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Sustainable Cities and Society 85 (2022) 104078

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Designing green infrastructure and sustainable drainage systems in urban

development to achieve multiple ecosystem benefits
Cherona Chapman *, Jim W. Hall
Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QY, UK


Keywords: Urbanisation is one of the greatest threats to biodiversity and ecological connectivity. Green infrastructure (GI)
Urbanisation networks and corridors are promoted as a way to preserve habitat connectivity even in the context of urbani­
Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) sation. Yet, previous research has a primary focus on the ecological benefits that may be provided by GI networks
Green infrastructure (GI)
without also valuing other potential ecosystem services. There has also been a lack of research into how the
Sustainable development
design of urban developments, including the potential of sustainable drainage systems (SuDS), may contribute to
such networks. Using a case study region in south-east England, different development scenarios and urban
designs were assessed under metrics quantifying four aspects of GI provision – ecological services, ecological
status, ecological connectivity, and proximity to the population. These were then combined into a single score to
compare the overall spatiality of GI potential across the region under the different design and development
approaches. Three key considerations for planners were found: first, the positive role urban spaces can play, even
without SuDS or considering the proximity to the population, in contributing to GI potentials; second, the bal­
ance required between different development approaches to manage the trade-offs between each; and third, the
range of positive and negative impacts different SuDS infrastructure have on GI potentials under different urban

1. Introduction urban footprints, promoting high density and multi-functional urban

spaces, yet this is often at the cost of urban greenspace elements which
The current growth of urban populations suggests that by the end of can be important in providing ecological connectivity (Bibri, Krogstie &
the decade our current urban areas will need to be three times greater Karrholm, 2020). Alternately, green city ideas promote the maintenance
than they were in 2000 (Felappi et al., 2020). At the same time, how­ of inner-city greenspaces, but often lead to greater urban footprints,
ever, an increased call for sustainable practices places a challenge on frequently resulting in the reduction of large-scale undeveloped areas on
how we develop in a manner that is both sufficient and sustainable. the urban periphery, which are an equally important feature for habitat
Research suggests that the biodiversity crisis can largely be attributed to strength (Echenique et al., 2012).
habitation fragmentation as a result of urban development and agri­ Greenspaces have been a growing feature in urban planning over the
cultural intensification (Cannas et al., 2018), and continued habitat past century, justified by the ecological and social benefits they provide
fragmentation is considered amongst the greatest threats to global (Ignatieva, Stewart & Meruk, 2011), whilst sustainable drainage systems
biodiversity (Algador et al., 2012). In addition, loss of connectivity in­ (SuDS), primarily designed as a drainage solution which seeks to mimic
hibits ecosystems’ capacity to adapt to climate change (Gurrutxaga, natural processes, are often lauded for the benefits they can provide in
Lozano & del Barrio, 2010). The importance of such issues in our addition to their drainage functions (Ncube & Arthur, 2021). These
contemporary world is highlighted in the inclusion of biodiversity, differ dependant on SuDS infrastructure (and their design), but can
ecosystem health and the green economy as key themes of the Sustain­ include habitat provision, air quality regulation, and noise attenuation.
able Development Goals (SDGs) in the 2030 Agenda (Bolliger & Sil­ Green infrastructure (GI) is that which focuses on considering and
bernagel, 2020) . integrating the protection and enhancement of natural processes into
The compact city approach in urban planning seeks to minimise planning endeavours (Hansen & Pauleit, 2014), and so whilst both SuDS

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (C. Chapman).
Received 22 April 2022; Received in revised form 20 July 2022; Accepted 20 July 2022
Available online 21 July 2022
2210-6707/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
C. Chapman and J.W. Hall Sustainable Cities and Society 85 (2022) 104078

Fig. 1. An outline map of the case study location showing existing urban development (grey).

