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V. Choose the word / phrase (A, B, Cor D) that best fits the space in the following passage.
When a person talks (29) ____________ another, it is important to keep eye contact with their
partner as it shows how much one is (30) ____________ on the conversation. (31) ____________, not
all countries share the same attitude towards keeping eye contact. Westerners, for example,
consider looking at the other's eyes as a way to show the speaker's confidence and his or her
respect towards the listener. On the other hand, since ancient times, Easterners (32) ____________
others' personal space so much that making eye contact only means exchanging quick looks
between people in the (33) ____________ Knowing these differences may help people avoid (34)
____________ into uncomfortable situations when travelling to foreign countries.
29. A. to B. about C. at D. on
30. A. focusing B. sharing C. rushing D. discovering
31. A. Suddenly B. Since C. However D. After that
32. A. respect B. respected C. are respecting D. have respected
33. A. conversation B. conservation C. organization D. exhibition
34. A. to get B. getting C. get D. have gotten

Trang 1
VI. Read the passage and decide if the statements are True or False. Choose the correct
answers for the last 2 questions
Helen Keller - a famous activist - was a deaf and blind herself. With an extraordinary sense of
smell, she could identify people's jobs by the odour on their clothes. When a person passes, she said,
'I get a scent impression of where he has been.' For her, a smell can remind us of another time and
James Bell has worked for a perfume company for over twenty years. He says, 'To develop a
superior sense of smell, you must train it, like a concert pianist.' After passing a 'smell test', James
studied perfumery in France, where he learned to recognise about 2,800 synthetic and 140 natural
materials. Since then he has helped to create the world's favorite fragrances.
Journalist Lucy Mangan has been anosmic since birth. So she can't smell anything, even the
fragrances of roses. She has never tried different perfumes in a shop. As 75-95% of the food
flavour comes from its smell, meals haven't had much flavour. Although she can feel the different
textures of lasagne, steak or fish, they're all quite tasteless.
35. Helen couldn't hear but she could see very well when she was young. ____________
36. James was a famous pianist. ____________
37. James has helped to create the world’s favorite fragrances. ____________
38. Lucy is able to feel the textures of food. ____________
39. How many artificial materials can James recognise?
A. 2,800 B. 140 C. 2,940 D. 2,660
40. What can be inferred from the passage?
A. Flavour can be affected by the smell.
B. A person with a normal sense of smell can become a professional perfumer.
C. Everyone has a good sense of smell.
D. James was a Frenchman.

Trang 2

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