Mice & Mystics Rules To Remember

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M&M Rules to Remember

• Weapon: Value on top of weapon is dice bonus, & if it is ranged/melee attack. Bonus ALWAYS applies.
• Environment effect – remember to look at the very top of an encounter card if there is an environment effect.
• Minion Placement: 1st place ranged, then large, then small minions. Ranged minions are 1st on a space within a ‘red
lined’ area OR the furthest space from the mice. Large minions are closest. Small minions are then spread evenly.
• Minion Movement: Melee minions always move the shortest path to the closest mouse. If two mice are equidistant, it
goes to the one highest on the initiative track. Ranged only move to ‘see’ the mouse.
• Minion Attack: Will attack closest mouse that hasn’t been attacked, ELSE: attack mouse highest on initiative track.
• START: Mice start with 1 ability.
• ACTIONS: Mice can MOVE + 1 Action + any # of free actions(once each, at any time, not in the middle of an action)
• Range Attack: If a minion is on the same or adjacent space you HAVE to attack them.
• Explore Action: Mice must use this action to exit a tile, even when just crossing tiles. After explore action is used, move
all mice to a space adjacent to exit bar on new tile. If FLIP explore: place mice on flip space on other side.
• Free actions: can only be used once, but at any time. Equip, Share, and level up. Share: exchange cards/cheese with 1
adjacent mouse. Cannot be used in water. Equip/Unequip: separate actions, but ‘swapping’ is allowed.
• Recover Action: can ONLY be used to recover from Stunned/Webbed/Fire. For webbed, you must roll a ‘*’ to recover.
• Webbed: Cannot Move until mouse recovers. Stunned: Mouse can move but can only take a recover action.
• On Fire: If end in water, put out. Roll 1 die for each friendly mouse on space. If ‘*’, put out. ELSE: take 1 wound at end.
• Charmed: Mouse acts like a minion. After turn ends, remove charmed marker.
• Knocked Down: spend entire move to get up.
• Surge: 6 cheese on wheel place surge minions normally or chapter spec. Move hourglass. Discard chez. 2nd only move h.g
• Ambush: Place initiative as normal, then roll die for each minion, move up that # on initiative track. Not for surge.
• Abilities: Only ONE per mouse turn, regardless of who uses it. Ex. ‘Give Order’ cannot let another mouse use an ability.
• CHEESE: ONLY get when attacking/defending, and with innate abilities.
• Water: Mice cannot move against current. Going into/out of water ends movement. Escape: roll a dice for your mouse +
every other mouse on space. If > 1 ‘*’ is rolled, you climb out. No free actions in water.
• Mousetraps: When moving across – roll dice equal to movement or if tinkerer roll lore. If > 1 ‘*’ is rolled safely pass.
Else: Mousetrap is removed, get 1 cheese & KNOCKED DOWN, turn immediately ends.
• Captured:Lose all cheese and all equip. items.Rescue:When turn comes; NO minions,spawn on/next to mouse.Skip turn
• Lily: only gets cheese when exploring an entirely new tile. Not at the start of the game; not when re-visiting a tile.
• Attack of Opportunity: when a mouse moves onto a minion space STOP. Can only leave a minion space if number of
mice (before moving) is >= number of minions on the space.
• Yellow lines: Moving against needs 3+ movement; are ‘adjacent’ for moving/attacking. Red lines: only access by special.
• Brodie: See Pg. 16 of rulebook.
• Grapes as roach bait: A mouse as a free action on their turn can remove the grape token and place it on an empty
adjacent space. During a roach turn, ALL roaches will move towards the grape stopping as usual on a mouse space. If one
or more roaches end their move on the grape space, they feast. Discard the grape and ALL roaches on the grape space.
• Grapes as Rat weapon: if rat starts turn on a grape space, it will not move. Instead of battle, it will make a ranged grape
attack ^^ on space with most mice (if tie, space with mouse highest on initiative track).
• Grapes + fork: When a mouse shares a space with the fork, as a battle action, it can remove the grape from the party
stash and launch it. Choose a minion to attack. Flip the grape as a coin;
o If SPLAT, all figures on the space receive 1 hit defended normally, discard the token, and shuffle the
card into the search deck. (not large figures)
o If NORMAL, all figures are knocked down (not large figures). Token is placed and is roach bait + can be
picked up + can be used as a RAT weapon

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