and constructed greenspaces are examples of GI, the terms cannot be (Rodríguez-Espinosa, Aguilera-Benavente & Gómez-Delgado, 2020).
used synonymously. As with other forms of infrastructure, GI can exist Consequently, the resultant maps are often very specie-specific and so
and operate as single, isolated elements, but elements can also be cannot be used to generalise the situation. To assess or comment on
interconnected to create a GI network, which is often argued to be more overall biodiversity with such an approach, the process would need to be
resilient (Cannas et al., 2018). repeated for a range of species, which can be both data- and
Whilst there has been great interest in the concept of GI from re­ time-intensive. Furthermore, the accuracy of such pathways is ques­
searchers and practitioners, the physical implementation has been more tioned by Algador et al. (2012) who argue that anthropic factors are not
limited (Bolliger & Silbernagel, 2020). Many current and previous alone in determining ecosystem flows and can lead to different pathway
strategies for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem enhancement has identification, and Baguette et al. (2013) who illustrate with GPS
treated these spaces as independent, self-contained regions, but there is tracking data that they are regularly over-simplifications.
growing evidence that these are not sufficient to retain ecological pro­ Regardless of focus or spatiality, however, there is widespread
cesses and value (see Gurrutxaga, Lozano & del Barrio, 2010; Bolliger & agreement that to achieve the regional and connected preservation
Silbernagel, 2020; Valeri, Zavattero & Capotorti, 2021). Crucially, identified by GI networks, action is of a time-critical nature. Poor or slow
however, this connectivity need not always be through continuous interventions can lead to the loss of potentially strong connections
corridors of space but, for some species, can be supported through a (Liquete et al., 2015), particularly as many areas that show good GI
semi-fragmented, stepping stone approach (Algador et al., 2012), which potential are those already under threat by urbanisation and develop­
increases their potential for retrofitting into existing urban spaces. ment (Gurrutxaga, Lozano & del Barrio, 2010). If practices around GI
In order to create these networks, whether continuous or semi- identification and preservation became more actively integrated in
fragmented, however, regional-scale planning and design is important planning processes, they would offer a long-term and persistent method
to have a significant ecological impact (Grădinaru & Hersperger, 2019). in strengthening a range of ecosystems and greenspace benefits (Bolliger
This has been widely recognised in policies across Europe, such as & Silbernagel, 2020). This integration should occur both regionally and
Natura 2000 (see Rincón et al., 2022), the European Commission’s locally as whilst a regional-scale perspective is needed to identify the
Green Infrastructure Strategy (see Maes & Jacobs, 2015), and Natural best locations for such networks (Cannas et al., 2018), without smaller
England’s anthropocentric standards for greenspace planning (see Len­ scale considerations, the projects often remain abstract ideas or not
non, Douglas & Scott, 2017). As such, these areas have formed the focus realistically implementable (Liquete et al., 2015).
of many studies to-date, but data availability and/or regional factors This is not to say, however, that urban development and GI networks
limit the replicability of these methodologies in other locations. In are mutually exclusive. In fact, many studies identify several aspects of
addition, whilst SuDS are regularly referenced as a good solution for urban spaces that can assist in developing and supporting these net­
increasing the scale and connectivity of GI provision (such as La Rosa & works. Vacant lots or brownfield sites, for example, can be crucial for
Pappalardo, 2021), the authors are aware of no studies to-date which inner-city habitat creation, especially wild and indigenous vegetation
analyse their specific contribution. (Ma, Li & Xu, 2021; Zhang et al., 2019). These ideas of hybridised
Furthermore, many studies looking to assess or identify ecological spaces, forming both part of a GI network and urban environment, are
networks in a region use a cost-distance mapping approach in GIS (see further supported by increased interest in the human elements of GI (see
Gurrutxaga, Lozano & del Barrio, 2010; Cannas et al., 2018; Liquete Cannas et al., 2018; Felappi et al., 2020; Ncube & Arthur, 2021).
et al., 2015). However, this requires key habitat areas and barriers to The term GI is often seen as synonymous with biodiversity and
movement to be identified, for which expert opinion is typically used visually green spaces (Chatzimentor, Apostolopoulou & Mazaris, 2020),

C. Chapman and J.W. Hall Sustainable Cities and Society 85 (2022) 104078

Fig. 2. The urban tile layouts used in the modelling.

but it is equally important to consider additional elements. Felappi et al. focused on multi-faceted examinations of GI, offering a more realistic
(2020), for example, argue that many benefits of greenspace provision, indication of good connectivity through appreciation of these in­
such as leisure and mental health benefits, include an element that teractions. Building on the identified strengths and weaknesses from
cannot be achieved without the presence by humans. Rodríguez-Es­ previous approaches, therefore, this research aims to appreciate how the
pinosa, Aguilera-Benavente & Gómez-Delgado (2020) applied this idea impacts of development approach and SuDS interventions influence the
to their methodology, introducing a weighting factor that allows location and strength of GI networks. To do so, first a new methodo­
different priorities and targets to be represented in GI network mapping. logical approach is outlined, combining multiple aspects of GI (both
Considering and including multiple aspects of GI provision, however, environment- and human- focused) which are assessed using widely
the role of trade-offs also becomes important as compromises are available datasets as proxies, and then this approach is applied to a case
required to balance the optimum conditions for different elements study area in south-east England.
(Hansen et al., 2019).
Whilst work remains to be done on more detailed understanding of
individual GI elements, Felappi et al. (2020) call for future research to be

Fig. 3. Example tiles for the five SuDS scenarios.

C. Chapman and J.W. Hall Sustainable Cities and Society 85 (2022) 104078

Fig. 4. A flowchart of the proposed methodology.

