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1. A 14K container vessel is at sea in Condition No.

6 (Arrival) as shown in the Trim and Stability

booklet provided. Due to berthing requirement the following ballast tanks have to be discharged
until empty: a. No. 6 L.S.W.B.T Port and Starboard Using the Trim and Stability booklet provided,
determine: i. her new GM solid (0.922m) ii. her new GM fluid. (0.887m)


2. From the following tabulated information, calculate : i. the amount of ballast to take in the after
peak tank (APT) in order to increase the after draft to 6.8 m ii. the final draft forward Given:
Initial drafts forward 6.4 m, aft 6.5 m, aft peak tank centre of gravity is 4 m aft of AP. LBP 160 m.
Centre of flotation is 78 m forward of Aft Perpendicular. TPC 22 and MCTC 165


3. Your vessel MV 'Onesuch' arrives for drydocking in Condition No.2 as outlined on page 23 and
24 of Trim and Stability booklet. Assuming the hydrostatic particulars for that conditions remain
constant throughout the drydocking. i. Determine the virtual GM of the vessel as the keel
touches the blocks fwd and aft using the two formulae available. ii. Prove that both of your
answers are acceptable towards indicating the vessel's ability to return to the upright position
during this critical period. iii. Find the virtual loss of GM after the vessel has taken the blocks and
the water level has fallen another 0.20 m.


4. The area of a ship's water-plane commencing from the load water-plane and spaced at
equidistant down to the inner bottoms are: 2 500, 2 000, 1 850, 1 550, 1 250, 900 and 800 m2
respectively. Below the inner bottom is an appendage 1 metre deep which has a mean area of
650 m2 . The load draft is 7 m.


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