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User Brief for Sports App Wireframe Design

Project Overview:
Design a comprehensive wireframe for a sports app, connecting Parents, Child/Player,
Coach/Team, and Business/Advertising, fostering connections and offering resources for
sports improvement.

Target Audience:
 Parents/Players
 Teams/Coaches
 Business/Advertising

App Features:
Splash Screen showcasing “Company name and Logo” You can use “Sports App”
and a General Sports logo for default wire frame

Account Creation:
Seamless account creation for all user types via Facebook, email, and specific
registration types for Parents, Child/Player, Coach/Team, and Business/Advertising. If a
parent creates the account, then they can also create a player/child account which will
forward all messages to the parent as well.

Email Registration:
o Users can create accounts using their email addresses, providing a
traditional and widely-used method.
Social Media Integration:
o Enable account creation and login through popular social media platforms
like Facebook, Google, or Twitter for seamless onboarding.
Phone Number Verification:
o Implement two-factor authentication using phone numbers to enhance
security during the account creation process.
Username and Password:
o Allow users to choose a unique username and set a secure password for
their accounts.
Biometric Authentication:
o Integrate fingerprint or face recognition for quick and secure account
OAuth/OpenID Connect:
o Use industry-standard protocols for secure and simplified third-party
authentication and authorization.
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA):
o Enhance account security by implementing multi-factor authentication,
requiring users to verify their identity through multiple steps.
Customizable User Profiles:
o Enable users to personalize their profiles with information such as profile
pictures, bios, and preferences.
Account Type Differentiation:
o Offer different account types based on user roles, such as user, admin, or
moderator, with varying levels of access.
Terms of Service and Privacy Policy Acceptance:
o Ensure legal compliance by having users agree to terms of service and
privacy policy during the account creation process.
Profile Verification:
o Implement a verification process for certain user roles or features to
establish credibility and authenticity.(Used for businesses. Email must
match there domain name)
Account Recovery Options:
o Provide mechanisms for users to recover their accounts, such as email
verification or security questions.
Age Verification:
o For apps with age restrictions, incorporate a verification process to ensure
users meet the required age criteria.
Customizable Notifications:
o Allow users to set preferences for email or push notifications during the
account creation process.
Consent for Data Usage:
o Request user consent for collecting and using their data in compliance
with privacy regulations.
Gamification Elements:
o Introduce gamified elements during account creation to make the process
engaging and enjoyable.
Progress Indicators:
o Display a visual indicator of the account creation progress to keep users

Search Functionality:
o Robust search options for Parents/Players to find teams and players locally or
o Specialized search functionality for Teams/Coaches, allowing them to discover
players or other teams.
o GPS and state/city/zip search for an enhanced user experience.
o Search by events and event types posted by coaches. Events will also have
location details and search ability for proximity range, zip code, state and
filters for sports category.

For Parents/Players:

Local Team Search:

o Find teams in the local area based on city or zip code.
Nationwide Team Search:
o Explore teams across the country for broader options.
Skill-Level Filters:
o Filter teams based on skill levels to match the player's proficiency.
Player Matching:
o Discover teams seeking players with specific skills or positions.
Availability Filters:
o Search for teams with practices and games fitting the player's schedule.
Rating and Reviews:
o Access team ratings and reviews from other parents and players.

For Teams/Coaches:

Local Player Search:

o Find local players based on city or zip code for team recruitment.
Nationwide Player Search:
o Search for players across the nation to expand team options.
Skill-Level Filters:
o Filter players based on skill levels to match team requirements.
Position-Specific Search:
o Discover players with specific positions or skill sets.
Availability Filters:
o Find players available for practices and games aligning with the team's
Team Discovery:
o Explore other teams in the vicinity or nationwide for networking.

GPS and Location-Based Searches:

GPS Team Locator:

o Locate nearby teams or players using real-time GPS data.
State/City/Zip Search:
o Search based on state, city, or zip code for precise location targeting.
Venue Proximity Search:
o Find teams or players near specific sports venues or facilities.
Map Integration:
o View teams and players on an interactive map for easy navigation.
Location-Based Notifications:
o Receive alerts for relevant teams or players in the vicinity.