2. Case study 2.2. Urban layouts

The study area is a region of south-east England earmarked for large- The identified locations and densities from the OpenUDM were
scale urban development – the Cambridge to Oxford corridor (see represented at a lot-scale, based on the urban tiling approach developed
Fig. 1). The area lies to the northwest of London, stretching across five by Hargreaves (2015). This allowed the analysis of different urban de­
counties (Bedfordshire, Berkshire, Cambridgeshire, Northamptonshire, signs, enabling the role of urban greenspace and sustainable drainage
Oxfordshire) and encompasses the existing cities of Cambridge, Milton infrastructure to be considered in the service mapping. To represent the
Keynes and Oxford. It is estimated that 1 million new dwellings will be heterogeneity of urban spaces, four designs were drawn up for each of
required in the region before 2050 in order to maximise the area’s four density categories, with footprints and layouts guided by the na­
economic potential and counteract the lack of affordable and sufficient tional Manual for Streets (Department for Transport, 2007) and Har­
housing currently hindering the socioeconomic success of the region greaves (2015). Fig. 2 illustrates the sixteen core tiles for urban layout
(NIC, 2019), although planning into the spatiality of such development used in this study, and Fig. 3 illustrates how these changed under the
is still ongoing, enabling the potential for sustainability to be embedded different SuDS designs. The placement and allocation of tiles was not
into the proposals (Mok et al., 2020). targeted to create or augment specific ecological corridors or networks
across the study area, rather tiles were assigned at random to each
1-hectare area dependant on the scale and location of housing devel­
2.1. Urban density modelling opment indicated by the OpenUDM output – further information on the
assignment process can be found in Chapman & Hall (2022). This was so
The Urban Density Model (OpenUDM) is a spatial optimization tool done to better illustrate how such connectivity may exist (with or
combining Mutli-Criteria Evaluation and Cellular Automata approaches without SuDS) and/or be enhanced under current planning approaches
to create high resolution scenarios of heterogenous urbanization subject that have not placed ecological connectivity at the heart of their design.
to spatial inputs of attractors and constraints (Ford et al., 2019). Eight Five different SuDS designs were considered in the study:
future development scenarios were generated for the case study at a 100
m grid scale, representing two rates of growth (23,000 and 30,000 1 No SuDS
dwellings per year), two development patterns (new settlement con­ 2 Permeable Surfaces (featuring permeable asphalt on minor road
struction and existing settlement expansion), and two contrasting sets of surfaces and permeable pavements)
development constraints (“grey” and “green”) – the former placed more 3 Permeable Pavements & Green Roofs
emphasis on proximity to roads and less on avoiding natural capital loss, 4 Retention Basins & Green Roofs
whilst the latter placed more emphasis on proximity to rail stations and 5 Permeable Surfaces, Retention Basins & Green Roof
avoided development in areas designated nature recovery networks).
Further detail on this approach can be found in (Chapman & Hall, 2022).
Table 1 indicates which characteristics were represented in each of the

