanisms for fostering unity while respecting independence,
from intergovernmental organizations to conflict resolution frameworks. The chapter
envisions a future where South Asian nations can collaborate to address shared
challenges without compromising their sovereignty.

Safeguarding Independence in a Collaborative World: The Way Forward

The final section presents a roadmap for South Asian nations to safeguard their
independence while embracing regional cooperation. It offers innovative solutions for
building trust, resolving disputes, and promoting economic growth. The chapter
envisions a South Asia where diplomacy prevails over conflict, where power shifts
become opportunities for peace, and where the region's collective aspirations are


This comprehensive chapter navigates the changing power dynamics in South Asia,
exploring both challenges and opportunities. It assesses the strategies of major global
players in the region and contemplates the delicate balance between state sovereignty
and regional cooperation in the evolving geopolitical landscape.

Chapter VIII


I. The Unfolding Geopolitical Landscape

As we draw the curtains on this journey through the reshaped geopolitical landscape of South
Asia, we find ourselves amidst a tapestry of transformation and challenges. The chapters
preceding this one has unveiled a dynamic region in flux, where power shifts, historic decisions,
and regional realignments have left an indelible mark. Through this exploration, we've sought to
understand the complexities that underpin these changes and the multifaceted implications they

II. Prospects for Peace and Prosperity in South Asia

In the heart of these complexities lie the prospects for a future marked by peace, stability, and
prosperity. As we reflect on the intricate geopolitical chessboard of South Asia, we find that the
region's evolution needs not be a harbinger of discord. Instead, it offers a canvas where
cooperation, diplomacy, and collective endeavors can paint a brighter picture.

The very essence of this conclusion resonates with the idea that challenges present opportunities.
The power shifts in the region bring with them the potential to redefine relationships, to foster
understanding, and to lay the groundwork for a South Asia that thrives on unity amidst diversity.

In the coming years, South Asian nations have the chance to chart a course where sovereignty is
celebrated, conflicts are resolved through dialogue, and economic growth benefits all. The path
to peace may be fraught with obstacles, but the journey itself is a testament to the resilience and
determination of the region's people.

This book, in its exploration of the past, present, and potential future of South Asia's geopolitical
landscape, is a testament to the intricate dance of nations, the aspirations of people, and the
unyielding hope for a better tomorrow.
As the final page turns, we leave behind a South Asia where the echoes of history reverberate
through the present, shaping a future that holds the promise of peace and prosperity. It is our
collective responsibility to seize this moment, to embrace the challenges, and to build a South
Asia that stands as a beacon of hope and cooperation in an ever-changing world.


This conclusion reflects on the transformative changes in South Asia's geopolitical landscape and
emphasizes the potential for a future marked by peace, stability, and prosperity through
cooperation and diplomacy. It encapsulates the central theme of the book, celebrating the
region's resilience and the hope for a better tomorrow.



Chapter II: Parting Ways - The Balkanization of Pakistan

1. Baluchistan's Journey to Sovereignty

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2. Sindh's Quest for Independence

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- Hussain, Akhtar. "Sindh and Sufism: A Historical Perspective." South Asia Research
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Chapter III: The Emergence of a Greater Afghanistan

3. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa's Integration with Afghanistan

- Rashid, Ahmed. Descent into Chaos: The United States and the Failure of Nation
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- Fair, C. Christine. "The Militant Challenge in Pakistan." Asian Survey 48, no. 5

4. Afghanistan's Role in the Region

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- Rashid, Ahmed. Taliban: Militant Islam, Oil, and Fundamentalism in Central Asia.
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Chapter IV: The Kashmir Question - Integration with India

5. Historical Perspective
- Lamb, Alastair. Kashmir: A Disputed Legacy, 1846-1990. Oxford University Press,
- Schofield, Victoria. Kashmir in Conflict: India, Pakistan, and the Unending War. I.B.
Tauris, 2003.

6. Kashmir's Socioeconomic Transformation

- Choudhary, Nazir Ahmad. Kashmir Imbroglio: Contemporary Realities and Future
Possibilities. Mittal Publications, 2012.
- Jalal, Ayesha. Self and Sovereignty: Individual and Community in South Asian Islam
Since 1850. Routledge, 2000.

Chapter V: Punjab - An Independent Small State

7. Punjab's Secession from Pakistan

- Chima, Jugdep S. The Sikh Separatist Insurgency in India: Political Leadership and
Ethnonationalist Movements. SAGE Publications India, 2008.
- Talbot, Ian. Punjab and the Raj, 1849-1947. Bloomsbury Publishing, 1988.

Chapter VI: Trade and Regional Connectivity

8. Reconfiguring Trade Routes

- Rajagopalan, Rajeswari Pillai. "South Asia's Regional Integration: Can SAARC
Deliver?" The Washington Quarterly 38, no. 3 (2015).
- Tharoor, Shashi. Inglorious Empire: What the British Did to India. Scribe
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9. New Intergovernmental Agreements

- Malik, Mohan. China and India: Great Power Rivals. FirstForumPress, 2011.
- Mahmood, Safdar. "Pakistan, South Asia, and the Kashmir Dispute." Asian Affairs
47, no. 2 (2016).

10. Regional Economic and Infrastructural Projects

- Malik, V.P. *Kashmir: A Disputed Legacy, 1846-1990.* Oxford University Press,
- Varshney, Ashutosh. "Why India and Pakistan Are in the Grip of Their Most
Dangerous Crisis in Years." The Washington Post , 2019.

Chapter VII: Geopolitical Challenges and Opportunities

11. The Unfolding Transformation: Changing Power Dynamics in South Asia

- Tellis, Ashley J. India's Emerging Nuclear Posture: Between Recessed Deterrent
and Ready Arsenal. Rand Corporation, 2001.
- Mohan, C. Raja. Crossing the Rubicon: The Shaping of India's New Foreign Policy.
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12. The Quest for Regional Leadership: Rivalries and Cooperation

- Paul, T.V. India in the World Order: Searching for Major-Power Status. Cambridge
University Press, 2002.
- Khan, Shuja Nawaz. Crossed Swords: Pakistan, Its Army, and the Wars Within.
Oxford University Press, 2008.

13. Implications for Global Players

- Walt, Stephen M. Taming American Power: The Global Response to U.S. Primacy.
W. W. Norton & Company, 2005.
- Nye, Joseph S. Jr. Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics.
PublicAffairs, 2004.

14. Global Actors and Regional Stability: Balance or Discord

- Cohen, Stephen P. The Idea of Pakistan. Brookings Institution Press, 2004.
- Bajpai, Kanti, et al. Brasstacks and Beyond: Perception and Management of Crisis
in South Asia. Westview Press, 1995.

Chapter VIII: Conclusion

15. The Unfolding Geopolitical Landscape

- Waltz, Kenneth N. Theory of International Politics. McGraw-Hill, 1979.
- Jervis, Robert. System Effects: Complexity in Political and Social Life. Princeton
University Press, 1997.

16. Prospects for Peace and Prosperity in South Asia

- Haass, Richard N. A World in Disarray: American Foreign Policy and the Crisis of
the Old Order. Penguin Books, 2017.
- Menon, Shivshankar. Choices: Inside the Making of India's Foreign Policy.
Penguin Books India, 2016.

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