These diverse search functionality options enhance the user experience for
Parents/Players and Teams/Coaches, providing a comprehensive range of filters and
tools for efficient team and player discovery.

---------------END OF GPS AND LOCATION SEARCH------------

Sports Categories:

Club Sports:

Beginner Level:

 Gymnastics: Fundamental classes for flexibility and basic skills.

 Karate/Martial Arts: Entry-level classes focusing on discipline.
 Swimming: Learn-to-swim programs and beginner swim teams.

Intermediate Level:

 Golf: Junior golf lessons covering advanced techniques.

 Hockey: Youth hockey programs with a focus on skills and
 Lacrosse: Introductory to intermediate leagues for skill progression.
 Skiing/Snowboarding: Lessons for young snow sports enthusiasts.

Competitive Sports:

Beginner Level:

 Basketball: Intermediate-level leagues with increased competition.

 Cycling: Beginner cycling programs for young riders.
 Cross Country: Introductory programs for young distance runners.
 Rugby: Youth programs introducing the sport's fundamental skills.

Intermediate Level:

 Baseball: Competitive youth leagues for advanced skill

 Soccer: Intermediate-level leagues emphasizing strategy and
 Track and Field: Specialized coaching for advanced events.
 Volleyball: Advanced youth leagues for competitive play.

Individual Sports:

Beginner Level:

 Archery: Beginner to intermediate archery programs.

 Golf: Entry-level lessons covering golf basics.
 Martial Arts: Entry-level classes for various martial arts disciplines.
 Swimming: Beginner to intermediate swim lessons.
 Tennis: Beginner tennis lessons for young players.

Intermediate Level:

 Climbing: Indoor climbing programs for young enthusiasts.

 Golf: Junior golf lessons covering advanced techniques.
 Track and Field: Specialized coaching for specific events.

Social Sports:

Beginner Level:

 Basketball: Entry-level leagues with a focus on skill development.

 Flag Football: Non-contact football for young players.
 Soccer: Introductory leagues for basic skills and teamwork.
 Softball: Advanced T-Ball or coach-pitch leagues for skill
 T-Ball/Baseball: Beginner programs for learning the fundamentals.
 Track and Field: Introduction to various track and field events.
 Volleyball: Youth leagues emphasizing skill development.

Intermediate Level:

 Cheerleading: Beginner to intermediate cheerleading squads.

 Dance: Beginner to intermediate dance classes for various styles.
 Swimming: Intermediate swim lessons and teams.
 Tennis: Beginner to intermediate tennis lessons and teams.
 Wrestling: Youth wrestling programs for skill enhancement.

---------------END OF SPORTS CATEGORIES-------------

Multimedia Sharing:
 Public sharing of pictures and videos with search functionality.

Educational Resources:
 Self-help articles and coaching videos for sports improvement.

Advertising Space:
 Space for coaches, teams, and businesses with analytics.
 Paid advertising options.

Account Differentiation:
 Differentiated account types for Parents/Players, Teams/Coaches, and
 Private messaging for paid accounts.

 Track profile views with data provided to paid members.

Profile Section Settings for Sports App:

Profile Picture:
 Allow users to upload and change their profile pictures.
Personal Information:
 Provide fields for users to input and update personal details such as name, age,
and gender.

Contact Information:
 Enable users to add and edit contact details like email address and phone

Location Settings:
 Allow users to set and update their location preferences, whether manually or
through GPS.

Privacy Settings:
 Provide customizable privacy settings for controlling who can view specific profile

Notification Preferences:
 Allow users to personalize their notification settings for different app activities.

Account Type and Role:

 Display the user's account type (e.g., Parent, Player, Coach) and role within the

Bio/About Me:
 Provide a space for users to write a bio or description about themselves.

Skills and Interests:

 Enable users to add and edit their sports-related skills and interests.

Team Affiliation:
 Allow users to join or create teams and manage their affiliations.

Achievements and Badges:

 Showcase user achievements and earned badges within the app.

Connection Settings:
 Manage settings related to connecting with other users, such as friend requests
and messaging preferences.

Social Media Integration:

 Allow users to link and integrate their social media profiles with the app.