C. Chapman and J.W. Hall Sustainable Cities and Society 85 (2022) 104078

3. Methodology Gómez-Delgado, 2020). It is important to note, however, that land cover

data provides an indication of the current surface type, but does not
This study utilises a service mapping approach, as seen in previous indicate any sub-surface conditions or the actual land use (CEH, 2020) –
studies (such as Cannas et al., 2018; Liquete et al., 2015; Rodrígue­ that is to say, for example, whilst an area may have a forested land cover,
z-Espinosa, Aguilera-Benavente & Gómez-Delgado, 2020) to consider it makes no comment on whether this is natural woodland or a planta­
multiple facets of GI, and how these may be affected by a regional-scale tion, or whether an environment with urban land cover is occupied or
urban development project. Results from an urban density modelling abandoned.
study for potential urbanisation scenarios were used to simulate de­ Information on the land cover in the study area was obtained from a
velopments of varying spatiality and magnitude. The urban layout of national land cover map from the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
these was then represented using an urban tiling approach, which (CEH) at a 25 m raster scale (Morton et al., 2021). This was used to
included designs featuring sustainable urban drainage systems (SuDS) inform the land cover for all undeveloped pixels (i.e. those not assigned
(see section 2). These resultant scenarios were then assessed under four a development tile). For the development tiles (which represented both
conditions representing different elements of GI, and these results existing and proposed urban development), the land cover was assigned
combined to provide an overall GI service map for each scenario. Fig. 4 based on the dominant land cover in the tile. For example, in the low
outlines a summary of the methodological approach. density detached and terraced tile, undeveloped land occupied nearly
70% of the tile, and thus the land cover was assigned that which it would
3.1. GI provision assessment have been were it all undeveloped. This reflects a similar process as to
the land cover data obtained from the CEH, which also uses the domi­
Rodríguez-Espinosa, Aguilera-Benavente & Gómez-Delgado (2020) nant land cover to determine the assigned value, as neither natural nor
identify four key features to assessing strength of GI based on the defi­ man-made environments are homogenous spaces. Ecosystem services
nition by the European Commission: ecosystem service provision, scores were then assigned from Smith’s matrix (see Smith, 2021) based
ecological status, ecological connectivity, and proximity to the popula­ on this land cover type.
tion. These were used as the four main criteria for this study in assessing
the strength of GI provision as they allowed consideration of ecological 3.1.2. Ecological status
and anthropocentric elements without requiring significant and/or Ecological status is defined as the condition of an area relative to a
niche datasets. Each was assessed by a metric, outlined below, and natural or pre-development state (Valeri, Zavattero & Capotorti, 2021).
scored accordingly. These scores were then normalised for each crite­ This degree of naturalness is considered a key criteria in understanding
rion, allowing cross-comparison between the factors (Liquete et al., the role of spatial planning in nature conservation (Tuluhan Yılmaz,
2015). Through summation, these scores were then combined to create a Alphan & Gülçin, 2019), and there are many existing scoring metrics in
single score for “GI network potential” (see Section 4.5), offering a the literature (such as Machado, 2004 and Rodríguez-Espinosa, Agui­
multi-faceted appreciation of GI provision in that location. This com­ lera-Benavente & Gómez-Delgado, 2020). In our study, we utilised the
bined score allows multiple criteria to be considered and compared scoring system outlined by Rudisser, Tasser & Tappeiner (2012) due to
across development scenarios simultaneously, and different SuDS de­ its simple metric, which assigns values between 1 and 7 using land cover
signs to be cross-compared for a given development scenario. data as a proxy. As with the previous metric, field surveys can be used to
The benefits of the outlined approach include the use (within specific validate this relationship between the proxy data and real-world con­
GI criteria) of established methods from other studies, whilst allowing ditions, and whilst this wasn’t done in this study, both scoring matrices
multiple elements of GI to be examined, combined and compared, and used had been previously validated in this way (albeit not always in the
reducing the need for large, ecological base datasets (such as species same geographic location as this study) by their developers (see
habitat preferences or movement patterns) (Rodríguez-Espinosa, Agui­ Rudisser, Tasser & Tappeiner, 2012; Smith, 2021).
lera-Benavente & Gómez-Delgado, 2020). The spatial outputs generated Equally as important to consider as an element of the ecological
also offer useful visuals for targeted actions in the planning community, status is the patch size, which offers some commentary on how frag­
and better illustration of how different elements may trade-off with one mented and/or clustered the landscape is (Ersoy, Jorgensen & Warren,
another in GI provision. 2019). The size of each land cover patch was therefore calculated and
awarded a corresponding value between 0 and 4, dependant on
3.1.1. Ecological services magnitude. This was added to the naturalness value to create the overall
Ecosystem services are the primary basis of many contemporary value for ecosystem status. Combining these two measures, this metric
assessment approaches for GI provision (Chatzimentor, Apostolopoulou allowed an assessment not only of how undeveloped an area may be, but
& Mazaris, 2020). They are the benefits offered by a habitat and can be also how significant an area they covered – continuous and cohesive
sub-divided into provisioning (those which provide tangible products or areas of undeveloped are likely to better support species than the same
energy), regulating (those which support the healthy operation of area under more fragmented conditions (Cannas et al., 2018).
ecosystem functions) and cultural (those which provide non-material
advantages to humans) (Ma, Li & Xu, 2021). Consequently, the stan­ 3.1.3. Ecological connectivity
dard and range of services provided by an ecosystem vary with both land Connectivity is a crucial part of healthy ecosystem functioning,
cover and quality (Liquete et al., 2015). This offered commentary on the allowing gene dispersal, preserving biodiversity, and increasing
environmental conditions made them a key metric for including in the ecosystem resilience (Baguette et al., 2013), making it an essential
proposed approach. consideration for developing strong ecological networks. When these
Smith (2021) developed and outlined a scoring matrix for ecological healthy ecosystems form part of a wider network, their interconnectivity
services based on the land cover, which provides individual scores (from is also integral to the functioning of the system as a whole (Rodrígue­
0 to 10) for each of 18 services that can be averaged to provide a z-Espinosa, Aguilera-Benavente & Gómez-Delgado, 2020). It is herein
generalised ecosystem services score. The method and resultant scores noteworthy that previous studies have indicated the potential for urban
were developed from a 780-paper literature review (see Smith et al., greenspaces (including those provided by SuDS infrastructure) to
2017), expert consultation, and comparison with similar scoring ap­ improve ecosystem strengths and coherence (see Algador et al., 2012;
proaches. Whilst such an approach is not explicitly linked to a quantified Wild, Henneberry & Gill, 2017).
dataset as a proxy, a score-based ecological services assessment offers an To assess the strength and location of any connection, nodes (or base
overview and simple estimate of contributions, which is sufficient for a sites) need to be identified, which are the areas looking to be connected.
multi-metric approach (Rodríguez-Espinosa, Aguilera-Benavente & For this metric, the nodes were established by identifying all regions

C. Chapman and J.W. Hall Sustainable Cities and Society 85 (2022) 104078

Fig. 5. Area of ecosystem service scores with and without SuDS for two development scenarios (A - 23GNS (23,000 new houses per year under green development
restrictions in a new settlement layout), B - 30GE (30,000 new houses per year under green development restrictions in an expansion development layout)).

above a set area threshold (5 hectares) where each constituent tile However, the magnitude of change in ecosystem service score is
scored ‘1′ , ‘2′ or ‘3′ (natural, near-natural or semi-natural) under the dependant both on the location of the development and the type of
degree of naturalness metric (outlined in the previous sub-section). development. This can be seen in Fig. 5, which compares the area of land
Urban development tiles were also included in these nodes if they met scoring each value for ecosystem service score between two contrasting
the above criteria. These nodes were then awarded a value of 0 and all development scenarios. Greater areas (at times over twice as much)
other tiles scored from 1 to 4 dependant on their distance to the nearest score lower for ecosystem services in large magnitude development
of these base sites. Whilst this metric appreciates the structural con­ under grey constraints than in the green constrained, smaller magnitude
nectivity, however, functional connectivity was not considered due to its counterpart. The higher scoring areas are also much lower in these
specie-specific data requirements. scenarios, particularly in the highest scoring category, as a greater
spatial coverage of development (from development pattern and
3.1.4. Proximity to population magnitude) sees these land covers being urbanised.
As previously identified, many of the benefits we consider arising Due to the relatively low surface cover of roads and housing in the
from successful and healthy ecosystems have a distinct human element, lower density scenarios, many of these tiles were scored as undeveloped
such as recreation potential, and there is increasing interest in the land cover, presenting higher ecosystem service scores than those
literature in understanding these interactions between landscape and dominated by the urban infrastructure. It is interesting to note that this
humans (see Bibri, Krogstie & Karrholm, 2020; Hansen et al., 2019). In was the case for the detached and apartments housing typology at all
order for these to be fully appreciated, however, there is a need for densities due to the relative minimal urban footprint offered, whereas no
people to be able to access such spaces, whether physically or visually other typology scored this way at greater than medium density. None­
(Felappi et al., 2020), and thus the fourth metric assessed this human theless, without the inclusion of SuDS, no urban tile improved on the
element. existing ecosystem service score of an area prior to development.
This metric used a similar approach to ecological connectivity, The amount of land taken for the grey development scenario over the
identifying base sites and assigning scores dependant on distance from green of the same magnitude (23,000 new houses per year) is over 50%
these. In this case, however, the base sites were those tiles with resi­ more, and this is evident in the impact on the ecosystem services scores
dential buildings and had no set area threshold. with a greater area showing lower scores. This is particularly noticeable,
for example, in the central area of the region around the borders of
4. Results Berkshire and Buckinghamshire, as this is where much development is
proposed in both layout types. Whilst central southern Cambridgeshire
4.1. Ecological services sees a similar increase in development scale, however, between devel­
opment magnitudes, changes in ecosystem services scores are less
4.1.1. Development scenarios noticeable due to the relatively lower scores in this region pre-
The spatial variation of ecological service scores is dependant on the development.
spatiality of land cover in the region. Thus, in the development scenarios The new settlement approach under a set magnitude and constraint
with a greater magnitude of urban development, there is a greater pattern requires a lower footprint of previously undeveloped land than
change in ecosystem service scores as more land is required to be con­ expansion, although this is relatively small (~10%) and so less notice­
verted to a predominantly urban land cover - the land cover type with able in changes to ecosystem services scores across the study area. These
the lowest ecosystem services score of those in the study. results suggest that minimal or limited urbanisation (e.g. more compact

C. Chapman and J.W. Hall Sustainable Cities and Society 85 (2022) 104078

Fig. 6. Ecosystem services scores for two SuDS scenarios – (A) no SuDS and (B) permeable surfaces – in Bedfordshire for the 23GNS development scenario.