Password Change:
 Provide an option for users to change their account password for security

Account Deactivation/Deletion:
 Include a feature for users to deactivate or delete their accounts if needed.

Language Preferences:
 Allow users to choose their preferred language for app interactions.

Theme and Display Preferences:

 Provide options for users to customize the app's theme, font size, and display

Push Notification Settings:

 Allow users to manage specific push notification preferences for various app

Accessibility Settings:
 Include options for users with accessibility needs, such as text-to-speech or high-
contrast mode.

Feedback and Support:

 Provide a section for users to give feedback or seek support, with links to help

By incorporating these settings into the profile section, the sports app can offer users a
comprehensive and customizable experience tailored to their preferences, privacy
concerns, and app interactions.

Messaging and Notifications Features for Sports App:

Messaging Features:

Direct Messaging:
o Allow users to send private messages to individuals or groups within the

Team Chat:
o Provide a dedicated chat space for team members to communicate and

o Allow admins or coaches to send important announcements to teams or
the entire user base.

Media Sharing:
o Enable users to share images, videos, and documents within the
messaging system.

Emoji and Stickers:

o Enhance communication with the inclusion of emojis and stickers.

Read Receipts:
o Display read receipts to indicate when messages have been seen by the

Message Search:
o Implement a search functionality for users to find specific messages.

Notification for New Messages:

o Notify users of new messages through push notifications or in-app alerts.

Notifications Features:

If a parent signs up a player then the parent and player will get the notification
and message. All replies to the player must also be sent to the parent.

Push Notifications:
o Send push notifications for important updates, messages, and app

Customizable Alerts:
o Allow users to customize the types of notifications they receive.

Event Reminders:
o Send reminders for upcoming practices, games, or events.

Achievement Alerts:
o Notify users when they achieve milestones or earn badges.

Friend Requests:
o Send notifications for incoming friend requests.

Team Invitations:
o Notify users when they are invited to join a team.
Activity Feed Updates:
o Provide notifications for updates in the app's activity feed.

Score Updates:
o Notify users of score updates for relevant games or matches.

Weather Alerts:
o If applicable, send weather-related alerts affecting sports activities.

Emergency Alerts:
o Send urgent notifications in case of emergencies or sudden changes in

In-App Alerts:
o Display alerts within the app for important announcements or time-
sensitive information.

Subscription Renewal Reminders:

o Notify users about upcoming subscription renewals or expirations.

Birthday Reminders:
o Send notifications for user birthdays, fostering a sense of community.

Poll and Survey Notifications:

o Notify users of polls or surveys and encourage participation.

Feedback Requests:
o Request user feedback through notifications to improve the app

By incorporating these messaging and notifications features, the sports app can
enhance communication, engagement, and user satisfaction, creating a dynamic and
interactive user experience.

----end of notification settings----

Sports Training Features for Players and Parents in the App:

For Players:
These are uploaded by coaches for the community and will have a link to the
coach's profile and the player/parent can message them. The coach will also get
notified if someone downloads/reviews the plan so they can proactively reach out.

Personalized Training Plans:

 Provide players with individualized training plans based on their skill level,
position, and goals.

Video Tutorials:
 Include a library of instructional videos covering various aspects of the

Skill Challenges:
 Create skill challenges for players to track progress and enhance specific

Virtual Coaching Sessions:

 Offer virtual coaching sessions with experienced coaches for personalized

Progress Tracking:
 Implement tools for players to track their training progress, including stats
and achievements.

Interactive Drills:
 Provide interactive and customizable drills for skill development.

Feedback and Analysis:

 Enable players to receive feedback and performance analysis from coaches
or peers.

Team Coordination:
 Facilitate communication and coordination with teammates for
collaborative training.

For Parents:

Monitoring Child's Progress:

 Allow parents to track their child's training progress, achievements, and
areas for improvement.

Communication with Coaches:

 Provide a platform for parents to communicate with coaches regarding
their child's training.

Scheduled Practices and Games:

 Display schedules for practices, games, and training sessions.

Performance Reports:
 Offer detailed reports on the child's performance during training sessions
and matches.

Attendance Tracking:
 Allow parents to track their child's attendance at practices and events.