and focused around existing development) is the best approach for than a natural land use in this study.
minimising ecosystem service losses, but it is important to note that As infrastructure-based SuDS (those constructed upon or replacing
other elements of urban design not considered in this study can work to existing sealed surfaces), the presence of green roofs and permeable
promote ecosystem service provision. surfaces in a SuDS scenario was more likely to increase the overall
ecosystem services score for the tile. Conversely, as a freespace SuDS
4.1.2. SuDS implementation infrastructure (those built upon existing undeveloped land), retention
Whilst for all urban typology tiles there is a SuDS scenario which basins (which scored lower than undeveloped land) also reduced the
offers the same or an improved ecosystem services score when compared area of undeveloped land contributing to the overall score, and it is in
to the same tile without SuDS, this is not consistent across all develop­ scenarios with this infrastructure present that some tiles saw a reduced
ment or SuDS designs. Furthermore, only rarely was a SuDS design able ecosystem services score when compared to a non-SuDS scenario. This
to raise the ecosystem service score above that had the tile remained was not universally the case, however, and those tiles with minimal
undeveloped – notably those where a low scoring undeveloped land type undeveloped land available (such as the very high density scenarios)
(such as arable or improved grassland) was replaced by an urban tile saw little impact. That is also not to say that all freespace SuDS will have
that was dominated by green roof systems, which offered a higher a similar impact – in areas with poor existing land cover, for example,
ecosystem services score. No other SuDS infrastructure scored greater bioretention systems could have the opposite effect – and thus future

Fig. 7. Ecological status scores for the two development without SuDS (A – 23GNS (23,000 new houses per year under green development restrictions in a new
settlement layout), B – 30YE (30,000 new houses per year under grey development restrictions in an expansion development layout)).

C. Chapman and J.W. Hall Sustainable Cities and Society 85 (2022) 104078

Fig. 8. - Ecological status scores for the 23GE development under three SuDS scenarios.

work should look to expand the range of SuDS infrastructure considered. Under the ecosystem services metric, the area consistently scored rela­
The change in ecosystem services scores offered by SuDS are not tively high, yet this is much more variable in the status metric, with both
limited to the changes in permeability they bring about, either. Further top-scoring and bottom-scoring tiles. This represents both a more frag­
co-benefits of SuDS implementation (including habitat creation, leisure mented landscape and the presence of more land cover types perceived
opportunities and urban cooling) are all additional services, and these as less natural, and highlights the importance of considering the status of
too are captured by the metric. However, challenges in quantifying or the environment as well as its maximum ecosystem services potential
comparing the magnitude of some of these in different environments/ when targeting conservation or environmentally-sensitive development
infrastructure (such as mental health benefits) mean further work is projects.
required in the field to improve such measurements and allow a more
detailed insight into the relative strengths and weaknesses of different 4.2.2. SuDS implementation
SuDS and their co-benefits. Whilst the inclusion of SuDS and its effect on naturalness scores is
These impacts of the given SuDS scenario translate directly to the limited to a minimum score of ‘5′ (as previously mentioned) due to still
areas of urban development in the study, as this is where the SuDS are remaining an urban location, all tile designs (except two very high
located. Whilst an incremental change in ecosystem services score can density layouts) show an improvement in naturalness score due to
appear minimal when considering a tile in isolation, when combined increased permeable surface area. This is particularly noticeable in the
with others across an area of development, there is a clearer impact, as permeable surfaces scenario as only the trunk road and building areas
shown in Fig. 6. In such a way, SuDS can prove a useful and effective tool remain impermeable. Thus, in the overall ecosystem status scores
in promoting ecosystem service provision in urban spaces. (which also include an appreciation of fragmentation), permeable sur­
faces see a marked reduction in the area scoring poorly, alongside those
4.2. Ecological status featuring green roofs, despite not being necessarily visibly more natural
in reality (see Fig. 8).
4.2.1. Development approach In a similar manner to ecosystem services, scenarios featuring
The spatial patterning of scores under this metric are very similar to retention basins result in the least impact in improving naturalness
the first (attributable to the fact that both are based on the same land scores since they are not constructed on any existing impermeable sur­
cover dataset), although contributions from patch size mean that land­ face and thus do not reduce the overall impermeable surface area of a
scape fragmentation contributes to the overall strength or weakness of scenario. Nonetheless, whilst these infrastructure offer the return or
an area in this metric. Additionally, the variety and extent of ecosystem increase of natural hydrological processes, they remain limited in the
services a land cover provides is not always directly related to how ‘naturalness’ due to still being manmade spaces, which is reflected in the
natural it is perceived to be. Fens and heather, for example, are small magnitude changes in scores for this metric (which seeks to
considered extremely natural but only score mediocrely when it comes measure how similar to a natural state these locations are).
to ecosystem services. In addition, the impact of urban spaces has a
greater effect under this metric as the lowest it can score in naturalness is 4.3. Ecological connectivity
‘5′ , and this only when soil sealing is less than 30%. Thus, the location of
urban spaces can be seen much more clearly, as demonstrated in Fig. 7, 4.3.1. Development approach
with poorly scoring areas clearly correlating with the layout of urban Due to the inclusion of some urban tile types in the base areas, these
development. differed between development scenarios, though this difference was
The southern area of Buckinghamshire is also of particular note. fairly minimal as the majority of the base areas were undeveloped

C. Chapman and J.W. Hall Sustainable Cities and Society 85 (2022) 104078

Fig. 9. Ecological connectivity scores for the 23GNS development scenarios under different SuDS conditions.

Fig. 10. Proximity to the population for two development scenarios (A – 23GNS and B - 30YE).

parcels in all scenarios. Due to the slight changes in spatial distribution However, this is not observed across all SuDS scenarios (see Fig. 9) as
of the development, both green and grey development scenarios saw a neither permeable surfaces nor retention basins impact those tiles
slightly different distribution of scores - this difference was more deemed as base sites for connectivity, highlighting the importance of
notable, however, between the expansion and new settlements scenario considering individual SuDS types (including those, such as bioswales,
as their contrast in spatiality across the study area was greater. not considered in this study). Furthermore, the study provided a
generalised overview of GI network potentials, but it is important to note
4.3.2. SuDS implementation that green roofs, whilst increasing perceived ‘natural’ surface area,
Differences between the scenarios were more exaggerated when would not be accessible for all species (such as land mammals) and thus
SuDS were included, too, as some SuDS infrastructures, such as green be an ineffective connector for such genera.
roofs, provided a greater area of tile that registered as natural (even
though these were man-made ‘natural’ spaces). With a greater propor­ 4.4. Proximity to population
tion of urban tiles therefore forming the base tiles for ecological con­
nectivity, distances were reduced and stronger connections across urban 4.4.1. Development approach
areas formed. A greater overall improvement in scores (i.e. closer to the

C. Chapman and J.W. Hall Sustainable Cities and Society 85 (2022) 104078

Fig. 11. The overall score for a development scenario (23GE) without SuDS (A – without and B - with the proximity to population metric).

population) was observed in the expansion scenarios over the new set­ relatively unaffected by development scenario as no proposed devel­
tlements as the urban spaces were more distributed across the study opment approach looked to increase urbanisation significantly in this
area, whilst the new settlements were more clustered. This was more area. It is also worth noting that areas outside the study area were not
exaggerated in the greater magnitude developments, too, with the new considered, and so peripheral tiles, such as in Southern Oxfordshire, may
settlements approach clustering development even more, whilst the score differently due to impacts from urban locales in other neigh­
expansion scenarios covered more of the study area. The differences in bouring counties.
proximity offered by the different scenarios can be seen clearly in
northern Buckinghamshire and north-eastern Oxfordshire (see Fig. 10). 4.4.2. SuDS implementation
Similarly, the differences observed in both development magnitude The presence, or lack thereof, of SuDS had no impact on this metric,
and approach were further exaggerated between the green and grey and thus there was no difference between the SuDS scenarios for this.
development constraint scenarios. In both development approaches, the
green scenarios had more compact urban development whilst the grey 4.5. Overall GI network potential
were more sprawled, leading to a wider impact on improving population
proximity, as shown in Fig. 10. In addition, whilst there was proximity to 4.5.1. Development approach
the population across the north of the study area, this remained With each of the four metrics showed strong spatial patterning, it is

Fig. 12. The overall score for a development metric (23GE) under two SuDS scenarios (A – without SuDS, B – all SuDS).