Injury Prevention Tips:

 Share information and tips on injury prevention to keep children safe
during training.

Parent-Coach Collaboration:
 Facilitate collaboration between parents and coaches to support the child's

Community Engagement:
 Create a community space for parents to connect, share experiences, and
support each other.

Shared Features for Both Players and Parents:

Nutrition Guidance:
 Provide information on proper nutrition and dietary guidelines for optimal

Health and Fitness Tracking:

 Integrate features for tracking overall health and fitness, including sleep
patterns and hydration.

Motivational Content:
 Share motivational content to inspire both players and parents during
Event Reminders:
 Send reminders for upcoming practices, games, and training sessions.

Feedback Loops:
 Establish feedback loops for continuous improvement and adjustment of
training plans.

Community Challenges:
 Encourage friendly competition and collaboration through community-
wide challenges.

By incorporating these sports training features, the app aims to enhance the training
experience for players and provide valuable insights and engagement for parents,
fostering a holistic approach to sports development.

Design Deliverables:
 Detailed design covering all key features.

UI Designs:
 Designs for various screens of the app.

 Outline wireframe structure, navigation flow, and functionalities.

Graphics and Assets:

 Provide necessary graphics, icons, and images.

Additional Assets:
 Include any other design assets deemed necessary.

Additional App Features:

To further enhance the app, are you considering incorporating the following features
and elements, if so, would you like them in the app design or wait:

1. **Live Streaming:**
 Integrate live streaming capabilities for sports events, practices, or coaching
sessions, fostering real-time engagement.

2. **Community Forums:**

 Create dedicated forums where users can discuss topics related to specific sports,
share tips, and build a supportive community.

3. **Interactive Challenges:**

 Implement interactive challenges within the app, encouraging friendly

competition and skill improvement among users.

4. **Virtual Events:**

 Host virtual sports events or tournaments, providing a platform for users to

participate and showcase their skills.

5. **In-App Purchases:**

 Offer sports-related merchandise, gear, or exclusive content through in-app

purchases to enhance user experience and generate revenue.

6. **Integrated Calendar:**

 Include a calendar feature that displays upcoming sports events, practices, and
games, helping users stay organized.

7. **Language Support:**

 Provide multilingual support to cater to a diverse user base and broaden the
app's accessibility.

8. **Coach Certification:**

 Introduce a certification system for coaches, allowing users to identify qualified

coaches based on their certifications and expertise.

9. **Team Management Tools:**

 Equip coaches with tools to manage team rosters, schedules, and

communications efficiently.

10. **Augmented Reality (AR):**

 Explore AR features for interactive training sessions, allowing users to visualize
and practice sports techniques in a virtual environment.

11. **Offline Mode:**

 Enable users to access essential features offline, ensuring functionality in areas

with limited internet connectivity.

12. **Player Progress Dashboard:**

 Develop a comprehensive dashboard for players and parents to track progress

over time, showcasing achievements and areas for improvement.

13. **Social Sharing Integration:**

 Integrate social media sharing options for users to share their accomplishments,
challenges, or experiences within the app.

14. **Coach Ratings and Reviews:**

 Allow users to rate and review coaches, providing valuable feedback to help
others make informed decisions.

15. **Inclusive Features:**

 Ensure the app is accessible to individuals with disabilities by incorporating

inclusive design elements and accessibility features.

16. **Advanced Analytics:**

 Expand analytics capabilities to provide more detailed insights into user

engagement, popular sports categories, and app performance.

17. **Weather Integration:**

 Include real-time weather updates relevant to sports activities, helping users plan
and adjust their schedules accordingly.

18. **Collaborative Playlists:**

 Introduce the ability for users to create collaborative playlists for team practices
or workouts, enhancing the communal aspect of the app.

19. **Virtual Coaching Marketplace:**

 Create a marketplace where coaches can offer virtual coaching sessions or

personalized training plans for a fee.
20. **Offline Challenges:**

 Allow users to download and participate in challenges offline, encouraging

consistent engagement even without an internet connection.

By integrating these additional features, the app can provide a more comprehensive,
engaging, and user-friendly experience, catering to the diverse needs and preferences of
its target audience.

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