C. Chapman and J.W. Hall Sustainable Cities and Society 85 (2022) 104078

no surprise that there are spatial differences in the overall score too. Due 5. Conclusion
to their greater spatial coverage, the expansion scenarios showed a
greater spatial spread of higher GI scores, offering greater proximity to The potential of green infrastructure is increasingly recognised for
the population than the new settlements approaches. However, the addressing biodiversity loss and the challenge of providing sustainable,
increased resultant fragmentation impacted the ecological status in environmentally-sensitive urban developments without considerably
these scenarios, meaning that whilst the spatiality of the higher scoring compromising natural environmental health (Bibri, Krogstie & Kar­
areas was different, the new settlement scenarios generally offered rholm, 2020; Wild, Henneberry & Gill, 2017). Despite this popularity,
slightly higher overall scores due to reduced fragmentation, supporting many studies and methods for assessing an area’s suitability consider GI
better ecological status and connectivity. Since the grey constrained strength largely synonymous with ecosystem services rather than the
scenarios typically showed greater sprawl, this was more noticeable in multi-faceted concept it is. Rodríguez-Espinosa, Aguilera-Benavente &
these over the green. Gómez-Delgado (2020) outlined a methodology to address this broad
There was a similar trade-off between the magnitude of development spectrum of elements within GI provision, focusing on four key facets:
too, with increased development improving the proximity of spaces to ecosystem services, ecological status, ecological connectivity, and
the population, but equally fragmenting the landscape and impacting proximity to human populations. This study utilised this subdivision of
connectivity. However, the contribution of urban spaces was not elements to identify how GI networks may be affected by the size and
confined to population proximity, even without SuDS implementation, shape of new development at a regional scale, and by the inclusion of
as Fig. 11 illustrates. When comparing the overall scores with and different SuDS infrastructure. Furthermore, with the absence of complex
without the inclusion of the population proximity metric, there is little or specialised datasets, the methodology supports its further application
change in the spatiality of the dominant high scoring areas of GI. This is in a wide range of other locations without significant alteration or
because some urban tile designs, most particularly those of a low den­ redesign.
sity, scored highly under the other metrics, too. It was found that with greater magnitude development, a greater
area saw reduction in ecological services, status, and connectivity scores
4.5.2. SuDS implementation as more land was required to be developed upon, matching findings
When we include SuDS infrastructure in the proposed developments, from previous GI network analyses (see Cannas et al., 2018; Dupras
these act to improve the scores of urban locations in our GI mapping (see et al., 2016; Rodríguez-Espinosa, Aguilera-Benavente &
Fig. 12). However, the extent to which it does so is highly dependant on Gómez-Delgado, 2020). The extent of this loss for ecological services,
the SuDS infrastructure involved, as previously discussed, with the however, was dependant on the urban tile design as some lower density
infrastructure that are not visibly green or infrastructure-based scoring tiles still offered a dominant undeveloped land use. Similarly, with the
relatively less well. Nevertheless, since there is not one metric where the grey scenarios utilising more previously-undeveloped land than the
inclusion of SuDS consistently worsens the score of urban tiles in terms green, the score reductions were more widespread in these than their
of GI, the overall scores are consistently higher when compared to the green counterparts. The scale of reductions in score was less noticeable
non-SuDS scenario. between the two development approaches, but the spatial location of
Such findings highlight several key considerations when planning these changes was different due to the different spatial focus of the
development sensitive to the enhancement and preservation of GI net­ urbanisation.
works. First, the contribution urban spaces can have to GI provision, The opposite was observed in population proximity, however, with
even without the inclusion of SuDS infrastructure. Whilst all urban tile increased scores in the expansion and grey scenarios as these both saw
designs scored the minimum value for both ecological services and increased spatial coverage over their counterparts. This was then further
ecological status without SuDS, the high proportional area of undevel­ exaggerated by the magnitude of development. However, with urban
oped space in many of the low density layouts meant that these could be spaces contributing positively to other GI elements too, this metric
considered as contributors to ecological connectivity. Thus, in urban largely acted to enhance existing areas of high GI potential rather than
spaces which were not too dense, connectivity between base areas could create new ones.
be maintained, even where urbanisation interrupted the continuity of Without SuDS, the location of urban development was easily iden­
these areas. tifiable in the ecological status metric as all designs scored the minimum
Second, in both development approaches, there were trade-offs to be potential degree of naturalness. The impact of SuDS was limited here,
balanced in the scale and location of the development. Whilst expansion too, as the spaces were still urban locations, even if greater proportions
scenarios allowed good proximity to the population to be more wide­ of their area were semi-natural (though artificial). However, some
spread, they led to greater fragmentation of the landscape and, if not low relatively strong areas for ecological services scored much lower for
density, adversely impacted ecological connectivity too. New settle­ ecological status as the landscapes were much more fragmented and/or
ments, on the other hand, were typically more compact, leading to less were not as natural, which highlights the importance of considering a
landscape fragmentation but equally less spread of population prox­ landscape’s status as well as potential contribution.
imity. Furthermore, where these concentrated areas of development When SuDS were introduced, the number of urban tile designs
were particularly dense, ecological connectivity across them was sev­ classed as core ecological connectivity sites increased, allowing urban
ered through the lack of urban tiles dominated by undeveloped land. spaces to score more highly in regards to connectivity. This was not
Third, different SuDS infrastructure (and combinations) offer consistent across all SuDS scenarios, however, with retention basins
different contributions to the GI provision, and so need to be carefully reducing the area of potentially eligible space. Furthermore, whilst
considered when planning their use. Whilst, on the whole, these acted to green roofs are considered by our approach to increase this area, it is
increase a metric’s score for the urban tile, this was not always the case, important to note that they are not accessible for all species or family,
and whilst they improved scores comparative to a non-SuDS urban tile, and thus it is also important to consider the types of biodiversity a
often these were still lower than would have been scored had there been scheme is aiming to attract or support.
no development there at all. However, since the need for increased ur­ When compiled into the GI potential score, it is clear to see that each
banisation has been established, it is equally as important to consider component of the development approach offers its own range of factors
how we can minimise the impact, and with some SuDS scenarios offering which must be considered when planning a development – expansion
ecological connectivity at even high urban densities, this demonstrates and grey scenarios show more spread, offering greater proximity, but
the potential that carefully considered SuDS implementations can have equally therefore lead to a more fragmented landscape, and an increased
in reducing the impact on GI networks, regardless of the other benefits magnitude of development will increase this difference between ap­
they simultaneously offer in terms of flood mitigation. proaches even further. Using such a methodology, therefore, will enable

C. Chapman and J.W. Hall Sustainable Cities and Society 85 (2022) 104078

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